Invisible Details. Pablo Pérez-Mínguez

Invisible Details. Pablo Pérez-Mínguez
Silver Sand Beach Resort in Miami. Just out of bed, I opened the curtains of the Motel and this is
what I found. December, 2006 © Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, VEGAP
Invisible Details is an exhibition about Pablo Perez-Mínguez, winner of the 2006 National
Photography Award, curated by Carlos Serrano, where the unknown and tucked away
photographs of the artist are revealed, after fourty years of witnessing life through the lens of his
He was one of the founder members of the magazine Nueva Lente in 1971, and Photocentro and
Photogalería in 1975. Pablo Pérez-Mínguez is regarded as one of the most important
photographers in the Spanish photographic scene of the last years, both for his personal work
and his profound influence upon a whole fresh Spanish photographers generation.
Pablo Perez-Mínguez is best known for his portraits of personalities of La Movida, going on in
Madrid from the end of the 1970's and beginning of the 1980's. PPM brings the most
representative and intimate of his work, including those shots taken before and after that
outstanding stage.
The anthological exhibition assembles Pablo Perez-Mínguez work from 1970 to 2007, and
represents the encounter with a whole archive of fourty years work dealing with life. Invisible
Details comprises what photography stands for the author. Freedom, spontaneity and sense of
humor: the author performs enclosing simplicity and intricacy, frivolity and seriousness,
automatism and reflexion. PPM reveals his unknown photographs after fourty years of witnessing
life through the lens of his camera.
Invisible Details. Pablo Pérez-Mínguez
Self-portrait of P.P.M. At the terrace of the 7th floor of the building of the Cadena
Ser in Gran Vía. Madrid, September, 2007© Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, VEGAP
Pablo Pérez-Mínguez is regarded as the main photographer in Madrid during the 1970's and
1980's. He moved photography into the limelight as art and transgressed the concept of
photography for the later generations through his personal aesthetics by using different styles and
techniques. His most renowned stage is the one of a portrait photographer of people from the
arts, cinema, theather, fashion or television contexts.
The work of Pablo Pérez-Mínguez brings a new concept of freedom within photography, as a
transgression to all conventionalisms. It is worth to mention his constant natural instict for
spreading a personal ideology by means of his magazine, as strong to engage in and
encourage others work. It is notable to consider his regard for photography as art rather than
fading it into the background. It is also remarkable his interrelation within other disciplines such
as music, cinema or painting, as well as his creative spirit engagement towards his
commissioned photographic portraits by well-known personalities. Thus, as most of the great
artists, Pablo Perez-Mínguez should be beheld trascending his concret works, as an artist who
interpretates the concerning matters of a concret period of time, not only conveing them into
images but also spreading a creative attitude for a free world, where his camera works as a tool
for stressing this freedom will.
Beyond all this, I have always regarded Pablo Pérez-Mínguez's work as a tribute to life, when
the author strives to unveil the beauty hunddled up in every crevice of routine. His work has
been traced by his unfinished photo series Mi vida misma. It revolves around the fascinating
fact of being alive for the author, to express himself, to take part as a guest in the daily shifting
and wriggled world. Mi vida misma puts forward the utopia of living accepting creativeness as
his main privilege above all. His whole work is full of delight, with such a deep impulse for life
that even overwhelms the author. A positive impulse where his revolution roots. It seems hard
to find in his photographs any grudge trace in his pursuit of living life each day. In his
photographs converge all kind of contradictions, open to interpretations, giving off a joyfull will
for life above any other kind of discourse. In this regard, his actitude becomes the real incentive
and wherefore of his works, beyond its ensuing shape and image.
Rafael Doctor Roncero
Invisible Details. Pablo Pérez-Mínguez
Regarding the 2006 National Photographic Prize awarded to the artist, the Ministry of Education,
Culture and Sport has organised this exhibition, displayed for the first time at the Museo de
América in Madrid. The retrospective covers thoroughly fourty years of the intensive photographic
career of the artist.
The works displayed in the exhibition, selected by the curator Carlos Serrano and the
photographer himself, reveal the lifeness held in the work of Pablo Pérez-Mínguez during the last
years. The thread between the selected unedited photographs, has been those within an intimate
perspective of the work of an author absorbed by the world evolving him, and his idea of
embracing life's spontanety itself.
It is well-known by everyone that “real life essence consits of small details”. When a
photographer walk around with his camera he picks those magic instants, almost INVISIBLE
and unnoticeable for the others, but not for his creative eye able to choose and freeze them.
It is not essential to be a photographer in order to capture these infinite invisible details that life
constatly offer us. That is indeed for me the main purpose of our sensitivity: know how to
PERCEIVE... and TO LIVE our lifes.
