Marlborough Gallery, Inc.
545 W 25th Street
New York, NY 10001
t. 212.463.8634
f. 212.463.9658
For press inquiries please contact Janis Gardner Cecil at Marlborough Gallery at 212.541.4900
Alejandro Corujeira
The Accessible, Dressed in Salts
Marlborough Chelsea
November 19-December 19, 2009
The Directors of Marlborough Gallery are pleased to announce the New York debut of Alejandro
Corujeira, a painter who resides in Madrid and has exhibited widely both in Spain and internationally. Characterized by elliptical forms, sinuous lines that navigate the surface, and layers of transparency, Corujeira’s
paintings are beautifully meditative works that invite close inspection. A past resident of the Josef and Annie
Albers Foundation, Corujeira has work in the collections of Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía,
Madrid and the Institut Valenciá d’Art Modern, Valencia, which held a solo exhibition of his work in 2006.
Corujeira’s Chelsea exhibition will include twenty paintings, most acrylic on canvas, and nine small-format
drawings. Frequently Corujeira incorporates graphite and colored pencil in his paintings, layering pale blues,
greens and earth tones that seem to pulse with life. One suite of nine small format drawings, entitled Album
de los sueños (Suite of Dreams), 2009, comprises the works on paper. Un jardín para agnes (A Garden for Agnes),
2009, a suite of nine works in small format (each acrylic, watercolor, colored pencil and graphite on canvas,
9 1/4 x 7 1/4 in., 23.5 x 18.5 cm) is dedicated to Agnes Martin, an artist of particular significance for Corujeira. According to him, the works in this suite are in a sense the origin of the exhibition, where he began to
develop, for the first time, particular forms associated with the organic and vegetable world. This suite also
situates him within a certain strain of the abstract tradition, where one can see affinities with Minimalism.
Corujeira, in a conversation with noted scholar Kevin Power featured in the exhibition catalogue, remarks
“... I interpret my painting as a way of being in this world, a way of establishing mechanisms to comprehend
reality, rather than painting as a carrier of ideas.”
In the painting El comienzo (The Beginning), 2009 (acrylic, pencil and graphite on canvas, 78 3/4 x 98 3/8
in., 200 x 250 cm), his most recent work in this exhibition, the different approaches and discoveries from
these small format works find their resolution and come together. As Corujeira describes it, “In this painting
there is a sinuous plane, organic in nature, which is left suspended over the surface; with the colored lines,
energies of tinted light, causing it to palpitate permanently in a respiratory rhythm.” Melodías inventadas (Invented Melodies), 2009 (acrylic and graphite on canvas, 63 x 51 1/8 in, 160 x 130 cm), is invested with a similar
vibrating energy. Here graphite circles move like cells over the surface of the painting, seemingly attempting
to settle upon pale red and green lines and producing, in the artist’s words, a continual movement like an
audible impression.
Born in Buenos Aires in 1961, Corujeira moved to Madrid in 1991 and has exhibited in Europe, South
America and Madrid consistently. A winner of numerous awards, Corujeira has also had a number of significant solo exhibitions, including a large installation at Espacio Uno, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina
Sofía, Madrid, in 2002. His work is found in many notable public collections, including the Jack S. Blanton
Museum of Art, Austin, Texas; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Panamá; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo
de Caracas Sofía Imber, Caracas; IVAM, Valencia and MNCARS, Madrid, as previously mentioned; Museo
Municipal de Madrid, Madrid; Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de España, Madrid and the Academia
Española de Historia, Arqueología y Bellas Artes, Rome, among others.
An illustrated catalogue with an interview by Kevin Power will be available at the time of the exhibition.
Marlborough Chelsea / International Public Art Ltd., 545 West 25th St, New York, NY 10001 t. 212.463.8634 f. 212.463.9658
Marlborough Fine Art (London) Ltd., 6 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4BY
t. 44.20.7629.5161 f. 44.20.7629.6338
Marlborough Monaco, 4 Quai Antoine 1er, MC 98000 Monaco
t. 377.97702550
f. 377.97702559
Galería A.M.S. Marlborough, Nueva Costanera 3723, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
t. f.
Galería Marlborough, S.A., Orfila 5, 28010 Madrid t. 34.91.319.1414 f. 34.91.308.4345