Ultrastructural Effects of the Propineb on Brain of Fetuses During Rat

Int. J. Morphol.,
32(4):1467-1471, 2014.
Ultrastructural Effects of the Propineb on
Brain of Fetuses During Rat Pregnancy
Efectos Ultraestructurales de Propineb en el Cerebro de Fetos Durante el Embarazo de Ratón
Ekinci, C.*; Tahaoglu, A. E.**; Yavuz, D*; Deveci, E.*; Aktas, A.*; Yilmaz, T.***; Yumusak, Ö.* & Yükselmis, O.*
Ultrastructural effects of the propineb on brain of fetuses during rat pregnancy. Int. J. Morphol., 32(4):1467-1471, 2014.
SUMMARY: Propineb is a fungicide with a propylene-bis-dithiocarbamate structure. Pregnant Wistar rats were exposed to 400
ppm propineb concentrations in 5 ml distilled water, 5 days per week until the end of pregnancy. The rats were treated with propineb for
16 days and the brains of litter rats were sacrificed at first day of birth after which their brains were collected. Ultrastructural examination
of the brains of the fetuses and propineb-treated pregnant females revealed a variety of histopathological effects. We suggest that
mitochondrial damage may be an effective factor for neuron necrosis. These results supported the proposal that the exposure to fungicides
such as propineb and to other naturally occurring compounds which inhibit mitochondrial function, may contribute to Parkinson’s
disease development.
KEY WORDS: Propineb; Electron microscopy; Neonatal rats; Brain.
Dithiocarbamate fungicides are widely used against
various plant pathogenic fungicides. Determination of
dithiocarbamate fungicides residues in the environment,
food, and other materials is of great importance for their
toxicological behavior. Maneb and zineb are ethylene-bisdithiocarbamate fungicides used all over the world to control plant pathologies. This class of fungicides exhibits a
low mammalian acute toxicity, although some subchronic
and chronic toxicological effects have been observed
(Edwards et al., 1991). Both maneb and zineb have been
shown to possess carcinogenic activity in rats but not in mice
(Edwards et al.; Vachkova-Petrova et al., 1991). Toxic effects
of ethylene-bis-dithiocarbamates are usually related to
ethylene thiourea (ETU), a common contaminant and
metabolite and degradation product of this class of
fungicides. Toxicological studies of ETU have generally
shown that its primary effect is on the thyroid gland, although
its effects have also been observed on the liver (Kendrick et
al., 1991). ETU inhibits thyroid peroxidase which leads to
decreased circulating levels of thyroid hormone and a
compensatory increased secretion by the pituitary of thyroid
stimulating hormone (TSH) (Goyer, 1986). Chronic
stimulation of the thyroid gland by TSH initially causes
follicular cell proliferation and ultimately leads to follicular
cell neoplasia (Wlostowski, 1992). Few studies have been
carried out on the mechanisms of organometallic fungicide
action or on the fate of fungicides in target organisms.
However, many studies have been reported on the effects of
heavy metals alone in a variety of organisms (Kendrick et
al.). Exposure to most metals results in metal accumulation
in certain tissues and organs of the exposed organisms. It is
also known that metals may cause extensive damage to the
organs where they accumulate. Zinc concentrations vary
widely in different tissues, but Zn is well known to
accumulate in two particular organs, namely liver and kidney,
where they may cause biochemical and histopathological
changes (Goyer; Wlostowski; Deveci et al., 1999). Zn is
known to be essential for the prenatal growth and
differentiation, and its deficiency causes fetal growth
retardation (Sowa & Steibert, 1985). The purpose of the
present study was to histologically assess the teratogenic
effects of propineb during pregnancy on neonatal rat brain.
Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Dicle, Diyarbakır, Turkey.
Diyarbakır Maternity and Children Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Diyarbakır, Turkey.
Dicle University, School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Diyarbakır, Turkey.
EKINCI, C.; TAHAOGLU, A. E.; YAVUZ, D.; DEVECI, E.; AKTAS, A.; YILMAZ, T.; YUMUSAK, Ö. & YÜKSELMIS, O. Ultrastructural effects of the propineb on brain of fetuses during rat
pregnancy. Int. J. Morphol., 32(4):1467-1471, 2014.
Animals and treatment. Twenty pregnant female (n=20)
Wistar albino rats weighing 200–220 g were used. All the
animals were individually housed in stainless steel cages at
room temperature. The animals had free access to standard
laboratory rat food pellet (purina rat chow). The animals
were randomly divided into two groups (four animals for
each exposure group and four females used as control).