I wish these collection of photographs displayed in the exhibition and through the book, could
stimulate in others my dedication and liking for this modern art each day more popular!
I hardly recommend to enjoy these images as they show themselves, whithout digging out for
winks, but enjoying the vertiginous aesthetic alterations and photographic languages shown
along the selection of ninety Invisible Details, filled up of tributes to: the light, the humor, the
friendship, and chiefly the love of photography and art in general.
Get on this carousel... and enjoy the views!
Invisible Details. Pablo Pérez-Mínguez. Images
Bodegón Egipcio -Egiptian Still Life in the terrace of the 42nd floor, in a buidling of
Down Town in Miami, February 2005 © Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, VEGAP
Por la calle de Alcalá... -Passing by Alcalá Street... still during the 1976
many yokes and arrows remaind in Madrid and could be photographed.
© Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, VEGAP
Cortando el humo - Cutting the smoke. Madrid, 1978.
© Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, VEGAP
Tensión animal - Animal tension. This is the same tension I try to reflect
through my photos. August, 1978 © Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, VEGAP
Betel. International Meeting of Photography. Aleppo, Syria.
September, 1999. © Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, VEGAP
Self-portrait of P.P.M. At the terrace of the 7th floor of the building of the Cadena Ser in Gran Vía. Madrid,
September, 2007 © Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, VEGAP
Publicidad vacía - Empty advertisement along one of the highways in Francia (Madrid-Irún). July 15th,
1974 © Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, VEGAP
Juego de mano – Hand play over a work of Carlos Alcolea. Scene shot at the
studio of Javier Utray. Madrid, October, 1979 © Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, VEGAP
La Invisible visión -The invisible vision of things, full of Magic, Glow and
calm Lucidity. Icon portrait that express the sould of all these Invisible
Details. Luis Gómez Escolar. Madrid, February 6 , 1980
© Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, VEGAP
Vale Todo - It is worth everything. Alejandro Sanz during the first sessions at
my studio, he learnt to face and define his image with strength and
imagination. Madrid. May 31 , 1990 © Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, VEGAP
Invisible Details. Pablo Pérez-Mínguez. Catalogue
Subdirección General de Publicaciones,
Información y Documentación.
Ministerio de Cultura
NIPO: 551-08-058-5
ISBN: 978-84-8181-375-3
Depósito Legal: M-28808-2008
Graphic Design:
⋅ Carlos Serrano G.A.H
⋅ Ricardo Serrano
Prepress and Film: Lucam
Printing: Tf. Artes Gráficas
Invisible Details. Pablo Pérez-Mínguez. More information
Invisible Details. Pablo Pérez-Mínguez
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte!/PromociondeArte
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Secretaría de Estado de Cultura.
Dirección General de Bellas Artes y Bienes Culturales y de Archivos y Bibliotecas.
Subdirección General de Promoción de las Bellas Artes
Total number of works:
90 photographs in color and black-and-white, in different formats.
1 DVD film 10 min. length, about the artist's work.
Showroom space: 200 linear metres.
Preventive conservation and suitable lighting levels for photography -including a
time-limiting light control- are required.
Packing system: 9 wooden crates, different formats, enumerated and identified.
Size and content is detailed in the packing list.
Only companies specialized in art shipment, qualified in preserving and installing
artworks, are selected.
Fees intended for the curator Mr. Carlos Serrano for Spanish sites: 1000 €.
Travel, accommodation and daily allowance intended for the curator during the
installation period and the official opening.
Installation and Transportation services:
Round-trip shipping.
Installation and lighting of the showrooms.
Graphic productions in vinyl.
DVD projector and PDP.
Surveillance and security officers service.
Unpack, installation, dismantling and repack.
The works are framed in stained wooden frames, this requires extreme care
when manipulating to avoid scratching. Qualified staff and protecting tools
should be provided during the unpacking, install and repacking; follow the
precise Packing List order details when repacking; use of suitable material for
packing and an impact and vibration vibro-isolatuing system in the crates;
security surveillance of works shall be ensured from the time of delivery, set
up, dismantling, and return.
Catalogue of the exhibition:
- In order to get a copy please contact with the Servicio de Distribución y Venta of the
Secretaría General Técnica, Subdirección General de Publicaciones, Información y
Documentación of the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte in charge of the edition of
the catalogue -the Chief Administrative Office, Department for the Documentation and
Publication of the Ministry of Culture and Sport-:
Tomy Lorenzo
C/ Abdón Terradas, 7 28015 Madrid
Telephone +34 91 543 93 66, Fax +34 91 549 34 18
Catalogue price: 48 euros (VAT included).
Once an exhibition application has been accepted, a subsequent collaboration Agreement
will be signed between the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte and the institution
where the exhibition will be held.