September 10-11, 2016 SAN JUAN CATHOLIC MISSION 304 PLANT AVE SE | | BRANFORD, FL 32008 Rev. Sebastian George, CMI Pastor Jesus Seeks and Finds the Lost Church Office: 386-935-2632 Fax: 844-269-6756 Email: Website: FaceBook: Office Hours Monday Through Friday 9:00 am to Noon Calendar Mass Times Sunday 9:30 am Mass in Spanish Saturday 7:30 pm Youth Mass Third Sunday (Confessions - 30 minutes before all Masses or by appointment) Daily Masses: See Calendar or Online Deacon’s Page JMJ Deacon Paul’s Corner The Lost One This is a most appropriate theme in today’s readings as we celebrate the Day of Mercy in our Diocese and approach the end of the Year of Mercy — the theme of all three readings is that of God’s Mercy toward sinners. In the first reading we see that the people had abandoned God and fallen back into idolatry. God’s reaction seems to portray him as an angry, jealous God, who will resort to the most terrible punishments when his law is disobeyed. But that is not the message of the story. The message is that God pardons the sin of his people in response to the prayer of Moses. The fact that Jesus welcomed sinners and ate with them was a cause of scandal to the Pharisees. They, the ‘separated ones’, avoided all contact with sinners. They assumed that God has no dealing with sinners either. But Jesus shows them a very different kind of God. By means of the three parables he justifies his concern for sinners. All three parables stress God’s concern for the lost one, and his joy when a lost one is found. Paul’s conversion is also proof of the fact that Christ came into the world to save sinners. ~Deacon Paul September 10-11, 2016 San Juan Mission Statement San Juan Catholic Mission adheres to the laws of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church for faith guidelines to meet all spiritual needs of the p a r i s h i o n e r s a n d fa i t h c o m m u n i t y w i t h evangelization as one of our primary goals. Memorials Available Memorials are available for a few Sunday masses, the Sanctuary Light, Hosts and Altar Candles. Pl e a s e c o n t a c t t h e o ffic e t o m a k e arrangements The Altar Candles for September burn for the Special Intentions of Edgar & Judy Gravel The Sanctuary Light burns inAugust in Memory of Jake Pugh The Hosts for consecration into the Body of Christ are offered in memory of Mercedes Pugh September Mass Intentions Sept 4 Edgar & Judy Gravel (SI) Sept 11 Mercedes Pugh (RIP) Sept 18 Vivian King (RIP) Sept 25 Denis Riordan (RIP) Post on Refrigerator Sunday 9/11 9:30 am Mass Monday 9/12 Tuesday 9/13 9am Mass 9am Mass Wednesday 9/14 September 10-11, 2016 Thursday 9/15 Friday 9/16 Saturday 9/17 9am Mass 9-11 am Angels Clothes Colset 9a-2p Youth Car Wash Hospitality No Faith Formation 9:30 am Mass Hospitality Faith Formation No Soccer Voter Registration Info Table — Picnic with St Madeleine Sunday 9/18 3pm Prayer Shawl 7pm Sr. Mercedes Bible StudySpanish 12 Soccer 4:30 Health Fair Team Mtng 5pm Sr. Mercedes Couples Grp 6:pm Mass 7pm Sat Mass Choir Practice Important Date Savers 7:30pm Spanish/ English Class 7:30pm Mass in Spanish Family Owned and Operated BBQ Fundraiser September 24 Wash-Dry-Fold Service ***** Car Wash @ McDonalds September 17th noon to 5:00 pm — Pilgrimage to Santa Fe Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche October 11th Mass at 3:00 pm ***** Coin Operated Self Service Youth Ministry Trip to Walt Disney