_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ÁREA DE LENGUA Y LITERATURA Asignatura: Lengua y Literatura Grado: Noveno de EGB Profesor: Carlos Espinoza Romero Fecha: viernes 26 de febrero de 2016 ACTIVIDADES DE REFUERZO ACADÉMICO (ARA) Indicaciones generales: I. Desarrolla adecuada y correctamente las actividades en un cuaderno grapado de 2 líneas. II. Lee detenidamente cada enunciado antes de realizarlo. III. Utiliza plumas de color azul, negro y rojo. IV. Haz una buena presentación de tu trabajo evitando los errores ortográficos, de sintaxis, enmendaduras, tachones y el uso del corrector. Usa regla, marcadores y resaltadores, cuando sea necesario. V. El cuaderno con las actividades desarrolladas totalmente, deberá ser entregado el día del examen remedial. Semana 1: del 29 de febrero al 4 de marzo 1. Contesta las siguientes preguntas: a. ¿Qué permite la divulgación científica? b. ¿Qué son los medios audiovisuales y cómo se utilizan? c. ¿En qué consiste la exposición oral? 2. Desarrolla la comprensión del texto de la lectura El cerebro humano, de las páginas 20 y 21 de tu libro. 3. Texto de divulgación científica: definición, características y ámbitos de difusión. 4. Completa los siguientes párrafos con los conectores textuales adecuados. La fotografía en la ciencia y la tecnología La fotografía tiene muchas aplicaciones prácticas en la industria, medicina, astronomía, arqueología, investigación científica, artes gráficas, aplicación de ley _______ muchos aspectos de la vida contemporánea. La fotografía aérea, _______, se usa para hacer mapas de contorno y mapas para estudiar la Tierra y sus océanos, y para ayudar a pronosticar el tiempo. Las cámaras a bordo de satélites y vehículos espaciales han fotografiado la Tierra, _______ también la Luna, el Sol y los otros planetas. Los astrónomos usan la fotografía para estudiar galaxias en el espacio profundo y, _______, para analizar la composición de estrellas mediante espectroscopia. Nuevas aplicaciones fotográficas están siendo desarrolladas constantemente. Los investigadores industriales y científicos confían realmente en la fotografía. _______, los objetos demasiado pequeños como para ser vistos con el ojo humano pueden registrarse claramente en microfotografías, imágenes hechas mediante microscopios ópticos o de electrón. “La fotografía”, Textos científicos, en: www.textoscientíficos.com/fotografía/definición (fragmento). 5. ¿Cómo se diferencia una oración simple de una compuesta? Escribe un ejemplo de cada una. Página 1 de 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Semana 2: del 7 al 11 de marzo 6. Elabora un listado de todas las preposiciones y las conjunciones coordinantes. 7. Realiza un mapa conceptual sobre la oración compuesta y su clasificación. Compleméntalo con un ejemplo de cada una. 8. Las palabras terminadas en -ancia y -encia se escriben con c. Escribe 20 ejemplos de cada una. 9. Las palabras terminadas en -sis se escriben con s. Escribe 20 ejemplos que demuestren la regla. 10. Analiza sintácticamente las siguientes oraciones: a. Los alumnos de Noveno grado entregaron sus donaciones para la Labor Social. b. Cada noche, el poeta del insomnio cantaba sus versos a su eterna enamorada. c. Mis padres están muy cansados después de ese largo viaje. d. Entregaron puntualmente sus tareas al profesor, todos los estudiantes de ese curso. e. Aquellos historiadores de la universidad recopilaron muchos documentos durante su investigación. Semana 3: del 14 al 18 de marzo 11. Desarrolla la comprensión del texto de la lectura Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino, de las páginas 64 y 65 de tu libro. 12. La ciencia ficción: definición, características y tipos. 13. Elabora un mapa conceptual sobre los elementos del relato de ciencia ficción. 14. Mediante un cuadro comparativo, establece las diferencias entre la competencia lingüística y paralingüística del lenguaje. 15. Tipos de textos periodísticos. Escribe la definición de los siguientes: noticia, crónica periodística, artículo de opinión, blog o bitácora y página electrónica. Semana 4: del 21 al 25 de marzo 16. Completa el siguiente cuadro correspondiente a los hiperónimos e hipónimos. HIPERÓNIMOS Constelaciones HIPÓNIMOS estrellas avión Aparatos electrónicos Vistazo Obras literarias Viaje al centro de la Tierra 17. ¿En qué consiste la declamación? ¿Cuáles son los pasos para realizar un buen ejercicio de declamación? Explícalos. 18. El romance: origen, estructura y características. 19. Establece las diferencias entre el romancero viejo y el romancero nuevo. 20. Analiza la métrica y la rima del romance Romance de la luna, de la página 146 de tu libro. Página 2 de 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Semana 5: del 28 de marzo al 1 de abril 21. Separa los lexemas y morfemas de las siguientes palabras compuestas: destronado, ejemplificador, establecimiento, rojinegro, picapedrero, subinspector, hispanoamericano, parachoques, esterilización, preconcebido. Utiliza una tabla parecida a la siguiente: PALABRA Extraterrestre albiceleste anormal MD (prefijo) extra _____ a LEXEMA terr albo + celeste normal MD (sufijo) estre _____ _____ PROCESO parasíntesis composición derivación 22. Señala los respectivos accidentes gramaticales de los siguientes verbos: FORMA VERBAL Hubiésemos olvidaba descubres recordasen vacilará MODO TIEMPO PERSONA NÚMERO 23. Escribe las formas no personales de los siguientes verbos: INFINITIVO (ar – er – ir) Colegir GERUNDIO (ando – iendo – yendo) PARTICIPIO (ado – ido / to – so – cho) Destruyendo Elegido / electo hacer retribuir atenazar volver imprimir absolver dubitar 24. Elabora un cuadro sobre la clasificación del adverbio. 