Inscripción PASO A PASO en el Congreso de la Federación de Ciencias Sociales de Canadá ( SECTION 1: PERSONAL INFORMATION * required First name*: Last name*: Entrar los datos personales apellidos y nombres Institution/Organization: Introducir el nombre de la institución en la que trabaja o estudia This information will appear on your official access badge, EXACTLY as entered. Do not type the name of your association(s) here. Leave “Institution/Organization” blank if not applicable. E-mail*: Confirmation of registration will be sent to this address. Preferred language*: Telephone*: English French Mailing Address Seleccionar la dirección donde sea más fácil recibir la correspondencia. Address type*: Office Home Department: Street address*: Unit/Building: City*: Province*: Country*: Postal Code*: I would like to receive updates from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. SECTION 2 CONGRESS FEE Seleccione una de las categorias entre a) Participante regular b) Jubilado c) Estudiante d) Desempleado y haga click. required Select your category*: Regular attendee/Congressiste régulier $170.00 Retired/Retraité $62.00 Student/Étudiant $62.00 Unwaged/Non-salarié $62.00 Subtotal (Congress fee) $170.00 The Congress fee is mandatory for every attendee, including speakers, presenters, panelists, special guests, and those chairing or attending a session. Click here for more information about the Congress fee. Indicate which events you wish to attend*: I will be presenting at or attending the conferences of one or more associations I will NOT be presenting at or attending any association conferences. I will ONLY be attending general events that are open to all Congress attendees. Seleccionar esta opción si planea presentar una ponencia en el congreso de la ACH SECTION 3 ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE FEES * required Es obligatorio entrar a esta sección también y pagar por el valor de la inscripción a la asociación ACH. Note: Association conferences fees are NOT the association’s membership dues. Regardless of membership status, you are required to pay the association conference fees to attend or participate in the association’s conference. For membership inquiries, please contact the association directly. Find your association*: Type the association name, acronym, or keyword (e.g. education). A list of matching associations will appear. Select the association from the list. # Association name Membership Conference Status Fees Banquet/ Other Fees T 24 Member Non-member Subtotal (Association conference fees) Escriba en el espacio “Canadian Association of Hispanists” Automáticamente aparecerá ese nombre y selecciónelo Haga click aquí en “Select” y aparecerán cuatro categorías. Seleccione a) Member (Socio/a) a menos de que sea b) Jubilado/a c) Estudiante o d) Desempleado/a Haga click aquí en “Select” si quiere participar en el banquete de la ACH. Esto es voluntario. Si va con un acompañante, debe seleccionar 2 en el rubro “Quantity”. $ $ Important! To attend an association’s conference, you must register for that association here. These association conference fees are mandatory for every participant at an association conference, including speakers, presenters, panelists, special guests, and those chairing or attending a session. Click here for more information about the Association conference fees. If you do not wish to attend or participate in any association conferences , click here to go back and change your selection. Si se ha equivocado en alguna parte puede hacer click aquí, regresar y corregir su selección. NEXT SECTION Si usted está empleada en una institución de educación superior y quiere participar en el congreso, el costo es Can $270 o $310 si quiere participar en el banquete. SECTION 4 ACCESIBILITY Check here if you have accessibility requirements in order to fully participate in Congress. Examples of such accommodations include alternative formats for written materials, oral interpretation, assistance wheeling long distances, access to quiet spaces, etc. You will receive a questionnaire to complete, after you have registered, so that we can collect specific information about your access needs. Note: Attendees who have dietary restrictions or allergies should contact relevant associations directly. Si es discapacitado/a seleccione esta opción. Si no lo es, siga adelante con la sección 5. SECTION 5 PAYMENT Entre los datos de su tarjeta de crédito. required Subtotal (Congress fee):$ Subtotal (Association conference fees):$ Total:$ Method of payment*: Cardholder name*: Card number*: Expiry date*: MM/YYYY, for example 12/2017 Card security code*: El código de seguridad son los tres números que se encuentran en la parte trasera de la mayoría de tarjetas de crédito. Send duplicate receipt to: Escriba su dirección de correo electrónico para que le manden el recibo de inscripción. Coupon code (optional, as listed on the registration brochure): Thank you for registering for Congress 2015 at the University of Ottawa. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your registration is processed. Please print the email and bring it with you to the onsite Congress Registration Desk to receive your receipt. Registration no.: CONGRESS2015-00159 Transaction ID: 67216 Total paid: $310.00 Date processed: 2015-01-09 18:22:16 Print Confirmation Email View registration history Please print this document for your reference. Proceed to your account. Una vez confirmen los datos de su tarjeta de crédito y procesen el pago, le avisarán por correo electrónico y le enviarán un recibo. Sin embargo, es importante que usted imprima este comprobante y lo traiga con usted para enseñarlo a los funcionarios a la hora de reclamar los documentos oficiales del congreso.