Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C; April 24, 2016/ Quinto domingo de Pascua, Ano C; 24 de abril del 2016 Church of the Nativity of Our Blessed Lady 1510 East 233rd Street Bronx, New York 10466 MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: English 10:00 am Spanish 11:30 am Pastoral Staff Aida Alejandro, Spanish Choir Director Edna Augusta, Religious Education Coordinator Charlie Harris, English Choir Director Weekdays: 7:00am Saturday: 9:00 am (followed by the Rosary) Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturdays: After the 9:00am Mass Sundays: After the 10:00am and 11:30am Masses Call the rectory outside the scheduled time. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesdays: 7:00 – 9:00 pm (Spanish) Thursdays: 7:00 – 9:00 pm (English) SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Please notify the rectory when a family member is sick to set up regular communion visits. Nativity of Our Blessed Lady Rectory 1531 East 233rd St. Bronx, N.Y. 10466 Office: (718) 324-3531 Fax: (718) 798-0628 Parish Email Address: Parish Clergy Rev. Cyprian Onyeihe, Administrator Sacrament of Matrimony A minimum of 6 months is required to begin the process of the Sacrament of Matrimony. Please call the rectory to set up a meeting with the priest to discuss the process. Dates are not reserved by phone contact. Sacrament of Baptism (for Infants): Parents must be active members of our Parish and are required to attend one session of baptismal instruction held on Tuesdays from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Please call the rectory to make the necessary arrangements. Nativity of Our Blessed Lady Convent 1534 East 233rd St Bronx, N.Y. 10472 Parish Website: Nativity of Our Blessed Lady School 3893 Dyre Ave, Bx., N.Y. 10466 Office: (718) 324-2188 School Website and Email Address Fifth Sunday of Easter / Quinto Domingo de la Pascua 2016 (Year C/ Ano C) Weekly Readings and Memorials Sunday, April 24, 2016 3rd Sunday of Easter Readings: (ACTS 14:21-27; REV 21:1-5A; JN 13:31-33A, 34-35) 10:00AM-Victor Ortiz-Casta (deceased) Req: Evelyn Rodriguez-Murray and Family 11:30AM- Isabel Cordero (difunta) Req: Cruz Labastida Monday, April 25, 2016 St. Mark the Evangelist/ San Marco, el Evangelista Readings: (1 PT 5:5B-14; MK 16:15-20) 7:00AMReq: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 Readings: (ACTS 14:19-28; JN 14:27-31A) 7:00 AM7:00PM- Movie Night “Quo Vadis” Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Readings: (ACTS 15:1-6; JN 15:1-8) 7:00AM7:00PM- Grupo de Oracion Thursday, April 28, 2016 St. Peter Chanel/ San Pedro Chanel St. Louis Gringion de Montfort/ San Luis Gringion de Montefort Readings: (ACTS 15:7-21; JN 15:9-11) 7:00AM7:00PM- Thursday Adoration Group Friday, April 29, 2016 St. Catherine of Siena/ San Catalina de Siena Readings: (ACTS 15:22-31; JN 15:12-17) 7:00AMSaturday, April 30, 2016 St. Pius V/ San Pio V Readings:(ACTS 16:1-10; JN 15:18-21 ) 9:00AM- Please Pray for the sick: Aida and Angel Alejandro Aracelis Alejandro Juana Alvarado Brian Bernard William Booker Thomas Casey Sgt. Tonia Chestnut Lillian (sister of Cristina Dominguez) Lori Figueroa Manuel Garcia Edith Harris Ghislaine Jacobs Digna Melendez Juana Moreira Nicole Niles Alfonso Ortiz Antonia Rodriguez Shanique Rollins Luis Rosado Guillermina Rosario Joy Simms Theresa Sylvan Andrew “Morris” Vavrica Marina Vazquez Anibal Vazquez Mildred Vazquez Iris Velasquez Please call the rectory to submit the name of an ill family member or friend. The Sanctuary Lamp was donated in memory of Rene Avellez, Leticia Mena, Eloy Vega, Mercedes Ruiz for the Intentions of Mary, Wendy, and Keneth White; For the recovery of William Booker, Luis Rosado & Manuel Garcia Parishioners’ Weekly Contributions Mass Times 10:00am Collection Total $2,109.00 Fifth Sunday of Easter / Quinto Domingo de la Pascua 2016 (Year C/ Ano C) Trip to Catholic Underground Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to “The National Shrine for Mary Help of Christians” Date/Fecha: Saturday, May 7th Peregrinaje en el Ano de Misericordia Sanctuario Nacional de Maria, Auxilio de Cristianos Departure Time and Place/ Lugar y Tiempo de Salida: 5:30pm (meeting in front of Nativity church) Place of Event: Our Lady of Good Counsel-East 91st Street (3rd and 2nd Ave) Event begins/Tiempo Empieza: 7:30pm Return Time/ Tiempo de Vuelta: 10:30pm Prior to arriving at the church we will be stopping to get