UN I IDAD 53 t/me he/him they/them etc, personas sujeto I she objeto rne her su jeto I we you he she they know Ann. 'W'e know Ann. You You know Know lt\nu. Anu. I I I I I He knorvs Ann. I She knows Ann. I They know Ann. I obieto Ann knows trre. Ann knorvs us. Ann knows nnn Knows you. Ann knows hirn. Ann knows her. Ann knows thetn. tne us you him her thern Conozco a Ann./Ann me conoce. Conocernos a Ann./Ann nos conoce. Conoces a Ann./Ann te conoce.* Conoce a Ann./Ann lo conoce. Conoce a Ann./Ann la conoce. Conocen a Ann./Ann los/las conoce. " you (suieto y objeto) se puede referir a 'tú/vosotros/vosotras/usted/ustedes'. En inglés los pronombres objeto van detrás del verbo (Ann knows }riim), mientras que en español much¿ veces van delante (Ann lo conoce). Detrás de /as preposiciones (forltolwith etc.) se usan los pronombres objeto (lr:e/hirn/}rer etc.). - This letter isn't for you. It's for tne. ... para ti. Es para mí. -'Where's Alan? I want to talk to him. ... hablar con é1. - Why are yoll looking at her? ¿Por qué la miras? - 1)o you want to come with us? ¿... venir con nosotros/nosotras? - Do you want to go with them? ¿... ir con ellos/ellas? I cosas jeto ob jeto su it it they them - I w'ant that book. Please give it to me. ... Por favor dámelo. - I want those books. Please give thern to lne. ... dámelos. - Diane doesn't like that watch. She never rvears it. .,. Nunca se lo pone. - I don't like sausages. I never eat them. ... Nunca me las como. - ''Wheret the newspaper?' 'You're sitting on it.' ... 'Estás sentado encima.' I En inglés es necesario usar el pronombre su jeto. En español se omite con frecuencia: - 'What does your sister do?' 'She works in a bank.' (Ue*s'in*ade) ... 'Trabaia ... - I can't do it. It'.s too diflicult. ({s+e.edi{€ed+) ... Es demasiado difícil. 106 - N IDAD i3.1 53 Ejercicios Completa las preguntas con lrrirn/lr,er/t}newt. - Jon't know those girls. Do you know ...!h.e.m................. Z - Jon't know that man. Do you know .............................. ? - ion't know those people. Do you know .............................. ? - lon't know Fred's wife. Do you know .............................. ? - Jon't know his friends. Do you know .............................. ? - Jon't know the woman in the black coar. Do you know .............................. - lon't know Mr Stevens. Do you know .............................. ? - Jon't know those students. Do vou kno-uv .............................. ? ' ' 13.2 Completa I las frases ? usandol/rne/we/lus/you/l,e/hirn/st,e/her/they/thern. s'ant to see her but ....qhQ..... doesn't want to see ......(1'!g,..... l hirn but ............... doesn't want to see ................ ' They want to see rne but ............... don't l,vant to see ........... - §¡e want to see them but ............... don't rvant to see .....,...,. = She wants to see him but ............... doesn't want to see ....,........... They want to see her but ............... doesn't to see................. - I riant to see them but............... don'r rvrrrrwant to sec........... ' FIe r,vants to see us but ............... don't want to see ........... - You want to see her but ............... doesn't want to see ................ - I 5 3, . . I ' s-ant to see 3 Comp I eta s frases usand o rne / ss /lrrirn /her / it / thern. \Yho is that wornan?'Why are you looking ar ...h€f.................... ? 'Do you knorv that man?' 'Yes, I work with ..... ....... I'rn talking to you. Please listen to These photographs are nice. Do you want to look at .............................. I like that camera. I'm going to buy Where are the tickets? I can't find .............. 'We're going out. You can come with ............. I don't like dogs. I'm afraid of ........ 