Universidad Politécnica Salesiana News Publication Date: 04/07/2016 14:28:00 Students performed the play "Prohibidos los hombres" The play "Prohibido los Hombres" on stage On June 29th, Universidad Politecnica Salesiana's branch in Guayaquil presented the play titled "Prohibidos los hombres", a play by Genesis Lozano which was inspired in the book "El edificio de las mujeres que renuncian a los hombres" written by Karine Lambert. The play, which was performed with the co-production of Criollo Custom Studio, is a comedy about the different stages of a failed love relationship and the irreconcilable struggle between machismo and feminism. "The cast led viewers through various paths of emotions, from hilarious moments to the most emotional scenes," said Gabriel Garcia, director of "Katharsis" Theater group. The aim of this comedy was for the public to question their concept of love and to reflect on its importance in order to develop the basis of any society, which is family. For Gallardo in today's society there are people who lose their dream of creating a family due to the situations they have experienced. "We can all be romantic, but we don't want to see it", he said. The play was part of the university's "Cultural Wednesday" program which is held in Guayaquil and organized by the Communication and Culture Department. The aim of this program is to create spaces where students can build a true cultural salesian identity. "It is very gratifying to see students coming to the theater, but above all that they appreciate the activities held in UPS", said Cesar Andrade, director of the communication and culture department in Guayaquil. View news www.ups.edu.ec