4300 King Springs Road SE, Smyrna, GA 30082-4214 stthomasga@stthomastheapostle.org http://www.stthomastheapostle.org February 26, 2012 Parish Office 770 - 432-8579 Fax. 770 - 432-8570 Office Hours Monday—Friday 9:00AM—5:00PM Closed Wednesday 1PM-3PM Religious Ed. Office 770 - 432-5296 Office Hours Monday—Thursday 10:00AM - 8:00PM Preschool Office 770 - 432-8579 Ext. 125 Office Hours Tuesday—Thursday 10:00AM - 1:00PM English Mass Schedule Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday Vigil: Sunday: Confession: Saturdays: 12 Noon 12 Noon 6:30 AM & 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 12 Noon 5:00 PM 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM 11:30 AM & 5:00 PM 3:30 PM Horario de Misas en Español Lunes: Jueves: Sábado: 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 7:30 PM Domingo: 6:00 AM, 2:00 PM & 7:30 PM Confesión: Sábados: Domingos: 6:30 PM 1:00 & 6:30 PM www.facebook.com/stthomastheapostlechurch Pastor: Rev. James H. Kuczynski, M.S. (x108) Parochial Vicars: Rev. Pedro Chingandu, M.S. (x106) Rev. Andrews Kollannoor, M.S.. (x128) Rev. Jaime Molina J., M.N.M. (x121) Rev. Paul Rainville, M.S. (in residence x.193) Deacons: Rev. Mr. Michael Garrett Rev. Mr. Earl Jackson Rev. Mr. Mark Mitchell Parish Administrator: Mr. Gus Scannapieco (x109) FY 2012 Offertory Projection vs. Actual to Date Ofertorio: Proyección vs. Real To Date Budget (Proyección) .............. $1,111,539.00 To Date Actual (Real) .............................$938,202.00 To Date Shortfall (Pérdida)......................$173,337.00 Thanks for your generosity! ¡Gracias por su generosidadl Offertory/Ofertorio February 11-12, 2012 Budgeted (Presupuesto) ............................$32,692.00 Offertory (Ofrenda).....................................$25,491.00 Shortfall (Pérdida) ........................................$7,201.00 Update on our Capital Campaign Moving Forward In Hope Campaña Caminando en Esperanza Goal (Meta) ........................................ $5,000,000.00 Pledged (Compromisos) ..................... $3,158,493.00 Paid to date (Pagos) ...............................$894,808.00 Archbishop Annual Appeal 2011 Llamado Anual del Arzobispo 2011 Pledged (Compromisos) .........................$173,408.00 Paid to date (Pagos) ...............................$114,608.00 Number of Donors (No. de Donantes)…………...941 The shortfall for 2011 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal is $10, 139.00 which must be made up from our operating funds due to pledges not completely fulfilled. Hay un déficit de $10,139.00 del año 2011 debido a que varios compromisos no se pagaron. What our children at St. Thomas gave to God… El regalo de nuestros niños a Dios… ♥February 11-12, 2012♥ ♥Treasure (Tesoro) $231.20♥ Time & Talent (Tiempo y Tesoro) Going to church(Ir a la iglesia) ♥ Nice to my cousin (fui bueno con mi primo) ♥ I helped my mom (Ayudé a mi mamá) ♥ I helped my mom clean the house (Ayudé a mama a limpiar la casa) ♥ Do my chores (Hacer los deberes de la casa) ♥ I helped to pack up for Monday to go to El Salvador (Ayudé a empacar para el lunes para ir a El Salvador) ♥ I am always good at school (Siempre soy bueno en la escuela) ♥ Be nice to other people (Ser bueno con otras personas) ♥ Sleeping (Dormir) ♥ Read to Johnson (Leí a Johnson) ♥ Was working hard (Trabajé duro) ♥ Give money to church (Di dinero a la iglesia) ♥ I behaved in my house and at school (Me porté bien en mi casa y en mi escuela) ♥ I listen to my Mom and Dad (Hice caso a mi mamá y papá ♥ Your child is invited to place their envelope in the ♥ Offertory basket each week.