'W'here is she? I r,vant to talk to .. Those appples are bad. Don't eat 53.4 Completa . I -' Ia las frases con ? it/thern -f rne/ss/hirn/her/thern. I want those books. Please give ...fh.e-m. He wants the key. Please give .............. She wants the keys. Please give .............. I lvant the letter. Please give .... ... ................... to ...!11.e;................... to .................. to ................. to Nunca como plátanos. No me gustan. A Sue no le cae bien Tom. No quiere salir con é1. No compré este libro. Sue me 1o regaló. (regalar : give) 7 Dile que no quiero verlo. .......... Conozco a Sam v é1 rne conoce a mí. Es muy {áci1. Podéis hacerlo. '¿Dónde está mi diccionario?' 'Se 1o prestaste a Tom.' 8 Jr-ian necesitaba e1 dinero, 9 ñ; ;;i;; + 5 Ér rb;;; ;;"i i0 No tenemos la dirección por eso ó, se 1o di. (por eso = so) il;;;;,; --;;. No nos la dio. de Jane. t07 54 UNIDAD my/his/their etc. nuestros... {+ + we you he she they it -.-> + + + + fny our your his her their its I like rny 'We like our You like your He likes his She likes her They like their job. jobs. job. j"b. j"b. jobs. Oxford is famous for its universiry. (its = su, de Oxford) lrny/yoar/his/her etc. van seguidos de un sustantivo. his rnother su madre my hands mls manos your best friend tu meior amigo our house nuestra casa her new car su coche nuevo their roorn su habitación equivale en español a 'tu/tus/vuestro/vuestra/vuestros/vuestras' y también a 'su/sus' (cuando el poseedor es 'Vd./Vds.'). - Excuse me, is this your handbag? ¿..' su bolso? - Sue, Bruce, tell us something about your trip to India. ... vuestro viaie a la lndia' I your lhis/her/their, que corresponden al español 'su/st)s', se refieren al poseedor (masculino/femenino/ plural) y no a lo poseído: M hbbt<t¿cre lha¡ son +hex dailgnw huúvtdven lhúx GAnde ohlnwYt) I its es diferente de it's: its = sulsus (de cosa o animal) it's = it is ohLWen - Oxford is famous for its university. ... por su universidad' - I iike Oxford. It's a nice city. (: It is a nice city.) En inglés se usan con frecuencla /os posesivos al hablar de partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir y objetos persona/es. Observa las diferencias entre inglés y español: - Have you cleaned your teeth? ¿Te has lavado los dientes? - She fel1 and broke her leg. Se cayó y se rompió la pierna' - He put his hands in his pockets. se metió /as manos en los bolsillos. I - 108 offyour coat. Por favor, quítese el abrigo. our keys. Perdimos /as //aves. Please, take We lost UNIDAD 54 Ejercicios il.7 Completa las frases siguienies; : He ?.w.ith.h.ie..p a.ten!9.,........ ... l!y.e 5 fhey live with parents. -\nn lives il"Z Do you live ..................... Most children B .. Completa las frases siguientes: I' Ín. qain 0. Í. -o-.waeh..ruy.h an d.a, 4 Het going ro 5 They're going Shei going ro wash §-e re going to 54.3 parents. 6 7 6 Are you going Observa et árbot geneatógico (family tree) y completa /as frases. 1 I saw Liz with ...h.eJ.. husband. philin 2 I saw Ann and Ted wirh ........... chiljren. 3 I saw Ted with ........... wife, Ann. j saw George with .......... brother, Bill. 5 IJ saw Ann with ........... broth.., nm. 6 I saw Liz and phitip with ........... son, Bill. 7 I saw Ann with ........... parenrs. B I saw Diana 54.4 Completa las frases con rny / o ar / y ottr / his / her / their / and Robeit with ........... parents. its. I like ....tItJ.. job. Do you like ........... iob? Does your father h[e ........... job? 1 2 J aI Sally is 5 I know Mr'Watson but I married. ........... h.riand works in a bank. d.on,t L""* .._..._.. *if.. Put on ........... coat when you go out. Itt yery cold. 7 -. ..... . favourite sport is tennisl I phy a lot ir, ,,r__... 8 M_y.sister plays tennis too but ... _ . 