World November 19th - 21st and Duds ’n Suds LLC 204 Suwanee Ave NW Branford 386-935-0226 September 10-11, 2016 Sept 3-4 Notes Amount Offertory Saturday Mass Sept 3 Offertory Sunday Mass Sept 4 Designated YMin/Angels/Candles/ Masses/poor box Designated Family Life Center/Bldg Fund 88.75 1069.00 95.00 110.00 BBQ Fundraiser Other (Stipends Donation) Total Deposit 1362.75 ATTENTION Jesus Ramirez Ramirez Lawn Service Landscaping, Pressure Wash, Maintenance & Handy Man Parishioner See bulletin board in restroom hallway for Diocesan Safe Environment/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Reporting Procedures. [386] 249-1605 Feet Hurt? Stop Suffering! Complete Podiatry Care • • • • • • • • • Foot surgery Diabetic and routine foot care Diabetic Shoes and Custom Orthotics Wound care Foot and ankle pain Ingrown toenails Fungal toenails Athlete’s foot Bunions and hammertoes Offices in Branford & Lake City Please call or visit online for information or appointments. (386) 758-FOOT Dr. Scott Samera Spinners Bait & Tackle, LLC 204 Suwanee Ave NW Branford Tel: 386-935-0336 Fax: 386-935-0304 Sept 3/4, 10/11 CHICKEN DINNER FUNDRAISER Our BBQ Chicken Dinner Fundraiser is soon approaching. For the past month and a half we have been asking all our parishioners to help with this fundraiser by purchasing a ticket to the dinner or possibly taking a few tickets and selling them to your family and friends. If you haven’t bought your tickets yet then please do so as soon as possible. We need your help to sell as many tickets as we possibly can. Tickets are available after Mass in the social hall. Remember, the proceeds from this fundraiser will go to our church building fund to begin preparation for future expansion. Please buy your tickets today. 13 more days until Chicken day. Please participate in this fundraiser. We hope by now everyone knows that in conjunction with our Chicken Dinner Fundraiser we are also having a raffle for three wonderful gifts that can be viewed in the church social hall. Some of our parishioners have taken several books of raffle tickets to try to sell. We need for everyone, that still has raffle tickets, and not paid for them, to be sure and return them by Sunday, September 18th. HAVE TO PLAY TO WIN!!! Dinner and Raffle tickets can be bought after Mass on Sunday’s or in the church office on Tuesday and Thursday. BOLETINSEPTIEMBRE10,2016 MisiónSanJuan 304 S.E. Plant Avenue Branford, Florida, 32008. 386.935.2632. Fax: 386.935.4050 Office Hours: Martes –Jueves 9:00a 12pm... HOARIO de Misas Español sábados 7:30pm Ingles-domingos 9:30am TE INVITAMOS A NUESTRAS ACTIVIDADES UNA SONRISA Una sonrisa en los labios nuestro corazón, alegra conserva nuestro buen humor, guarda nuestra alma en paz, vigoriza la salud, embellece nuestro rostro e inspira buenas obras. Sonriamos a los rostros tristes, tímidos, enfermos, conocidos, familiares y amigos. Sonriámosle a Dios con la aceptación de todo lo que El nos envié y tendremos el merito de poseer la mirada radiante de su rostro con su amor por toda la eternidad. Las palabras de Cristo son muy claras, pero debemos entenderlas como una realidad viviente, tal como El las propuso. Cuando El habla de hambre, no habla solamente del hambre de pan, hambre de amor, hambre de ser sino comprendido, de ser querido. El experimentó lo que es ser rechazado porque entre los suyos y los suyos no lo vino quisieron. Y El conoció lo que es