Females were mated with non-exposed males; the criterion
used to identify mated females was the presence of
spermatozoa in the vagina (day 0 of pregnancy). The litters
in the control (n=10) an experimental group (n=10) were
taken. All pregnant females were individually housed in
stainless steel cages at room temperature. The animals had
free access to standard laboratory rat food pellet and tap
water. Acute oral LD50 (global standard measurement for
toxicity is the LD50) for rats was found to be 8500 mg/kg
(Sowa & Steibert). The experimental pregnant females (day
16–21 of pregnancy) received 400 ppm propineb (tech.70
% purity obtained from Bayer and Hoechst-Schering,
respectively) concentrations in 5 ml distilled water 5 days
per week until the end of pregnancy. The females were treated
with propineb for 16 days and the brains of litter rats were
sacrificed at first day of birth. The controls received only
distilled water. The doses administered orally by gastric tube
(helping toxicant injections orally) were calculated on the
basis of initialbody weight of each animal (ppm=mg toxicant
per 1 kg body weight).
Ultrasonographic Examination. All experimental gravids
were examined daily by a radiologist using ultrasonography
(USG). A real time USG (Toshiba SSA-270A) and 7.5 MHz
linear transducer was used to detect cardiac activation and
to count the number of fetuses. The gravid rats gave birth
during the 21st and 22nd days of pregnancy.
Histological Examination. The animals were sacrificed by
decapitation under ether anesthesia and the brain tissues were
then quickly removed. The parietal cortexes of the brains
were removed immediately and cut into small pieces. The
pieces of the tissues were immediately placed in 2.5%
glutaraldehyde, buffered for 4 h, then fixed in OsO4 for 2h,
dehydrated in graded ethanol, and embedded in araldite.
Semithin sections of 1 µm thick were cut and stained with
methylene blue-azure II for light microscopic examination.
Thin sections of 70 nm were stained with lead citrate-uranyl
acetate and examined and photographed under Zeiss Electron
microscope 9S. The significance of differences between
appropriate pairs of data sets was assessed by the ANOVA
At ultrasonographic examination there were no
resorbed fetuses or stillborns during or after propineb
treatment. It was clearly seen that the body weights of the
experimental group of litters were lower than those of the
control (p<0.01). In this study, we found that the body
weights of both one-day-old litters and their propineb-treated
mothers were lower than those of the controls, and the mean
weights of fetal whole brain in the propineb group did not
differ from those of the controls (see Table I). The pregnant
rats exposed to 400 ppm propineb for about two weeks had
some macroscopic and microscopic effects. Unilateral ptosis
was also observed in 8 pregnant rats following their exposure
to 400 ppm propineb. Another interesting macroscopic
observation at this concentration was that the fungicide
resulted in unilateral paralysis in the extremities of pregnant
females, and they rarely got through pregnancy (Fig. 1).
However, such effects were not observed with their born
In the light microscopic examination, some of the
remaining neurons appeared pyknotic and dark. These cells
were typically polymorphic showing both epithelioid and
fusiform shape (Fig. 2A). The cytoplasm was swollen and
nuclei were present in the external granular layer. Some
neurons became necrotic, and fragmented vacuoles were seen
Table I. Body weights of both 1 day-old litters each entry shows the mean value ±S.D. of body weights
(grams) and Brain weights of litters (mg), n:Control and experiment animal number.
Mother body weights (g) (n=8)
Litters body weight (g) ( n=20)
Brain weights (mg)
Mother control
7.27 ±0.328 (n=10)
138.9 ± 9.1 (n=10)
Mother 400 ppm propineb
181.25 ±6.50
6.44 ±0.128 (n=10)
139.8 ± 10.6 (n=10)
EKINCI, C.; TAHAOGLU, A. E.; YAVUZ, D.; DEVECI, E.; AKTAS, A.; YILMAZ, T.; YUMUSAK, Ö. & YÜKSELMIS, O. Ultrastructural effects of the propineb on brain of fetuses during rat
pregnancy. Int. J. Morphol., 32(4):1467-1471, 2014.
Fig. 1. A). Unilaterally, ptosis appearence at the end pregnancy (arrow). B). Unilaterally, paralysis
observed (arrow).
Fig. 2. A). Some of the remaining neurons appeared pyknotic and dark.These cells were typically
polymorphic showing both epithelioid and fusiform shape (arrow) (Methylene blue-azure, X82).
B). Cytoplasm swollen and nuclei present in the external granular layer; some neurons became
necrotic (arrow) and fragmented vacuoles seen in the cytoplasm of neurogliocyte (Methylene
blue-azure, X82).
in the cytoplasm of neurogliocyte
(Fig. 2B). Propineb-induced
ultrastructural changes were
observed in the parietal cortex
neurons. The cerebral cortex of
unexposed animals exhibited normal ultrastructure of all tissue
elements. Some of the nuclei
were irregular. The plasmalemma
appeared disrupted and the
regions of cytoplasmic clearing
were seen. The perinuclear region
showed few conspicuous
organelles, usually including a
few strands of endoplasmic
reticulum and dilated Golgi
apparatus. Swelling of the
endoplasmic reticulum is an
event which occurs during the
propineb toxicity. The cytoplasm
contained areas of low electron
density. Numerous mitochondria
with a swollen appearance were
also found. Some mitochondria
were normal, but the others were
swollen with degenerative
changes. Some mitochondria
were extremely dilated with
rupture of the outer mitochondrial
membrane and aciculate rough
surfaced endoplasmic reticulum
(Fig. 3A). The phagocytic
microglial cells were enlarged
with expanded cytoplasm and
broad process. An increase in the
numbers of large secondary
lysosomes was observed in glial
cells (Fig. 3B).
