Dra. Ana Ruiz Casado - Servicio de Oncología. Hospital Puerta de

Ana Ruiz-Casado
MD, Ph D
PresentTitle and affiliation
2012- Present. Medical Oncologist.Gastrointestinal Unit.Departmentof Medical Oncology.
Hospital UniversitarioPuerta de Hierro-Majadahonda
2012- Present. Honorary Professor & Teaching Clinical Collaborator of the
School of Medicine at Autonomous University of Madrid
2004- Present. Teaching Collaborator of the School of Sports Sciences at the
Universidad Europea de Madrid.
2012- Present. Member of the Cancer Commission at Hospital UniversitarioPuerta de
Office address
Medical Oncology Department.Puerta de Hierro University Hospital
Calle Manuel de Falla, 1. Majadahonda. Madrid. 28222
Education& Training
Degree-Granting Education
Universidad de Salamanca. Spain.
Postgraduate Training
1992-1996- Residency at the Department of Oncology.Hospital Universitario 12 de octubre
2003- Ph D, Universidad de La Coruña, Spain.Cum laude. Doctorate Award
1996-1997. Medical Oncologist.Hospital de Txagorritxu. Vitoria. Spain
1998-1998. Medical Oncologist.Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander. Spain
1998-2001. Medical Oncologist.Hospital ArquitectoMarcide.Ferrol. Spain
2001-2004. Project Leader.PharmaMar SA. Madrid, Spain.
2004-2012. Gastrointestinal Unit.Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Madrid, Spain
2012-Present.Secretary of the Cancer Commission. HU Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda
2004-2012 President of the Cancer Commission.HU Fuenlabrada. Madrid
1998-2001 President of the Cancer Commission. Hospital ArquitectoMarcide
1. Regular physical activity: a little is good but is it good enough? Pareja-Galeano
H, Sanchis-Gomar F, Santos-Lozano A, Fiuza-Luces C, Garatachea N, Ruiz-
Casado A, Lucia A.Am J ClinNutr. 2015 May;101(5):1099-101. doi:
2. Guidelines for diagnosis, staging and treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer
by GrupoEspañolMultidisciplinaren Cancer Digestivo. Aguilar et al. Colorect
Cancer 2015; 4(2): 97-112
3. Physical Inactivity And Low Fitness Deserve More Attention To Alter Cancer
Risk And Prognosis. Sanchis-Gomar F, Lucia A, Yvert T, Ruiz-Casado A, ParejaGaleano H, Santos-Lozano A, Fiuza-Luces C, Garatachea N, Lippi G, Bouchard C,
Berger NA. Cancer PreventionResearch 2015 Feb;8(2):105-10.
4. Erysipeloid rash: a rare adverse event induced by gemcitabine. Ana RuizCasado, David Gutiérrez, Ignacio Juez. Journal of Cancer Research and
Therapeutics 2014 published ahead of print.
5. Clinical audit of multidisciplinary care at a medium sized hospital in Spain. Ana
Ruiz-Casado, María Jesús Ortega, Ana Soria, Héctor Cebolla. WorldJournal of
SurgicalOncology 2014; 12:53. DOI: 10.1186/1477-7819-12-53
6. The time has come for oncologists to recommend physical activity to cancer
survivors. Ana Ruiz-Casado and Alejandro Lucia. ArchExercHealthDis 2014;
7. Objectively assessed physical activity levels in Spanish cancer survivors. Ana
Ruiz-Casado, Ana Soria, María J. Ortega, Itziar Pagola, Carmen Fiuza-Luces,
Lidia Brea, Julio Padilla, Isabel Palomo, Óscar Aguado-Arroyo, Nuria
Garatachea, Héctor Cebolla, Alejandro Lucía. OncolNursForum 2014, 41(1):
E12-20. doi: 10.1188/14.ONF.E12-E20
8. El enfermero gestor de casos: ¿un nuevo elemento dentro del Plan de Cáncer
del Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada? Ruiz Casado A, Ortega Solano MJ,
Martín Moreno J, Soria Verdugo A, García Vega E, Ortiz Otero M. Gest y
EvalCostSanit 2012; 13(3): 453-62
9. Round ligament metastatic gastric cancer as a finding in an inguinal surgery.
Ana Ruiz-Casado, Carlos Miliani, Cristina López, Montserrat López, Teresa
Martín, Fernando Pereira. Gastrointestinal Cancer Research: GCR 2012; 5(4):
10. Generalised pruritus and elevated levels of immunoglobulin E acting as
biomarkers of a malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. UxúaFloristánMuruzábal,
Alberto Romero-Maté, Ana Isabel Ruiz-Casado, Gloria Ortega-Pérez, Víctor de
Diego-Polo; Jesús Manuel Borbujo. Ann Acad Med Singapore, 2012 Feb (41)2:
11. Interstitial granulomatous drug reaction to sorafenib. C. Martínez-Morán, L.
Nájera, Ana I. Ruiz-Casado, A. Romero-Maté, P. Espinosa, C. Meseguer-Yebra, S.
Córdoba, Jesús M. Borbujo. Arch Dermatol 2011; 147(9): 1118-1119
12. Addition of bevacizumab to xelox induction chemotherapy plus concomitant
capecitabinechemoradiotherapy in magnetic resonance imaging-defined poor
prognosis locally-advanced rectal cancer: the AVACROSS study. Nogué M, Salud
A, Vicente P, Arriví A, Roca JM, Losa F, Ponce J, Safont MJ, Guasch I, Moreno I,
Ruiz A, Pericay C; AVACROSS Study Group. The oncologist 2011 16(5):614-20
13. Características de los pacientes con poliposisadenomatosa familiar en España.
Resultados iniciales del Registro Español de PoliposisAdenomatosa Familiar.
Ignacio Alfaro, Teresa Ocaña, Antoni Castells, Carmen Cordero, Marta Ponce,
Teresa Ramón y Cajal, Montserrat Andreu, Luis Bujanda, Maite Herráiz,
Antonio José Hervás Molina, Fernando Fernández-Bañares, Sabino RiestraMenéndez, Carla Gargallo, Ana Ruiz, Marco Bustamante, Ignacio Blanco y
Fernando Martínez de Juan. Med Clin 2010; Jun 19;135(3):103-8
14. An autopsy case of acute pulmonary toxicity related to irinotecan.
ClinTranslOncol 2008; 10: 597-598
15. Urgencias hematológicas en pacientes oncológicos. D. Gutiérrez Abad, AI Ruiz
Casado, F. Moreno Antón. Revisionesencáncer 2007; 21 (3):136-141
16. Superficial thrombophlebitis as an exceptional complication of a scrotal
arteriovenous malformation. A. Ruiz-Casado, E. Ríos, M. López, D. Huerga, J.
Hernández-Atance, A. Hernández. ClinTranslOncol 2007; 9 (1): 59
17. Pulmonary toxicity of 5-fluoracil and oxaliplatin. A. Ruiz-Casado, MD García,
MA Racionero. ClinTranslOncol 2006; 8 (8):624
18. Liver metastases of colon cancer. New therapeutic approaches. Neoadjuvant
chemotherapy. A. Ruiz-Casado, F. Pereira. Oncología 2006; 29(1): 3-15
19. Life-threatening adverse drug reaction to paclitaxel. Postmarketing
surveillance. A. Ruiz-Casado, J. Calzas, J. Arroyo, A. Soria and J Guerra. Clinical
and Translational Oncology 2006; 8(1): 60-61
20. Hospital-based cancer registry: a tool for patient care, management and
quality. A focus on its use for quality assessment. A. Ruiz y A. Facio. Revista de
Oncología, 2004, 6(2): 104-13
21. Progress in the clinical development of new marine-derived anticancer
compounds. Jimeno J, López-Martín JA, Ruiz-Casado A, Izquierdo MA, Scheuer
PJ, Rinehart K. Anticancerdrugs 2004, Apr; 15 (4):321-9
22. Phase II study of ecteinascidin 743 in heavily pretreated patients with
recurrent osteosarcoma. Laverdiere, E.A. Kolb, J. G. Supko, R. Gorlick, PA.