25. El informe: definición, características y elementos. Semana 6: del 4 al 8 de abril 26. El resumen: definición, características y elementos. 27. Establece diferencias entre el informe y el resumen. 28. ¿Cuál es el proceso para la elaboración de un buen resumen? Enumera los respectivos pasos. 29. Busca cuatro tipos de informe en diferentes medios impresos, recórtalos y pégalos en tu cuaderno. Señala la estructura de cada uno. 30. Escribe diez ejemplos de palabras parónimas. Página 3 de 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Semana 7: del 11 al 15 de abril 31. Elabora un mapa conceptual sobre el género dramático y su clasificación. 32. Escribe una sinopsis sobre el origen del teatro. 33. ¿Cuáles son las partes de una obra teatral? Explícalas. 34. El hecho teatral es el resultado de un trabajo de equipo, cuyos integrantes cumplen diferentes funciones. Nómbralos y detalla la función de cada uno. 35. El problema o conflicto es el motor de la acción dramática. Señala los diferentes tipos de conflicto. Página 4 de 4 Educación Básica Superior ESTUDIANTE: PROFESOR: Luis Vicente León ASIGNATURA: 25/02/2016 FECHA: ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO ACADÉMICO - (ARA) CALIFICACIÓN Structure and Written E. No. INDICACIONES GENERALES: Read the instructions clearly before you start: • • Write down your name, class, and role number. Use clear, legible handwriting. I. 1 Grado Paralelo No. Lista 9 Suffixes and prefixes Combine each of the following words and suffixes or prefixes to create a new word. Do not forget to apply the spelling rules for adding suffixes and prefixes. Then make a sentence with each one of the new words. 1. Rely + ing = ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. 2. Slim + er= ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. 3. Mis+ use= ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ . 4. Re + assert= ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ . 5. Active + ty= ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ . 6. Beg + ing= ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ . 7. Easy + ly= ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ . 8. Courage + ous= _____________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ . 9. Decorate + ed= ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ . 10. Day + ly= ______________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ . 11. Mistery + ous= _____________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ . 12. Hit + ing= _______________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________. 13. Un + usual= ______________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ . II. Sentence Complements Each of the following sentences contains one or more Predicate Complements. Underline and label the Direct Objects (DO), the Indirect Objects (IO), the predicate nouns (PN), the Predicate Pronouns (PP) and the Predicate Adjective (PA). Only underline the required words; otherwise, the whole sentence will be graded as incorrect. 14. Give Tanya a complete package. 15. Which book do you like? 16. Gina is highly respected and a model for other girls. 17. My friend is knowledgeable and concerned about snakes. 18. It is she who teaches many of the classes. 19. She won a wonderful trip to Miami. 20. What should we do next? 21. This reptile is really quick and powerful. 22. Spectators at the stadium give the players encouragement. 23. These powerful predators fascinate them. 24. Send me a pamphlet about cats soon. 25. Whom did you invite to come with us? 26. Which reptiles can you touch? 27. Kelly won a nice prize. 28. We were really tired after the presentation. 29. The coach at a marathon gives the runners encouragement. 30. Water-skiing is both fun and exciting. 31. The sea turtle is an excellent swimmer and a good diver. 32. I am really glad you could come today. 33. My older brother found a grass snake. III. Standard English MOST of the following sentences contain errors in the use of formal, standard English. Identify the mistakes and correct them. If a sentence is correct, write C next to it. 34. If you´re going to the library would you please bring these books there for me? 35. He knocked a bowl of plantains off of the table 36. The food was shared among the families of the village. 37. The birds flew toward there nests. 38. I´m doing good. How are you doing? 39. I wasn´t hardly scared on the cable car. 40. The water tasted kind of salty. 41. Tanya made fewer mistakes after she had started practicing. 42. They could have come if the plane had been on time. 43. Mom and Dad treated theirselves to dinner at a fine restaurant on their anniversary. 44. That ain´t an expensive hotel. 45. The tuna looked all right but smelled badly. 46. Earlier in the race, I could have caught up with her. 47. Leon went to the doctor because he didn´t feel good. 48. After spending most of the weekend in the library, I was already for the exam. 49. Why is this mitt more expensive then that one? 50. Its one of the nicest beaches near Port Aransas. 