The Comprehensible Classroom’s DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS a focused grammar study by Martina Bex Copyright © 2014 Martina Bex ● ● The Comprehensible Classroom D . O . P . direct.object.pronouns. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TEACHER Thank you so much for purchasing this product! I hope that it will help your students to better interpret and produce Spanish as they learn the definition and rules of usage for those funny little words that they have seen and heard many times before you use these guided notes. Please read and implement these tips and considerations in order to use the notes as they were intended: 1. I recommend that grammar notes be given after students are already familiar with whatever you are trying to expose. In this case, I recommend that students have already been exposed to DOPs in context in readings so that these notes are more of a way to organize or expand their knowledge of DOPs than to establish it. For many examples of stories that include DOPs, visit 2. Keep the focus on MEANING, and always read the full example sentences in context and then ask what the DOP means (what it is referring to). 3. When you give the reading, discuss it! Milk the life out of the text so that students hear many repetitions of the verb forms. Ask expository and personalized questions to engage the students in the content. 4. After you have finished the post-reading activities, consider allowing students to share their free writes with each other, and take some time to watch some of the videos in Spanish about Dusty that are available online. I recommend this video: . The first time, mute the volume and use the “MovieTalk” strategy (see movietalk/ for an explanation), and include as many DOPs as possible. Take time to stop and ask students comprehension questions about the DOPs to see whehter or not they are interpreting them correctly or can produce them on their own • Ex 1: Point at the screen and say, “¡Lo lleva en su boca! -- What does that “lo” refer to?” • Ex 2: “Dusty robó un dinosaurio. What DOP would replace “dinosaurio”? • Ex 3: “How would you say “Dusty stole it (the dinosaur)?”) Then, watch the video again and listen to the audio. See if students can identify any DOPs in the audio! Finally, discuss any new reactions that students have after seeing Dusty “live” on camera. -Martina Bex Copyright © 2014 Martina Bex ! ! The Comprehensible Classroom Nombre y apellido __________________________________ Fecha ____________________ D . O . P . direct.object.pronouns. With a complicated, grammatical-sounding name like “direct object pronouns’, it’s common to feel stressed out just thinking about them. So forget you ever read about that term. Let’s just focus on Spanish for a minute: Mi hermano ve un perro y lo quiere. ¡Es adorable! What does that sentence mean in English? Translate it here: _____________________________________________________________________ Yo envío textos a mis amigos durante la clase, pero ¡el profesor me ve! What does that sentence mean in English? Translate it here: _____________________________________________________________________ Una chica tiene una foto de Justin Timberlake y la mira mucho. What does that sentence mean in English? Translate it here: _____________________________________________________________________ Were you able to understand those sentences? Each of those sentences contains a direct object pronoun, but you were probably able to understand them anyway. Because of context clues and common sense, our brains often ‘cover’ for us, filling in information that we don’t know. ::definition:: A pronoun is a word that replaces a _________________. A direct object pronoun is a word that replaces a noun that is ______________ _______________ in an action. It is actually a part of the action, because the action simply could not happen without the object. Copyright © 2014 Martina Bex ! ! The Comprehensible Classroom Nombre y apellido __________________________________ Fecha ____________________ ::English DOPs:: Here are some examples in English of sentences that contain direct objects. In the right-hand column, the direct object, which is underlined, is replaced with a direct object pronoun. Underline the direct object pronouns on the right! I read the book. I read it. We write letters. We write them. I eat the hamburger. I eat it. He loves Mariah Carey. He loves her. ::Spanish DOPs:: Spanish subject English DOP Spanish DOP Spanish subject English DOP yo me nosotros us tú you vosotros y all él, ella, Usted him, her, it ellos/as, Uds. Spanish DOP them Circle the direct object pronoun in each of these sentences, then translate the sentence into English: Mi mamá hace hamburguesas y yo las como. _____________________________________________________________________ La chica ve un iPhone y lo quiere. _____________________________________________________________________ El autobús nos lleva a la escuela. _____________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2014 Martina Bex ! ! The Comprehensible Classroom Nombre y apellido __________________________________ Fecha ____________________ ::placement:: Look at the three sentences on the previous page and at the three examples on the first page of notes. What do you notice about where the direct object pronouns are located in the sentence? A direct object pronoun is almost always placed immediately ______________ the verb. ::reading:: Read this article, then respond to the questions about it on the following page. DUSTY, EL CLEPTÓGATO DE SAN MATEO Típicamente, un cleptómano es una persona con una adicción a robar objetos. Sin embargo, el cleptómano más famoso de San Mateo, California no es una persona...¡es un gato! El gato cleptómano se llama Dusty, y su dueña1 lo rescató de un refugio de animales. Dusty visita las casas de sus vecinos2 mucho, pero no las visita para ver a sus vecinos...¡las visita para robar sus posesiones! Durante tres años, Dusty robó más de 600 objetos de sus vecinos. Los robó por las noches, mientras dormían sus vecinos. En una sola noche, ¡Dusty robó once objetos! Los agarró y los llevó a su casa. Robó objetos muy diversos, como zapatos, ropa interior, gafas y más. El canal de televisión “Animal Planet” instaló una cámara de visión nocturna frente a la casa de Dusty. La instaló para capturar las actividades ilegales de Dusty en video. En una noche en particular, ¡la cámara lo filmó robando un total de 11 objetos de varios vecinos! Cuando los vecinos de Dusty lo miraron, fueron a la casa de Dusty para reclamar sus posesiones robadas. La dueña de Dusty las devolvió, pero unos objetos no fueron reclamados, y ella los sacó a subasta3. 1 dueña - owner 2 vecinos - neighbors 3 sacó a subasta - auctioned off Copyright © 2014 Martina Bex ! ! The Comprehensible Classroom Nombre y apellido __________________________________ Fecha ____________________ ::reading activities:: 1. Circle each of the direct object pronouns in the reading (there are 10). 2. Write each of the direct object pronouns on these lines, and beside them write the name of the object (in Spanish) that they replace (to which they refer): _____ - ____________________ _____ - ____________________ _____ - ____________________ _____ - ____________________ _____ - ____________________ _____ - ____________________ _____ - ____________________ _____ - ____________________ _____ - ____________________ _____ - ____________________ 3. Imagine that you are Dusty. Write a paragraph in Spanish explaining what you did, why, and how you felt when you discovered that you had been filmed and then had to return everything you’d stolen. Use at least FIVE direct object pronouns in your writing! _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2014 Martina Bex ! ! The Comprehensible Classroom Nombre y apellido __________________________________ Fecha ____________________ D . O . P . direct.object.pronouns. With a complicated, grammatical-sounding name like “direct object pronouns’, it’s common to feel stressed out just thinking about them. So forget you ever read about that term. Let’s just focus on Spanish for a minute: Mi hermano ve un perro y lo quiere. ¡Es adorable! What does that sentence mean in English? Translate it here: My brother sees a dog and wants it. It’s adorable! Yo envío textos a mis amigos durante la clase, pero ¡el profesor me ve! What does that sentence mean in English? Translate it here: I send texts to my friends during class, but the teacher sees me! Una chica tiene una foto de Justin Timberlake y la mira mucho. What does that sentence mean in English? Translate it here: A girl has a photo of Justin Timberlake and she looks at it a lot. Were you able to understand those sentences? Each of those sentences contains a direct object pronoun, but you were probably able to understand them anyway. Because of context clues and common sense, our brains often ‘cover’ for us, filling in information that we don’t know. ::definition:: A pronoun is a word that replaces a NOUN. A direct object pronoun is a word that replaces a noun that is DIRECTLY INVOLVED in an action. It is actually a part of the action, because the action simply could not happen without the object. Copyright © 2014 Martina Bex ! ! The Comprehensible Classroom Nombre y apellido __________________________________ Fecha ____________________ ::English DOPs:: Here are some examples in English of sentences that contain direct objects. In the right-hand column, the direct object, which is underlined, is replaced with a direct object pronoun. Underline the direct object pronouns on the right! I read the book. I read it. We write letters. We write them. I eat the hamburger. I eat it. He loves Mariah Carey. He loves her. ::Spanish DOPs:: Spanish subject English DOP Spanish DOP yo me ME tú you TE him, her, it LO, LA él, ella, Usted Spanish subject English DOP Spanish DOP nosotros us NOS vosotros y all OS them LOS, LAS ellos/as, Uds. Circle the direct object pronoun in each of these sentences, then translate the sentence into English: Mi mamá hace hamburguesas y yo las como. My mom makes hamburgers, and I eat them. La chica ve un iPhone y lo quiere. The girl sees an iPhone and wants it. El autobús nos lleva a la escuela. The bus brings us to school. Copyright © 2014 Martina Bex ! ! The Comprehensible Classroom Nombre y apellido __________________________________ Fecha ____________________ ::placement:: Look at the three sentences on the previous page and at the three examples on the first page of notes. What do you notice about where the direct object pronouns are located in the sentence? A direct object pronoun is almost always placed immediately BEFORE the verb. ::reading:: Read this article, then respond to the questions about it on the following page. DUSTY, EL CLEPTÓGATO DE SAN MATEO Típicamente, un cleptómano es una persona con una adicción a robar objetos. Sin embargo, el cleptómano más famoso de San Mateo, California no es una persona...¡es un gato! El gato cleptómano se llama Dusty, y su dueña1 lo rescató de un refugio de animales. Dusty visita las casas de sus vecinos2 mucho, pero no las visita para ver a sus vecinos...¡las visita para robar sus posesiones! Durante tres años, Dusty robó más de 600 objetos de sus vecinos. Los robó por las noches, mientras dormían sus vecinos. En una sola noche, ¡Dusty robó once objetos! Los agarró y los llevó a su casa. Robó objetos muy diversos, como zapatos, ropa interior, gafas y más. El canal de televisión “Animal Planet” instaló una cámara de visión nocturna frente a la casa de Dusty. La instaló para capturar las actividades ilegales de Dusty en video. En una noche en particular, ¡la cámara lo filmó robando un total de 11 objetos de varios vecinos! Cuando los vecinos de Dusty lo miraron, fueron a la casa de Dusty para reclamar sus posesiones robadas. La dueña de Dusty las devolvió, pero unos objetos no fueron reclamados, y ella los sacó a subasta3. 1 dueña - owner 2 vecinos - neighbors 3 sacó a subasta - auctioned off Copyright © 2014 Martina Bex ! ! The Comprehensible Classroom Nombre y apellido __________________________________ Fecha ____________________ ::reading activities:: 1. Circle each of the direct object pronouns in the reading (there are 11). 2. Write each of the direct object pronouns on these lines, and beside them write the name of the object (in Spanish) that they replace (to which they refer): lo - Dusty la - la cámara las - las casas lo - Dusty las - las casas lo - el video los - los objetos las - las posesiones los - los objetos los - los objetos los - los objetos 3. Imagine that you are Dusty. Write a paragraph in Spanish explaining what you did, why, and how you felt when you discovered that you had been filmed and then had to return everything you’d stolen. Use at least FIVE direct object pronouns in your writing! answers will vary ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2014 Martina Bex ! ! The Comprehensible Classroom