'frrro.r.ir. ,po., is athletics. 9 Wc're staying at a very nice hotel. ........... room is very comfortable. 10 Mr and Mrs Baker live in London U"t .. __ . son lives in Australia. 11 Thank you for ........... le*er. It *rs gooá io fr.r. fi;r-;;;;;#'" / - -- *D*^,t' 12 ,* going to invite all . .. ..... frilnds to the party. Y.. 13 John is a teacher but ........... sister is a nurse. 11L Do you think that mosr people are happy itn........... jobs? 15 I gave the to mv it in ...1....... Toney bag. 16 I often see that man but Iln3ther.and don,t k.ro* ...._'..... .rr_.. t7 f]rey've got rwo children but I don,t..-.-U., ........... names. 1B The company has offices in many ptr.., 6 ,ilii", Uri........... head office is in New York. 54.5 1 Traduce Mi coche at ingtés: es muy viejo. 2 ¿Tenéis vuesrros libros aquí? -1 Vi a Clara y a su hermano el lunes. (el lunes Monday) 4 ¿Puede Vd. enseñarme su pasaporte? ........... 5 Los niños se lavaron las manos anres de comer. (antes de ."rr;; = ;;á";;i;;";i .. ... ............. .. .............. ... 6 7 8 9 10 Estuvimos conJohn y su esposa. 109 UNIDAD 55 (el) mío Whose is this? (el) tuyo/vuestro/ suyo (de Vd.) (el) nuestro l+trry+mine we+our+ours you your + he+his+his she --> her + they -+ their + lt's my book. lt's mine. yours hers theirs (el) suyo (el) suyo Itt ltt ltt rny money. our raroney. your money. It's his raroney. Itt her money. Itt their Íroney. It's tnine. Itt ours. It's yours. Itt his. It's hers. It's theirs. I rny/oar/yoar/her/their + susfantivo (rny hands/your book etc.): - My hands are co1d. Tengo las manos frías. * Is this your book? ¿Es éste tu libro? - Ann gave me her urnbrella. Ann me dio su paraguas. - Itt their problern, not our problern. Es su problema, no nuestro I rnine/ours,/yours/hers,/theirs no llevan un sustantivo detrás. Tampoco - These books are rnine but this newspaper is yours. - '¿Es ése su I a problema. van precedidos de the: Estos /lbros son míos, pero este periódico es tuyo. I didn't have an umbre11a, so Ann gave me hers. (#e$e+r) No tenía paraguas, así que Ann me dio el suyo. It's their problem, not ours. (.-+lrceu*) Es su problema, no el nuestro. 'Is that their car?' 'No, theirs is green.' (-tl+e+nA+-.J coche?' '/\0, e/ suyo es verde.' his puede ir seguido o no de un sustantivo: - Is this his carnera? ¿Es ésta su cámara? - It's a nice camera. Is it his? Es una cámara bonita. ¿Es (la) suya? En inglés se dice; a friend of mine / afriend of his (o hers) / some friends of ours etc. un amigo mío / un amigo suyo / unos amigos nuestros etc.: - I went out to meet a friend of rnine. ... a un amigo mío/una amiga mía. -Arethosepeop1efriendsofyours?(@)¿.amigostuyos? I Whose ...? : ¿De quién ...? -'Whose book is this? ¿De quién es este libro? 'W'hose puede ir seguido o no de un sustantivo: - Whose Íroney is this? ¿De quién es este dinero? I Vhose is this? ¿De quién es estoT .i - Vhose .-, ,. ^ lts -mlne' shoes are rhese? ¿De quién son estos zapatos? I -,I hcy . reJohn whose are rhese? ¿De quién son éstos2 ] t_ (el) suyo s' - N IDAD 55 Eje rc ic ios Completa /as lrases con rnine/yours etc. I:'s your money. " - I Iti 5 It.s their house. 6 They're your books. 7 They're my glasses. ...Yg.u.f.e.,..... bag. It's l:'s our car. It's i:'s nry They're her shoes. B Ir\ Thev're ...............:............. his coat. ........... 55.2 Escoge la palabra correcta. I. ¡his )rourlyer++s book? (ysur - lr\ . : ' es la palabra correcta) their/ther+s problem, not e¡¡+/ours. (their y ours son /as palabras correctas) -\re these )¡our,/)¡ours That's not m)¡/mine umbrella. M)./Mine is ye11ou'. They know our/ours address but we don't know their/theirs. Thev've sot two children but I don't know their,/theirs names. \lv,Mine room is biseer than her,/hers. but her/hers is nicer. 