♥ IN OUR PRAYERS EN NUESTRAS ORACIONES February 26, 2012 To Request Prayers From St. Thomas the Apostle Prayer Chain contact Valerie Panditaratne at 770-438-9078 or email: vpandit@emory.edu Crista Acosta Brandi Dabney Gil Campos Ricky Carreño Bob Contino Michael Chastain Doris Cushing Paula de Jesus Celestine Ekokobe Ed Fitzgerald Ashley Guadalupe Frausto Andrea Galvan Paula García Patiño Lauren Garger Rodolfo Proaño Emmanuel Poblete D. Arelys Ramírez Diane Ray Mary Ellen Rizzuto Steve Scheneman John Schroeder Lenna Spencer Bess Sprinkle Chuck Sykes Kimberly Urióstegui Patricia VanBuren Becky Villon Bonnie Wade Justin Patrick Gooden Sandy Haynes Linda Hudson Cordelia Kelly Gloria Kincer Alan Knieter Linda Laurens Shirley Loggins Frank Madden Dorothy Madson Carol J. Mohring Franz Mohring Leona Morales Kathy O’Hara-Rosa We ask the friends and families of those for whom we are praying on this bulletin sick list to please take a moment to call the Parish Office and tell us how they are doing. They are always in our prayers. Pray For Our Troops We remember in our prayers all of those who are serving in the military, especially: Recordamos en nuestras oraciones a todos aquellos que se encuentran sirviendo en el ejército, especialmente: Sgt. Manuel Chico, USA Sgt. Christopher Conkel, USMC SFC Steve Creason, GaARNG SFC Arcelio R. Davis, Jr. USA ET3 Carolyn Deacon, USN Sgt. Sonjanique Ferrell, USA Sgt. Mark Gallant, USA LCpl. Quinn Gordon, USMC SFC Charles Granke, USA PFC Ronald Griffin, Jr., USA Sgt. William Scott Haney, ARNG E3 Spencer Hanemann, USN PFC Brian Harris, USA Maj. Marise James, USAF HMC Damian J. Lovello LT CDR Dominic R. Lovello CW3 Peter Paul Leone, USA CPT Michael McDonald, USMC HM3 Kenneth McIntosh, II, USN 2LT Kyle Pernelli, USA Specialist Robert H. Roberts, USA Major Robert A. Robinson, II USA Pvt. Jeffrey Sanborn, USA Specialist Brian Sanders, USA CPT Anna Smith, ARNG MSG Donald Smith, USA S.Sgt. Michael Throne, USA CW4 Anthony Veney, USA Sgt. Richard Whelan, USMC Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to add a family member who is serving in the military. A Stewardship Thought Baptism and repentance are the themes of today’s readings. In Baptism we are saved and called to be Christ’s disciples. Stewardship is how we act out this call to discipleship. At Easter, we will strengthen our discipleship by renewing our baptismal promises including a commitment to reject the glamour of evil in our lives. We, as Christian stewards, find inspiration in today’s Gospel where Jesus, in the desert, repeatedly stands firm against the devil’s temptations. May we seek the Lord’s guidance and strength in our times of weakness to avoid temptation that leads to sin. Los temas de las lecturas de hoy son el bautismo y el arrepentimiento. Mediante el Bautismo, obtenemos la salvación y recibimos el llamado a ser discípulos de Cristo. Al compartir nuestros talentos, tiempo y tesoro, contestamos a este llamado. El Domingo de Resurrección vamos a fortalecer nuestro discipulado renovando nuestros votos bautismales, que incluyen un compromiso a rechazar el glamour del mal en nuestras vidas. Nosotros como cristianos, recibimos inspiración del Evangelio de hoy cuando Jesús se mantiene firme en repetidas ocasiones ante las tentaciones del diablo en el desierto. Que busquemos del Señor guía y fortalezca durante nuestros momentos de flaqueza, para evitar las tentaciones que nos llevan al pecado. First Sunday of Lent / 1° Domingo de Cuaresma LENTEN CALENDAR 2012 (Calendario de Cuaresma 2012) Lenten Reflections at Mass The Adult Faith Formation office continues offering Lenten reflection five minutes before every English mass. See Page 4 for more details. Catholicism Series: Thursdays in Lent (7:00 p.m.) See Page 4. Stations of the Cross / Via Crucis = Fridays (7:30 p.m.) English March 2, March 9: Living Stations by LifeTeen / Vía Crucis dramatizado March 16: Parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle March 23: Bilingual Stations - Vía Crucis Bilingüe March 30: Stations in English (7:30 p.m.) - Vía Crucis en Español (8:30 p.m.) Living Stations of the Cross / Via Crucis dramatizado (7:30 p.m.) March 2 March 9 Fish Fry / Venta de Pescado (6:00 p.m.) Social Hall March 2 March 9 March 23 March 30 (Fish Tacos) A REFLECTION for the 1st Sunday of Lent Read Scripture