- CONSENT TO SEARCH UNIT DATE TIME CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SEARCH , have been advised of my constitutional I, (Print Full Name) right not to have a search made of the premises/vehicle described below without a search warrant first being obtained. I have also been advised that I do not have to consent to this warrantless search unless I wish to do so. Having been advised that I do not have to consent to a warrantless search, I hereby authorize who have iden- and and give my consent to (Officer) (Officer) tified themselves as Chicago Police Officers assigned to the (Unit) to conduct a complete search at this time of the premises/vehicle under my lawful control and described as . In addition, I hereby authorize and give my consent to the above named officers to obtain and remove from the searched premises/vehicle any materials, documents, or other items that may be used in connection with a legitimate law enforcement purpose. By my signature on this document, I hereby state and certify that this consent to search is being given by me to the above named officers knowingly, voluntarily, and without having received any threats, promises, or duress of any kind. (SIGNATURE) WITNESS (NON-DEPARTMENT MEMBER, IF AVAILABLE) (PRINTED NAME) (SIGNATURE) REPORTING MEMBER(S) REPORTING MEMBER'S NAME STAR NO. EMPLOYEE NO. SIGNATURE REPORTING MEMBER'S NAME STAR NO. EMPLOYEE NO. SIGNATURE SUPERVISORY APPROVAL SUPERVISOR'S NAME STAR NO. SIGNATURE INCIDENT INFORMATION RD NO. CPD-11.483 (REV. 5/07) I-UCR CODE EVENT NO. CONSENT TO SEARCH INVENTORY NO. CONSENTIMIENTO DE CATEO UNIDAD/GRUPO (UNIT) FECHA (DATE) HORA (TIME) (CONSENT TO SEARCH) DEPARTAMENTO DE POLICIA CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SEARCH Yo, , se me ha informado que tengo (Nombre Completo - Print Full Name) el derecho constitucional denegarme a que se registre el local/vehiculo descrito abajo sin antes obtener una orden de cateo (registro). Tambien se me ha informado de mi derecho a no permitir que se registre sin dicha orden de cateo,a menos que yo de mi consentimiento. Despues de haber sido informado, y entendiendo que no tengo que consentir a un registro sin orden de cateo de la presente doy mi consentimiento a : (Nombre del Oficial - Officer) y quienes se han identificado como oficiales del Departamento de Policia de Chicago, asignado a (Nombre del Oficial - Officer) (Unidad/Grupo - Unit) que conduzcan un registro (cateo) completo en este momento del local/vehiculo que se encuentra bajo mi control legal y descrito como: Ademas, doy mi autorizacion y mi consentimiento a los oficiales arriba mencionados para que obtengan y se lleven del local/vehiculo registrado (cateado) cualquier material, documento, u objeto que se pueda usar en relacion y proposito legitimo de la ejecucion de la ley. Poniendo mi firma a este documento, declaro y certifico que este consentimiento para registrar ha sido dado a sabiendas y en forma voluntaria, por mi, a los oficiales arriba mencionados sin haber recibido amenazas, promesas o coaccion de ninguna clase. (FIRMA - SIGNATURE) TESTIGOS (NO MIEMBRO DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE POLICIA SI ES POSIBLE) (NOMBRE IMPRIMIDO - PRINTED NAME) (FIRMA - SIGNATURE) REPORTING MEMBER(S) REPORTING MEMBER'S NAME STAR NO. EMPLOYEE NO. SIGNATURE REPORTING MEMBER'S NAME STAR NO. EMPLOYEE NO. SIGNATURE STAR NO. SIGNATURE SUPERVISORY APPROVAL REPORTING MEMBER'S NAME INCIDENT INFORMATION RD NO. CPD-11.483 (REV. 5/07) I-UCR CODE EVENT NO. CONSENT TO SEARCH INVENTORY NO.