RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION FORM >>> RETURNING/REGRESANDO <<< Child’s name/Nombre del nino: ________________________________________________________ Please enter the grade your child will be entering in public school this fall: _______________________ Por favor introduce el grado de su hijo va a ingresar en la escuela publica este otono Child’s D.O.B./Nino Fecha da Nacimiento _________________________________________________ Circle One/Marcar con un circulo: Circle One/Marcar con un circulo: My child needs/Mi nino necesita: K-1 Double Sacrament Confirmation 1 Confirmation 2 3–4–5–6–7-8 Bilingual Baptism/Bautismo First HC/Primera Comunion Never attended CCD/Nunca a participado de la Catequesis Parents/Guardian name/Nombre de Pardes/Guardian: Father/Padre: ________________________________________________________________________ Mother/Madre: _______________________________________________________________________ Address/Direccion: ____________________________________________________________________ City, Zip Code/Ciudad, Codigo-postal: ___________________________________________________ Telephone Home/Hogar: ________________________________________________________________________ Cell/Cellular: ________________________________________________________________________ If you are new or receiving a sacrament you MUST have your baptismal certificate with you at the time of registration. / Si eres Nuevo o recibir un sacramento DEBE tener su certificado de bautismo con usted en el momento de la inscripcion. Paid fee of/Pago el Honorario de: Single: $25.00 Two or more: $50.00 First Holy Communion/Confirmation: $40.00 OFFICE USE ONLY – DO NOT FILL OUT BELOW/SOLO PARA USO DE OFICINA Initials of person taking reg. form: ___________________ Date: ____________________________ (Circle one) CASH CHECK (and number) ________________________________________ Are certificates attached? (Circle one): YES NO Comments: