De: Aaunto: Fecha: Para: “Luisa Massuet” <> RV: On behalf of Mr.lñaki Urdangarin lO de febrero de 2005 22:17:55 GMT+01 :00 lñaki Urdangarin> 1 Luisa Massuet nóos T932 414 150 F932000248 —Mensaje original— De: Luisa Massuet [ Enviado el: jueves 10 de febrero de 2005 22:16 Para: Asunto: On behalf of Mr.lñaki Urdangarin Importancia: Alta Dear Corinna. Please kiridly find attached the letter sent you Qn behalf of Iñaki Urdangarin. lad’sise you 111W His Majesty Juan Calos 1. King of Spain has siso received a copy. Kindest regards, Luisa Massuet nóos T932414150 F932000248 LetterJp_CQ~oC(2jtKB) archivo adjunto. 216 KB De: Asunto: Fecha: Para: “lñaki Urdangarin~ <inaki@tsaies~ RV: LAUREIJS 28 de febrero de 200517:38:55 GMT+01 :00 Carlos Garcia Revenga ( 5 archivos adjuntos. 656 KB lñaki Urdangarin ——Mensaje original— De: Corinna Sayn-Wittgensiein [ Enviado el: martes, 22 de febrero de 20051 &03 Para: Asunto: LAUREUS Dear lnaki, Having fully taken mio account alt your reservations and suggestions for the Laureus Foundation Structure and Operaüonal Manual 1 atiach the proposal thaI has been made by Guy Sanan, who is the new Chiel Executive of Iba Global Structure. Ah payments to you wllI come out of the UK Global Stnjcture. 1 have copiad your faiber In law and hope thai ibis proposal wiU put any doubts you may Mw ade. lf you have any odiar obsefvadons. pisase lot me know. With my kindest regards, Corinna Mensaje analizado y protegido, tecnologia antivirus flcs~ MESTRE NlcoiAu. 19, 1 Tel. _Faz — 8ARCEI.0NR 08071 ‘Ofl~? 48 web: *n~, n’o~ ,.~ l4ULeU&_I,.dOLIZ32JÇEJ latjteus --A .doc t62 K8I L~ureuaz_D~ÁQÇU2tKW