Zhang, Yingying - Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Yingying Zhang Zhang
Departamento de Organización de Empresas
Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros
CUNEF C/ Leonardo Prieto Castro, 2
Centro adscrito a la Universidad Complutense de
Madrid (UCM)
Tel.: +34 91 448 08 92 Ciudad Universitaria,
28040 Madrid (España)
• Licenciada en Economía por la Universidad Xiamen (China) en 1997, M.B.A. por la
escuela de negocio ESADE en 2000, y Doctorado de Administración de Empresas por
ESADE-Universidad Ramon Llull en 2008.
• Profesora Titular de Universidad (acreditada por la ANECA), Profesora y coordinadora
en el grupo de Dirección Estratégica y Dirección Internacional en CUNEF, y Directora
de Centro de Conocimiento e Innovación en CUNEF.
En 2004 inicié mi trayectoria de investigación en el Instituto de Estudios Laborales (hoy
“Future of Work Chair”) en ESADE como estudiante de doctorado con la beca para
estudiantes de doctorado internacional de AGAUR. En 2007, realicé una estancia de
investigación en la Universidad Rutgers, con una beca de movilidad internacional de
AGAUR. Desde 2008, me incorporé a CUNEF y formé parte de varios proyectos de
investigación, cuyo resultado fueron quince publicaciones de artículos científicos en
revistas internacionales indexadas, además de varios libros y capítulos de libro. Durante
2011 y 2013, me invitaron a incorporarme al comité editorial de Management and
Organization Review. En 2011, fui invitada a co-editar una edición especial sobre
Rising Power from Emerging Markets en International Business Review (se publicó en
2014). En 2012, CUNEF me nombró directora del Centro de Conocimiento e
Innovación. En 2014, tanto el departamento de economía de la Universidad Harvard
como el Centro de Emerging Markets de la Universidad Northeastern me invitaron
como visiting scholar. Actualmente soy co-editora de Palgrave Studies in Chinese
Management, y de la edición especial de Knowledge and Innovation across Culture de
Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal.
- High innovative human system
- Internationalization of Chinese firms in Spain
- Strategy process through leadership and managing by values
1. Zhang, Y. & Zhou, Y. (2014), The Source of Innovation in China: Highly
Innovative Systems, Palgrave MacMillan. (forthcoming)
2. Zhang, Y. & Olivares, I. (2012), Demystifying Chinese Stories (No Mas
Cuentos Chinos), Actualia Editorial (in Spanish) (Received more than 30
interviews in the media since its publication).
3. Kase, K., Slocum, A. & Zhang, Y. (2011), Asian versus western management
thinking: Its culture-bound nature. Palgrave MacMillan.
4. Zhang, Y. (2010). Internationalisation of Spanish firms in China: An analysis
from a strategic human resources perspective. Lambert Academic Publishing.
5. Zhang, Y. & Zhou, M. (2008). New Market: China, Barcelona: Novartia. (in
1. Sinkovics, R.R., Yamin, M., Nadvi, K. & Zhang, Y. (2014), “Rising powers
from emerging markets: The changing face of international business”,
International Business Review, 23: 675-679.
2. Liu, E. & Zhang, Y. (2014), “Learning process and capability formation in
cross-border buyer-supplier relationships: A qualitative case study of Taiwanese
technological firms", International Business Review, 23: 718-730. (Cited by
Google Scholar, 1)
3. Li, C.; Lu, J.; & Zhang, Y., (2013), “Cross-domain effects of work-life conflict
on organizational commitment and performance”, Social Behavior and
Personality, 41 (10): 1641-1654. (Cited by Google Scholar, 2)
4. Zhang, Y. & Lopez-Pascual, J. (2012), “Dynamic versus static perspective of
culture in international business: A study of Spanish bank in China”, Cross
Cultural Management: An International Journal. 19 (4). 588-611. (Cited by
Crossref, 3; Cited by Scopus, 3; Cited by Google Scholar, 3; Fulltext
downloaded 861 times by October 2014)
5. Kyvik, O., Zhang, Y., & Romero-Martinez, A. (2012), “Value dimensions and
creativity: An international comparative study”, International Journal of
Manpower, 33 (4): 349-366. (Cited by Crossref, 1; Cited by Scopus, 1; Cited by
Google Scholar, 2; Fulltext downloaded 630 times by October 2014)
6. Zhou, Y., Zhang, Y. & Liu, J. (2012), “A hybridism model of differentiated
human resource management effectiveness in Chinese context”, Human
Resource Management Review, 22: 208-219. (Cited by Google Scholar, 3)
7. Santana-Mariscal, A., Zhang, Y. & Lopez-Pascual, J. (2012),
“Internationalization of multinational banks: A study of foreign direct
investment in seven Latin American countries”, The Service Industries Journal.
