Español 1B Nombre_____________________________

Español 1B
Worksheet Unidad 2
La Salud
I. Answer
1. List the reasons for using the verb ser. ________________________________________________________________________
2. List the reasons for using the verb estar. ______________________________________________________________________
3. What is the verb “to explain”? ______________________________________________________________________________
II. Ser or estar. In the first blank write the correct form of ser or estar. Write a reason for your choice in the last blank.
1. Yo no _______________ contento hoy.
1. _________________________________
2. José tiene la gripe y ________________ enfermo.
2. _________________________________
3. Nosotros ________________ muy inteligentes en la clase de español.
3. _________________________________
4. Mi tío ________________ médico en un hospital en España.
4. _________________________________
5. ¿Dónde ________________ la farmacia?
5. _________________________________
6. Tú _________________ en el consultorio porque tienes dolor de cabeza.
6. _________________________________
7. ________________ las ocho de la noche.
7. _________________________________
8. Tú _________________ de México, ¿verdad?
8. _________________________________
III. Translate the vocabulary to Spanish.
1. What’s happening to me? _______________________________ 14. She stays in bed__________________________________
2. What’s happening to you? ______________________________ 15. He is in a good mood _____________________________
3. I have a fever
_______________________________ 16. some pills
4. I have chills
_______________________________ 17. the flu
5. Can you explain to me? _______________________________ 18. a handkerchief __________________________________
6. Does your leg hurt?
_______________________________ 19. a cough
7. Can you open your mouth? _____________________________ 20. I have a stomach ache _____________________________
8. a red throat
_______________________________ 21. She has a cold __________________________________
9. some antibiotics
_______________________________ 22. He is in a bad mood ______________________________
10. to prescribe
_______________________________ 23. He is calm
11. you (fam) can go
_______________________________ 24. his medical office ________________________________
12. He examines you (fam) _______________________________ 25. She explains to you (fam) __________________________
13. He gives to him
_______________________________ 26. the pharmacist sells to us __________________________
14. the medical office
__________________________ 27. the patient writes to them __________________________
IV. Translate to Spanish.
1. John is tired today because he is sick with a cold.
2. Carlos opens his mouth and the doctor examines his throat for him.
3. Ricardo goes to the medical office because his head hurts.
4. My father can explain his symptoms to the doctor.
5. The doctor explains to him that he has nothing serious.
7. He is going to be well within (dentro de) two days.
8. You (fam) can go to the pharmacy with the prescription and buy the medicine.
9. The pharmacist dispenses the antibiotics to them.
10. He likes to see the doctor when he is sick.
11. She likes to take an aspirin when she has a head ache.
12. The team doctor examines the batter on home plate because his arm hurts.
V. Complete with the appropriate word then translate each sentence to English.
1. Juan abre la _________________ y el médico le _________________ la garganta.
2. Ana va a la _________________ con la receta que el médico le da a ella.
3. El farmacéutico le despacha los _______________________________________________________.
4. El médico ve a sus pacientes en su ___________________________________________________.
VI. Complete with the correct pronoun and translate each sentence to English.
1. A mí __________ gustan mucho los frijoles pero a mis primos no __________ gustan.
2. ¡Pepe! ¿Qué __________ pasa? ¿Estás enfermo hoy con un catarro o la gripe?
3. El médico __________examina la garganta en su consultorio.
4. El farmacéutico __________ vende los medicamentos.
VII. Complete with the correct pronouns and translate each sentence to English. (This is an ongoing
1. –Juan, ¿__________ ve tu mama?
2. _Sí, __________ ve. Mamá, ¿__________ quieres hablar?
3. –Sí, mi hijo. ________ quiero hablar.
VIII. Translate to English
1. Si quieren estar de buena salud, tienen que comer una variedad de comida.
2. Los jóvenes y los ancianos no necesitan el mismo número de calorías.
3. Los postres y los dulces tienen muchas calorías.
4. Las frutas contienen muchas vitaminas que son indispensables para la buena salud.
IX. Translate
The ear
6. The blood
The shoulder __________________________________ 7. The neck
The back
8. To help
The ankle
9. To breath
The nurse
__________________________________ 10. Broken