passage reflectively: Jesus went to Galilee and preached the Good News from God. “The right time has come,” he said, “and the Kingdom of God is near! Turn from your sins and believe in the Good News.” (Mark 1:14-15) Reflection: The movie, An Officer and a Gentleman, concerns a selfish young man who wants to be a naval flight officer. He is totally self-centered. A tough drill sergeant sees through him and makes it a point to challenge him with every test and ordeal in the book. In the process of meeting these tests, the young man discovers his soul and undergoes a change of heart. He graduates from boot camp not only an officer but also a gentleman. It is this kind of discovery of soul and change of heart that Jesus invites people to make in today’s reading. Question: What does it mean to find one’s soul? Prayer/Quote: Conscience is the walkie-talkie set by which God speaks to us. FOOD DRIVE / Campaña de Alimentos: Week 2 (March 3-4) Tuna Fish (Largest cans possible) and Flour (5lb Bags and Up) See Page 4 for details. Semana 2 (Marzo 3-4) Atún Enlatado (Latas más grandes posibles) y Harina (Bolsas de 5lb o más) IGNITE!: March 20 (7:30 p.m.) Main Sanctuary (Dinner served at 6:15 p.m. in the Social Hall) Penance Service / Servicio Penitencial: March 13 (7:00 p.m.) Main Sanctuary Gospel withouts Borders/ Evangelio sin Fronteras: Thursday, March 29 (7:00 p.m.) Auxiliary Bishop Zarama - Speaker See Page 4 for more information. Pilgrimage for Immigration / Peregrinaje por la inmigración: April 5 (10:00 a.m.) Holy Week / Semana Santa: April 1– April 8 PLEASE HELP FIGHT HUNGER by participating in the HUNGER WALK/RUN 5K DATE: WHERE: TIME: Sunday, March 11, 2012 Turner Field 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Gates open at noon. Free parking in the Blue Lot. Cost $25. You can register online at www.HWR2012.org Reflexión de para el Primer Domingo de Cuaresma Lee y medita en el siguiente pasaje de las Escrituras: Jesús fue a Galilea a predicar el evangelio de Dios; y decía: "Se ha cumplido el tiempo y el reino de Dios está cerca. Arrepentíos y creed en el evangelio". (Marcos 1:14-15) Reflexión: La Película Un Oficial y un Caballero se trata de un joven egoísta que quiere ser un oficial de la fuerza naval. El está totalmente centrado en sí mismo. Un sargento de entrenamiento ve a través de él y lo desafía con cada prueba. En el proceso de cumplir con esas pruebas, el joven descubre su alma y tiene un cambio de actitud. Se gradúa del campo de entrenamiento no sólo como un funcionario, sino también como un caballero. Ese tipo de descubrimiento del alma y cambio de actitud es el que Jesús invita a la gente a hacer en la lectura de hoy. Pregunta: ¿Qué significa encontrar tu propia alma? Oración: La conciencia es el transmisor con el cual Dios nos habla. February 26, 2012 St. Thomas the Apostle Annual Lenten Food Drive “He who does a kindness is remembered afterward; when he falls he finds a support.” Sirach 3:30 For Week 2 of our Annual Lenten Food Drive (March 3-4) please bring the following food items: Tuna Fish – Largest cans possible Flour – 5lb. Bags and up This week, Silvia Rodríguez tells us about her trip: November 2009 was my second trip to Jamaica. My Renew Group decided to make the trip as a group this year, and it was the first trip for some in our group. There was nothing the others or I could say to truly prepare them for the experience. The day we arrived in Jamaica, most first-timers (including me, last year) thought, “What am I doing here?” and “I want to take the next plane back home!” However, when you see the excitement on the faces of those who have been there before, their eagerness to begin work the next day, all the prayers we say, and the sharing we do as a group that first night, somehow the newcomers find the strength to face that next day with the residents. By the grace of the Holy Spirit, all the fears, apprehensions, and doubts miraculously vanish within a couple of minutes after