32 (7): 1149-1170. (Cited by Crossref, 2; Cited by Google Scholar, 2)
8. Zhou, Y., Zhang, Y. & Montoro, M.A. (2011), “Utilitarianism or romanticism:
The effect of rewards on employees’ innovative behaviour”, International
Journal of Manpower. 32 (1): 81 – 98. (Cited by Crossref, 5; Cited by Scopus,
7; Cited by Google Scholar 19; Fulltext downloaded 5710 times by October
9. Zhang, Y. & Albrecht, C. (2010). “The role of cultural values on a firm’s
strategic human resource management development”, International Journal of
Human Resources Management. 21 (11): 1908-1927. (Cited by Google Scholar,
10. Albrecht, C., Turnbull, C., Zhang, Y., & Skousen, C.J. (2010). “The relationship
between South Korean Chaebols and Fraud”, Management Research Review. 33,
3: 257-268. (Cited by Crossref, 3; Cited by Google Scholar, 13; Fulltext
downloaded 1132 times by October 2014)
11. Zhang, Y. (2010), “Chinese automobile industry: Business and opportunities”,
Economía Industrial, 376: 119-128 (in Spanish)
12. Zhang, Y., Dolan, S., Lingham, T., & Altman, Y. (2009). “International strategic
human resource management: A comparative case analysis of Spanish firms in
China”. Management and Organization Review, 5 (2): 195-222. (Cited by
Google Scholar, 12)
13. Zhang, Y., Dolan, S., & Zhou, Y. (2009). “Management by Values: A theoretical
proposal for strategic human resource management in China”, Chinese
Management Studies. 3 (4): 272-294. (Cited by Crossref, 10; Cited by Scopus,
12; Cited by Google Scholar, 14; Fulltext downloaded 4751 times by October
14. Zhang, Y.; Dolan, S. & Sánchez, M. E. (2008). “Learning from subsidiaries”.
International Business: Research, Teaching and Practice, 2 (1): 85-99. (Cited
by Google Scholar, 1)
15. Zhang, Y., Straub, C., & Kusyk, S. (2007). “Making a life or making a living:
Cross-cultural comparisons of business students’ work and life values in Canada
and France”. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 14 (3):
174-195. (Cited by Crossref, 4; Cited by Google Scholar, 21; Fulltext
downloaded 1620 times by October 2014)
Book Chapters:
1. Zhang, Y., Zhou, Y., & McKenzie, J. (2013). “A humanistic approach to
knowledge creation: People-centric innovation”, in Von Krogh, G., Takeuchi,
H., Kase, K. & Canton, C.G. (Eds), Towards Organization Knowledge: the
Pioneering Work of Ikujiro Nonaka, UK: Palgrave MacMillan. (Cited by Google
Scholar, 1)
2. Zhang, Y. & Wu, Y. (2012). “Huawei and Zhengfei Ren: Leadership in
technology innovative firm”, in Petti, C. (Ed), Technological Entrepreneurship
in China: How Does It Work? UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. (Cited by Google
Scholar, 1)
3. Zhang, Y. & Gao, Z. (2011). “Cultural reflection on European firms in China: A
case study”. In X. Wei (ed). Cross Cultural Business Cases, Shanghai: Shanghai
JiaoTong University Press, pp. 216-228. (in Chinese)
4. Zhang, Y. (2009). “Management by Values in China’s fast growing enterprises”.
In Dolan, S.L. & Garcia, S. Management by Values. Beijing: Renmin University
Press, pp. 197-208. (in Chinese).
5. Zhang, Y., & Dong, K. (2007). “Human Resource Management in China”, in S.
Dolan, R. Valle, R. Schuler & S. Jackson (eds.), Human Resource Management,
pp. 433-438. McGraw-Hill, Madrid. (In Spanish).
6. Zhang, Y. (2006). “T. Q. TECNOL, S.A.”, in D. Murillo & J. Lozano. (eds.),
Corporate Social Responsibility and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises:
Seeking for Excellence, pp. 11-28. Barcelona: IPES (in Spanish)
Internationalization of Chinese enterprises, Principal Investigator, 2014, Huyi
Compressor Barcelona, S.L.
Explaining the Nature of Technological Innovation in Chinese Enterprises, CoPrincipal Investigator, 2013-2016, Seventh Framework Program of European
Commission (240,000 euros over 3 years).
Management by values, leadership and strategy process, Co-Principal Investigator,
2011-2013, CISCO Leadership Institute - Peking University
HRM configuration for High Innovative Work System: A study of Chinese enterprises,
Co-Investigator, 2011-2013, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Innovation in firm’s growth and industrial clusters, Co-Investigator, 2010-2013,
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spanish government
Internationalization of multinational banks: a study in Latin American countries,
Principal Investigator, 2010-2011, Spanish Banking Foundation for Finance Studies
Social responsibility and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Co-Investigator, 20052006, Ethos Foundation
2004-2008 Assistant Professor Strategic Management, Educatis University (part time)
2008-presente Profesora Responsable en Dirección Estratégica, CUNEF
2014-presente Profesora Responsable en Dirección Internacional, CUNEF
Asian Business Development Executive, Adbraintage, S.A., Spain
Co-founder and General Manager, Import-Export Marmol Jian Shi, S.L.
Controller, Group Agrolimen (G. B. Food Company Ltd. & Preparados
Alimenticios, S.A.), Spain & China
2013-2016 Coordinadora Científica de Proyecto E.N.T.I.C.E. financiada por la
Comisión Europea Seventh Framework Program