dinner. Please bring $15 with you. Parents and Adults are also invited!!!!!! We hope all of you can join us! Date/Fecha: Saturday, June 18th / Sabado, 18 de Junio Departure Time and Place/ Lugar y Tiempo de Salida: 9:30am (in front of the church/ en frente de la Iglesia) Shrine/Sanctuario: 174 Filors Lane Stony Point, NY 10980 Return Time/ Tiempo de Vuelta: 5:00pm Cost of the trip/ Precio del Viaje: $25.00 (Bus and Shrine /autobus y sanctuario) You can bring your own lunch or purchase food in the cafeteria. There is also a gift shop open to all visitors. Fifth Sunday of Easter / Quinto Domingo de la Pascua 2016 (Year C/ Ano C) Celebrating May, the Month of Mary Our Lady of Fatima Celebrando Mayo, el Mes de Maria Nuestra Señora de Fátima During the month dedicated to the Blessed Mother we will be having many special activities! Try not to miss out! ¡Durante el mes de mayo, tendremos muchos eventos y actividades especiales para celebrar La Santísima Virgen Maria! ¡Trate de no faltar! Here are just a few highlights: Aquí están unos de los más especiales: Annual Deanery Marian Day Celebration at St. Lucy’s ChurchSunday May 1st at 4:30pm La celebración Anual Mariana en la Iglesia de Santa LuciaDomingo, 1 de mayo a las 4:30pm Weekly Mary in Your Home Visits Begin this Friday, May 6th (sign-up on the bulletin board) Film Series (every Tuesday night at 7pm) Maria en Tu Hogar Empieza este viernes, 6 de mayo Recitation of the Rosary and other Marian prayers: (Apuntase en la hoja de inscripción en la entrada de la iglesia) Before Morning Mass every Weekday Morning (6:40am) Every Saturday, after the 9am Morning Mass Wednesday Night Spanish Prayer Group (7pm) Thursday Night English Prayer Group (7pm) ……and much, much more!!! Serie de película (cada martes a las 7pm) Rezo del rosario y otras oraciones marianas: Todos los días de la semana antes de la Misa (6:40am) Cada sábado después de la Misa de las 9am Grupo de oración (Miércoles- 7pm) Grupo de Oración en ingles (Jueves-7pm) ……and much, much more!!! Fifth Sunday of Easter / Quinto Domingo de la Pascua 2016 (Year C/ Ano C) Nativity Kids Group Update Nativity Pious Societies and Social Groups welcomes new members! The next Nativity Kids Group Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 30th from 12pm-2pm. We ask that all kids be present for this meeting. At this meeting we hope to elect our new officers (President, Vice-president, Treasurer, and Secretary) for the group. The kids have also formed other societies and roles within the group. A full report will be available in next Sunday’s bulletin. English Adult Choir/Coro Hispano Lectors/Lectores Eucharistic Ministers/ Ministerios de la Eucaristía Ushers/ Ujieres Altar Rosary Society/Sociedad de Altar y Rosario Grupo de Oración (en Español) Thursday Adoration Group (in English) Sunday Breakfast Group Religious Education Program (Catechists) La próxima reunión del Grupo de Niños será este sábado, 30 de abril de 12pm a 2pm. Pedimos que todos los niños estén presentes. En esta reunión esperamos para elegir a nuestros nuevos oficiales (Presidente, Vicepresidente, Tesorero y Secretario) para el grupo. Los niños también se han formado otras sociedades y responsabilidades dentro del grupo. Un informe completo estará disponible en el boletín del próximo domingo. There will be an important meeting of current members and interested parishioners this Saturday, April 30th at 10:30am. All are asked to attend! Habrá una reunión importante de los miembros actuales y feligreses interesados este sábado 30, de abril a las 10:30am. ¡Se les pide que asista! Fifth Sunday of Easter / Quinto Domingo de la Pascua 2016 (Year C/ Ano C) Saints of the Week/Santos de la Semana St. Catherine of Siena/ Santa Catalina de Siena (April 29th) Born in 1347, this well-known saint is the patroness of Italy, her country. Catherine was the youngest in a family of twenty-five children. Her mother and father wanted her to be happily married. However, Catherine wished only to be a nun. To prove her point, she cut off her long, beautiful hair. She wanted to make herself unattractive. Her parents were very upset and scolded her frequently. They also gave her the heaviest housework to do. But Catherine did not back down. Finally, her parents stopped opposing her. St. Catherine was very honest and straight forward with Jesus. Once she asked him, "Where were you, Lord, when I had such shameful temptations?" And Jesus answered, "Daughter, I