Aurora Garea Vázquez Associate professor Departamento de Ingenierías Química y Biomolecular Universidad de Cantabria +34 942 846542, Research Aurora Garea Vázquez is graduated in Sciences (Chemistry) in the year 1991 in the UPV/EHU University (Pais Vasco) and Doctor in Sciences in the year 1995 in the University of Cantabria. Currently, Aurora Garea Vázquez is an associate professor in the University of Cantabria, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. The main research topics are: acid gas treatment by (i) desulfurization technologies and (ii) non-dispersive absorption with membranes, ultrapurification of wet chemicals by membrane technologies, and currently involved in the ionic liquids application to the topic of CO2 capture and valorization with membranes. The process system engineering (PSE) techniques for modeling and optimization are also research topics of interest. Aurora Garea Vázquez has a H-index of 16, with a number of 49 publications in international indexed journals, given by the database Web of Science (Thomson Reuters). She has supervised 5 doctoral thesis and currently one thesis more in the field of CO2 capture by non-dispersive absorption. These thesis are co-supervised with Prof. Angel Irabien. Aurora Garea Vázquez has been main researcher in the competitive projects financed by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: CTQ2010-16608, UCAN08-4E-017, PPQ2003-00546, and a project of the program PETRI, Nº 95-0799.OP, in the year 2005 in collaboration with the chemical industry Derivados del Flúor S.A. that financed 4 addendum projects from 2004 to 2007. She also participated in the competitive projects CTM2006-00317/TECNO (IP: Prof. Angel Irabien, Prof. Arturo Romero), CSD2006-00044 Consolider Ingenio (IP: Eloy García). At the moment, she coordinates with Prof. Angel Irabien a relevant competitive project titled "Desarrollo e integración de procesos con membranas para la captura y valorización de dióxido de carbono" (CTQ2013-48280-C3-1-R), working with a group of researchers from other universities (U. Alicante and U. Politécnica de Madrid). Publications Search criteria in Web of Knowledge: Garea (Author) and Cantabria (Affiliation). Teaching Official teaching Link to the department personal page at department: Additional information Participant in the SusChem-ES: Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Química Sostenible (PETEQUS), in the working group related to Reactions and Chemical Processes.