51. What scenes were you suppose to represent? 52. Every major country in Western Europe accept Switzerland and Norway belongs to the European Union. 53. We talked quietly between the three of us. IV. Topic Sentences Write an appropriate TOPIC SENTENCE for each of the following topics: 54. Topic: TV effects on children Topic Sentence: ……………………………………………………………………………………. 55. Topic: Violence in high school students Topic Sentence: ……………………………………………………………………………………. 56. Topic: Robberies in Guayaquil Topic Sentence: ……………………………………………………………………………………. 57. Topic: My favourite team Topic Sentence: ……………………………………………………………………………………. V. Topic and Controlling ideas Identify the topic and the controlling ideas in the following sentences 58. Having a good day requires a positive attitude. 59. Getting a driving license may be a real headache. 60. Smoking cigarettes can be an expensive habit. 61. Industrial waste poured into Lake Michigan has led to dramatic changes in its ability to support marine life. 62. Online learning has its problems. VI. Paragraph Organization Identify the paragraph organization in the following outline by writing TS for topic sentence, SS for concluding sentences, and CS for the concluding sentence. 63. ____ Exercise reduces the amount of fat on the body giving the person a more natural shape. 64. ____ When a person exercises, their whole cardiovascular system is improved. 65. ____ The benefits for the person who exercises at least three times a week are huge. 66. ____ Exercise gives a person confidence and improves self-image. 67. ____ Regular exercise is the best option for having a better life. 68. ____ Exercise reduces stress and increases a person's abilities. Write two supporting sentences and two supporting details for the following topic sentence. TS: Good habits promote good health. 69. SS : __________________________________________________ 70. SD: ___________________________________________________ 71. SS: ___________________________________________________ 72. SD: __________________________________________________ Transitions VII. Find the transitions in the crossword. Then, place them into the right category. I W K K W D B P Q X G I W K O I K S N X I T L B R N M E M Y O N R O R E A U Q Q W N L S R M B Z H P C M Z O K W W H S L Z N T M Z N R Y K O M E F J A S A T R X E W B H C D S H L I Y D R Y T F M K T F B F W W E R D H K T V I R V G V O D O X G L H L T M P A Q K P A V J M B L T O J S N I N I Z I W L V J T G I P A N U J G U U O J F L O D H T H E R E F O R E R T Z S F I R E M N D Q J L X Y R O T H E N O E R L I M O T A L L Y H F S G A S C Z Transition words: 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. ABOVE ALSO BECAUSE FINALLY FIRST IN FRONT OF Chronological Order: Spatial Order: R S A J M F J O O T E J N L C J M D T I T P E B D G M X J W Y I A H L W S J B Y I W I Y K E N A R E L Y L L A N I F V B L Q I C V U S U U O T O A Q R N R D G A A E L I Z V L U S H N R L B A D N V P R T S T A Q U Z C A J E G K U O R X K X R E X Y C C X X K W C C V T D X V E S N Y R P E A F W Q L Q R E N D M A N E X T O M O L N T R K X R S R B V C D F K P S S 79. INMEDIATELY 80. IN THE MIDDLE 81. LATER Order of Importance: 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. Cause and Effect: NEXT RECENTLY THEN THEREFORE THUS Now make one sentence with each one of the transitions in the crossword. 87. ....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 88. ....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 89. ....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 90. ....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 91. ....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 92. ....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 93. ....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 94. ....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 95. ....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 96...................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 97....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 98....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 99....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 100....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. VIII. Description-Sensory details Read the following descriptive paragraph. Then circle below (Yes or No) according to the senses used in the paragraph and provide each one of them with evidence from the text where they are being described. My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful. On either side of this river, which is 175 feet wide, are many willow trees which have long branches that can move gracefully swinging and hitting against each other loudly with the wind. In autumn the leaves of these trees fall and cover the riverbanks like golden snow. Also, on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep. Even though it is steep, climbing this hill is not dangerous, because there are some firm rocks along the sides that can be used as stairs. There are no trees around this hill, so it stands clearly against the sky and can be seen from many miles away. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old and has always given the town a delicious cinnamon scent. These three landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place. 