MASS SCHEDULE / CALENDARIO DE MISAS 24 Saturday/Sábado 24 Saturday/Sábado October 25 2015 / 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. English 7:00 p.m. Spanish † Jean Stemmler (Cecilia Victoria Kekish) † Carlos Arturo Ponce (Ines Villalta) † Ruben Dario Herrera, † Reina Maria Herrera, † Rosa Amelia Hernandez, † Teresa Murillo (Familia Herrera) Romans/Romanos 8.1-11; Ps./Sal. 24.1-2,3-4ab,5-6; Luke/Lucas 13.1-9. 25 Sunday/Domingo: 25 Sunday/Domingo: 9:30 a.m. English Mass offered for the Parish Community 11:30 a.m. Spanish Misa ofrecida por la Comunidad Parroquial Jeremiah/Jeremias 31.7-9; Ps./Sal. 126.1-2a,2b-3,4-5,6; Hebrews/Hebreos 5.1-6; Mark/Marcos 10.46-52. 26 Monday/Lunes: NO MASS Romans/Romanos 8.11-17++; Ps./Sal. 68.1+3,5-6ab,19-20; Luke/Lucas 13.10-17. 27 Tuesday/Martes: 8:30 a.m. English 27 Tuesday/Martes: 7:00 p.m. Spanish Romans/Romanos 8.18-25; Ps./Sal. 126.1-2ab,2cd-3,4-5,6;Luke/Lucas 13.18-21. 28 Wednesday/Miércoles: 8:30 a.m. English Living and Deceased Members of Solomon and Cormier Family (Len & Marie Solomon) Ephesians/Efesios 2.19-22;Ps./Sal. 19.1-2,3-4ab; Luke/Lucas 6.12-19. 29 Thursday/Jueves: NO ENGLISH MASS Priests Seminar /Seminario de Sacerdotes Romans/Romanos 8.31b-39; Ps./Sal. 109.21-22,26-27,30-31; Luke/Lucas 13.31-35. 30 Friday/Viernes: NO ENGLISH MASS Priests Seminar / Seminario de Sacerdotes 30 Friday/Viernes: 7:00 p.m. Spanish Romans/Romanos 9.1-5; Ps. Sal. 147.12-13,14-15,19-20; Luke/Lucas 14.1-6. 31 Saturday/Sábado 31 Saturday/Sábado 5:00 p.m. English † Marilyn Bode (Johanna Bode) 7:00 p.m. Spanish Romans/Romanos 11.1-2a,11-12,25-29; Ps./Sal. 94.12-13a,14-15,17-18; Luke/Lucas 14.1,7-11. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Every Friday from 6:00 p.m.— 6:45 p.m. and Saturday from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Any other time by appointment. Sacramento de la Reconciliación: Todos los Viernes de 6:00 p.m.—6:45 p.m. y Sábados de 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. o con cita. Vayan por todo el mundo y prediquen mi Evangelio a toda creatura (Marcos 16,15) Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation (Mark 16,15) 25 de octubre de 2015 / 30 º Domingo Ordinario God, help me to be humble Dios, nos ayuda a ser humildes God's plan does not change. Through the centuries and turns of history, he always aims at the same finality: the Kingdom of liberty and peace for all. And this implies his predilection for those deprived of freedom and peace, for those violated in their dignity as human beings. These favorite children of the heavenly Father are like the blind man in the Gospel, Bartimaeus at the gates of Jericho. Jesus the Nazarene passed that way. It is the road that leads to Jerusalem, where the Paschal Event will take place, his sacrificial Easter, towards which the Messiah goes for us. It is the road of his exodus which is also ours: the only way that leads to the land of reconciliation, justice and peace. On that road, the Lord meets Bartimaeus. Their paths cross, they become a single path. The blind man calls out, full of faith. God is light and the Creator of light. Man is the son of light, made to see the light, but has lost his sight, and is forced to beg. The Lord, who became a beggar for us, walks next to him: thirsting for our faith and our love. "What do you want me to do for you?". God knows the answer, but asks; he wants the man to speak. He wants the man to stand up, to find the courage to ask for what is needed for his dignity. The Father wants to hear in the son's own voice the free choice to see the light once again, the light, the reason for Creation. El designio de Dios no cambia. A través de los siglos y de las vicisitudes de la historia, apunta siempre a la misma meta: el Reino de la libertad y de la paz para todos. Y esto implica su predilección por cuantos están privados de libertad y de paz, por cuantos han visto violada su dignidad de personas humanas. Estos hijos predilectos del Padre celestial son como el ciego del Evangelio, Bartimeo, que "mendigaba sentado junto al camino" a las puertas de Jericó. Precisamente por ese camino pasa Jesús Nazareno. Es el camino de su éxodo que es también el nuestro: el único camino que lleva a la tierra de la reconciliación, de la justicia y de la paz. En ese camino el Señor encuentra a Bartimeo. Sus caminos se cruzan, se convierten en un único camino. Dios es luz y creador de la luz. El hombre es hijo de la luz, está hecho para ver la luz, pero ha perdido la vista. Junto a él pasa el Señor, que se ha hecho mendigo por nosotros: sediento de nuestra fe y de nuestro amor. "¿Qué quieres que te haga?". Dios lo sabe, pero pregunta; quiere que sea el hombre quien hable. Quiere que el hombre se ponga de pie, que encuentre el valor de pedir lo que le corresponde por su dignidad. El Padre quiere oír de la voz misma de su hijo la libre voluntad de ver de nuevo la luz, la luz para la que lo ha creado. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANUNCIOS Unite in Love… Let us go to serve: Unirnos en amor ... Vayamos a Thank you! The Church is missionary servir: La Iglesia es misionera en todo throughout the year and it is every day that el año y todos los días somos we are missionaries. We have proof that our misioneros. De nuevo, hemos people from St. John’s and Our Lady of demostrado nuestra generosidad. Este Guadalupe Parishes are generous. This year, año, se logró recaudar $1,140.90 para $1,140.90 was raised on the World Mission la Jornada Mundial Misionera en Sunday in Africa, Asia, Oceania, South África, Asia, Oceanía, Sur América y America and Eastern Europe. Once again, Europa. Una vez más, Su generosidad your generosity is constant from one year to ha sido constante de un año a otro. another. Thank you!. ¡Muchas Gracias!. Special Mass For Those Living With Cancer, Their Families And Caregivers: To be held at Blessed Sacrament Church on Saturday, October 24th at 1:00 p.m. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered. Reception to follow. Free will offering to be taken up. The Celebrant will be Bishop Ustrzycki. Misa especial para los enfermos con cáncer y sus familias, sabado 24 de octubre a la 1:00 p.m. en la Iglesia Blessed Sacrament. Se impondra la Unción para los Enfermos. Habrá refrigerio. El Celebrante será el obispo Ustrzycki. Waterloo Region All Souls Day Mass: Join Bishop Daniel Miehm on Monday, November 2, at 7:00 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 173 Lourdes St, Waterloo, for a Mass in remembrance of the deceased faithful in the Waterloo Region. Refreshments and a presentation on Catholic Funeral Planning given by The Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of Hamilton will follow. All are welcome. Prayers for Refugees take place Monday evenings from 7:00 to 7:30 at the Church. We encourage all parishioners to attend. Oración por los Refugiados todos los lunes de 7:00 a 7:30 p.m. en la iglesia. Animamos a todos los feligreses a asistir. Waterloo Regional Police Male Chorus In Concert "Raises the Roof - In Song": Friday, October 30th at 7:00 p.m. - St. Anthony Daniel Parish, 29 Midland Drive, Kitchener. Tickets $15. For more information please call 519-839-6960. St. Anne’s Social Committee is hosting their Annual Card Party on Monday, October 26. Doors Open at 6:00 pm. Lunch served at 7:00 pm. Admission $8. Great Prizes. 2x$50 Cash Prizes, Quilt and so much more! C.W.L. Bazaar & Schnitzel Dinner: Friday, November 13th in the parish hall, from 2:00 to 7:30 p.m. The Schnitzel Dinner will be served from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m.; cost of $15 per person. We are still looking for volunteers to help with our event. We also need donations of new items for the Toonie Table, and nearly new items for the Nearly New Store (ie. Puzzles, books, costume jewelry, glassware, small appliances, toys, small household goods – please no clothing or shoes). For the Country Store, we need knitting, crochet items, sewing, crafts. For the Bake Table we need all kinds of baked goods. Items may be dropped off at the parish hall on Tuesday, November 10th and Thursday, November 12th after 7:00 p.m. On Friday, November 13th, baking can be dropped off any time after 9:00 a.m. For further information call Shirley (519-742-3248). Let’s make Canada a climate leader! In December, world leaders will be meeting in Paris at the United Nations Climate Conference (COP21) to negotiate a binding and universal agreement on the world’s climate. For this agreement to be effective at avoiding future climate-related disasters, the global temperature can’t rise more than 2oC over the coming years. In order to achieve this, however, countries like Canada will need to transition to renewable energies, and move away from fossil fuels. Sign Development and Peace’s Action Card, which will be distributed on November 1st, asking the Prime Minister to sign on to an agreement at COP21 that sets the target to keep the rise in temperature below 2oC and to be a leader in achieving that target. On the card, you can also share with the Prime Minister your own personal action to help reduce climate change. The survival of our planet and its people is at stake!. Hagamos de Canadá un líder climático! En diciembre, los líderes mundiales se reunirán en París en la Sede de la Naciones Unidas (COP21) para negociar un acuerdo universal del clima en el mundo. Para que este acuerdo sea eficaz y evitar futuros desastres relacionados con el clima, la temperatura global no puede subir más de 2°C en los próximos años. Para lograr esto, países como Canadá tendrán que hacer la transición a las energías renovables, y terminar con los combustibles fósiles. Apoya a Desarrollo y Paz firmando una tarjeta de Acción, que se distribuirá el proximo fin de semana, pidiendo al primer ministro que firme un acuerdo en COP21 que establezca el objetivo de mantener la temperatura por debajo de 2°C y ser un líder en la consecucion de ese objetivo. En la tarjeta, también puede compartir con el primer ministro su acción personal para ayudar a reducir el cambio climático. La supervivencia de nuestro planeta y su gente está en juego!. $3900 Last week’s collection / donación de samana pasada: $3143 Weekly expenses / gastos semanales: Syrian Refugee Relief Fund $1,045 World Mission Sunday Collection $1,140.90 Suggested Offering: For those who are working, 1 hour of your income each week to support our parish. For those who are not working, at your discretion. Recuerde que la ofrenda de 1 hora de su ingreso cada semana apoya nuestra parroquia.