APSLC: tareas veraniegas 2016-2017 personaje famoso: Señor

APSLC: tareas veraniegas 2016-2017
Señor Ross (cross@wcpss.net)
personaje famoso: _________________
Welcome to APSLC! I am thrilled that you have decided to be a part of this class. I realize that right now you
are looking forward to summer and not thinking too much about next year. While I totally understand that, I
also need you to know that the goal of this summer work is to help you maintain or improve upon your current
linguistic abilities. Completing this work at the last minute will not help you accomplish these goals! Spread out
the work over the summer both for your sanity and so that it helps you be best prepared for the start of class. I
have dispersed the due dates throughout the summer to help you with this. 
You can find helpful information and links to other sites on my Wiki: http://senorrossapspanish.pbworks.com/
Culture is a central theme to this class; I have included a list of AP themes on page 4 of this packet. As
you complete the work, be sure to consult the list so that you can include cultural situations and topics as
you read, listen, watch, and speak.
In order to receive full credit, the written work must be submitted on or before the due date.
before leaving for summer (June 9)
digitally by Friday, June 30 at midnight
digitally by Friday, July 14 at midnight
digitally by Sunday, July 31 at midnight
digitally by Monday, August 22 at midnight
at school by Monday, August 22 at 3:00
Prior to leaving for summer, please bring exact change or a check made out to LRHS for $65. If you are unable
to pay, please speak to me privately so we can discuss options.
ASSIGNMENT 2: EMAIL (submitted digitally prior to Friday, June 30 at midnight)
A. Become familiar with College Board website about this exam. The exam changed in 2014 the exam so
be careful that you are reading current information.
B. Look at the tips that the College Board suggests for you:
C. Check out practice activities for the exam:
After completing parts A, B, and C, use Google Drive to send me an email in Spanish of at least 100 words. In
the email, use formal structure (usted) and include the following.
Describe the exam as you understand it.
Explain with which parts you feel most comfortable and why
Explain which parts worry you most and why.
Share ideas of how you will best study over the course of the year.
Include your goals and plans.
Describe any areas of concern for you as they relate to the exam.
Include any other pertinent comments.
Ask me any questions that you have.
(A list of the first five hours must be digitally shared with me prior to Sunday, July 31 at midnight.)
(The Personal Introduction is due by Friday July 14 at midnight.)
(A list of the final five hours must be shared digitally with me prior to Monday, August 22 at midnight.)
(All written documentation should be turned in at school by Monday, August 22 at 3:00 p.m.).
This is designed to be a TEN HOUR PRACTICE FORM. I have separated it into two FIVE HOUR
FORMS. Although they are due to be turned in on two specific dates, I expect you to spread out the work over
the summer in an effort to keep your skills active. Start early to learn the most efficient way for you to work
and DON’T leave everything to the last minute. Both the form and the entire packet will be available on the
Wiki at the conclusion of this school year. Note that one subsection is due by midnight on Friday, July 14.
In order to receive credit, all written documentation must be turned in at the end of the summer at
school. Work described on the tally sheet but not physically present will NOT count toward the 10 hour
total. When you complete a speaking or listening exercise, write a brief summary describing exactly
what you did in the activity. All writing must be in Spanish in blue or black pen. All written work is due
before Monday, 8/22 at 3:00.
You must divide your practice into the following areas:
1. Grammar/vocabulary exercises (2 hours): For grammar, use either an AP practice book or a
website (there are suggestions on my Wiki). For vocabulary, complete the included grid as you
build a personal vocabulary list. Make copies of the sheet (or print them off the Wiki) and as you
come across new vocabulary words, fill in the grid. You must write the word, draw a picture to
help you to remember the word, define the word in simple Spanish, and use it in a sentence to
show that you know the definition. You must complete at least 30 words.
 Grammar exercises must be written/printed and attached to receive credit
 Grammar exercises should be checked for correctness against an answer key, if possible. All
exercises should be marked right or wrong and then explained if wrong.
2. Listening (2 hours): Be creative here! You can use songs, movies, radio (see Wiki for links) or listening
to native speakers conversing. You must write a summary of what you did and what you learned!
3. Writing (2 hours): Writing can be accomplished in a number of ways. I suggest using
interpersonal writing topics from any AP practice book or the College Board website to count for
some of this section. In addition, you can include write-ups from your listening or speaking, you
can write original poetry or short stories, read articles (which also counts for reading) and write a
summary or reaction, write e-mails/letters to friends and family, chat online in Spanish, etc. All
writing in the portfolio must be hand written in pen and double spaced to count for credit.
4. Reading (2 hours):
 For one portion of this segment, you will read Bernardino by Ana María Matute and answer
the accompanying questions. There is a copy in this packet and it is available on the Wiki.
 For the rest of the time you can read anything in Spanish and count it toward your hours.
There are many other sources in addition to the links provided on the Wiki. You must write a
summary of your reading in order to count toward your practice hours.
5. Speaking (2 hours):
 The first portion of the speaking is due by Friday 7/10 at midnight. This may take you some time to
figure out, so plan accordingly.
