Holy Spirit Church 1050 North Texas Street Fairfield, CA 94533 Fr. Michael Downey, Pastor Fr. Rodolfo Llamas, Vicario Parroquial Parish Office……………..……….425-3138 New address: 1070 N. Texas St. Masses: Hours: see inside bulletin for new hours E-mail: BSouza@holyspiritfairfield. org Web: www.holyspiritfairfield.org Parish Fax Number: 425-2029 School …………………...……….422-5016 Hours: 8am-3:30pm M-F Faith Formation ……..…………..425-9042 Educación Religiosa …………...424-6090 Daily: M-F: 7am; 9am; Sat: 9am in English Tuesday & Friday: 7pm in Spanish Wednesday: 6:30pm OLPH Novena & Mass Sat Vigil: 5pm in English; 7pm in Spanish Sunday: 6:00am in Spanish, 7:30am; 9:00am; 10:30am; 12 noon in English; 2:00pm in Spanish Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - 3 - 4:30pm in English Español - Ver información en la página en Español adentro del boletin. The Most Holy Trinity/La Santísima Trinidad May 22, 2016/22 de mayo de 2016 The love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. — Romans 5:5b Dios ha infundido su amor en nuestros corazones por medio del Espíritu Santo. — Romanos 5:5b Jubilee Year of Mercy The Spirit of Truth Reading 1 Reading 2 Gospel Proverbs 8:22-31 Romans 5:1-5 John 16:12-15 Key Passage: Jesus said, “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” John 16:12-13a Adult: In what difficult situation has the Holy Spirit helped you see more clearly? Youth: What are some of the ways the Holy Spirit has helped you in your life? Parish Offertory May 14/15, 2016 Mass 5:00pm 7:00pm 6:00am 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 2:00pm Budget $2,580 830 716 2,310 2,635 2,660 2,000 1,350 Actual $2318 716 921 2183 2731 2764 2400 1590 Your Offertory Envelopes Cada mes un paquete con sobres para ofrenda se envia a cada familia registrada en la Parroquia. Dentro del paquete se encuentran: Regular Sunday Envelopes: One for each Sunday of the month. This offertory goes to the parish to help pay for the everyday expenses, such as water, electricity, hosts, wine, etc. Sobres para Misa Dominical: Un sobre para cada fin de semana del mes. Esta ofrenda ayuda en los gastos de funcionamiento de la parroquia: agua, electricidad, hostias, vino, etc. Capital Improvements: Only one per month is sent. These funds are used for maintaining the buildings and grounds, such as leaky pipes, repair the roof, etc. Since it is specific to the use, it cannot be used for any other purpose than to help maintain the facility. Capital Improvements: Solo se envia uno al mes. Los fondos se usan para dar mantenimiento al area y sus intalaciones: como reparación de techos, de tuberias, etc., como son fondos para uso especifico de mantenimiento no puede usarse para otros propósitos. St. Vincent de Paul: Only one per month is sent. These funds are giving to our Holy Spirit St. Vincent de Paul. The money is used to help the needy and poor in our community. It helps to pay rent, food, electricity, or any other need for someone who finds themselves in need. St. Vincent de Paul: Solo se envia uno al mes. Estos fondos son para la Sociedad San Vicente de Paul de la parroquia. Usan esas donaciones para ayudar a pobres y necesitados de la comunidad en ayuda para renta, comida, electricidad y otras neccesidades que se les puede presentar. Other times of the year, you may find additional envelopes, such as Flower Envelope, Good Friday, Easter and Christmas. All of the money collected in these envelopes, and the ones mentioned above, stays here in Holy Spirit Parish, with