Luis Humberto Gómez Cerveró

Luis Humberto Gómez Cerveró
Condominio Castilla Real – Casa H. Av. Unzaga de la Vega esq. Turquesa
UV 120-Mz. 28, Barrio El Periodista, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Tel. 591-75014649 Email:
CONSERVATIONIST, with extensive experience in sustainable development, sustainable use and management of
wildlife and non-timber forest resources with local communities, biotrade, development and evaluation of value
chains of native biodiversity products, participatory planning for the sustainable use of biodiversity,
conservation biology and landscape ecology.
Union for Ethical Biotrade – UEBT (Geneva, Switzerland)
Member of the Board of Directors
May 2011 – to date
It is the duty of the Board to formulate policy and give strategic direction and feedback to activities of the
UEBT, to endorse the annual work programme and budget; to approve/disapprove strategic directions and
funding applications; assure the quality of standard formulation processes; to assist the Executive Director in
donor relations; to ensure that the UEBT adheres to the its Articles of Association, as well as to
national legislation in the host country and administrative procedures for non-profit organizations.
Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
Executive Director
Oct 2010 – to date
Successfully lead the organization promoting FAN’s mission permanently. Ensure that strategic and
operational plans are effectively implemented, ensure the achievement of funding according to institutional
requirements, strengthen and maintain a high performance team, ensuring a proactive and collaborative
organizational environment, and guarantee that the organization uses technical, administrative and financial
systems more effective and efficient in terms of institutional requirements.
Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
Scientific - Technical Director
Jul 2008 – Oct 2010
Lead and organize a coordinated effort between the technical departments of the Foundation to ensure that all
interventions follow conservation strategies in the framework of the corporate strategic planning. Coordinate
the work between the Departments of Science, Biotrade, Climate Change and Environmental Services, and
Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
Science Department Coordinator
Jan 2008 – Jun 2008
To coordinate, organize, plan, monitor and technically manage the total project portfolio of the Department of
Science, by ensuring the efficiency and quality of interventions. To coordinate the work of the three units:
Conservation Biology, Conservation Planning and the Laboratory of Environmental Information.
Programa Nacional de Biocomercio Sostenible, Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
Responsible for Natural Resource Management
Oct 2005 – Dec2007
Provide scientific - technical inputs for the elaboration, review, validation and implementation of biodiversity
management plans, particularly spectacled caiman (Caiman yacare), vicuna (Vicugna vicugna), tegu lizard
(Tupinambis rufescens), collared peccary (Pecari tajacu), cusi (Attalea speciosa), majo (Oenocarpus
bataua), palqui (Acacia feddeana) and others. Support the production, processing, marketing and
organizational management in compliance with the principles and criteria for biotrade. Develop best practices
for harvesting and collection initiatives. Facilitate the production of products derived from native biodiversity
so that, while ensuring their sustainable use, met market requirements in terms of quality, quantity, timing
and traceability. Support the development of strategic planning tools based on modern conservation concepts
and paradigms of conservation biology.
Living Landscapes Program – Wildlife Conservation Society – Bolivia (La Paz, Bolivia)
Coordinator of the Research and Natural Resource Management Component, until Sep 2001 Wildlife
Management Biologist
Jan 2000 – Sep 2005
Coordinate and implement research activities with jaguar (Panthera onca), White-lipped pecary (Tayassu
pecari), spectacled bear (Tremarctus ornatus), condor (Vulthur gryphus), vicuna (Vicugna vicugna).
Development of the “landscape species” approach. Preparation of the management plan and zoning of the
Madidi National Park. Evaluation and design of mitigation actions for conflicts between human activities and
wildlife: corn-spectacled bear and livestock - carnivores. Estimation of distribution, abundance, habitat use
and identification of conservation areas for spectacled bears. Project implementation of natural resource
management projects in Tacana and Pilon Lajas indigenous territories: production of honey of native bees,
management of subsistence hunting, management of subsistence fishing and organizational systems to use
wildlife-based tourism. Tacana indigeous land zoning and development and implementation of development
strategy for the territory.
FUND - ECO (La Paz, Bolivia)
Consultant for the design of the Monitoring Program of the Sajama National Park
Oct 1999 – Nov 1999
To support the conceptual design and to elaborate the execution plan, with emphasis in the section referred to
wildlife, for the Monitoring System of the Sajama National Park.