seeing the love, gratitude and happiness of those who have nothing material and yet are so at peace and happy to see us arrive. Supposedly, we are there to help them, but the truth is, it is these babies, grown ups, and old people who have the power of the Holy Spirit to totally transform all of us! Silvia Rodríguez Please pray for Silvia, and all who made their first trip to Kingston last year. Please pray for all the Missionaries of the Poor Priests and Brothers throughout the world, and all those for whom they care. Remember especially our brother Tony Rucco, who was in Silvia’s Renew Group and due to make another trip to Kingston in 2009, but was called home to the Lord a few days before the mission. Pray also for Tony’s family. Thank you for all your kindness. ADULT FAITH FORMATION (Formación en la Fe para Adultos) Lenten Reflections at Mass (See full schedule of Lenten Activities on Page 3) The Adult Faith Formation office continues offering Lenten reflection five minutes before every English mass. To accomplish the intended purpose of these reflection, we request: That you please come and be settled inside the church at least five minutes before the mass time. If you are late and the reflections are in progress, please wait by the Commons until the reflections are finished. The ministers of hospitality will direct you as to when you should proceed to your seat. CATHOLICISM: Journey Around the World and Deep into the Faith is an engaging and interesting formational program which uses art, architecture, literature, music and all the treasures of the Catholic tradition to illuminate the timeless teachings of the Church. The series continues on Thursdays, from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. in the Adult Education Building. This week’s topic is Our Tainted Nature’s Solitary Boast: Mary, the Mother of God. You may still register at: www.stthomastheapostle.org/catholicism or call Michael Okuto at 770-432-8579 Ext. 122 for more information. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.) Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the Adult Faith Formation Building. For more information, contact Michael at 770-432-8579 Ext 122. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (R.I.C.A.) Domingos a las 12:30 p.m. en la Vieja Rectoría. Para más información llamar a Miguel Mendoza al 404-543-9166. Book of the Month Club will meet on Tuesday, March 13th at 11:00 a.m. in the Adult Education Building. The feature book is The Healing of America by T. R. Reid. Contact Barbara Nalbone via e-mail if you have any questions: banalbone@comcast.net Holy Hollywood presents ‘Mama Heidi’ on Friday, March 16th. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. Movie begins at 7: 00 p.m. This fantastic documentary follows the ministry of Heidi and Roland Baker, missionaries in war torn Mozambique. This is a fantastic visual to the book by the Baker's entitled Always Enough: God's Miraculous Provision among the Poorest Children on Earth. This video introduces the viewer to the tough reality of life in Mozambique and the struggles that the people and especially children face there every day. Come and be challenged! Gospel without Borders: Immigration, faith and us presented on Thursday, March 29, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Social Hall. The annual Holy Thursday Travelers Together Campaign of St. Thomas the Apostle invites you to explore what the Gospels and the Church say about immigration and to hear real life stories of how churches in our community are responding to one of the most pressing issues of our time. Guest Presenters: The Most Reverend Luis Rafael Zarama, Auxiliary Bishop of Archdiocese of Atlanta, and Dr. Marie Friedmann Marquardt, Scholar-in-Residence at Candler School of Theology Emory University. Evangelio sin fronteras: Inmigración, fe y nosotros. Presentación el 29 de marzo, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Salón Social. Exploremos