the exception of Good Friday. That is sent to the Holy Land every year. En ciertos tiempos del año recibe sobres especiales: Flores, Viernes Santo, Pascua, y Navidad. Todas esas donaciones se quedan en nuestra parroquia para el uso que se especifica, excepto Viernes Santo que se envia cada año a Tierra Santa. WISDOM’S ROOT Wisdom has its roots in goodness, and not goodness its roots in wisdom. —Ralph Waldo Emerson Thank you for your continued support! OPEN AND SHUT PASTORAL CENTER HOURS Sobres de la Ofrenda Every month a packet of offertory envelopes is sent to each registered family of the parish. Inside this packet, you will find the following: There are two times when to keep your mouth shut: when swimming and when angry. LA RAÍZ DE LA SABIDURÍA La sabiduría tiene sus raíces en la bondad, y no al revés. —Ralph Waldo Emerson BOCA CERRADA Existen dos instancias en que debes mantener la boca cerrada: cuando nadas y cuando estás enfadado. —Anonymous Horario de la Oficina Parroquial —Anónimo Monday/ Lunes:10am-12pm and 1- 4pm PATIENCE PACIENCIA Tuesday to Thursday/ Martes a Jueves: Patience and the passage of time do more La paciencia y el paso del tiempo hacen 9am-12pm and 1pm- 4pm than strength and fury. más que la fuerza y la furia. —Jean de la Fontaine —Jean de la Fontaine Friday/Viernes: 9am-12pm and 1- 3pm HORARIO DE MISAS Y CONFESIONES Dias Martes Viernes Sábado Domingo Domingo Misa 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 6:00am 2:00pm Confesiones 6:00-6:50pm 6:00-6:50pm 6:00-6:50pm NO CONFESIONES 1:00-1:50pm BAPTISM/BAUTISMO Classes: 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:00am at 1070 N Texas St. Room D Baptisms: 2nd & 3rd Sundays at 3:30pm Registration package to be picked up at the Office or visit the website: holyspiritfairfield.org → sacraments → infant baptism packet Coordinator: Jo-Ann 425-3138 ext. 501 Clase prebautismal 1er Lunes del mes a las 7pm en el templo. Registrarse en la Oficina con anticipación NO en la Clase Bautismo el 2do y 4to Sábado del mes. A las 10am. Registrar con al menos tres (3) meses de anticipación. Cordinadora: Teresa Donan 425-3138 ext. 340 Registrarse en la Oficina ó bajar el paquete online holyspiritfairfield.org → sacraments → infant baptism packet (Spanish) Mayo 22, 2016 3:30pm En el gimnasio “Nuestro Terrerno/Common Ground” READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8; Mk 10:13-16 Sunday: Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Stgo 3:13-18; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15; Mc 9:14-29 Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Stgo 4:1-10; Sal 55 (54):7-11a, 23; Mc 9:30-37 Stgo 4:13-17; Sal 49 (48):2-3, 6-11; Mc 9:38-40 Stgo 5:1-6; Sal 49 (48):14-20; Mc 9:41-50 Stgo 5:9-12; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mc 10:1-12 Stgo 5:13-20; Sal 141 (140):1-3, 8; Mc 10:13-16 Prov 8:22-31; Sal 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15 Retiro para Hombres y Mujeres Para Mujeres Sábado Mayo 28 de 8am a 5pm, (tendremos cuidado de niños) Para Hombres Domingo 29 de Mayo de 8am-5pm En el gimnasio parroquial Con el P. Camilo de Colombia, P. Rodolfo Llamas y Diácono Santiago Guerrero de Las Vegas. Para mas información llamar a: Rosario Jacobo 707-294-3383 Margarita Martinez 707-290-9351 Tendremos información gratuita sobre: *Inmigración DAPA, DACA, Ciudadania, Residencia. *Derechos laborales *Salud mental/consejería familiar, etc. *Diferentes servicios sociales disponibles en la comunidad. Para mas información llamar