Author`s comment

Author's response to reviews
Title: Preoperative serum CA 72.4 as prognostic factor of recurrence and death,
especially at TNM stage II, for colorectal cancer
Daniel Ayude (
Francisco Javier Rodriguez-Berrocal (
José Ayude (
Sonia Blanco-Prieto (
Marta Vázquez-Cedeira (
Lorena Vázquez-Iglesias (
María Páez de la Cadena (
Version: 2 Date: 5 October 2012
Author's response to reviews: see over
María Páez de la Cadena
Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology
Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Vigo.
36310 Vigo. Spain.
Phone: +34 986812571
Vigo, October 04th, 2012
BMC Cancer
Dear Editor,
Hereby we are submitting the manuscript entitled: “Preoperative serum CA 72.4 as
prognostic factor of recurrence and death, especially at TNM stage II, for
colorectal cancer”, by Daniel Ayude, Francisco Javier Rodriguez Berrocal, José
Ayude, Sonia Blanco-Prieto, Marta Vázquez-Cedeira, Lorena Vázquez-Iglesias and
María Paez de la Cadena, to consider for publication in BMC Cancer. This work has
demonstrated the prognostic value of CA 72.4 at stage II colorectal cancer that could
improve the risk stratification of patients for the administration of adjuvant
We have added the approval of the study by an appropriate ethics committee in the
Methods section of the manuscript.
María Páez de la Cadena