TRÓPICO – Asociación Boliviana para la Conservación (La Paz, Bolivia)
Consultant for the design of the Monitoring Program of the Eduardo Avaroa
National Wildlife Reserve
Jul 1999 – Sep 1999
To conceptually design, to produce of the management plan, to produce the parkguard’s guide and base line
for the Monitoring System of Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve.
TRÓPICO – Asociación Boliviana para la Conservación (La Paz, Bolivia)
Consulting for the strategic planning of the Liga de Defensa del Medio Ambiente
Dec 1998
To assess the current strategic planning and to propose the a new conceptual framework of LIDEMA.
Centro de Datos para la Conservación, luego TRÓPICO – Asociación Boliviana para la Conservación (La
Paz, Bolivia)
Technical advisor and protected areas technician
Nov 1995 – Jan 1998
To coordinate and to execute the projects of the institution. Coordination and management of the project
“Conservation Status of Puya raimodii (Harms): an evaluation and an action plan”. Participation in the fauna
and planning team during the elaboration of Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve’s management plan.
Compilation, synthesis, and analysis of the information on all the national, departmental and regional
protected areas of Bolivia. Participation in the elaboration of the management strategy of protected areas in
the Titicaca-Desaguadero-Poopó-Salar system and in the elaboration of the management plans for the Mauri
protected area (Bolivia) and Aymara Lupaka protected area (Peru).
Carrera de Biología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia)
Titular teacher on Wildlife Embryology and Vertebrates Zoology (partial Time)
Mar 1996 – Dic 1997
In the last 10 years he has taught in more than ten short courses on wildlife management and distance sampling
in the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia). Tutor of five degree thesis and scientific adviser in
other three in the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia), Universidad Autónoma Gabriel Rene
Moreno (Santa Cruz, Bolivia) y la Universidad Nacional (Heredia, Costa Rica).
QMBA (candidate)
Universidad Privada Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Santa Cruz, Bolivia
2011 – to date
Ph. D. (candidate) –Natural Sciences for Development
2009 – to date
Universidad Nacional, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Universidad de Educación a Distancia, Costa Rica.
M. Sc. in Wildlife Conservation and Management Summa Cum Laude Mention
1998 – 2004
Programa Regional en Manejo de Vida Silvestre, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
Degree in Biology (5 years of study)
Carrera de Biología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia
1989 – 1994
Trond H. Larsen, T. H., G. Brehm, H. Navarrete, P. Franco, H. Gómez, J. L. Mena, V. Morales, J. Argollo, L.
Blacutt & V. Canhos. 2011. Range shifts and extinctions driven by climate change in the tropical Andes:
Synthesis and Directions. Pp. 47 – 67 in “Climate Change and Biodiversity in the Tropical Andes” (S. K.
Herzog, R. Martínez, P. M. Jorgensen, H. Tiessen. Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
& Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), Sao Paulo, Brasil.
Mena, J. L., S. Solari, J. P. Carrera, L. F. Aguirre & H. Gómez. 2011 Small mammal diversity in the Tropical
Andes: An Overview. Pp. 260 – 275 in “Climate Change and Biodiversity in the Tropical Andes” (S. K.
Herzog, R. Martínez, P. M. Jorgensen, H. Tiessen. Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
& Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), Sao Paulo, Brasil.
Townsend, W. R. & H. Gómez. 2010. Roles económicos de los mamíferos medianos y grandes de Bolivia.
Pp. 75-90 in “Distribución, ecología y conservación de los mamíferos medianos y grandes de Bolivia” (R. B.
Wallace, H. Gómez, Z.R. Porcel &D. I. Rumiz, eds.). Editorial Centro de Ecología Difusión Simón I. Patiño,
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
Noss, A., E. Cuéllar, H. Gómez, T. Tarifa & E. Aliaga-Rossel. 2010. Dasypodidae. Pp. 173-212 in
“Distribución, ecología y conservación de los mamíferos medianos y grandes de Bolivia” (R. B. Wallace, H.
Gómez, Z.R. Porcel &D. I. Rumiz, eds.). Editorial Centro de Ecología Difusión Simón I. Patiño, Santa Cruz de
la Sierra, Bolivia.