a la Oficina parroquial 707-424-6090 Registraciones para Catecismo 2016-2017 Registraciones para las familias (nuevas y continuando) para Catecismo 2016-17, estaremos tomando el 25 de junio después de la Misa de las 5pm y en domingo 26 después de todas las Misas en la oficina de la parroquia: 1070 N Texas St. Por favor recuerde traer copia (o podemos hacer una copia del original) del acta de nacimiento y de bautismo. O usted puede recoger la forma de inscripción en el Centro Pastoral (oficina) o registrarse en línea. Holyspiritfairfield.org→Sacraments→Faith Formation Registration (Spanish) or (English) según su preferencia Certificados de Comunión y Confirmación del 2016 se podran recojer al mismo tiempo Registration for Faith Formation 2016-2017 Vacation Bible Camp Earthkeepers, adventures for Creation Care Kids! Mark your calendars now for June 20—June 24, 9:00am—12 noon! For more information, call 707-425-9042. Campamento Biblico de Verano Del 20 de Junio al 24 de Junio de las 9:am– 12 pm Para mas información comunicarse al: 707– 424-6090. Registration for all families (new and continuing) for the 201617 Faith Formation year will be taken on June 25 (after 5 Mass) and 26 (after all Masses) at the Parish Office: 1070 N Texas. Please bring a copy (or we can make a copy of the original) of child’s Birth and Baptism certificates. Or you may pick up a registration packet at the Pastoral Center (office) or register on line. Holyspiritfairfield.org→Sacraments→Faith Formation Registration (Spanish) or (English) For more info call 425-9042. 2016 Communion and Confirmation Certificates for are available to be picked at the same time. MASS INTENTIONS Please remember in your prayers all who are in need of prayers in our community: MAY 23—MAY 29, 2016 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Vigil Sun 7:00am 9:00am 7:00am 9:00am 7:00pm 7:00am 9:00am 7:00am 9:00am 7:00am 9:00am 7:00pm 9:00am 5:00pm 7:00pm 6:00am 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 2:00pm Mary Ann Baldetta & Family † Keith & Charita Weatherholt (Int) Amado Custodio & Frances Katnich † John Trovao Sr & Mike Medeiros Sr † Oratorio Seglar San Felipe Neri Rosaria, Salvatore & Alessandro Fazio † David Harris (Int) Amado Custodio & Frances Katnich † Rosario Lasa † Kimberly Byram & Ray Mock (Int) Candi B Erwin † Cirila Rodriguez y familia Miguel Lasa † Jose Gaglianone (Int), Monika Spacil (Int) & Ray Lowry † Maria Medrano y familia Servidores en la parroquia Mary & John P Kraszewski † Angelo Carrion † Joseph Garcia Jr † People of the Parish Ministros Ext. de la Comunión Tom Downey Marie Ragusa Ian Padilla Esmeralda Perdigão Nati Lapurga Gertrude McGaha Barbara Wiczork Delia Bartz Noreen Huettinger Lee Ann Certeza Agnes Powell Bill & June Price Jo Palacky Mary E. O’Hara Kim Leli Barbara Evans Lois Monez Rose Howard Rose Ryan Fr. Pat Leslie Ned Duffy Sheila Duffy Joan Constantine Major Butler Jr. Trudy Wischer Peter Stover Adela Rapoda Gerri Bustamante Carl Johnson Magdalena Gutierrez David Arellano Joey Vierra Lilia Barragan Madeline Grace Andy Chambers Cuca Lemus Luis Gutierrez Roland Aubertine Julie Marwan David Arellano Andy Chambers Mariana S. Gomez Pedro Hernandez Aida Hernandez Keyano Fiel Martha Contreras Anissa Potts Johnson Jo-Ann Nusbaum Gene Ledo Mary Ann Morales Marjorie Cupp Todd Reding Christine Cunha Isabella Medeiros John Andrada Josefina Amezcua Soledad Ochoa Maria Rodriguez Judy Marquez If you would like a name added to the Prayer list above, please call the Parish office at 4253138. Vocation Cross Ministry If you would like to be involved in a ministry that supports and encourages each of us to seek God’s direction in life, call Pat Issa at 425– 2579 to find out more about our Vocation Cross Ministry. Cruz Vocacional 2017 MASS BOOK OPENS TUESDAY - JUNE 14 Mass intentions will not be transferred from the 2016 book to the 2017 book. YOU must submit desired dates each year. 2. Due to the heavy scheduling of requested weekend Masses, we need to limit each family to two Masses on weekends for the year. You may either come in or call Beatriz in the office at 425-3138. If you send your requests through the offertory or mail, please make your desired dates clear. Donations for each Mass are greatly appreciated. Si deseas recibir en tu hogar la Cruz Vocacional por una semana, por favor dejanos saber antes de la Misa en fin de semana para reservarla para ustedes.¡Gracias por orar por las vocaciones! 1. LIBRO DE MISAS PARA 2017 El libro para Misas de Intenciones especiales del 2017 se habrirá el Junio 14, por favor venga a la oficina parroquial; para Bodas y Quinceañeras hablar con el Padre Rodolfo primero. TO REGISTER AT HOLY SPIRIT Please complete the form below and place in offertory basket, mail it or bring to the parish office. Name: ————————————————— ⌂ Mr & Mrs ⌂ Mr ⌂ Mrs ⌂ Miss ⌂ Ms Address: ———————————————— City:—————————————————— Zip: ——————— Phone: ———————— Family names: —————————————— INTERCESIONES POR LA VIDA Oremos por las personas que sufren por sus hijos: para que sientan la presencia del Señor y las colme su paz E-mail: —————————————–———— INTERCESSIONS FOR LIFE □ □ Let us pray for those whose hearts ache for a child of their own: May they experience the Lord’s presence and be filled with his peace. New Parishioner Existing Parishioner - with changes Parish Calendar of Events Monday, May 23, 2016 9am Line Dancing—Rm 1 5pm Armada Blanca—Rm E 6pm Cub Scouts—DR 6pm Coro Voces de Fe—Rm C 7pm DOJ Choir—Rm D 7pm Getsemani—Rm B Tuesday, May 24, 2016 8am Emmanuel—Rm C 9:30am Bible Study—Rm B 10am FCCW—Rm 1 4pm San Felipe Neri—PC 6pm Devine Mercy—Chapel 6:30pm Legion of Mary—Rm B 7pm RCIA—Lib 7pm Coro del Espiritu Santo—Rm D 7pm Knights of Columbus—Rm C Wednesday, May 25, 2016 10am FCCM—Rm 1 3pm School Music Prog—Rm 3 3pm School Children’s Choir—Church 5:30 Coro Carisma—Rm D 5:30pm 6pm 7pm 7pm Prayer Grp Choir—Rm B OL of Perp Help Novena—Church Coro Aim Kerigma—Rm E Coro Estellitas de Dios—Rm C Thursday, May 26, 2016 10am Legion of Mary—Rm E 11am Da Sounds of Almighty—Rm D 1pm School par Bible Study—Rm C 2pm Prayer Group—Rm B 4pm Children’s Choir—Church 5:30 Grupo de Oración—Church 6p St. Mathias Prayer Grp—Rm C 6p St Thomas Prayer Grp—Rm A 7pm Guadalupana—Rm 2 7pm Choir—Rm D 8pm Coro Aem-Karem—Rm E Friday, May 27, 2016 5pm Sp Prayer Grp Retreat—PC 6pm Natural Family Planning—Rm C 6pm Coro Estrellitas de Dios—Rm A 6pm Coro Voces de Fe—Rm 3 6pm Young Adults—Rm D/E 7pm St. James Prayer Grp—Rm B Saturday, May 28, 2016 7am Sabatina—Church 8am Sp Prayer Grp Retreat—PC 8am Coro Estellitas de Dios—Rm C 10am Baptism—Church 11am Devine Mercy—Chapel 12pm Quincenara—Church 2pm Wedding—Church Sunday, May 29, 2016 8am Sp Prayer Grp Retreat—PC 12pm Coro Luz y Vida—Room D 12pm Youth Group—Rm A/B 5pm OLPH Choir—Rm D 5pm Legion of Mary—Rm C 5:30pm St. Matthew Prayer Grp—Rm B 6pm AA—Rm E If you belong to a parish ministry and would like to have that ministry on the calendar, please call 425-3138 or email LFaive@holyspiritfairfield.org.