PATIENT SURVEY CUESTIONARIO DEL PACIENTE REASON FOR REFERRAL: (MOTIVO POR EL CUAL SE REFIRIO)_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: (HISTORIA MEDICA PASADA) Were there any problems with the pregnancy? (Hubo algunos problemas con el ambarazo?) Bleeding (Hemorragia) Diabetes (Diabetes) Infections (Infeccion) Trauma (Trauma) Toxemia (Alta pression de la sangre) Others (Otros) Were there any of the following used during pregnancy? (Fueron usuadas de las siguiented cosas durante el embarazo?) Medications (Medicamentos) Alcohol (Alcohol) Recreational Drugs (Drogas recrectionales) Tobacco (Tobaco) Were there any problems with child’s birth? (Fueron usadas algunas de las siguienetes cosas durante el embarazo?) Abnormal labor (Parto Anormal) Abnormal presentation (Presentation fetal anormal) Breech (Presento de nalgas primero) Feet first (Presento de pies primero) Abnormal placenta (Placenta anormal) Placenta previa Abruption (Sesprendimiento de la placenta) Merconium staining (Hubo material evacuado dle intestine del recien nacido) Forceps delivery (Usaron forcepts) C-Section (Cesarea) Birth weight: (Peso de nacer) _____________________ Apgar scores: (Resultados de Apgar) _______________ Date: (Fetcha) __________________________________ Patient name: (Nombre de paciente) ______________________________________ 1 Were there any problems in the newborn nursery? (Hubo Algunos problemas en el aula del recien nacido?) Apnea (Suspencion de la respiracion) Transfusions Hypotonia (Tonicidad disminuida) Seizures (Ataques) Poor feeding (Almentacion pobre) Jaundice (lctericia) Oxygen used (uso oxigeno) Ventilator (Uso ventilador) Bleeding into the brain (Hemorragia cerebral) Abnormal sonogram / CAT scan (Sonogram/CAT scan anormales) Length of stay (Duration de su estancia en el hospital) __________________ HOSPITALIZATIONS: (Hospitalizaciones) List dates and problems (Indique fechas y problemas) SURGERIES: (Cirugias) List dates and types of surgeries (Indique fechas y tipo de ooperaciones) OTHER MEDICAL PROBLEMS currently being treated for: (Otros problemas medicos a los que se les esta tratando ahora) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MEDICATIONS: (Medicamentos) List medications your child is presently taking: (Indique las medicinas que su nino esta tomando ahora) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ALLERGIES: (Alergias) Medications: (Medicamentos) ___________________________________ Others: (otro) ________________________________________________ IMMUNIZATIONS: (Vacinas) Immunizations up to date: ____ Yes ____No (Estan al corrienta todas sus vacunas: ____ Si ____No) Date: (Fetcha) __________________________________ Patient name: (Nombre de paciente) ______________________________________ 2 PAST NEUROLOGICAL MEDICAL HISTORY: (HISTORIA MEDICA NEUROLOGIA PASADA) Has your child ever been knocked unconscious? ____________________ (Ha su nino alguana vez perdido el conocimiento?) __________________ Has your child ever had meningitis or encephalitis? __________________ (Alguna vez le ha dado a su nino meningitis o encephalitis?) ___________ Has your child ever had a seizure caused by fever? ___________________ (Alguna vez la ha dado a su nino an ataquw causado por fiebre?) ________ Has your child ever had a seizure without fever? _____________________ (Alguna vez le ha dado su nino un attaque sin tener fiebre? ____________ Describe seizure: (Describa el ataque) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ When was the first seizure? (Cuando le dio el primer ataqua?) _________________________________________________________________________________ When was the last seizure? (Cuando le dio el utimo attaque?) _________________________________________________________________________________ How often do they happen? (Que tan seguido le dan los ataques?) _________________________________________________________________________________ DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY: What age did your child: (HISTORIA DE SU DESARROLLO: Ha que edad hizo sun no lo siguiente:) Rollover (Voltearse): _________________________________________ Sit (Sentarse): _______________________________________________ Crawl (Getear): ______________________________________________ Pull to stand (Jalarse para parase): _______________________________ Cruise (Caminar): ____________________________________________ Learn colors (Aprender colores): ________________________________ Walk independently (Caminar independientemente): ________________ Say first word (Decir su primer palabra): __________________________ Talk in sentence (Hablar en frases): ______________________________ Ride a tricycle (Pasearse en triciclo): _____________________________ Toilet train (Usar el escusado): __________________________________ SCHOOL HISTORY: (HISTORIA ESCOLAR) What school district is your child in? (A que distrito escolar pretence su nino?) ______________________________________________________________________ Grade (Grado): ___________________________________________________ What kind of grades does your child make? (Que clase de grados saca su nino?) ______________________________________________________________________ Is your child in a resource class or special education? (Esta su nino en clases de recurso o educacion especial?) ______________________________________________________________________ Any school discipline problems? (Tiene algun problema deciplina el la escuela?) Date: (Fetcha) __________________________________ Patient name: (Nombre de paciente) ______________________________________ 3 FAMILY HISTORY: (HISTORIA FAMILIAR) Father’s age (Edad del padre): ____________________________________________ Mother’s age (Edad del madre): ___________________________________________ Brother’s age (Edad de sus hermanos): _____________________________________ Sister’s age (Edad de sus hermanas): _______________________________________ Does anyone in your family have: (Alguun miembro de su familia padece de lo siguiente: Seizures (Ataques) Seizures with fever (Ataques con fiebre) Migraines (Migranias) Slow development or mental retardation (Desarrollo tarde o retardo mental) List any family relative having brain, muscle or nerve disease and what their diagnosis is and their relationship to the patient: (Inidque cualquier pariente que padezca de enfermedad del cerebro musculos o de las nervios y cual es su diagnosis y el parentezco co el paciente) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Is there any family history of: (Hay en la familia historia de lo siguiente) Depression (Depression) Mood swings (Cambio de humor) Manic depression (Depresion “manic”) Schizophrenia (Esquizofrenia) Panic attacks (Ataques de panico) Drug addiction (Drogadiction) Violent behavior (Conducta violenta) SOCIAL HISTORY: (HISTORIA SOCIAL) What town or city do you live in? (En que pueblo o caudad vive usted?) ________________________________________________________________________________ Father’s occupation: (Ocupacion del Padre) ________________________________________________________________________________ Mother’s occupation: (Ocupacion del madre) ________________________________________________________________________________ Date: (Fetcha) __________________________________ Patient name: (Nombre de paciente) ______________________________________ Completed by: ________________________________ Relationship to patient: ________________ Date (Fetcha): _________________________ Reviewed by: _______________________________ 4