lo que el Evangelio y la Iglesia dicen sobre inmigración, escucha historias reales de nuestras parroquias y cómo nuestra comunidad está respondiendo a las necesidades. Invitados: Rev. Luis Rafael Zarama, Obispo Auxiliar de Atlanta, y Dr. Marie Friedmann Marquardt, Escuela de Teología de Emory. An Evening of Reflection presented by Fr. Mathew Linn, S.J. on Thursday, April 12th. Fr. Linn’s talk will focus on an area of interest that integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Be sure to SAVE THE DATE! First Sunday of Lent / 1° Domingo de Cuaresma PARISH LIFE (Vida Parroquial) Cookie Sale: Sponsored by the Girl Scouts on March 3-4. Venta de Galletas: Patrocinada por las Niñas Scout el 3-4 de marzo. To all practical, Catholic, male members of our parish age 18 years and older: The KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish want to encourage you to join the ranks of their fraternal organization and become an active part of the parish and community as you grow in your own faith journey. Contact Grand Knight James Hagan at 678-641-7767 to learn more about this fraternal organization. Listen for further announcements in the coming weeks about how you may join. Atención varones mayores de 18 años: se les invita a unirse a los CABALLEROS DE COLÓN de nuestra parroquia. Interesados contactar a James Hagan al 678-641-7767. 40 Days For Life is a national pro-life community campaign based on Prayer, Fasting, and Peaceful Vigil thru 40 days of Lent. Although all aspects of the campaign are crucial in the effort to end abortion, the most visible component is the peaceful prayer vigil outside the Governor's Ridge abortion facility. Each morning at 5:30 a.m. throughout the season of Lent there will be a candle light vigil in front of the abortion clinic. Our presence continues to save lives! Please consider participating in this visible prayer service at least one time during Lent joining the efforts of other prayer warriors in your community. Fliers are available in the Commons or you may contact Karen Butz at 770-592-6435 or Grisselle Lares-Bazzani at 678-290-8692 (Yo Hablo Español) or visit the web-site www.40DaysForLife.com/Marietta 40 Días por la Vida: Unete a la vigilia de oración frente a la clínica de abortos durante esta Cuaresma. Para más información llama a Grisselle Lares-Bazzani al 678-290-8692 MUSIC MINISTRY (Ministerio Musical) Keyboard Player DESPERATELY Needed for English Masses. We are also in need of a couple of backup musicians when our two regular accompanists are unavailable to play. Specifically, we have a very urgent need on Easter Sunday. Additionally, opportunities exist for playing weddings, funerals and weekend masses on occasion. Lead musician is paid for these masses. If interested, please contact Patty Smith for an audition at 770-432-2215 or via e-mail at: psmith@stthomastheapostle.org PRESCHOOL SUMMER CAMP (Campamento de Verano Pre-escolar) Mark your calendars for: June 18th – June 21st and June 25th – June 28th Looking for children ages 3 – 6 (ages as of 9/12/2012) to join the fun! The campers will enjoy one or two weeks of fun activities, which will include: arts and crafts, music, dramatic play stories and plenty of outdoor active play. Registration forms available on March 1. Call 770-432-8579 Ext. 125 for more information. Marca tu calendario para el 18-21 de junio y 25-28 de junio. Campamento para niños de 3 a 6 años de edad. Los niños disfrutarán de una o dos semanas de actividades tales como: manualidades, música, teatro, actividades al aire libre. Matrícula abierta a partir del 1º de marzo. Llama al 770-432-8579 Ext. 125 para más información. DOLL HOUSE RAFFLE: Participate in the St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) raffle of a fully-furnished Doll House at the low price of $1.00 per ticket. All proceeds of the raffle will be donated to the St. Thomas the Apostle “Moving Forward in Hope” Campaign. Tickets are on sale after all