Do you have a child with autism? Are you willing to share your experiences and ideas about access to care and school intervention services? If the answer to these questions is yes, you may be eligible to participate in a research study. We want to learn how we can help expedite access to care and also how we can help your child transition throughout the school system more successfully. We will be conducting focus groups with service providers and parents of children with autism. A $25 gift card will be provided for your participation. Participation is voluntary. For More information call (916) 734-1489 We look forward to hearing from you! This research study is funded by HRSA and is conducted by Connie Kasari, Ph.D. (UCLA) and Aubyn Stahmer, Ph.D. (UC Davis) Esta disponible de compartir sus experiencias y ideas sobre el acceso de cuidados y servicios o intervenciones escolares? Si las respuestas son si, usted puede hacer disponible de participar en un estudio de investigación. Queremos saber como podemos acelerar el acceso a cuidados y también como podemos ayudar a su hijo para que sus transiciones escolares sean mas exitosamente. Vamos a conducir grupos de enfoque con proveedores de servicios y padres con niños con autismo. Le daremos una tarjeta de regalo de $25 por su participación. Su participación es voluntaria. Para mas información llamar al: (916) 606-1444 Esperamos su llamada! This research study is funded by HRSA and is conducted by Connie Kasari, Ph.D. (UCLA) and Aubyn Stahmer, Ph.D. (UC Davis) Do you work with a child with autism? Are you willing to share your experiences and ideas about access to care and school intervention services? If the answer to these questions is yes, you may be eligible to participate in a research study. We want to learn how we can help expedite access to care and also how we can help your child transition throughout the school system more successfully. We will be conducting focus groups with service providers and parents of children with autism. A $25 gift card will be provided for your participation. Participation is voluntary. For more information call (916) 734-1489 We look forward to hearing from you! This research study is funded by HRSA and is conducted by Connie Kasari, Ph.D. (UCLA) and Aubyn Stahmer, Ph.D. (UC Davis)