María Heras López CURRICULUM VITAE Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICTA) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) Edifici Cn -­‐ Campus UAB Cerdanyola del Vallès, 08193, Spain Birth date: 29/01/1985 Tel. Number: +34 93 586 85 48 E-­‐mail: RESEARCH INTERESTS AND TRAJECTORY Although I have quite an interdisciplinary research background, there are two basic interests underlying all my investigations: participatory research methods and the sociological dimension of environmental studies. My first research in the domain of Ecological Economics was focused on the agro-­‐industrial food system, dealing with the issue of Food Sovereignty and its implications in Catalonia through social movements. This research was expanded over time, leading to a collaboration with the Ecological Economics and Political Ecology Institute (IEEEP) in the development of Food Sovereignty indicators through participative action-­‐research, recently finished in 2011. Meanwhile, I have done research on climate change (CC), trying to give insights on the institutional and social factors that help or constrain local action against CC. Both interests, the globalised food system and CC, motivated me to investigate a little bit more on the energetic impacts of our current food system, with some case studies in Catalonia. Since 2010 onwards, I am also a team member of CRIC (the Centre for Research and Information on Consumption), working in the field of sustainable consumption, lifestyle changes and participatory future scenarios. These research interests have coexisted with a passion for theatre that have led me to engage with different theatrical trainings and experiences. From the intersection between both interests is born my PhD thesis, which explores the interplay between art, science and participatory methods in social learning processes within contexts of socio-­‐ecological change. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 2011-­‐ 2012 Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICTA-­‐UAB) Barcelona, Spain PhD candidate in Environmental Sciences and Technology. Thesis under the provisory title: "Towards new forms of learning: Participatory knowledge integration in the Science for Sustainability". 2007-­‐2008 Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICTA-­‐UAB) Barcelona, Spain Masters Degree in Environmental Studies, programme on Ecological Economics and Environmental Management María Heras López • Institute of Environmental Science and Technology ICTA–UAB Página 2 Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) 2003-­‐2007 BSc Degree in Environmental Sciences. Madrid, Spain PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE March 2011-­‐ present PhD candidate on environmental sciences and technology (FI’s Catalan Government Grant) at the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICTA-­‐UAB) September 2009-­‐ Researcher at the Centre for Research and Information on present Consumption (CRIC). Barcelona. September 2010-­‐ Researcher in the Programme “Global Change Spain 2020/2050: February 2012 Consumption and lifestyles”, with CRIC, the Complutense Centre of Research and Environmental Information (CCEIM) and General Foundation of The Complutense University of Madrid (FGUCM). February 2008-­‐ Researcher in the Project “Arràn de Terra: Development Of March 2011 Participatory Food Sovereignty Indicators in Catalonia”, with the Ecological Economics and Political Ecology Institute (IEEEP). March 2010-­‐ Consultancy work carried out at Eco-­‐System Europe: Climate September 2010 Sustainability and Renewable Energies. October 2009-­‐ July Design and development of a workshop series called “Women and 2010 Environment”, coordinated by the Catalan Women Institute (Institut Català de les Dones) and implemented by the Ecological Economics and Political Ecology Institute (IEEEP). December 2009-­‐ Main researcher at the Project “Energetic Impacts of the current May 2010 Agrifood System”. Catalan Federation of Engineering Without Borders. September-­‐ Main researcher at the Report “Diagnosis Casa Encendida”. Centre for November 2009 Research and Information on Consumption, CRIC. September 2009 Co-­‐author of the Module I at the First Edition of the “Training Course on Food Sovereignty” in the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) María Heras López • Institute of Environmental Science and Technology ICTA–UAB September 2008-­‐ September 2009 July 2008 February-­‐ September 2008 June-­‐August 2007 Página 3 Research assistant at the Project “La Seda Climate Change”. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICTA-­‐UAB) and El Prat de LLobregat’s City Council. Researcher at the European Project Concerto (FP6-­‐FP7) “Pilot Project: Preliminary assessment on the socioeconomic and institutional conditions of Can Jofresa, Terrassa”. CIMNE-­‐ Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Master Thesis “Analysis of the meaning of Food Sovereignty in Catalonia: an approach to the agrifood system conflict from the social movements”. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICTA-­‐UAB) Responsible for launching the Research, Development and Innovation Department of Promhogar, Madrid. PUBLICATIONS Binimelis, Rosa; Tendero, Guillem; Badal, Marc; Heras, María; Gamboa, Gonzalo; Ortega Cerdà, Miquel; Rivera Ferré, Marta Guadalupe (submitted) “The need of indicators to build Food Sovereignty: Adapting old tools to new proposals”. Submitted on June 27th 2012 to The Journal of Rural Studies. Heras, M. & Peirón, M. (eds.) (2012) “Global Change Spain 2020/2050: Consumption and lifestyles”. Complutense Center of Research and Environmental Information –CCEIM and Center for Research and Information on Consumption-­‐CRIC. Asturias, april 2012. Available at: Heras, M., Piñeiro, C. & Porro, A. (2012) “Cambios de futuro. Construyendo escenarios participativos”. In Global Change Spain 2020/2050: Consumption and lifestyles”, pp.139-­‐182. Heras, M. & Peirón, M. (2011) “¿Cambiar de coche por criterios ecológicos?”. Revista Opcions, n. 35. Autumn-­‐ Winter 2011 Binimelis, R.; Gamboa, G.; Heras, M. Tendero, G. (2011) “Arràn de terra: indicadors participatius de sobirania alimentària. Resum de l’informe”. Entrepobles, Ecological Economics and Political Ecology Institute (IEEEP). Binimelis, R.; Gamboa, G.; Heras, M. Tendero, G. (2011) “Arran de terra: indicadors participatius de sobirania alimentària”. Report available at:­‐alimentaria María Heras López • Institute of Environmental Science and Technology ICTA–UAB Página 4 Heras, M (2010) “Cuando el olmo pide peras. El insostenible consumo energético del sistema agroalimentario”. Esferes Estudis, vol. 9. Catalan Federation of Engineering Without Borders. First Edition, Barcelona. Heras, M and Kosoy, N. (2009). “Socially embedded emission inventories: a systemic approach to local climate action”. Peer-­‐reviewed conference paper. 8th International Conference of the European Society of Ecological Economics. Ljubljana, Eslovènia. Julio 2009. ATTENDANCE TO CONGRESSES AND CONFERENCES 3-­‐4 May, 2012 Coordination staff 17 December Speaker 1-­‐2 April, 2012 Designer and Coordinator 14-­‐16 March, 2011 UAB-­‐ Representative 17 December, 2010 Speaker 6-­‐9 October, 2010 Speaker GCF Annual Conference: “Financial Risks, Green Growth and Jobs Challenges to Global Systems Science From Climate Change to Market Governance”. Organised by the Global Climate Forum (GCF),the Global Systems Dynamics & Policy network (GSDP) and the Integrated Risk Governance Project (IRG Project). Barcelona, World Trade Centre. Second Lecture Series of Research and Food Sovereignty “El futuro de la alimentación en riesgo: de la crisis energética a la crisis alimentaria”. Presentation titled “El insostenible consumo energético del sistema agroalimentario: el caso de Cataluña”. Organised by: FAS, ARAG-­‐UAB, with the collaboration of Diputación de Barcelona, ENT and IGOP. Barcelona, Spain. Workshops “Future Scenarios on Consumption and Sustainable Lifestyles“ National Centre of Environmental Education (CENEAM) – Government of Spain. Valsaín, Segovia. Kick-­‐off Meeting “Vision Research and Development for Sustainable Development”. European 7th Framework Programme –FP7. City Conference Centre, Stockholm. Panel discussion “II Xornadas de Enerxías Renovables e Desenvolvemento Humano”. Presentation titled “Cuando el olmo pide peras: El insostenible consumo energético del sistema agroalimentario”. Organised by the Galician Federation of Engineering Without Borders (Enxeneria Sen Fronteiras). Vigo, Spain. IX Congress of the Ecological Agriculture Spanish Society (SEAE) “Agricultura y Alimentación Ecológica”. Presentation titled: “Indicadors participatius de Sobirania Alimentària a Catalunya”. Organised by SEAE. Lleida María Heras López • Institute of Environmental Science and Technology ICTA–UAB 20-­‐21 November, 2010 Speaker 29 June – 2 July, 2010 Speaker June, 2009 UAB-­‐ Representative March, 2008 Assistant 11-­‐12 February, 2008 Assistant November, 2006 Assistant Página 5 II Seminar “Aprendre a menjar, aprendre a viure. Menjadors escolars ecològics”. Presentation titled: “Indicadors participatius de Sobirania Alimentària a Catalunya”. Entrepobles, Taula de Treball d’Alimentació Escolar Ecològica. Tarragona. 