Masses on the weekends. The raffle will end on February 29, 2012. RIFA DE CASA DE MUÑECAS: Participe en la rifa que tendrá San Vicente de Paúl (SVdP) de una Casa de Muñecas completamente amueblada al precio bajo de $1.00 por taquilla. Todas las ganancias de la rifa serán donadas a la Campaña “Caminando en Esperanza” de Santo Tomás el Apóstol. Las taquillas están a la venta después de todas las misas durante los fines de semana. La rifa terminará el 29 de febrero de 2012. This week in our parish Today’s Gospel Reflection Read Sunday’s gospel, Mark 1:12-15. Reflection for Families If you have ever sat with a sick child, you know the relief that comes when a fever breaks or the pox scab and the corner of the child’s mouth turns up into a long awaited smile. This must have been something of what Jesus felt at the end of his stay in the desert and it is what we feel when we have been faithful to our Lenten efforts. Bringing the Gospel into Your Family This year as you begin Lent, talk as a family about why the Holy Spirit took Jesus into the wilderness and why he stayed there 40 days. It is likely you will name things such as prayer, quiet time for reflection, doing God’s will, and more. As you consider what individual members or the whole family may do in the way of Lenten practices this year, use Jesus as a model. Keep in mind that the hardships of others may be much greater than your own. Like the angels who came to Jesus’ side at the end of the 40 days, perhaps your family can attend to the needs of someone else. Discussion Starters There have been times when I have been tempted to give in to a weakness of mine. One time I recall… God was with me during one of the greatest tests of my life. With God’s help I… This week to be sure I keep my Lenten promises I will… MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 NO PSR 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM PRESCHOOL EXERCISE CLASS Mass PSR PSR MISA CURSILLISTAS WOMEN TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:45 PM PRESCHOOL Mass INEA MONAGUILLOS TRAINING ENGLISH CLASS CENTERING PRAYER GROUP APOSTLES CLASS CHILDREN’S CHOIR REMEMBER THEIR SACRIFICE SVDP APOSTLES CLASS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Mass PRESCHOOL EXERCISE CLASS JUST FAITH Mass JUST FAITH CRACK IT OPEN LIFETEEN BAND THURSDAY, MARCH 1 9:00 AM 10:00 AM PRESCHOOL BIBLE STUDY STORY TIME ROSARY MASS CATHOLICISM SERIES PSR MISA 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM FRIDAY, MARCH 2 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 12:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM PRESCHOOL EXERCISE CLASS MASS FISH FRY INEA ENGLISH CLASS CHILDREN’S CHOIR INSTRUMENTAL STATIONS OF THE CROSS GIRL SCOUTS ASAMBLEA DE ORACIÓN SATURDAY, MARCH 3 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM MARIA NINA RECOVERY INC. CHILDREN’S CHOIR CHILDREN’S GUITAR CLASSES COMMUNITY CONVALIDATION CONFESSIONS AUSTELL LEADERS’ MEETING Vigil Mass † Lena Goodwin CATEQUESIS DE ADULTOS SPANISH NURSERY MEETING Misa † Rubén Mendoza † Laureano García SUNDAY, MARCH 4 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT, YEAR B Gospel Reflections courtesy of RCL Benziger RITE OF ELECTION 6:00 AM MISA 7:30 AM Mass 8:00 AM Food Drive Packing 9:30 AM Mass † Evaristu Ndille NURSERY AVAILABLE PSR RCIA 10:30 AM PRE-EVANGELIZATION 11:00 AM LEGION OF MARY 11:15 AM PSR & FIRES 11:30 AM Mass † Alfonsus Okoye NURSERY AVAILABLE 12:30 PM SPANISH RCIA FIRST READING: GENESIS 22:1–2, 9A,10–13,15–18 (A TRIAL) SECOND READING: ROMANS 8:31B–34 (HIS OWN SON) GOSPEL: MARK 9:2–10 (MY SON) 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM PRE-EVANGELIZACIÓN PRE-EVANGELIZATION Misa † Francisco Rodriguez PRE-EVANGELIZACIÓN DIVINA VOLUNTAD Mass † Mary Bailey Life Night Misa People of St. Thomas and Immigration Reform Dates and times as of 02-20-12 Heart Screenings at WellStar $99 per individual or $149 per couple. 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