35.3 Completa . - shoes? Is this camera )¡our,/-vours? las frases siguientes con ... friend(s) of mine/yours etc. I rvent to the cinema with a .f.ripn.d.p.f .fl.i\e.,...... They \Ment on holiday with some f.rlende.p-f.y.hei.r-s-,. She's going out with a friend 5 I played tennis with a .................. 6 He's going to meet a 7 Do you know that man? Is he a 2 55.4 Observa los dibujos. Escribe preguntas usando Whose...? ?7 ?8 ?9 ?10 ? ? 1,2 W.h o e_e .b o p.k .i.e .!.hip- W'hose ? ? ? 1,1 -1 55.5 3 ? ? Traduce al ¡nglés: '¿Son vuestros estos abrigos?' 'No, los nuestros están aquí.'.. + 5 6 He terminado mi cena pero John no ha terminado 1a suya.............. ' :" n"r:"': :::: or:r:l::i:'::*o::': "r:":'::" n": lr r"r1 UN 56 t/me/my/mine IDAD glvemeyory You aÁAxess aY^t&l'LL ¿mi f-l\ ?Í lu gL\le yow 0 ;( f-rl rl-// I r\4 ffik I etc. I know Tom. me efc. my etc. Tom knows me. It's yo me mi Tom knows us. It's our car. It'.s nos nuestro (el) nuestro Tom knows you. Itt your te/os/ lo/ la/ tu/vuestro/su 'W'e (a know Tom. nosotros/ nosotras You know Tom. tú ¿r: ,.' / v osotro s/ vosotra s t rny mine etc. car. tnine. It's (el) mío car. ours. Itt yours. (el) tuyo/vuestro/ Vd/Vds. los/ las He knows Tom. Tom knows him. lo/le It's his car. Itt Ál SU (el) suyo She knows Tom. Tom knows her- It's ella la/ le SU They know Tom. ellos/ellas Tom knows thern. It's los/ las/ les SU () () () suyo his. § #r - Unidad 53) Unidad 53) car. their car. Unidad 54) It's hers. (el) suyo It's theirs. (et) suyo () Unidad 55) 'Do you know that man?' 'Yes, I know him but I can't remember his narne.' '¿Conoces a aquel hombre?' 'Sí, lo conozco, pero no recuerdo su nombre.' She was very h.ppy because we invited her to stay with us at our house. Estaba muy contenta porque la invitamos a quedarse con nosotros en casa. '-Where are the children? Have you seen thetn?' '¿Dónde están /os niños? ¿Los has visto?' 'Yes, they are playing with their friends in the garden.' 'Sí. Están jugando con sus amigos en el jardín.' That pen is mine. Can you give it to me, Esa please? pluma es mía. ¿Puedes dármela, por favor? umbrella?' 'No, itt - 'Is this your - ÉIe didn't have an umbrella, so she gave hirn hers (= she gave her umbrella to him). yours.' '¿Es éste tu paraguas?' 'No, es el tuyo.' El no tenía paraguas, así que ella Ie dio el suyo. - I gave hirn rny address and he gave rne his. Le di mi dirección y él me dio la suya. 11.2 her 56 UNIDAD 56.L Completa /as Ejercicios frases como en el ejemplo. Yes,....l..knew.him..b-tl!.!.p.an'.I.r-e-mem.her..h.i.o..namp..... names. 56.2 Completa . \Ve invited las frases como en el eiemplo. her - a!..qut.ho.qee,.... wirh stay He invited us to They invited me to stay with ............ . - I invited her to stay ... !. e.eiay:ttihh..v.e. .... You invited hinr She invited me 56.3 Completa las frases slguientes. 5 Iti ours. Give ........... 6 Ir\ theirs. Give ............ 7 They're his. Give 8 It's mine. Give .... It's hers. Give ..i!.Le.hen....... -: - They're mine. Give ..!.h.e.w..!g..w.e'... Iti his. Give it They're hers. Give them .......... 56.4 Completa r -".,e him 'ó'"' """ las frases sigulentes. "r"' mv address andhe aave mehis, I !a,re her .Llr.lr....address and she gave me ...Ll.i-,,.l He save me ....i...... address and I qave ,4;;;;;.*=-\ /--^.^1 . - iA I "¿ÑeuE ar'Lt'tt \-r \ 1ffirtry::( ,¡ {'_1 C, ;l ,\,<» \)A-/'\ r XZJ 56.5 Traduce al inglés: Roberto me dio su número de teléfono y yo le di el nuestro l Mi hermano -1 trabaja aquí. ¿Lo conoces? .:Dónde están tus fotos? ¿Puedo verlas? Vuestros amigos os están esperando. -i Sue me prestó su coche. E1 mío estaba en el ta11er. (en e1 ta1ler ) = at the garage) il 1-nt\t 'ttL,1. §F'. IY \"8alo ,s\ ').( -^ l