Pronóstico del tiempo – Weather forecast La Ciudad de México

Hora _______
Fecha ____________________
Pronóstico del tiempo – Weather forecast
La Ciudad de México, México
You have been hired by a Spanish news station to report the weather! Your job is to write a 5-day forecast
in Spanish about the weather in La Ciudad de México, México. Study the image below to gather your
information. Then, fill in the chart with the day of the week, the date, the weather condition, and the max
temperature for all 5 days. All of the dates/weather phrases are in your book on pg.18 and on your
vocabulary sheets. At the bottom of the page are some additional weather expressions you may want to
Vocabulario adicional:
It’s partially sunny – Está parcialmente soleado.
It’s cloudy – Está nublado.
It’s partially cloudy – Está parcialmente nublado.
Thunderstorms – Hay tormentas.
It’s cool/fresh: Hace fresco.
It’s foggy – Hay niebla.
It’s humid – Está húmedo.
Lightning – Hay relámpagos.
Hora _______
Fecha ____________________
Pronóstico del tiempo – Weather forecast
Madrid, España
You have been hired by a Spanish news station to report the weather! Your job is to write a 5-day forecast
in Spanish about the weather in Madrid, España. Study the image below to gather your information.
Then, fill in the chart with the day of the week, the date, the weather condition, and the max temperature
for all 5 days. All of the dates/weather phrases are in your book on pg.18 and on your vocabulary sheets.
At the bottom of the page are some additional weather expressions you may want to include.
Vocabulario adicional:
It’s partially sunny – Está parcialmente soleado.
It’s cloudy – Hay nubes.
It’s partially cloudy – Está parcialmente nublado.
Thunderstorms – Hay tormentas.
It’s cool/fresh: Hace fresco.
It’s foggy – Hay niebla.
It’s humid – Está húmedo.
Lightning – Hay relámpagos.
Hora _______
Fecha ____________________
Pronóstico del tiempo – Weather forecast
Montevideo, Uruguay
You have been hired by a Spanish news station to report the weather! Your job is to write a 5-day forecast
in Spanish about the weather in Montevideo, Uruguay. Study the image below to gather your information.
Then, fill in the chart with the day of the week, the date, the weather condition, and the max temperature
for all 5 days. All of the dates/weather phrases are in your book on pg.18 and on your vocabulary sheets.
At the bottom of the page are some additional weather expressions you may want to include.
Vocabulario adicional:
It’s partially sunny – Está parcialmente soleado.
It’s cloudy – Está nublado.
It’s partially cloudy – Está parcialmente nublado.
Thunderstorms – Hay tormentas.
It’s cool/fresh: Hace fresco.
It’s foggy – Hay niebla.
It’s humid – Está húmedo.
Lightning – Hay relámpagos.
Hora _______
Fecha ____________________
Pronóstico del tiempo – Weather forecast
San Lorenzo, Paraguay
You have been hired by a Spanish news station to report the weather! Your job is to write a 5-day forecast
in Spanish about the weather in San Lorenzo, Paraguay. Study the image below to gather your
information. Then, fill in the chart with the day of the week, the date, the weather condition, and the max
temperature for all 5 days. All of the dates/weather phrases are in your book on pg.18 and on your
vocabulary sheets. At the bottom of the page are some additional weather expressions you may want to
Vocabulario adicional:
It’s partially sunny – Está parcialmente soleado.
It’s cloudy – Está nublado.
It’s partially cloudy – Está parcialmente nublado.
Thunderstorms – Hay tormentas.
It’s cool/fresh: Hace fresco.
It’s foggy – Hay niebla.
It’s humid – Está húmedo.
Lightning – Hay relámpagos
Nombre ___________________________________________
Hora ______________
El tiempo en _________________________________
el día
la fecha
(El # de mes)
el tiempo
(draw a picture and
write a sentence to
describe the weather
(Example: sesenta
Now, write report telling the viewers the weather for today (hoy) and tomorrow (mañana).
Greet the audience: Buenas tardes, me llamo ___________________________________________________.
Tell the date: Hoy es __________________________, el _______________________________________ de
Describe the weather conditions: _____________________________________________________________
State the max temperature: La temperatura máxima es ___________________________________________.
Tell tomorrow’s date: Mañana es __________________________, el
____________________________________ de ________________________________.
Describe tomorrow’s the weather conditions: ___________________________________________________
State tomorrow’s max temperature: La temperatura máxima para mañana es _________________________
_____ Writing Standard: Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or
readers on a variety of topics