Rumiz, D. I., K. Rivero, H. Gómez, L. Sainz, A. Nuñez & R. B. Wallace. 2010. Cervidae. Pp. 629-658 in
“Distribución, ecología y conservación de los mamíferos medianos y grandes de Bolivia” (R. B. Wallace, H.
Gómez, Z.R. Porcel &D. I. Rumiz, eds.). Editorial Centro de Ecología Difusión Simón I. Patiño, Santa Cruz de
la Sierra, Bolivia.
Yensen, E. & H. Gómez. 2010. Sciuridae. Pp. 659-680 in “Distribución, ecología y conservación de los
mamíferos medianos y grandes de Bolivia” (R. B. Wallace, H. Gómez, Z.R. Porcel &D. I. Rumiz, eds.).
Editorial Centro de Ecología Difusión Simón I. Patiño, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
Gómez, H. 2010. Erethizontidae. Pp. 681-694 in “Distribución, ecología y conservación de los mamíferos
medianos y grandes de Bolivia” (R. B. Wallace, H. Gómez, Z.R. Porcel &D. I. Rumiz, eds.). Editorial Centro
de Ecología Difusión Simón I. Patiño, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
Wallace, R. B., H. Gómez, Z.R. Porcel &D. I. Rumiz (Eds.). 2010. Distribución, ecología y conservación de
los mamíferos medianos y grandes de Bolivia. Editorial Centro de Ecología Difusión Simón I. Patiño, Santa
Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 906p.
Gómez, H. 2010. Gobernanza en el manejo de fauna silvestre en Bolivia. Pp. 315-327 in “Experiencias de
manejo de fauna silvestre en Bolivia” (H. Gómez & A. Llobet, eds.). Editorial FAN, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Gómez, H. & A. Llobet (Eds.). 2010. Experiencias de manejo de fauna silvestre en Bolivia. Editorial FAN,
Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 327p.
Quiroga, D., H. Gómez, D. Caba, E. Agreda, N. Araujo, S. Espinoza & M. Alarcón. 2010. Herramientas de
ordenamiento territorial aplicadas a la zonificación de áreas protegidas – estudio de caso para el sur del Área
Natural de Manejo Integrado Amboró. Pp. 445-458 in “Biodiversidad y Ecología en Bolivia – Simposio de los
30 años del Instituto de Ecología” (S. G. Beck, N. Paniagua, R. P. López & N. Nagashiro, eds.). Instituto de
Ecología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz.
Embert, D. H. Gómez, J. Q. Vidos, P. Cuéllar, P. Caballero, S. Landívar & Y. Gareca. 2010. Biodiversidad de
un área natural de bosque chiquitano-chaqueño cercana a la ciudad de Santa Cruz: Implicaciones para la
conservación. Pp. 459-468 in “Biodiversidad y Ecología en Bolivia – Simposio de los 30 años del Instituto de
Ecología” (S. G. Beck, N. Paniagua, R. P. López & N. Nagashiro, eds.). Instituto de Ecología, Universidad
Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz.
Araujo, N., H. Gómez & P. L. Ibisch. 2009. Introducción. Pp. 13-15 in “Prioridades de conservación de
biodiversidad de Bolivia” (N. Araujo, R. Müller, C. Nowicki & P. L. Ibisch, eds.). SERNAP, FAN, TROPICO,
CEP, NORDECO, GEF II, CI, TNC, Universidad de Eberswalde, Editorial FAN, Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
Nallar, R., A. Morales & H. Gómez. 2008. Manual para la identificación y reconocimiento de eventos de
depredación del ganado por carnívoros altoandinos. Wildlife Conservation Society, Artes Gráficas Sagitario,
La Paz, Bolivia. 51p
Barba, M., N. Araujo, B: Ríos, S. Espinoza & H. Gómez. 2008. Biocombustibles: contaminación, medio
ambiente y biodiversidad, un enfoque boliviano. Pp 143-201 in “Biocombustibles Sostenibles en Bolivia”
(CAINCO & IBCE, eds.). IBCE & CAINCO, Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
Forrest, J. L., E. W. Sanderson, R. B. Wallace, H. Gómez & P. Coppolillo. 2008. Patterns of Land Cover
Change in and Around Madidi National Park, Bolivia. Biotropica 40 (3): 285-294.
Gómez, H. 2007. La importancia del caimán de anteojos. Pp. 74-77 in “Amazon your Business” (M.
Brouwer, Ed.). Meindert Brouwer PC, Bunnik, Netherland.
Araujo, N. & H. Gómez. 2007. Mamíferos. Pp 129-135 in “Visión de Conservación de la Biodiversidad del
Corredor Amboró – Madidi” (P. L. Ibisch, N. Araujo & C. Nowicki, Eds.). FAN/WWF/TNC/CI, Editorial
FAN, Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
Gómez, H. & S. Cuellar. 2007. Comprobación de las prioridades de conservación. Pp. 340-341 in “Visión de
Conservación de la Biodiversidad del Corredor Amboró – Madidi” (P. L. Ibisch, N. Araujo & C. Nowicki,
Eds.). FAN/WWF/TNC/CI, Editorial FAN, Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
Gómez, H. 2006. Retos y oportunidades en el uso comercial de nuestra biodiversidad nativa. Ecología en
Bolivia 41 (2): 97-98.
Tejada, R., E. Chao, H. Gómez, R. E. L. Painter & R. B. Wallace. 2006. Evaluación sobre el uso de la fauna
silvestre en la Tierra Comunitaria de Origen Tacana. Ecología en Bolivia 41 (2): 138-148.
Wallace, R. B., H. Gómez, A. M. Felton & A. Felton. 2006. On a new species of titi monkey, genus
Callicebus Thomas, from western Bolivia (Primates, Cebidae) with preliminary notes on distribution and
abundance. Primate Conservation 20: 29-39.
Felton, A., A. M. Felton, R. B. Wallace & H. Gomez. 2006. Identification, distribution and behavioural
observations of the titi monkeys Callicebus modestus Lönnberg 1939, and Callicebus olallae Lönnberg 1939.
Primate Conservation 20:41-46.
Ríos-Uzeda, B. H. Gómez & R. B. Wallace. 2006. Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) habitat preferences
in the northwestern Bolivian Andes. Journal of Zoology 268: 271-278.
Painter, R. L. E., R. Wallace & H. Gomez. 2006. Landscape Conservation in the Greater Madidi Landscape in
Northwestern Bolivia: Planning for Wildlife Across Different Scales and Jurisdictions. Pp 453-458 in
“Principles of Conservation Biology” (M. Groom, G. Meffe & R. Carroll, eds.), Sinauer Associates, Inc,
Gómez, H., R. B. Wallace, G. Ayala & R. Tejada. 2005. Dry Season Activity Periods of some Amazonian
Mammals. Studies in Neotropical Fauna & Envorinment 40(2): 91-95.
Silver, S. C., L. E. T. Ostro, L. K. Marsh, L. Maffei, A. J. Noss, M. J. Kelly, R. B. Wallace, H. Gómez & G.
Ayala. 2004. The use of camera traps for estimating jaguar (Panthera onca) abundance and density using
capture/recapture analysis. Oryx 38 (2): 148-154.
Coppolillo, P., H. Gómez, F. Maisels & R. Wallace. 2004. Selection criteria for suites of landscape species as
a basis for site-based conservation. Biological Conservation 115: 419-430.
Wallace, R. B., H. Gómez, G. Ayala & F. Espinoza. 2003. Camera trapping for jaguar (Panthera onca) in the
Tuichi valley, Bolivia. J. Neotrop. Mammal. 10(1): 133-139.
Gómez, H., R. B. Wallace, L. Painter, M. Copa & A. Morales. 2003. Investigación colaborativa : experiencias
en el proceso de manejo de fauna en el norte de La Paz, Bolivia. Pp 79-96 in “Fauna Socializada: Tendencias
en el manejo participativo de la fauna en América Latina” (C. Campos-Rozo & A. Ulloa, eds.). Fundación
Natura, MacArthur Foundation, Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, Bogotá, Colombia.
Gómez, H., R. B. Wallace, G. Ayala & F. Espinoza. 2003. Densidad y preferencia por tipos de vegetación de
la ardilla roja (Sciurus spadiceus) en el valle del Rio Tuichi. Ecología en Bolivia 38 (1): 79-88
Gómez, H., R. B. Wallace & C. Veitch. 2001. Diversidad y abundancia de mamíferos medianos y grandes en
el noreste del área de influencia del Parque Nacional Madidi durante la época húmeda. Ecología en Bolivia.