 You must use Audacity, which is a free download. You can (access it here, or link to it from
the Wiki). On the same page you will need to download the lame file. Additionally you will
need a watch or timer.
o Record a two minute discussion in which you talk about yourself, your family, your hobbies,
your likes and dislikes, etc.
o Time yourself – you have one minute to prepare – do NOT write anything out; all speaking
should be spontaneous.
o Once you begin recording, start the time and go.
o Do not re-record or go back to edit mistakes. Do not stop or pause your recorder at any time
until the two minutes are over.
o When you conclude the presentation, export it and save it as an mp3 file. Send me the file via
Google Drive. Further instructions for both these processes are available on the Wiki.
 For the rest of your 2 hours of speaking you can do any combination of the following: use a
textbook to practice the informal and formal sections of the AP exam, have phone
conversations, hang out speaking with friends, in restaurants, etc. You must write a summary
of your conversations in order to count the time toward your practice hours.
* Speaking Spanish with non-native speakers of the language can count for only 1/2 the total time! *
Use the accompanying chart to keep record of your work.
When you are ready to turn in the work, place it all in a file folder labeled with your first and last name.
You can either include the chart or email it to me.
ASSIGNMENT #4 (prepared during summer and ready for presentation during the first weeks of the course)
A. A 2 minute show and tell about your summer. Highlight the most important aspects of different
activities that you have done in the months of June, July, or August. You must include ONE
appropriate visual to use during your presentation.
B. A 2 minute presentation about a famous Spanish-speaking person. These names will be issued at
the meeting at the conclusion of the 2015-2016 school year. If you miss the meeting please contact
me before you leave for summer.
Plan to elaborate based on your individual, but give us the big picture of the person:
1. Who is s/he? Where is s/he from?
2. Why s/he famous?
3. How has s/he impacted the Spanish-speaking culture?
4. What time frame are we talking about? Alive/dead?
5. How does this person relate to our study of Spanish?
6. What are a/some interesting or trivial personal fact/s about this person?
You can reach me during the summer by e-mail at cross@wcpss.net if you have any questions. Good luck with
your assignments! I look forward to working with you in APSLC next year!
APSLC: Temas de la clase
Los desafíos mundiales
Los temas económicos
Los temas del medio ambiente
El pensamiento filosófico y la religión
La población y la demografía
El bienestar social
La conciencia social
Las preguntas esenciales:
¿Cuáles son los desafíos sociales, políticos y del medio ambiente que enfrentan las sociedades del mundo?
¿Cuáles son los orígenes deseos desafíos?
¿Cuáles son algunas posibles soluciones a esos desafíos?
La ciencia y la tecnología
El acceso a la tecnología
Los efectos de la tecnología en el individuo y la sociedad
El cuidado de la salud y la medicina
Las innovaciones tecnológicas
Los fenómenos naturales
La ciencia y la ética
Las preguntas esenciales:
¿Qué impacto tiene el desarrollo científico y tecnológico en nuestras vidas?
¿Qué factores han impulsado el desarrollo y la innovación en la ciencia y la tecnología?
¿Qué papel cumple la ética en los avances científicos?
La vida contemporánea
La educación y las carreras profesionales
El entretenimiento y la diversión
Los viajes y el ocio
Los estilos de vida
Las relaciones personales
Las tradiciones y los valores sociales
El trabajo voluntario
Las preguntas esenciales:
¿Cómo definen los individuos y las sociedades su propia calidad de vida?
¿Cómo influyen los productos culturales, las prácticas y las perspectivas de la gente en la vida contemporánea?
¿Cuáles son los desafíos de la vida contemporánea?
Las identidades personales y públicas
La enajenación y la asimilación
 Las creencias personales
Los héroes y los personajes históricos
 Los intereses personales
La identidad nacional y la identidad étnica
 La autoestima
Las preguntas esenciales:
¿Cómo se expresan los distintos aspectos de la identidad en diversas situaciones?
¿Cómo influyen la lengua y la cultura en la identidad de una persona?
¿Cómo se desarrolla la identidad de una persona a lo largo del tiempo?
Las tradiciones y los valores
Las comunidades educativas
La estructura de la familia
Las familias y las comunidades
 La ciudadanía global
 La geografía humana
 Las redes sociales
Las preguntas esenciales:
¿Cómo se define la familia en distintas sociedades?
¿Cómo contribuyen los individuos al bienestar de las comunidades?
¿Cuáles son las diferencias en los papeles que asumen las comunidades y las familias en las diferentes sociedades del mundo?
La arquitectura
Definiciones de la belleza
Definiciones de la creatividad
Tema: La belleza y la estética
 La moda y el diseño
 El lenguaje y la literatura
 Las artes visuales y escénicas
Las preguntas esenciales:
¿Cómo se establecen las percepciones de la belleza y la creatividad?
¿Cómo influyen los ideales de la belleza y la estética en la vida cotidiana?
¿Cómo las artes desafían y reflejan las perspectivas culturales?
© 2011 The College Board
Hoja de verificar las 10 horas de práctica horas
Fecha / Horas
Nombre ____________________
Evidencia (¿Qué hiciste? ¿Dónde?)