NEWSLETTER #1 August 19, 2016

Wilson Journal
Wilson Elementary School
5619 E. Glade Avenue
Mesa, Arizona 85206
A Unit of Mesa Public Schools -- An Equal Opportunity Organization --
Dear Wilson Parents and Community,
I am honored to serve as the principal of Wilson
Elementary, and it is my pleasure to welcome everyone
back for another great year! We are all excited to have
students back in our classrooms and hallways filling
them with energy and enthusiasm for learning. It is our
mission to help every child feel welcome, connected and
a special part of our Wilson family. Additionally, we want
to strive to challenge each student to grow in his or her
academic abilities and to reach their individual learning
goals. We have amazing teachers who spend hours
planning and creating classroom lessons to engage our
students in high levels of learning. We are very thankful
for the outstanding parent support at Wilson, this
connection gives such additional strength to our
We hope that you will find our website helpful and
informative along with our Wilson Journal. We want to
keep you informed and provide the best communication
possible! Your family and students are very special to
us, so please always feel free to give us a call if you
have questions.
It is truly a privilege to be a part of a community where
parents, teachers and students care for each other and
strive to build positive relationships that support
academic and social growth.
Once again, welcome back! Let’s make it another great
year at Wilson together!
Mrs. Heath
At Wilson Elementary, we send home a lot of information to
our parents. We realize that if you have multiple children in our
school, sometimes the amount of paper coming home can be
overwhelming! Any information that we need to share with
you will be sent home to either the YOUNGEST or the
ONLY child. Check backpacks daily!
Shelley Heath, Principal
August 19, 2016
Having Lunch Or Visiting A Classroom
We ask that anyone who is planning to eat lunch with a
student or visit a classroom must not only check in at the
front office, but also have proper ID with them. All
visitors and volunteers will be required to show a
picture I.D. If you are not on the student’s contact list
you will NOT be permitted to visit or eat lunch with a
student unless we receive a phone call or note from a
parent/guardian granting permission.
Picking Up Students During School Hours
If anyone other than a parent or guardian is picking up a
student during school hours, 7:45 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
(1:15 on Wednesdays), we need either a note or a
telephone call from a parent/guardian. If it is at the end
of the day, students need to be picked up from the
parent pick-up area. Thank you for your cooperation in
keeping our students safe.
Keys 4 Success at Wilson
Students can earn recognition cards in the areas of Respect,
Responsibility, Kindness and Grit. Each card represents a
different color. Respect=Blue, Responsibility=Red,
Kindness=Green and Grit=Purple. Each time a student earns
their specific card, they get to bring it to the office and place it
in the special container. Their name will be read on the
announcements (on Thursday mornings). We will then place
their Keys 4 Success card on the bulletin board in the front
office and their name will appear in the Wilson Journal.
Students will also get to wear a “golden key” to be recognized
around campus for their outstanding accomplishments!
Morning Drop-Off
Student drop off is not allowed on Glade Ave. by the bus zone.
This area is for BUSES only. ALL students being dropped
off by parents should be dropped off in the kiss-and-go lane
on the east side of the school (Main Entrance that runs by
front office). The kiss-and-go lane is safe, convenient and fast.
Please make sure you are not parking, dropping off, or walking
across the street near the bus zone entrance. Also, please be
aware that students should not be arriving on campus until
7:25 am. All gates to the playground will be locked until
7:25 am. There is no supervision on our playgrounds until this
time. Thank you for helping us keep our Wilson Wildcats safe!
What’s TITLE I?
Art Masterpiece needs your help. We are looking for
parent volunteers to come into the classrooms about 8
times a year, for 20 minutes each visit. You will be given
an art piece to discuss with the students, so you won’t
need to worry about finding a subject. The students love
this and it is a great way to create a love of the arts. We
can’t do this without your help. We rely on parent helpers,
without them not all classrooms will be able to participate.
Contact Tiffany Tobler at
Dear Parents,
Wilson receives additional supplemental funds through a
Title I grant from the federal government to provide extra
supplementary services for all of our students. Your children
will benefit directly or indirectly from this extra help. At Wilson
these funds along with other federal resources will be
consolidated to support school wide positive changes. Funds
can be used to:
Parents Right to Know
Title I Schoolwide and/or Target Assistance Programs
We are pleased to notify you that in accordance with the Every
Students Succeeds Act, 2015, you have the right to request
information regarding the professional qualifications of your
child’s teacher. Specifically, you may request the following:
● Whether the teacher has met State qualification and
licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which
the teacher provides instruction.
● Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other
provisional status through which State qualification or licensing
criteria has been waived.
● The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other
graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the
field of discipline of the certification or degree.
● Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals
and, if so, their qualifications.
If you would like to receive this information, please contact
your school’s principal Shelley Heath at 472-9249, and she will
be happy to assist you.
Derecho de los padres en conocer ~ Programa Título I en
toda la escuela y Programa Título I para cumplir objetivos
Nos complace informarle en conformidad con la ley Cada
Estudiante Tiene Exito, 2015, usted tiene el derecho de
solicitar información sobre los títulos profesionales del
maestro de su hijo. Específicamente, puede solicitar lo
● Si el maestro ha cumplido los requisitos estatales y
criterios de licenciatura para los niveles de estudios y áreas de
asignaturas en las que el maestro proporciona instrucción.
● Si el maestro está enseñando bajo un certificado de
enseñanza alternativa u otro estado provisional a través de que
el requisito estatal o criterio de licenciatura han sido
● El título de licenciatura del maestro y cualquier otro
certificado de graduación o título que tiene el maestro, y el
campo de la disciplina de la certificación o título.
● Si el niño reciba servicios de un paraprofesional (un
ayudante capacitado para ayudar a una persona profesional) y,
si es así, sus títulos/certificaciones.
Si desea recibir esta información, por favor comuníquese con
el director de la escuela Shelley Heath al 472-9249, y él/ella
estará encantado de ayudarle.
Hire highly qualified instructional personnel to assist
teachers within the classrooms
Provide training for staff and teachers
Provide supplemental instructional materials and
Ensure high-quality School wide Programs
Increase parent involvement participation
We are pleased to have these funds to provide high quality
instruction for all children.
Estimados Padres:
La escuela Wilson recibe fondos suplementarios adicionales
a través de una subvención de Título I del gobierno federal
para proveer servicios suplementarios extras a todos nuestros
estudiantes. Sus hijos se beneficiarán directa o
indirectamente de esta ayuda. En la escuela Wilson estos
fondos junto con otros recursos federales, serán consolidados
para apoyar cambios escolares positivos. Los fondos pueden
ser utilizados para:
Contratar a personal docente altamente calificado para
ayudar a los maestros en la clase
Proveer entrenamiento para los empleados y maestros
Proveer material de instrucción suplemental y tecnología
Asegurar programas escolares de la mayor calidad
Aumentar la participación de los padres en la escuela
Nos complace tener estos fondos para proporcionar
instrucción de alta calidad a todos los estudiantes.
Don’t Miss A Thing!
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variety of easy ways this year. Sign up for text updates,
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Manténgase conectado con Wilson y las Escuelas
Públicas de Mesa en una variedad de formas sencillas
este año. Regístrese para recibir mensajes de texto,
descargar aplicaciones útiles y seguirnos a lo largo de
los medios sociales en ¡No
te pierdas información importante otr