was in your heart. I made you win with my grace." One night, many people of Siena were out on the streets celebrating. Jesus appeared to Catherine who was praying alone in her room. With Jesus was his Blessed Mother. She took Catherine's hand and lifted it up to her Son. Jesus put a ring on the saint's finger and she became his bride. In Catherine's time, the Church had many problems. There were fights going on all over Italy. Catherine wrote letters to kings and queens. She even went to beg rulers to make peace with the pope and to avoid wars. Catherine asked the pope to leave Avignon, France, and return to Rome to rule the Church. She told him it was God's will. He listened to St. Catherine and did what she said. Catherine never forgot that Jesus was in her heart. Through her, Jesus helped the sick people she nursed. Through her Jesus comforted the prisoners she visited in jail. This great saint died in Rome in 1380. She was just thirty-three. She was proclaimed a saint by Pope Pius II in 1461. In 1970, Pope Paul VI declared St. Catherine a Doctor of the Church. She received this great honor because she served Jesus' Church heroically during her brief lifetime. Reflection: "You are a mystery as deep as the sea; the more I search, the more I find, and the more I find, the more I search for you. But I can never be satisfied; what I receive will ever leave me desiring more. When you fill my soul, I have an even greater hunger, and I grow more famished for your light." --St. Catherine of Siena Nacida en 1347, Catalina (nombre que significa "Pura") era la menor del prolífico hogar de Diego Benincasa. Allí crecía la niña en entendimiento, virtud y santidad. A la edad de cinco o seis años tuvo la primera visión, que la inclinó definitivamente a la vida virtuosa. Cruzaba una calle con su hermano Esteban, cuando vio al Señor rodeado de ángeles, que le sonreía, impartiéndole la bendición. Su padre, tintorero de pieles, pensó casarla con un hombre rico. La joven manifestó que se había prometido a Dios. Entonces, para hacerla desistir de su propósito, se la sometió a los servicios mas humildes de la casa. Pero ella caía frecuentemente en éxtasis y todo le era fácil de sobrellevar. Finalmente, derrotados por su paciencia, cedieron sus padres y se la admitió en la tercera orden de Santo Domingo y siguió, por tanto, siendo laica. Tenía dieciséis años. Sabía ayudar, curar, dar su tiempo y su bondad a los huérfanos, a los menesterosos y a los enfermos a quienes cuidó en las epidemias de la peste. En la terrible peste negra, conocida en la historia con el nombre de "la gran mortandad", pereció más de la tercera parte de la población de Siena. A su alrededor muchas personas se agrupaban para escucharla. Ya a los veinticinco años de edad comienza su vida pública, como conciliadora de la paz entre los soberanos y aconsejando a los príncipes. Por su influjo, el papa Gregorio XI dejó la sede de Aviñon para retornar a Roma. Este pontífice y Urbano VI se sirvieron de ella como embajadora en cuestiones gravísimas; Catalina supo hacer las cosas con prudencia, inteligencia y eficacia. Aunque analfabeta, como gran parte de las mujeres y muchos hombres de su tiempo, dictó un maravilloso libro titulado Diálogo de la divina providencia, donde recoge las experiencias místicas por ella vividas y donde se enseñan los caminos para hallar la salvación. Sus trescientas setenta y cinco cartas son consideradas una obra clásica, de gran profundidad teológica. Expresa los pensamientos con vigorosas y originales imágenes. Se la considera una de las mujeres más ilustres de la edad media, maestra también en el uso de la lengua Italiana. Santa Catalina de Siena, quien murió a consecuencia de un ataque de apoplejía, a la temprana edad de treinta y tres años, el 29 de abril de 1380, fue la gran mística del siglo XIV. El papa Pío II la canonizó en 1461. Sus restos reposan en la Iglesia de Santa María sopra Minerva en Roma, donde se la venera como patrona de la ciudad; es además, patrona de Italia y protectora del pontificado. El papa Pablo VI, en 1970, la proclamó doctora de la Iglesia. Ella, Santa Teresa de Avila y Santa Teresita de Lisieux son las tres únicas mujeres que ostentan este título. Otros Santos cuya fiesta se celebra hoy: Santos: Paulino, Severo, obispos; Agapio, Secundino, Tíquico, Torpetes, Emiliano, mártires; Pedro de Verona; Roberto (Bob, Boby), monje; Tértula, Antonia, vírgenes; Hugo, abad. (English) (Español)