UNESCO Memory of the World Register 7 new entries for Latin

UNESCO Memory of the World Register
7 new entries for Latin America and the Caribbean
Montevideo, 7 November 2013. Seven Latin American countries
were further distinguished with registration in the UNESCO
Memory of the World Programme, out of a total of 17 proposals
evaluated by the fourteenth meeting of the Regional Committee
for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Bolivia thus incorporates its “Legado cinematográfico
latinoamericano de Jorge Ruiz” [Legacy of Jorge Ruiz Latin
American film] presented by the Fundación Cinemateca Boliviana
[Bolivian Film Foundation]; Brazil adds "A Guerra da tríplice
Aliança: representações iconográficas e cartográficas" ["The War
of the Triple Alliance: iconographic and cartographic
representations"] proposed by the Museo Imperial [Imperial
Museum - IBRAM – MinC]; and Colombia, the “Colección
Documental de Radio Sutatenza y Acción Cultural Popular
(ACPO)” [Radio Documentary Collection Sutatenza and the
Popular Cultural Action (ACPO)] of the Biblioteca Luis Ángel
Arango del Banco de la República [Luis Angel Arango Library of
the Bank of the Republic of Colombia].
Audiovisual on the accepted entries
24th meeting of the Regional Committee for
Latin America and the Caribbean of the
Programme and certificates to Peru entries
In addition to these Mexico joins with the “Declaración de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación sobre la
participación del Poder Judicial de la Federación en el cumplimiento de la sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de
Derechos Humanos derivado del caso Rosendo Radilla Pacheco contra México (Expedientes Varios 489/2010 y
912/2010) – Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación” [Declaration of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation on
the participation of the Judiciary Power of the Federation, in compliance with the ruling of the Inter- American Court
of Human Rights derivate of the Radilla Pacheco v. Mexico case presented by the Nation Supreme Court of
Regarding Chile and its new the “Fondo Documental Comisión Radicadora de Indígenas Ley 4 de diciembre de
1866” [Indigenous Documentary Settlement Commission of Law Fund, December 4th 1866] is a proposal by the
country’s Archivo General de Asuntos Indígenas de la Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena CONADI
[General Archive of Indian Affairs of the National Corporation for Indigenous Development (CONADI)]. The Head of
the Office of the National Archives of the Government of Chile and President of the National Memory of World
Programme Committee Mrs. Patricia Huenuqueo expressed in an interview, that this is " a big opportunity for the
recognition and appreciation of our indigenous communities" (…) and that the regional registration “ is an
opportunity to reread the history that we know and renew our understanding of the present."
Uruguay also included the “Fondo de la Empresa Teatro Solís 1840-1937” [Enterprise Fund 1840-1937 the Solis
Theatre]. The Head of the Centro de Investigación, Documentación y Difusión de las Artes Escénicas (CIDDAE)
[Centre for Research, Documentation and Dissemination of the Performing Arts (CIDDAE)], Marcelo Sienra
emphasizes the fundamental role the Programme in the conservation and access to the memory of nations.
Finally Peru, besides receiving certificates during the event for three previous entries (cf. picture below left),
registered the “Originales del Concilio Limense de Sº Toribio Mogrovejo su arzobispo” [Originals of the Council of
Lima S º Toribio Mongrovejo, its archbishop] from the Cabildo Metropolitano de la Catedral de Lima [Lima
Cathedral Metropolitan Council]
We share audiovisual of registers accepted (Spanish).
UNESCO Office in Montevideo
(Regional Bureau for Science in Latin America and the Caribbean, UNESCO Representation for MERCOSUR,
UNESCO Representation in Argentina, Paraguay y Uruguay)
Luis Piera 1992, Edificio MERCOSUR, 2o. piso
598 2 413 2075 ext. 135
Contact: 098 52 32 82