estar solo, abandonado, y no tener a nadie suyo. Esta hambre de hoy, que está rompiendo vidas en todo el mundo destruyendo hogares y naciones, habla de no tener hogar, no solamente un cuarto con techo, pero el anhelo de ser aceptado, de ser tratado con compasión, y que alguien abra nuestro corazón para recibir al que se sienta abandonado. -Madre Teresa, M.C. DOMINGOS CATEQUESIS PARA NINOS Y JOVENES 10:45 am DESPUES JUEGO DE SOCCER MARTES CLASES DE BIBLIA MIERCOLES ENSAYO DE CORO 7:00– 8:00PM 7:00– 8:00PM JUEVES CLASESDEINGLES– ESPANOL. ESPANOL–INGLES. 7:30–8:30pm. VIERNES COMUNIDAD MISIONERA MANITAS DE JESUS 7:00– JESUS8:00PM SABADOS EUCARISTIA D’ SABADO COMUNIDAD DE PAREJAS EN ESPANOL 5:00– 6:30PM 7:30pm. COMPARTIR COMUNITARIO DESPUES DE LA MISA FELICIDADES CUMPLEANEROS Sarahi Vite 08 Kenia Sánchez 27 Daniela Camarillo 28 Senior Lunch Social Club Meet: 1st Tuesday of each month Time: 11:30am- ? AllSacramentalPreparationClass participants-FirstCommunionand Confirmation-musthaveabaptismal certificateonfileintheoffice. PrayerHelperVolunteersneeded. Starting Tues, Oct. 4th Come One – Come All Bring your lunch, cold drink and dessert. We’ll make the coffee. AllFaithFormationprogramshavebegunbut wecontinuetowelcomenewparticipants. Pleasecomebytheofficeorcall386-365-4049 formoreinformation. We’re keeping it simple so we can stay out of the kitchen and socialize. Looking to connect with old friends and to ThenextLadiesGuildmeeting willbeheldonFriday, October14th,2016. Tom Rogachesky Cell: 321-624-3200 In Loving Memory of the Deceased Members of the Pugh & Samson Families Shown by Appointment Orlando Classic Cars Email: Ofc: 407-428-0116 Fax: 407-428-0117 SCAFF’s Suwannee Iron Works & Fencing All Types of Welding & Fabrication Sem Caparelli, Vice-President Market IGA Branford & Bell Office: 1262 SE Baya Drive 22618 CR 48 Ofc: (386) 935-3466 O’Brien FL 32071 Cell: (386) 984-6110 In loving memory of the Miller Children Branford Family Medical Center Bienvenido Samera, M.D.,FAAFP, P.A Family Practice Hwy. 129, 303 Suwannee Ave. (386) 935-1093 P.O. Box 846 After Hrs. (386) 935-1093 Branford, Fl. 32008 Fax (386)-935-3113 In memory of the Woltering & Available Ritchey Families Joe & Ida Annarumma Rebekah & Mercy Samson Jeff & Chris Biller Carolyn Blattenberger Frank & Margie Caparelli Jim & Sharon Hudson Richard & Wendy Conover Doris Jackson Family Charles & Maria George Pablo & Lupe Jimenez Our Treasured Patrons “Call the Midwife” Angie Fennell, LM, CPM Licensed & Insured Lake City Birth, LLC Personalized Prenatal, Home Birth & Postpartum Care ! 386-288-0698 Call for free consultation In Loving Memory of the Deceased Members of our Family Deacon Paul & Nancy Bobby, Jean & Rick In loving memory of the Ball & Emig Families Richard & Kathy Smith Jessica Walbridge Family Ken & Ann Lemmon Gail March Teri McDowell Ross & Claire Oliverio Pierron Family In loving Memory of the deceased members of the Dorenkott Family Center for Nutrition Shirley Rogachesky (386) 935-6929 Maxine McGrath Janet Pugh Jake Pugh, Jr. Don & Anne Rae Veronica Ritchey Shirley Rogachesky Robert Pfeifer Chris Samson Janet Samson Jennifer Samson In loving Memory of Kathleen and Marsha Hertel San Juan de la Cruz Ora Pro Nobis {pray for us} Joshua Samson Lillian Barbera Theresa Schumacher Tom & Kathy Wilwol Roy & Margie Stanfield Frank & Stella Vadakin Ed & Sandy Newman Bob & Carole McGann Bill & Millie Heithaus Available