XIXth Meeting of European Labour Court Judges 19-20 September 2011 Commerce Chamber of Seville (Cámara de Comercio de Sevilla) Plaza de la Contratación, 8 41004 - SEVILLA Tel: 902.93.23.20 Fax: 954.22.56.19 List of participants Australia 1. The Honourable Les Kaufman Senior Deputy President Fair Work Australia G.P.O. Box 1994 MELBOURNE, Victoria Australia 3001 T. +61 3 8661 7791 +61 419 211 764 F. +61 3 9655 0415 KAUFMAN.SDP@fwa.gov.au 2. Anne Harrison Senior Deputy President, Fair Work Australia, Level 8, Terrace Towers 80 William Street, SYDNEY NSW 2011, Australia T. +61 2 8374 6582 +61 02 8374 6582 Mob. +61 419 318002 F. +61 2 9380 6990 harrison.sdp@fwa.gov.au uyen.nguyen@fwa.gov.au T. +32 (0) 2 508 6274 +32 2 508 6274 F. +32 2 508 6750 koen.mestdagh@just.fgov.be k.mestdagh@skynet.be andree.clement@just.fgov.be T. 0045 46365957 waage@post3.tele.dk MBD@arbejdsretten.dk T. +358 10 364 3361 Mob. +358 50 367 0821 F. +358 10 36 43359 jorma.saloheimo@oikeus.fi Belgium 3. Judge Koen Mestdagh Labour Chamber Cour de cassation Palais de Justice 1000 BRUXELLES Belgium Denmark 4. Judge Niels Waage Justice, Municipal Court Lille Højbrøndsstræde 10 40000 ROSKILDE Denmark Finland 5. Jorma Saloheimo President Labour Court Itäinen Puistotie 1 P.O. Box 165 FIN-00141 HELSINKI Finland 1 ELCJ – XIXth Meeting 2011 tuula.ruikka@oikeus.fi 6. Tuula Ruikka Työtuomioistuin (Labour Court) Itäinen Puistotie 1 / PL 165 00141 HELSINKI Finland Germany 7. Judge Mario Eylert Federal Labour Court of Germany Hugo Preuß.Platz 1 D-99084 ERFURT Germany T. +49 361 26 361335 F. +49 361 26 362335 Mario.Eylert@bundesarbeitsgericht. de T. +49 361 2636 1319 F. +49-361-2636-2000 Regine.Winter@bundesarbeitsgerich t.de 8. Mr. Reinhard Schinz Landesarbeitsgericht Berlin 9. Dr. Regine Winter Richterin am Bundesarbeitsgericht Bundesarbeitsgericht 99113 ERFURT Germany Hungary 10. Judge Tünde Handó President, Labour Court of Budapest Fõvárosi Munkaügyi Bíróság 4, Királyfürdő Street, BUDAPEST Hungary 11. Ms. Maria Kulisity Judge, Labour Court of Budapest Fõvárosi Munkaügyi Bíróság 4, Királyfürdő Street, BUDAPEST Hungary T. +361 354 6582 F. +361 354 6520 handot@fovaros.birosag.hu kulisitymaria@yahoo.com kulisitymaria@yahoo.com> Israel 12. Judge Steve Adler (ret. President) National Labour Court 20 Keren Hayesod Street JERUSALEM 92149 Israel T. +9722 649 7750/1 F. +9722 649 7752 stefana@court.gov.il STEFANA-Tmp@court.gov.il 13. Judge Nili Arad President, National Labour Court 20 Keren Hayesod JERUSALEM 92149 Israel T. +9722 525256504 nilia@court.gov.il 14. Judge Ygaal Plitman Deputy President, National Labour Court 2 ELCJ – XIXth Meeting 2011 Italy fabrizio.mianicanevari@fastwebnet.it 15. Fabrizio Miani Canevari Norway 16. Professor Stein Evju Professor of Labour Labour Law Department of Private Law University of Oslo P.O.B. 6706 St. Olavs Pl. NO-0130 OSLO Norway T. +47 22859325 Mob. +47 9098 2695 F. +47 22859720 stein.evju@jus.uio.no Mona.Olivier@arbeidsretten.no 17. Marit B. Frogner Judge, Labour Court of Norway Arbeidsretten, Box 8015 Dep, NO-0030 OSLO, Norway. T. +47 23 10 01 40 F. + 47 22 42 36 42 marit.frogner@arbeidsretten.no T. +47 2 310 0140 kontor@arbeidsretten.no Office: Grensen 3, OSLO 18. Mr Tron Løkken Sundet Vice-president, Arbeidsretten Postboks 8015 Dep, NO-0030 OSLO Norway tron.sundet@arbeidsretten.no jakob.wahl@arbeidsretten.no 19. Mr Jakob Wahl Acting President, Arbeidsretten Box 8015 Dep, NO-0030 OSLO, Norway Slovenia 20. Judge Miran Blaha Supreme Court of the Rep. of Slovenia Tavcarjeva 9 1001 LJUBLJANA Slovenia T. +386 366 4237 F. +386 366 4303 miran.blaha@sodisce.si T. +34928213558 +34 615143801 mobile F. + 34928213494 ma.limon@justicia.es ma.limon@poderjudicial.es Spain 21. Dr. Miguel A. Limón Luque Magistrado Juez del Juzgado de lo Social núm. 5 de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Avda. Marítima del Sur s/n LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA España 3 ELCJ – XIXth Meeting 2011 riosmestre@gmail.com. 22. Professor José María Ríos Mestre c/ Puerta Nueva, 12, 4A, 30001, Murcia Labor and Employment Law University of Cartagena C/ Puerta Nueva, 12, 4º, A 30001-MURCIA Spain 23. Emeritus Judge Antonio MartinValverde Supreme Court (Labour Chamber) Plaza de la Villa de Paris, s/n 28004 MADRID España T. +34.91.397.0056 F. +34.91.335 8322 beg.alonso@ts.mju.es amvalverde05@hotmail.com mc.perez.s@poderjudicial.es royjul@ono.com 24. Judge Carmen Pérez Sibón High Court of Andalucía/Sevilla, Labour Chamber Sweden 25. Judge Michaël Koch President, National Labour Court Box 2018 SE-103 11 STOCKHOLM Sweden T. +46 8 617 6600 F. +46 8 617 6615 michael.koch@arbetsdomstolen.se 26. Judge Carina Gunnarsson National Labour Court PO Box 2018 SE-103 11 STOCKHOLM Sweden T. +46 8 617 6617 F. +46 8 617 6615 carina.gunnarsson@arbetsdomstolen.se 27. Judge Cathrine Lilja Hansson National Labour Court PO Box 2018 SE-103 11 STOCKHOLM Sweden T. +468 6176613 cathrine.lilja.hansson@ arbetsdomstolen.se T. +58 212 801 9223/ 801 9214 +58-424-8470719 F. +58 212 563 2176/ 801 9082 juan.perdomo@tsj.gov.ve diagnoragonzalez_tsj@hotmail.com natiuska_mb@yahoo.com Cristian.Hernandez@tsj.gov.ve 28. Karin Renman Venezuela 29. Judge Juan Rafael Perdomo Magistrado Sala de Casación Social Tribunal Supremo de Justicia Final Av. Baralt, Foro Libertador CARACAS Venezuela 4 ELCJ – XIXth Meeting 2011 ILO 30. Ms. Angelika Muller Labour Law Officer Social Dialogue, Labour Law and Labour Administration Department International Labour Office 4, route des Morillons CH 1211 Geneva 22 T. +4122 799 6245 F. +4122 799 8749 mullera@ilo.org 5