8th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE). Presentation titled: “Socially embedded emission inventories: a systemic approach to local climate action”. Lubjana, Eslovenia. Local Government Climate Change Leadership Summit. Local Government Denmark. Copenhagen, Denmark. Jornadas estatales “Raíces Económicas, Culturales y Sociales del Consumismo”. Justicia i Pau. Barcelona. Meeting “III Encuentro de la Red de Economía Ecológica Española”. Ecological Economics Spanish Network, Madrid Seminar “Necesidades, Economía Sostenible y Autocontención”. CIP-­‐ Ecosocial, ISTAS and CSIC. Madrid. I Congreso Internacional de Desarrollo Humano: línea temática de “Migraciones internacionales y desarrollo”. Consejería de Inmigración de la Comunidad de Madrid and Fundación Social de la Universidad de Francisco de Vitoria. Madrid ADDITIONAL ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING February, 2012 June, 2011 February, 2010 Professional Coach International Training Programme, Level 1 “Principios del Coaching”. International Institute Olacoach, Barcelona. Training validated by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). II Training Meeting “La mirada al futuro como clave metodológica: teoría y práctica de la construcción de escenarios de futuro”. Altekio S. Coop. Mad., in collaboration with Andaira S. Coop. Mad., CCEIM, CIMAS, CRIC Autonomous University of Madrid. Training Course “Los conflictos: un mundo de soluciones”. Barcelona. Mon-­‐3 and Fundació Solidaritat Universitat de Barcelona María Heras López • Institute of Environmental Science and Technology ICTA–UAB July, 2008. April, 2008 November-­‐ December, 2007 Página 6 Training Course “Sistemas Avanzados de Investigación Cualitativa (SAIC)”. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona. Seminar “Cooperación Internacional: ¿transformadora o edulcorante?”. Observatori del Deute en la Globalització. Barcelona. Training Course “De los Agrocombustibles a los Bionegocios”. Mon-­‐3 y Fundació Solidaritat Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona. Software knowledge SPSS – Statistical Analysis Software Atlas.ti – Qualitative Analysis Software Weft QDA-­‐ Text Analysis Software UCINET-­‐ Network Analysis Software Visone -­‐ Network Analysis Software THEATRICAL TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE 3-­‐5 August 2012 January 2012-­‐ present March 2009-­‐ present March 2012-­‐ present April-­‐ March 2012 Theatre of the Oppressed training course: From Vision to Action. Directed by: ImaginAction. At RAI: Recursos de Animación Intercultural, Barcelona Organiser and facilitator of the workshop “Lo tuyo es puro teatro”. Theatrical Experimentation Workshop with PhD students at ICTA Coordinator and actress of Projecta-­‐ Social Theatre Company. Barcelona http://project-­‐-­‐ Actress in the feminist theatre group “Desencaixades”. Barcelona Training Course: “Teatro Social, acción y género”. RAI: Recursos de Animación Intercultural y Colectivo de Mujeres de Matagalpa. Barcelona María Heras López • Institute of Environmental Science and Technology ICTA–UAB November, 2009 October, 2009 Assistant February, 2009 Página 7 Training Course: Curso de Teatro Social”. Fundación Autónoma Solidaria (FAS-­‐ UAB) & Colectivo Transformas. Barcelona World Forum Theater Festival. Organised by: InterACT. Graz, Austria Training Course: “Teatro del oprimido: una herramienta socioeducativa”. Directed by: Jessica Espinoza. Mon-­‐3 & Fundació Solidaritat Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona September Member of the “Aula de Teatro”, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 2006-­‐ September 2007 AFFILIATIONS Member of the European Society of Ecological Economics (ESEE). 2008-­‐2011 Member of the Spanish Network of Ecological Economics. From 2008 Member of the Spanish Association of Environmental Education. 2006-­‐2008 o o o LANGUAGES o Spanish: native o English: fluently spoken and written. Advanced Cerficate of English (CAE), Cambridge University. 2001. o French: fluently spoken and written. Diplôme approfondi de langue française (Dalf), Centre International d’Études Pédagogiques. 2008 o German: medium level spoken and written o Catalan: fluently spoken and written