Meyers, RG. Maki, L. Wexler, GD. Demetri, JH. Healey, AG Huvos, AM Goorin, R.
Bagatell, A. Ruiz-Casado, C. Guzmán, J. Jimeno, D. Harmon. Cancer 2003, 98:
23. Cisplatin Plus Gemcitabine Versus a Cisplatin-Based Triplet Versus
Nonplatinum Sequential Doublets in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A
Spanish Lung Cancer Group Phase III Randomized Trial. V. Alberola, C. Camps,
M. Provencio, D. Isla, R. Rosell, C. Vadell, I. Bover, A. Ruiz-Casado, P. Azagra, U.
Jimenez, J.L. Gonzalez-Larriba, P. Diz, F. Cardenal, A. Artal, A. Carrato, S.
Morales, J.J. Sanchez, R. de las Penas, E. Felip, and G. Lopez-Vivanco. J ClinOncol
2003, 21: 3207-3213
24. Síndrome de secreción inadecuada de la hormona antidiurética como forma de
presentación de un carcinoma microcítico de pulmón oculto. FJ Fernández
Fernández, I García Ribas, FS Martínez Debén, A Ruiz-Casado, P. Sesma. An Med
Interna 2002 Feb; 19(2): 104-5
25. Carcinoma de células de Merkel, en ganglio linfático sin evidencia de tumor
cutáneo. A Ruiz Casado, J Piñeiro Parada, M Used Aznar. AnMed Interna 2002
Feb; 19(2): 104-5“
26. High dose mitoxantrone and cyclophosphamide without stem cell support in
high risk and advanced solid tumors: a phase I trial. Pérez-Gracia JL, Colomer R,
Ruiz-Casado A, Arcediano A, Tornamira MV, Gómez-Martín C, Cortés-Funes H,
Hornedo J. Bonemarrowtransplantation 2001; 27 (2): 117-23.
27. Inaccurate diagnosis information in patients with cancer: quality and
associated factors. Francisco Gil , Agustina Sirgo , José Ignacio Méndez, José
Manuel Trigo, Manuel Hidalgo, Ricardo Cubedo, Ignacio García, Ana Ruiz, Inés
García and Hernán Cortés-Funes. Rev Oncología 2000; 2: 33-36.
28. Tumores malignos primarios originados en testículos abdominales. A propósito
de dos casos. José Carlos Gallego, José Mª González, Isabel Suárez, A. Ruiz.
Radiología 1999; 41(10):723-5
29. Outpatient therapy with oral ofloxacin for patients with low risk neutropenia
and fever.” M. Hidalgo, J.Hornedo, C. Lumbreras, JMTrigo, S.Perea, C Gómez, A.
Ruiz, R.García- Carbonero H. Cortés-Funes. Cancer 1999; 85:213
30. Lack of ability of ciprofloxacin-rifampin prophylaxis to decrease infectionrelated morbidity in neutropenic patients given cytotoxic therapy and
peripheral blood stem cell transplants”. Hidalgo M, Hornedo J, Lumbreras C,
Trigo JM, Gomez C, Perea S, Ruiz A, Hitt R, Cortes-Funes H. Antimicrob Agents
Chemother 1997 May;41(5):1175
31. Primary mediastinal nonseminomatous germ cell tumours treated with
cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy. M. Hidalgo, L. Paz-Ares, F. Rivera,
P. Lianes, G. Huidobro, A. Ruiz, M. López-Brea, J. Sanz-Ortiz, J. López-López, H.
Cortés-Funes, y JM Tabernero. Annals of Oncology 1997, 8 (6) p 555
32. “Quimioterapia a altas dosis en el tratamiento de los tumores de células
germinales. Situación actual, perspectivas futuras” A Ruiz, P. Lianes, H CortésFunes. Oncología 1995; 18(11): 544-554.
33. “Uso clínico de los factores de crecimiento en relación con las complicaciones
infecciosas de la quimioterapia” J. HornedoMuguiro, I García-Castro, A Ruiz
Casado, B. López-Ibor. An Med Intern 1995; 12: 85-87.