Convención sobre la conservación de las especies migratorias de animales silvestres Secretaría administrada por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente Notificación 2016/024 23 de septiembre de 2016 NOTIFICACIÓN A LAS PARTES PROYECTO DE CONSULTA SOBRE LA MEJORA DE LAS SINERGIAS ENTRE LAS CONVENCIONES RELACIONADAS CON LA BIODIVERSIDAD A NIVELES NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL La Secretaría de la Convención sobre la Conservación de las Especies Migratorias de Animales Silvestres (PNUMA/CMS) quisiera llamar la atención sobre una Notificación (SCBD/MCO/AF/NP/CR/85966) emitida por la Secretaría del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (SCDB) para la mejora de las sinergias entre las convenciones relacionadas con la biodiversidad. La notificación se adjunta a la presente. Tras la Resolución 11.10 de la CMS y la Decisión XII/6 de la COP 12 de la CDB, las Partes de la CMS son invitadas a proporcionar puntos de vista y comentarios sobre el proyecto de consulta tan pronto como sea posible y no más tarde del 30 de septiembre de 2016. El proyecto de consulta está disponible en la siguiente URL: Los comentarios deben ser presentados a la Secretaría por correo electrónico ( Todas las contribuciones recibidas serán presentadas a la SCDB. El documento final será puesto a disposición para el examen de la decimotercera reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes de la CBD por que se realizará de 4 a 17 de diciembre de 2016, Cancún, México. Secretaría PNUMA/CMS ● UN Campus ● Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1 ● 53113 Bonn ● Alemania Tel (+49 228) 815 2401 ● Fax (+49 228) 815 2449 ● E-Mail: ● Website: Ref.: SCBD/MCO/AF/NP/CR/85966 15 September 2016 NOTIFICATION Consultation draft on enhancing synergies among the biodiversity-related conventions at the national and international levels Madam/Sir, The Subsidiary Body on Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, at its first meeting, requested the Executive Secretary to undertake further analysis of the outcomes of the Workshop on Synergies among the Biodiversity-related Conventions (UNEP/CBD/SBI/REC/1/8). In paragraph 5 of its recommendation, the Subsidiary Body requested the Executive Secretary “to refine, consolidate and streamline the outcomes of the workshop, including synergies that may be relevant between two or more of the biodiversity-related conventions as well as the Protocols to the Convention, including: (a) Options for actions by Parties which may include voluntary guidelines for synergies at the national level; (b) Options for action at the international level that includes a road map for the period 2017 2020 that prioritizes and sequences actions and identifies actors and potential mechanisms involved”. The Subsidiary Body requested the Executive Secretary to consult with the Informal Advisory Group established under decision XII/6 of the Conference of the Parties, the Liaison Group of Biodiversity-related Conventions and Parties to the biodiversity-related conventions through appropriate channels. In line with the above, the Secretariat prepared a consultation draft on enhancing synergies among the biodiversity-related conventions at the national and international levels. I am pleased to invite Parties to provide views and comments on the consultation draft as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2016. The consultation draft is available at the following URL: Comments should be submitted to the Secretariat by e-mail ( or by fax (+1 514 288 6588). Taking into account the inputs received from Parties as well as other conventions through appropriate channels, the document will be finalized and made available for consideration by the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to be held from 4 to 17 December 2016 in Cancun, Mexico. Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias Executive Secretary To: All CBD National Focal Points Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity United Nations Environment Programme 413 Saint-Jacques Street, Suite 800, Montreal, QC, H2Y 1N9, Canada Tel : +1 514 288 2220 Fax : +1 514 288 6588