CHORLEYWOOD Este pasado viernes 21 de junio de 2013 ha vuelto de Chorleywood (Inglaterra) el grupo de alumnos de ESO3 y BACH1 que ha participado en un intercambio lingüístico con alumnos de castellano del colegio St. Clement Danes School, de la citada localidad, situada en el condado de Hertfordshire, al noroeste de Londres (aproximadamente a 40 min. en metro del centro de la ciudad). Este grupo de alumnos ha estado acompañado por tres profesores del colegio (Marta, Iratxe y Javi). Nuestros alumnos han vivido durante una semana con una familia inglesa compartiendo sus horarios, su gastronomía, su tiempo libre y sus aficiones, y conociendo otra cultura y otras costumbres (en ocasiones muy diferentes a las nuestras), así como un colegio y un sistema educativo distinto al nuestro. Y todo ello en una situación de inmersión lingüística que seguro que tendrá en nuestros alumnos consecuencias positivas en el uso y la practica del inglés. Esta ha sido la tercera ocasión en la que nuestro colegio ha participado en este intercambio, desde que comenzó en el curso 2010-2011. La experiencia de este año ha sido excelente. Tenemos que agradecer especialmente el esfuerzo que han hecho las familias de acogida (tanto las inglesas como las de Bilbao) por atender a los chavales, y por facilitarles y preparar actividades para que pudieran conocerse, relacionarse, practicar el idioma y, sobre todo, pasárselo bien. Esperamos que las relaciones y las amistades creadas en este intercambio continúen en los próximos años y permitan a nuestros alumnos seguir practicando el inglés y seguir acercándose y conociendo la cultura de este país. Pasa den ostiralean, ekainaren 21ean, Chorleywood-etik (Ingalaterra) DBH3 eta BATX1 kurtsoetako ikasleek osatutako taldea bueltatu zen, hango St. Clement Danes School ikastetxearekin hizkuntza ikasle-trukean parte hartu dutenak. Hiri hau Hertfordshire-n dago, Londreseko ipar-mendebaldean (hiriburutik 40 minututara metroz). Taldea ikastetxeko hiru irakaslek lagunduta egin du bidaia (Marta, Iratxe eta Jabi). Gure ikasleek aste oso batean zehar familia ingelesa batean bizi izan dira, haien ordutegiak, gastronomia, haien aisialdia eta haien zaletasunak ere elkarbanatuz, eta hango kultura eta ohiturak ezagutuz (batzutan, gureak ez bezalakoak direnak). Hango ikastetxea eta heziketa sistema ezberdina ere ezagutu dute. Eta guzti hau, hizkuntza murgiltze giro batean, gure ikasleengan ondorio positiboak izango dituena ingelesa erabiltzeko erraztasunean eta praktikan. Hirugarren kurtsoa dugu hau ikasle-truke honekin hasi ginenetik, 2010-2011 ikasturtean. Aurtengo esperientzia ezin hobea izan da. Bereziki eskertu behar diegu familia hartzaileek egin duten ahaleginagatik (Ingalaterrakoak eta Bilbokoak, guztiak) ikasleak haien etxeetan hartzeko, eta ikasleak elkarren artean ezagutzeko eta erlazionatzeko ekintzak prestatzeagatik edota errazteagatik, ikasleek hizkuntza praktika zezaten eta, batez ere, ondo pasa zezaten. Ikasle-truke honetan sortutako harremanak eta adiskidetasunak luze iraunduko dutela espero dugu, eta gure ikasleentzat lagungarriak izango direla ingelesa praktikatzen jarraitzeko eta herrialde horretako kultura ezagutzen jarraitzeko. 1/6 CHORLEYWOOD 2/6 CHORLEYWOOD Ikasle honela kontatu digute haien esperientzia Chorleywood-en: "We met Rosie’s dinner our arrived we house exchange went to and Stansted to Tom’s students. stayed airport to there watch Then on until awe Friday movie, itmuch went was evening; to itday time was Rootz to cool. go café and travelled to have drink by dinner a bus milkshake, to with Chorleywood our later families. when After On Centre. to go Saturday back For to lunch Ibatzuk Chorleywood met we up ate with in all and McDonald’s of had the other aCruise BBQ exchanges at when Tori’s we house. to finished get We on we train then went towent go back to home Westfield to the to go train Shopping to station bed. relaxed. Sunday, We stayed at Ellen’s house all then we went home for have dinner and Tower a Monday although of London morning IWe found and we itTower very went scary. Bridge. to London Later with that the day Spanish we went people on the and London our teacher Dungeons. to see Iwent liked The ita different, haven’t Ben’s. Tuesday, in the Spain. students we We had We were a spent move in good our the to time exchanges’ the morning with different the and school, English classes the afternoon the people and showed they’ve and there us we got and their met some inschool. its the other. lessons evening We find that we itWe we very towe Finally, some Wednesday, fruit. we We came have we to Chorleywood. went fun! on a River For dinner by we the went Tames to Eloise’s and then house we got and into we the ate London pizzas and Eye. Ellen’s On Piccadilly Thursday, again Circus… to have visited We dinner. didn’t Buckingham buy too Palace but and Iand was later incredible! we went shopping In the evening along we Oxford went Street, to finally on Friday… we arrived to Bilbao. ItAtlot lot experience was and aThere we fantastic believe of my week, life". that we all return the exchanges Bilbao are with very a few kind kg and more. they It’s treated been one us very of the well. most exciting ate LAURA 3/6 CHORLEYWOOD 4/6 CHORLEYWOOD We to streets our have partner’s are been here house long for and and a have week everything lots and of we hills. was have different. enjoyed The our houses time here. are When big and we with arrived gardens. we went The lot of Tuesday time changing we went from to the one school room to to see the other. what lessons they had. We realized that they spend On travelled Monday by boat we went on the to the River London Cruise. Dungeons and on Wednesday towe the London Eye. We also The next day the teachers took us because to London again to visit the Buckingham Palace had free time to go shopping at and then we Street .Oxford That was avery funny day and we enjoyed a lot. lunch. lifestyle They usually is not the drink same lot of as tea ours. and They coffee have for dinner breakfast. much earlier than us and have ahad smaller We everything this are great very experience. we glad needed with our all the families time. We go to they Bilbao have very treated happy us and fantastically. will always We have remember Clara 5/6 CHORLEYWOOD 6/6