verbos como gustar 13 me nos te os le les

verbos como gustar
Español III
A. Gustar construction
There are many common sentences in Spanish whose equivalent in English involves an active
concept (subject acting upon object).
1. Yo hablo español. (el inglés) I speak Spanish.
2. Mi padre mira la televisión. (el inglés) My dad watches television.
3. Nosotros hacemos la tarea en la clase. (el inglés) We do the homework in class.
B. In Spanish, however, the sentence is expressed with the elements in reverse order (subject acted
upon by object) so that the sentence appears “passive.” Gustar is the most common example:
1. Me gusta el libro. (el inglés) I like the book.
(literal translation) The book pleases me. [The book is pleasing to me.]
(passive concept) I am pleased by the book.
2. Me gustan los libros. (el inglés) I like the books.
(literal translation) The books please me. [The books are pleasing to me.]
(passive concept) I am pleased by the books.
C. The first word of the Spanish sentence always refers to the person to whom the item is pleasing,
using the:
indirect object pronouns
3rd person singular or plural (gusta or gustan):
D. A repetitive form may be added to the beginning of the sentence to clarify the object or to indicate
1. A mí me gusta el libro. (literal translation) The book is pleasing to me.
2. A ti te gustan las classes. (literal translation) The classes are pleasing to you.
3. A ella le gusta bailar.
(literal translation) _________________________________.
4. A nosotros nos gusta el español. (literal translation)____________________________
E. Complete the Spanish. Don’t be repetitive.
1. (I like music.)
_____ _________________ la _______________.
2. (You like cats.)
_____ or (______) ____________________ los ________________.
3. (He likes pizza.)
_____ _________________ la ________________.
4. (We like the class.) _____ _________________ la ________________.
5. (You all like the flowers.) ______ or (_______) _________________ las flores.
6. (They like to sing.) ______ ________________ _________________.
F. Complete and be repetitive.
7. (I like tacos.)
__ _____ _____ ____________________ los _____________.
8. (You like sports.)
__ ___ or (__ ___) ____ or (___) ______________ los __________.
9. (Bob likes to run.)
__ _______ ____ ________________ __________________.
10. (We like to talk.)
__ _____________ ______ ______________ ________________
11. (They like the pink houses.)
___ _________ ______ ______________ las________ ________
G. otros verbos como gustar - other verbs that are used like gustar.
(13 de atrás)
1. agradar - to please
Me agrada la música latina. - I love Latin music.
2. disgustar - to disgust
Me disgustan las pruebas. - I hate quizzes.
3. doler (o-ue) - to hurt (to be sore)
Me duele la cabeza. - My head hurts.
4. encantar - to delight; to enchant; to charm; to be “crazy about”
Me encanta el pollo. - I love chicken.
5. enojar - to anger
Te enojan los estudiantes malos. - Bad students anger you.
6. faltar - to be lacking
Nos faltan dos estudiantes. - We are missing 2 students.
7. fascinar - to fascinate
Le fascinan los libros. - Books fascinate him.
8. importar - to matter
Os importa la tarea. - Homework is important to you all.
9. interesar - to interest
Les interesa la película. - The movie is interesting to them.
10. irritar - to irritate
Me irrita el calor. - Heat irritates me.
11. molestar - to bother
Te molestan los gatos. - Cats bother you.
12. parecer - to seem, appear
Nos parece fácil la prueba. - The quiz seems easy to us.
13. preocupar - to worry
Le preocupa la prueba. - She is worried about the quiz.
14. quedar - to be left
Nos quedan dos minutos. - We have 2 minutes left.
15. quedar bien / mal - to fit well /poorly
Te queda bien la camisa. - The shirt fits you well.
16. sobrar - to remain, to be left over
Nos sobra mucha comida. - We have a lot of food left over.
17. sorprender - to surprise
Me sorprende tu respuesta. - Your answer surprises me.
H. Completa con uno de los verbos de sección G.
1. (I hate(d) homework.)
_____ ______________________ la __________________.
2. (The class seems(p) boring to us.) _______ __________________ aburrida la __________.
3. (We love(a) Spanish class.)
______ _______________ la __________ de _____________.
4. (He is crazy about(e) Spanish class.) _____ ______________ la ________ de ____________.
5. (Your feet hurt(d).)
_____ _____________________ los pies.
6. (The clown surprises(s) us.)
_______ _____________________ el payaso.
7. (They have 1 pencil left over(s).) _______ ________________ un _____________.
8. (My pants fit me poorly(q).)
______ __________________ _______ los pantalones.
9. (You all get angry about(e) the homework.) ______ _________________ la ____________.
10. (I’m missing(f) my keys.)
______ ___________________ mis llaves.
11. (We have 1 hour left(q).)
________ _________________ una _____________.
12. (Houses fascinate(f) him.)
______ _________________________ las _____________.
13. (The loud music bothers(m) us.) _______ ___________________ la música ruidosa.
14. (My grade is important(i) to them.)
_______ ___________________ mi nota.
15. (We are worried about(p) the class.)
16. (Your parents irritate(i) you.)
17. (Grades are important(i) to me.)
________ ____________________ la ________.
______ ________________________ tus ______________.
______ _______________________ las notas.