Fig. 3. A). Dilatation and irregularity of the cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum (thick
arrow). Some mitochondria were normal, but swollen with degenerative changes (thin arrow)
(Uranyl acetate-lead citrate- X8800). B). In the propineb-treated rat brain,The phagocytic
microglial cells were enlarged with expanded were others cytoplasm and broad process. A increase
in the number large secondary lysosomes in glial cells (arrow) (Uranylacetate, X6800).
Some fungicides were
also reported to cause
teratogenesis (Worthing, 1987;
Beck, 1993; Price et al., 1996;
Srivastava & Raizada, 1996;
Branch et al., 1996) and
alterations in axial skeleton
development in pesticide-treated
mouse fetuses. Propineb has a
low acute toxicity with a specific
EKINCI, C.; TAHAOGLU, A. E.; YAVUZ, D.; DEVECI, E.; AKTAS, A.; YILMAZ, T.; YUMUSAK, Ö. & YÜKSELMIS, O. Ultrastructural effects of the propineb on brain of fetuses during rat
pregnancy. Int. J. Morphol., 32(4):1467-1471, 2014.
goitrogenic effect in rats. In repeated-dose toxicological
studies, in addition to effects on the thyroid gland, reversible effects on skeletal muscles were described (Branch et
al.; IPCS, 1999a, 1999b; Jones, 1999; Pauluhn, 1999). In
these studies, no histopathological effects were found in
the nervous system. However, the muscle degeneration
may be indicative of peripheral neuronal degeneration or
direct damage of the muscle. A subchronic study in Wistar
rats showed that propineb results in behavioral changes as
well as histochemical and ultrastructural changes in the
brain (Vachkova-Petrova et al.). In this study, electron
microscopy investigations demonstrated swollen
mitochondria and accumulations of neurofibrillary material in the axo-somatic and axo-dendritic areas. Propineb
was found to cause diarrhea in the pregnant female rats,
which is a well-known clinical figure of acute Zn overload
(Goyer). This may be one reason for the weight loss
observed in female rats. Acute exposure to the
organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos on gestation day
12 was found to cause changes in the maternal brain but
lesser changes in the fetal brain (Chanda & Pope, 1996).
In the propineb group, the litter rats were observed with
structural changes in the brain cortex cells along with
pyknotic changes in the nuclei. The pregnant rats were
administered with 400 ppm propineb for about two weeks
had some macroscopic and microscopic effects. Ptosis was
observed at the end of pregnancy (Fig. 1) following exposure
to 400 ppm propineb. Another interesting macroscopic
observation at this concentration was that the fungicide
caused a number of rare macroscopic changes throughout
pregnancy. In our study we observed pyknosis in some of
the remaining neurons and fragmented vacuoles in the
cytoplasm of neurocyte. Endoplasmic reticulum was dilated
and irregular in shape (Fig. 4). Swelling of the endoplasmic
reticulum is an event which occurs during the propineb
excitotoxicity. Growing evidence shows that mitochondrial
dysfunction is an important factor in a cascade of neurotoxic
events. We suggest that mitochondrial damage is probably
an important factor in neuron necrosis.
These results support the proposal that exposure to
fungicides such as propineb and to naturally occurring
compounds that inhibit mitochondrial function may trigger
Parkinson’s disease. We conclude that these fungicides may
affect the brain development and result in encephalopathy
by crossing the placenta barrier in the litter rats.
Efectos ultraestructurales de propineb en el cerebro de fetos de ratón durante la preñez. Int. J. Morphol., 32(4):1467-1471, 2014.
RESUMEN: El Propineb es un fungicida con una estructura de propileno-bis-ditiocarbamato. Ratas Wistar preñadas fueron
expuestas a concentraciones de depropineb (400 ppm) en 5 ml de agua destilada, 5 días por semana hasta el final de la preñez. Las ratas
fueron tratadas por 16 días y las crías fueron sacrificados el primer día de nacimiento para recolectar sus cerebros. El examen ultraestructural
de los cerebros de los fetos y las hembras preñadas tratadas con propineb reveló una variedad de efectos histopatológicos. Sugerimos que
el daño mitocondrial puede ser un factor eficaz para la necrosis neuronal. Estos resultados apoyaron la propuesta de que la exposición a
los fungicidas tales como propineb y de otros compuestos de origen natural que inhiben la función mitocondrial, puede contribuir al
desarrollo de la enfermedad de Parkinson.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Propineb; Microscopía electrónica; Ratas neonatales; Cerebro.
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Correspondence to:
Dr. Engin Deveci Dicle
University Medical Faculty
Histology and Embryology
Dept. 21280
Email: engindeveci64@gmail.com
Received: 09-07-2014
Accepted: 12-09-2014
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