Interviews with Commissioners

Interviews with Commissioners
Pursuant to article 25 of the Federal Economic Competition Law regarding meetings held
between COFECE’s commissioners and the persons representing economic agent’s interests,
this section provides the details which COFECE is legally bound to disclose concerning said
meetings. It is important to state that all meetings shall be held in COFECE’s offices (Av. Santa
Fe No. 505, Col. Cruz Manca, Delegación Cuajimalpa, C.P.05349, México, D.F.)
Alejandra Palacios Prieto
Alejandro Ildefonso Castañeda Sabido
Benjamin Contreras Astiazarán
Eduardo Martínez Chombo
Martín Moguel Gloria
Jesus Ignacio Navarro Zermeño
Francisco Javier Nuñez Melgoza
Consulta todas las entrevistas
See the historic here
1.To request a meeting with commissioners pursuant to article 25 of the Federal Economic Competition Law, an email must be sent to the
following address:
2. The email must contain the following: (i) the requesting economic agent’s name and the persons which will appear on its behalf, (ii) the file
number (if the case may be), (iii) the public servant with whom the interview is requested, (iv) the subject matter, particularly if the case is
ongoing or, if it is not yet filed before COFECE, (v) requirement of tech support such as a projector.
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