exemplars and commentary

Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish for Achievement Standard 90909
Exemplar for Internal Achievement Standard
Spanish Level 1
This exemplar supports assessment against:
Achievement Standard 90909
Give a spoken presentation in Spanish that communicates a personal
An annotated exemplar is an extract of student evidence, with a commentary, to explain key
aspects of the standard. It assists teachers to make assessment judgements at the grade
New Zealand Qualifications Authority
To support internal assessment from 2014
© NZQA 2014
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish for Achievement Standard 90909
Grade Boundary: Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to give an effective spoken presentation that
communicates a personal response. There will be evidence that the student is able
to communicate beyond the immediate context.
Effective Spanish will be shown by capable selection and successful use of a range
of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will
be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is controlled and
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
This student expresses personal information, ideas and opinions. There is clear
evidence of appropriately using the past and the future tenses to communicate
beyond the immediate context.
Development is controlled and integrated, e.g. ‘me gusta jugar al squash porque
pienso que es divertido, en las vacaciones próximas me gustaría ir a Italia para
visitar los museos’, ‘en las vacaciones pasadas tuve muchos deberes y odio los
deberes’, ‘cuando era pequeño iba a la playa’, ‘también nadaba en el mar, no corría
a menudo’, and ‘pero ahora corro mucho’.
The student capably selects and successfully uses language and language features
that are fit for purpose, e.g. ‘fui a Christchurch para visitar a mi familia, me alojé en
la casa de mis tíos’, and ‘fue divertido pero estaba lloviendo por lo que estuvimos
adentro de la casa, disfruto vivir en NZ porque nací aquí’.
For a more secure Excellence, the student needs to work on controlled
development. There are instances where past, future and childhood memories could
be integrated/linked, rather than conveyed as individual pieces of information.
© NZQA 2014
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish for Achievement Standard 90909
Grade Boundary: High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to give a convincing spoken presentation that
communicates a personal response. There will be evidence that the student is able
to communicate beyond the immediate context.
Convincing Spanish will be shown by selection and use of a range of language and
language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development
of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
Convincing Spanish is demonstrated as the student expresses ideas and opinions,
e.g. ‘no me gusta hacer los deberes en las vacaciones porque pienso que las
vacaciones son relajarse y divertirse’, and future hopes are conveyed, e.g. ‘lo más
probable, me quedaré en NZ para los próximos años’.
Development is credible and connected, e.g. ‘en mi tiempo libre’, ‘normalmente
navego por Internet o tocar la guitarra’, ‘cuando estoy aburrido me gusts ver pelis y
programas’, ‘en mis próximas vacaciones voy a aprender’, ‘cuando era más jóven’,
‘también estaba con amigos’, and ‘recuerdo jugar al futbol a menudo’.
The selection and use of a range of language and language features is fit for
purpose and audience, e.g. ‘hablaré sobre mi vida en Nueva Zelanda’ and ‘en las
últimas vacaciones fui a Corea y disfruté porque pude ver a mi familia’.
To reach Excellence, this student needs to show evidence of integrated
development, for example ‘me gusta jugar al tenis, me gusta ver pelis y programas’.
Further, for Excellence, inconsistencies will not hinder communication, e.g. ‘o tocar
la guitarra’, and the use of tenses (imperfect vs preterite, hice vs hacía).
© NZQA 2014
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish for Achievement Standard 90909
Grade Boundary: Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to give a convincing spoken presentation that
communicates a personal response. There will be evidence that the student is able
to communicate beyond the immediate context.
Convincing Spanish will be shown by selection and use of a range of language and
language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development
of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
This student has expressed ideas and opinions in a convincing manner, e.g.
‘deberías llevar una chaqueta’ and ‘en mi opinión deberías llevar ropa de verano’,
with justification given, e.g. ‘porque hará calor’.
There is evidence of development that is credible and connected, e.g. ‘por la
mañana habrá rélampagos así que la gente tiene que quedarse dentro’ and
‘deberías conducir (…) en las carreteras’.
Across all evidence there is some selection and use of language features that are fit
for the context, e.g. ‘ayer hizo buen tiempo y había lluvias torrenciales’ and ‘la
temperatura fue de 18 grados, pero mañana estará lloviendo todo el día’.
For more secure Merit, the student would demonstrate additional success with
attempted language and language features, e.g. ‘la temperatura subida’, ‘debería
traia’, and ‘los niños hace un muñeco’.
Further, the pronunciation inconsistencies, pauses and hesitations would have less
of an impact on the delivery of the presentation, e.g. ‘finalmente (English),
© NZQA 2014
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish for Achievement Standard 90909
Grade Boundary: High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation that communicates a
personal response. This involves expressing personal information, ideas and
opinions in culturally appropriate spoken Spanish. There will be evidence that the
student is able to communicate beyond the immediate context.
Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.
This student has shown evidence of communicating personal information, ideas and
opinions, e.g. ‘en mi tiempo libre me gusta salir con mis amigos’, ‘voy al gimnasio
porque me gusta estar en forma’, and ‘a veces voy de vacaciones visito mi abuela’.
There is also evidence of some uses of language features, e.g. ‘sería divertido
venir’, ‘fui de campamento y fuimos a la playa todo los días’, and ‘cuando era más
joven me quedaba en casa’.
To reach Merit, inconsistencies will not significantly hinder communication and
delivery, e.g. ‘quiero viajo’, ‘jugo netbol’, ‘tengo un dos animales’, and pronunciation
and intonation patterns will not deter from the message being communicated.
Additionally, there needs to be further evidence of development that is credible and
connected as per Explanatory Note 3.
© NZQA 2014
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish for Achievement Standard 90909
Grade Boundary: Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation that communicates a
personal response. This involves expressing personal information, ideas and
opinions in culturally appropriate spoken Spanish. There will be evidence that the
student is able to communicate beyond the immediate context.
Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.
This student has expressed some ideas and opinions, e.g. ‘deberías llevar’, ‘tiene
que quedarse en casa’, and ‘llevas alguna ropa de abrigo’.
There is evidence of being able to communicate beyond the immediate context, e.g.
‘predijo que hará tormenta’, ‘hoy hablaré sobre el tiempo’, and ‘hoy hará calor’.
For a more secure Achieved, the inconsistencies will have less impact on
communication of the message, e.g. ‘por la tarde lloveró, asi poner tu gafas,
mañana estes?’
Also, there will be additional evidence that the student is able to use language
appropriate for this level, e.g. ‘hizo lluvia’, ‘será mucho sol’, and ‘puede nieve’ as
well as use language that avoids repetition.
© NZQA 2014
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish for Achievement Standard 90909
Grade Boundary: High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation that communicates a
personal response. This involves expressing personal information, ideas and
opinions in culturally appropriate spoken Spanish. There will be evidence that the
student is able to communicate beyond the immediate context.
Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.
There is some evidence of language used to express personal information, for
example ‘me gusta FB y hablo con mis amigas’ as well as evidence of being able to
communicate beyond the immediate context, e.g. ‘cuando era más jóven, me
gustaba natación’, ‘vivía en’, and ‘visité mis amigos’.
To reach Achieved, inconsistencies in use of language and language features will
not hinder communication of the message, e.g. ‘película de medioso’, ‘me levento,
el año promixo.....?’, and ‘quero se no segura’. Areas to consider, so that
communication of the message can be understood by the listener are pronunciation,
intonation and rhythm patterns.
© NZQA 2014