36: 17-30.
Gottdenker, N., R. B. Wallace & H. Gómez. 2001. La importancia de los atropellos para la ecología y
conservación: Dinomys branickii un ejemplo de Bolivia. Ecología en Bolivia. 35: 61-68.
Ergueta, P., H. Gómez & O. Rocha. 1997. Un análisis sobre el estado de conservación de los vertebrados de la
Reserva Nacional de Fauna Andina Eduardo Avaroa (Provincia Sud Lípez, Departamento Potosí, Bolivia).
Ecología en Bolivia. 30: 1-32.
Ergueta, P. & H. Gómez (Eds.). 1997. Directorio de áreas protegidas de Bolivia. Centro de Datos para la
Conservación, La Paz. 186p.
Gómez, H. 1996. Ciclo reproductivo de dos roedores simpátricos en la región de Huajchilla (La Paz, Bolivia).
Ecología en Bolivia. 26: 49-70.
2001 – V Congreso Internacional en manejo de fauna silvestre en la Amazonía y Latino América, Cartagena de
Indias, Colombia. 1 oral presentation.
2004 – VI Congreso Internacional de Fauna Silvestre en la Amazonía y Latinoamerica, Iquitos, Perú. 7 oral
2005 – Primer Congreso Internacional en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre, Heredia, Costa Rica, 1
oral presentation.
2005 – Primer Congreso de Mastozoología en Bolivia, Cochabamba, Bolivia. 4 oral presentations, 1 poster.
2006 – The Eighth Conference of the Parties (COP-8) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD),
Curitiba, Brazil. 1 oral presentation in Side Event.
2006 - 18th Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group, Montelimar, Francia. 1 oral presentation.
2006 – Segundo Congreso de Mastozoología en Bolivia, La Paz, Bolivia. 4 oral presentations.
2007 – Tercer Congreso de Mastozoología en Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 2 oral presentations.
2008 – 19th Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 1 oral presentation.
2009 – Cuarto Congreso de Mastozoología en Bolivia, Cochabamba, Bolivia. 1 invited speak, 1 oral
Study design in conservation biology and related themes. Universidad de Salta, Salta, Argentina. 4 weeks,
Apr/May 2005.
Introduction to distance sampling & Advanced techniques and recent developments in distance sampling.
CREEM, University of St. Andrews, Scotland. 10 days, Sep 2003.
Vertebrates’ population surveys. Smithsonian Institution, EMBRAPA, Pantanal – Matogrosso do Sul, Brasil. 2
weeks, Nov 1999.
Natural Resource Projects planning, design, finance and development. Universidad Nacional, Programa
Regional en Manejo de Vida Silvestre, Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias, Heredia, Costa Rica. 1 week, Mar 1999.
Ecological criteria for the design and management of protected areas. Universidad Nacional, Programa
Regional en Manejo de Vida Silvestre, Heredia, Costa Rica. 1 week, Jan 1999.
Threaten species conservation techniques. Universidad Nacional, Programa Regional en Manejo de Vida
Silvestre, Heredia, Costa Rica. 1 week, Nov 1998.
Update on wildlife conservation and management concepts. Universidad Nacional, Programa Regional en
Manejo de Vida Silvestre, Heredia, Costa Rica. 2 weeks, May 1998.
Software: MS Office, MS Project. GIS: ArcView 3.2, Idrisi Andes.
Languages: English: read, write & speaks very well. Spanish: mother tongue
Distinguished student 1998 in Master’s degree, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica
Description of a new species of titi monkey marmoset in Madidi National Park Madidi, giving the right to name
the species from an internet auction that collected 650,000 US$ for a trust fund for the protected area. The new
species of titi monkey is known as Callicebus aureipallatii.
Coeditor and coauthor of the book “Distribution, ecology conservation of large and of medium mammals of
Bolivia”, very important book for studies on biodiversity in Bolivia.
I like a rapid pace, new activities, change and variety
Quick to act and create a sense of urgency in others
I enjoy the challenges and competition
Able to proceed with energy to achieve results
I proceed with a direct and focused action to solve problems, but use subtle methods to resolve conflicts
I appreciate the precision, quality and accuracy
I am systematic in my approach and activities