101. Sense of sight: Yes Evidence: No 102. Sense of smell: Yes No Evidence: 103. Sense of touch: Yes No Evidence: 104. Sense of hearing: Yes No Evidence: 105. Sense of taste: Yes No Evidence: IX. Comparatives and superlatives Correct the mistakes and double comparisons in the following sentences. There are two sentences which do not need any corrections. 106. He was the tallest than his brother. ___________________________________________________________________. 107. Our car is the most fastest of all. ___________________________________________________________________. 108. Her lunch is much gooder than mine. ___________________________________________________________________. 109. Jennifer is way more sleepier than Mike. ___________________________________________________________________. 110. Elizabeth´s joke was more silly than Elena´s. ___________________________________________________________________. 111. The science book is the heaviest of the texts. ___________________________________________________________________. 112. The kitten is cuter than the puppy. ___________________________________________________________________. 113. I´m doing much gooder this year than last year at school. ___________________________________________________________________. 114. Our math teacher is the most stricter teacher! ___________________________________________________________________. X. sentences and fragments Eliminate the sentence fragments in the following paragraph, making a new complete separate sentence with each on the lines provided. My birthday, coming up at the end of the month. I’m having a party at the YMCA. Inviting four friends and my cousin Alex. We will swim and play volleyball. Then open gifts and eat cake and ice cream. Later my parents and I will go to a nice restaurant for supper. My grandparents too. 115. ___________________________________________________________________________ 116. ___________________________________________________________________________ 117. ___________________________________________________________________________ 118. ___________________________________________________________________________ XI. Prepositional Phrases Enclose in parenthesis all the preposition phrases in each sentence. There may be more than one. 119. Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 3 is the longest of all symphonies. 120. Claude Monet painted hundreds of pictures of the same water-lily garden. 121. Among the most easily recognized photographs are those of Ansel Adams. 122. Julia Margaret Cameron, a pioneering photographer of the 19th century, developed new techniques in portrait photography. 123. During his career, Italian sculptor Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini worked for five popes. 124. Early phonograph records of Enrico Caruso are valuable today. 125. Computer animation produces special effects for many films. Writing (15 pts. each) Writing #1 Write a well-organized persuasive letter in order to convince people about your excellent qualities to vote for you to be our next Ecuadorian president. Explain why you would make the best president ever and what you would do. Use at least 150 words. Remember to use a clear, consistent organization, plenty of details, and transitions. Follow the framework on p.696 Writing #2 Write a well-organized persuasive letter in order to convince your parents to allow you to go abroad to study English. Explain why it would be good for you and what you would do. Use at least 150 words. Remember to use a clear, consistent organization, plenty of details, and transitions. Follow the framework on p.696 Writing # 3 Make a book review about your mother´s favourite book. Ask her all the information you need in order to complete the framework on p. 620. Writing # 4 Make a book review about your father´s favourite book. Ask him all the information you need in order to complete the framework on p. 620. Writing #5 Write a comparison and contrast paragraph about your parents. Use at least 150 words. Remember to use a clear, consistent organization, plenty of details, and transitions. This paragraph must be done using block organization. Elaborado por: Revisado por: Luis Vicente León Profesor de Structure and Written Expression Wilson Cardoza Jefe del Área de Inglés Educación Básica Superior CALIFICACIÓN ESTUDIANTE: PROFESOR: César Tapia :FECHA: César 25/02/2016 ASIGNATURA: American Literature TIEMPO: Elija un elemento. ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO ACADÉMICO - (ARA) No. Elija un elemento. INDICACIONES GENERALES: Lee atentamente las consignas antes de comenzar: • Gra do Para lelo 9 Elija un elem ento. Read the instructions and make sure to do exactly what is being requested. No. List a Langston Hughes – Complete the chart as required. AUTHOR BACKGROUND INFLUENCES STRUGGLES MOTIFS WRITING STYLE Langston Hughes Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 1 de 15 Vocabulary - Complete the chart as required WORD DEFINITINON ANTONYM Galleon Wicket Ostler Casement Priming Madam and the rent man / Harlem Night Song / Winter Moon Answer the following questions. a. What do you think is the message of Madam and the Rent Man? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… b. What different views of life in Harlem does Hughes represent in “Madam and the Rent Man” and “Harlem night song? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… c. How does “Winter Moon” demonstrate the power of poetry to express emotions in only a few words? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 2 de 15 d. Explain the sensory images (imagery) in “Harlem Night song? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… e. What do the images in “Harlem Night Song” reveal about the author? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Madam and the Rent Man, Harlem Night Song, and Winter Moon Circle the letter of the best answer to each of the following items. 1. What is the problem in “Madam and the Rent Man”? A) Madam does not have the money to pay the rent. B) Madam needs a place to live and asks the rent man for an apartment. C) Madam won’t pay the rent because the landlord won’t keep his promises. D) The rent man wants Madam to leave. 2. Which statement best describes the apartment in “Madam and the Rent Man”? A) It is brand new. B) It is old but cozy. C) It is being repaired. D) It is in need of repairs. 3. Madam and the rent man agree that— A) neither is happy about the situation B) the apartment is a great place to live C) Madam will pay the rent the next day D) Madam needs a better apartment 4. The speaker in “Harlem Night Song” is calling to— A) the rent man B) someone sitting on a roof C) someone singing D) someone the speaker loves 5. “Harlem Night Song” is an invitation to— Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 3 de 15 A) shout from the rooftops B) wander around the city C) leave the city for the country D) go dancing Use the information about Sherwood Anderson and fill in the following chart with the most important facts about his life. AUTHOR BACKGROUND INFLUENCES STRUGGLES MOTIFS WRITING STYLE ALFRED NOYES Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 4 de 15 Vocabulary – Complete the chart as required. WORD DEFINITINON SYNONYM Galleon Wicket Ostler Casement Priming The Highwayman Answer the following questions. 1. Which character wears a French hat and a bunch of lace? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. What can you infer about Tim the ostler’s importance in the poem? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Why do the British troops gag and tie Bess? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. How does Bess warn the highwayman of his danger? Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 5 de 15 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. After the highwayman finds out about Bess’s death, what happens to him? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. In what way is “The Highwayman” like a short story? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. In what way is “The Highwayman” like an old sung story? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Answer the following questions about “King Midas and the golden touch” a. Gods and Goddesses usually play an active role in Greek Myths. However, a god did not prevent Midas from making his wish. Why do you think the god chose not to intervene on Midas’s behalf? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… b. Would it be a compliment to tell someone he or she had a “classic Midas touch”? Explain why or why not? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… c. How can myths such as this one provide a foundation for making wise decisions in your own life? Explain …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… d. What message do you receive from this Greek Myth? Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 6 de 15 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In the left-hand column of boxes below, record key details from “King Midas and the Golden Touch.”. In the box labeled “Summary,” write a brief statement of what happened in the story. Then in box labeled “Moral,” write down what you think is the moral, or lesson, in this myth. ORPHEUS THE GREAT MUSICIAN Answer the following questions. a. In which way Orpheus’s is influenced by his feelings at various points in the story (set clear examples from the reading) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… b. Explain how the same emotion that encourages Orpheus’s decent into the underworld also causes him to fall in his mission. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… c. How does this myth explore the notion of having faith or trust in a person and the consequences of breaking that trust? Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 7 de 15 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… d. Explain the effect Orpheus’s music has on other characters in the story (set clear examples from the story). What is this myth saying about the way an artist can affect people? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… e. Is Hades Fair to Orpheus and Eurydice? Explain (set clear examples from the story). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Orpheus the Great Musician Complete the chart as required Summary Notes Main Characters Conflict Main Events Resolution Values Morals / Amorals The Flight of Icarus Answer the following questions. a. Why is King Minos angry at Daedalus? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… b. Where are Daedalus and Icarus when they make the wings? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… c. Of what are the wings made? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… d. What important advice does Daedalus give Icarus before their flight? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 8 de 15 e. Why is Daedalus unable to save his son? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… f. What personality traits does Icarus show? Explain ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. g. What personality traits does Daedalus show? Explain …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… h. What personality traits does Minos show? Explain …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Twelve Tasks of Heracles Answer the following questions. 1. What does Hera do first to stop Heracles? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Why does Heracles kill his own children? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. How does King Eurystheus react to Heracles? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. What was the final task that Heracles had to complete? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Marcia Williams Complete the chart as required Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 9 de 15 INFLUENCES WRITING STYLE THEMES / MOTIFS PERSONAL INTERESTS IMPORTANT WORKS Complete the chart as required. CHARACTERISTICS OF MYTH EXAMPLES FROM “THE TASKS OF HERACES” TWELVE Heroes often have supernatural power. Gods and goddesses are characters. Explanations are provided for natural occurrences. Conflicts often occur between gods or goddesses and humans. The story teaches a moral, or lesson. Lynette Dyer Voung. Answer the following questions or complete the Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 10 de 15 a. What was Lynette first imagination trace? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. b. Why does Lynette focus a lot on Vietnamese folktales? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. c. What does she write about in the “Sky legends of Vietnam” ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. d. What does she write about in “the Golden Carp”? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. e. What is her writing style? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1. Answer the following questions. Master Frog a. Why does Master Frog do to convince the King that he should be allowed to marry Kien Tien? ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… b. What is surprising about the twist at the end of the story? ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… c. What qualities does Kien Tien admire in Master Frog even before she realizes that he is a prince? ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 11 de 15 ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… d. What lessons do you think this story teaches? ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… e. What makes the marriage between Master Frog and Kien Tien work? ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… f. What kind of personality traits does Kien Tien’s sisters? Explain ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… g. What morals and amorals do you find in the story? Explain ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… h. What does the story tell about human nature? ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… i. What is the message of the story? ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… Katherine Paterson 1. Answer the following questions a. Why couldn’t she get back to China ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… b. Which is the motif of her works? Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… c. Which situations led her to become an avid reader? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… d. According to Paterson, why are books so useful and important? Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 12 de 15 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… e. What are the motifs of her works? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… f. What influences she received to become a writer? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… g. What is her writing style? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Crane Wife Complete the chart as required Character Moral Amoral Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Where in the story? Página 13 de 15 Jane Yolen Complete the chart as required Influences Motifs Jane Yolen Struggles Writing Style Merlin and The Dragons Answer the following questions a. Which characteristic of a hero is shared by the main characters in both the frame story and the story within a story in “Merlin and the Dragons”? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. b. “Merlin and the Dragons” is a— …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. c. What does Emrys see that shakes the earth and causes Vortigern’s tower to fall? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. d. What does the battle of the dragons foreshadow? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Página 14 de 15 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. e. What happens when the dragons are released? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. f. What is it obvious when Vortigern’s soldiers runaway at the near end of the story …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Elaborado por: Cesar Tapia A. Profesor de LITERATURE Km. 14 ½ Vía Perimetral – PBX: 2145614 – Mobile:080869990 – 080869888 http://www.torremar.edu.ec e-mail: torremar@torremar.edu.ec Revisado por: Wilson Cardoza Novoa Jefe del Área de Inglés Página 15 de 15 Educación Básica Superior REFUERZO Examen remedial ESTUDIANTE(S): PROFESOR: Luis Avecillas C 29/02/2016 FECHA: TAREA (T) CALIFICACIÓN ASIGNATURA: Matemáticas TIEMPO: No. INDICACIONES GENERALES: Lea atentamente las consignas antes de empezar la evaluación: Escriba su nombre y número de lista. Escriba de manera legible, con tamaño y dirección uniforme de las letras. Escriba con orden los procesos que justifican sus resultados. Para los gráficos utilice etiquetas claras. Cualquier corrección (Tachón) elimina el tema. 10 Puntos Grado Paralelo No. Lista 9 En cada pregunta de esta sección, elija entre las alternativas propuestas, aquella que convierte la afirmación respectiva, en una proposición VERDADERA. En cada caso justifique su elección. 0.125 respuesta – 0.375 proceso 1. Al factorizar la expresión 2x3 – 2x – x2 + 1, se obtiene: ( (2x − 1)(x (0.50 puntos ) ) + 1) A. (2x + 1) x 2 + 1 B. 2 C. (2x + 1)(x + 1)(x − 1) D. (2x − 1)(x + 1)(x − 1) (2x ) x Al simplificar la expresión x ( ) (x ) n +1 2 2. 2 n +1 3− n n 2 , se obtiene: (0.50 puntos ) A. 2x n +3 B. 4x n −3 C. 4x −3n +3 D. 4x −3n −3 4x 2 − 9 2x − 3 ÷ 2 3. Al simplificar la expresión 3 , se obtiene: 2 x + 4x − x − 4 x − 1 2x + 3 A. x−4 B. − C. A. B. C. D. 2x + 3 x−4 2x + 3 x+4 D. − 4. (0.50 puntos ) 2x + 3 x+4 Sea Re = R y el predicado p(x): – 3x + 6≤ 6x – 12, el conjunto solución Ap(x) está dado por: (0.50 puntos (− 2, ∞ ) x≤–2 –1 0 1 2 (− ∞,2] ) 5. Al resolver la ecuación A. 7 8 3 + 2x 5 + 2x 4x 2 − 2 − = 1− 2 el valor de “x” es: 1 + 2x 7 + 2x 4x + 16x + 7 (0.50 puntos ) B. − 2 C. 0 D. 2 6. La ecuación de la recta que pasa por los puntos A (3,5) y B (4,8), es: (0.50 puntos ) A. y – 3x = – 4 B. y – 3x = 1 C. 3y – x = 2 D. y + x = 1 7. A. B. C. D. (3a b) ⋅ (2a b) Al simplificar la expresión (2a b) (12ab) −1 −2 -2 2 −3 −2 a -1 ⋅ -1 , se obtiene: b (0.50 puntos ) - 24a 11 b a 11 24b 24b a 11 a 11 b 24 8. Si Sen A = A. 2 8 , entonces la 17 (0.50 puntos ) Tan de A es : 17 8 8 15 15 C. 17 17 D. 15 B. 2 1 nos queda: 5 9. Al simplificar la expresión 0.3333.... 3 0.027 − − 3 50 3 B. 25 3 C. − 25 A. − (0.50 puntos ) D. 3 50 10. La solución de la desigualdad 4x + 8 ≤ −3x − 5 está dada por: (0.50 puntos ) m2 m2 − n2 − n m+n m−n n + n m (0.50 puntos ) 13 , + ∞ 7 13 − ∞, − 7 13 , + ∞ 7 13 − ∞, 7 13 + ∞, 7 A. − B. C. D. E. 11. Al simplificar la expresión A. = el resultado es: m B. m +1 C. mn D. m-n E. 1 y = −2 − 3x representa una función lineal. Una de las siguientes proposiciones acerca (0.50 puntos ) de la misma es la correcta. Identifíquela: 12. La ecuación A. La pendiente de la recta es – 2. B. La función que representa es creciente. C. El intercepto con el eje “y” es – 3. D. La gráfica de la recta pasa por el punto (− 1, 1) . Simplifica: 13. a 2 −1 a2 − a − 6 a 2 − 4a + 3 ⋅ ÷ 3a + 4 a 2 + 2a 3a 2 + 7a + 4 A. a B. a +1 C. 1 a D. 1 a +1 (0.50 puntos ) Traduzca la siguiente información a una ecuación con una variable, para resolver los siguientes problemas: 14. Los miembros de un club de montañismo hacen un viaje de 380 km a un campo base en 7 horas. Viajan 4 horas sobre una carretera pavimentada y el resto de tiempo a través de un camino en el bosque. Si la velocidad en esta parte fue de 25 km/h menor que en la carretera, calcule la velocidad promedio en cada tramo del viaje. (0.50 puntos ) Carretera pavimentada Camino en el bosque Total Velocidad Tiempo Distancia km km ; 30 h h km km ; 40 B. 65 h h km km ; 45 C. 75 h h km km ; 60 D. 85 h h A. 55 15. Un parquímetro acepta monedas de 5 y de 10 centavos de dólar. Al vaciar la caja se encontraron 148 monedas con un total de $ 10.65. ¿Cuántas monedas de cada tipo había? (0.50 puntos ) Monedas de 5 centavos Monedas de 10 centavos Total No de monedas Valor de cada moneda Ingresos A. 73 ; 75 B. 63 ; 85 C. 53 ; 95 D. 83 ; 65 16. Al factorizar completamente el polinomio m 5 − m 3n 2 + m 2 n 3 − n 5 nos queda: (0.50 puntos A. (m + n ) (m − n )(m 2 − mn + n 2 ) B. (m − n )2 (m + n )(m 2 − mn + n 2 ) C. (m + n )2 (m + n )(m2 + mn + n 2 ) D. (m + n )2 (m + n )(m2 − mn − n 2 ) 2 ) 17. El valor de “x” en la expresión A. 1 4 B. − C. 3 4 D. − 0.0 5 − 2− 1 = x 3 0. 8 7 −1 8 (0.50 puntos ) 1 4 3 4 18. Si π = 3.14: A D x B C ABCD es un cuadrado AB = X (0.50 puntos ) Entonces el área sombreada de la figura adjunta es: 0.785x 2 2 B. 0.215x A. C. D. 1.215x 2 0.86x 2 19. Se aplica una prueba especial a un grupo de 20 alumnos de 10º Básica. Los resultados obtenidos están representados en la tabla de frecuencias que muestra la figura. El porcentaje de alumnos que obtuvo una nota mayor que 2, es igual a: (0.50 puntos ) A. 25% Nota [1− 2) [2 − 3) [3 − 4) [4 − 5) [5 − 6) [6 − 7] B. 45% C. 75% D. 55% Total 20. Al racionalizar y simplificar la expresión A. 4 − 15 B. 4 − 2 C. 2 − 15 D. 2 − 2 5− 3 , nos queda: 5+ 3 Frecuencia 3 2 6 3 4 2 20 (0.50 puntos ) 1) Una de las siguientes proposiciones es falsa; identifíquela: A. (3x )(− 3x ) = −9x B. (3x )(− 3x ) = −9x C. (3x ) ÷ (3x ) = x D. (3x )(3x ) = 9 E. 3 3 2 − − 3x = 9x x −2 5 2 −2 −3 3 3 −5 −2 2 ( 2) La expresión ) ( ) 98 − 18 ⋅ 27 es igual a: 96 B. 2 C. 3 3 D. 3) 5 redondeado a los centésimos es igual a: 8 A. B. C. D. 0.65 0.62 0.60 0.63 4) En la expresión (32 ) 2x − 3 3 B. 2 C. (0.50 puntos ) 2 A. A. (0.50 puntos ) 6 D. 4 = (8 ) 15 (0.50 puntos ) , el valor de “x” es: (0.50 puntos ) 5) Simplifique la expresión, A. − 22 3 B. − 26 3 C. D. (− 2)3 − 7 ( )( ) ÷ − 0.4 6 0.6 10 2 (0.50 puntos ) = 22 3 26 3 6) Al reducir a un común índice y simplificar la expresión A. 2 12 2 B. 8 12 2 C. 4 12 2 D. 16 12 2 3 4 ⋅ 4 8 ⋅ 6 16 obtenemos: 7) Una de las siguientes proposiciones es verdadera; identifíquela: A. (2x + 4y)(2x − 4y) + (3x − 5y)(3x + 5y) =13x2 + 41y2 B. (2x + 4y)(2x − 4y) + (3x − 5y)(3x + 5y) = 5x2 − 9y2 C. (2x + 4y)(2x − 4y) + (3x − 5y)(3x + 5y) = − 5x2 + 41y2 D. (2x + 4y)(2x − 4y) + (3x − 5y)(3x + 5y) = 13x2 − 41y2 8) Calcular el área de la superficie sombreada en la siguiente composición: 3 A. a 2 2 3 B. a 2 4 3 C. a 2 8 2 D. a 2 3 (0.50 puntos ) (0.50 puntos ) (0.50 puntos ) 3 9) Al simplificar la expresión A. B. C. D. 5 8 2 −3 8 27 − 75 16 32 + 3 (0.50 puntos ) nos queda: 17 8 15 − 8 15 8 17 8 10) El valor de la diagonal en el cubo mostrado (0.50 puntos ) es: a =2 6 A. 3 2 B. 6 3 C. 6 2 D. 2 3 11) Si simplificamos la siguiente expresión A. 4 B. 1 4 C. 4a D. 1 a 4 6 a 3 a−2 a 2 3 a 2 + 5 −1 3 a 2 a a 3 a 6 ,obtenemos: (0.50 puntos ) 4 x (a + b ) 16 x (b + a ) (a + b )3 , reducida es igual a : 75 − 2 4 3x (a + b ) 3 (a + b ) −5 12) La expresión A. a+b B. (a + b )− 1 C. 4 6x (a + b ) D. 4 6x − 20 (0.50 puntos ) (a + b )− 1 13) Si dividimos A. x2 + y2 B. x 2 − xy + y 2 C. x 2 + xy + y 2 D. x 2 − y2 x 3 + y 3 para el binomio x + y , el resultado es: (0.50 puntos ) 14) El área sombreada de la figura adjunta es : 2 MN = de MP 3 MP = 24 cm 32 π B. 16 π C. 8 π D. 6 π A. M N (0.50 puntos) P 15) Calcular el área de la siguiente región sombreada. ABCD es un cuadrado de lado 6cm. (0.50 puntos ) A. 24 cm2 B. 18 cm2 C. 36 cm2 D. 12 cm2 16) El producto de (x − 3)(x + 3) menos el producto A. 2x 2 − 12x + 18 B. − 6 x − 18 C. − 12 x D. 0 17) El valor numérico del polinomio (x + 3)2 es: p(x) : x 3 − x 2 − x + 12, si divide para x + 2 es : (0.50 puntos ) (0.50 puntos ) A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 18) La suma de − 6m 2 − 5mn + 3n 2 con 8m 2 + 6mn − 7n 2 es igual a: A. − 2m 2 + mn − 4n 2 B. 2m 2 + mn − 4n 2 C. − 2m 2 + mn + 4n 2 D. 2m 2 + mn + 4n 2 (0.50 puntos ) 2 5 3 2 2 4 x − xy − y 2 por x − y es: 9 5 6 4 3 19) El producto de: 1 3 x 2 1 3 x B. 2 1 3 C. x 2 1 3 x D. 2 A. (0.50 puntos ) 8 2 19 1 x y+ x y2 + y2 9 270 3 8 19 1 + x2y − x y2 + y2 9 270 3 8 9 1 − x2y + x y2 + y2 9 135 3 8 19 1 − x2y + x y2 + y2 9 54 3 − 20) Una de las siguientes proposiciones es falsa, identifíquela: A. (3x a + 2y b ) (3x B. (3x a + 2y b ) C. (3x a + 2y b x a − y b = 3x 2a − x a y b − 2y 2b D. (3x a − 2y b 3x a − 2y b = 9x 2a + 12 x a y b + 4y 2b 2 a ) − 2y b = 9x 2a − 4y 2b = 9x )( 2a + 12 x a y b + 4y 2b ) )( ) 1) Una de las siguientes proposiciones es verdadera; identifíquela: E. (2x + 4y)(2x − 4y) + (3x − 5y)(3x + 5y) =13x2 + 41y2 F. (2x + 4y)(2x − 4y) + (3x − 5y)(3x + 5y) = 5x2 − 9y2 G. (2x + 4y)(2x − 4y) + (3x − 5y)(3x + 5y) = − 5x2 + 41y2 H. (2x + 4y)(2x − 4y) + (3x − 5y)(3x + 5y) = 13x2 − 41y2 2) Una de las siguientes proposiciones es verdadera, identifíquela: = (m − 6n )(m + 2 n ) B. m − mn − 12n = (m − 4n )(m − 3n ) A. m − mn − 12n 2 2 2 2 = (m + 3n )(m − 4n ) D. m − mn − 12n = (m − 3n )(m + 4 n ) C. m − mn − 12n (0.50 puntos ) 2 2 2 2 (0.50 puntos ) (0.50 puntos ) 3) Al factorizar la expresión A. B. C. D. (0.50 puntos ) m 2 − 30m − 64 nos queda: (m − 8)2 (m − 32)(m − 2 ) (m + 8)2 (m + 2)(m − 32) 4) La factorización completa de la expresión A. (x + 1)(x − 1)(x − 3)(3x − 1) B. (x − 1)2 (x − 3)(3x − 1) C. (x + 1)2 (x − 3)(3x − 1) D. (x + 1)(x − 1)(x + 3)(3x + 1) 5) Una expresión equivalente a 3x 4 − 10x 3 + 10x − 3 está dada por: (0.50 puntos ) x 2 + 2x − 8 x 2 − 4x + 4 , es: ÷ x 2 − 3x − 4 x 2 − 6x + 8 (0.50 puntos ) x−4 x −3 x+4 B. x +1 x −3 C. x−4 x +1 D. x+4 A. 6) Una fracción factorizada, correspondiente a 4a A. (2a + 3b − 2c) (2a − 3b − 2c) B. (2a + 3b − 2c) (2a − 3b + 2c) C. (2a + 3b + 2c) (2a − 3b − 2c) D. (2a − 3b + 2c) (2a − 3b + 2c) 7) Un valor de “x” que satisface la ecuación A. x = −1 B. x = −3 C. x =1 D. x = −5 2 − (3b + 2c ) , es: 2 x + 17 x−2 x−4 + = , es: x − 6x + 8 x − 4 x − 2 2 (0.50 puntos ) (0.50 puntos ) 8) El área lateral de un cono cuya altura mide 4 cm y el diámetro de la base es (0.50 puntos ) de 6 cm es: A. 15 π B. 9π C. 33 π D. 24 π 9) El área de un hexágono de 4 cm de lado es: A. 24 3 cm 2 B. 48 2 cm 2 C. 96 3 cm 2 D. 48 3 cm 2 10) Una de las siguientes afirmaciones es verdadera, identifíquela: A. Para la recta cuya ecuación es B. La ecuación (0.50 puntos ) 3x − 4y + 12 = 0 la intersección con el eje “y” es igual a – 4. 4x − 2y − 1 = 0 , representa una función decreciente. C. La intercepción con el eje “x” de la función representada por la ecuación punto (0, − 4 ) . D. La ecuación (0.50 puntos ) 4x − 5y + 16 = 0 , es el 2x + y − 4 = 0 , representa una función lineal, cuya ordenada al origen es igual a 4. E. La función representada por la ecuación 3x + y − 1 = 0 , es creciente. 11) Una de las siguientes igualdades es falsa, identifíquela: A. x 2 − 6x + 9 = (x − 3) B. x 2 − 11xy 2 − 60y 4 = x − 15y 2 x + 4y 2 C. m 2 − 11m + 24 = (m − 8 )(m + 3) D. a 2 − 13 a + 42 = (a − 7 )(a − 6 ) 2 ( )( ) (0.50 puntos ) 12) La ecuación y = −2 − 3x representa una función lineal. Una de las siguientes proposiciones acerca de la misma es la correcta. Identifíquela: (0.50 puntos) A. La pendiente de la recta es – 2. B. La ordenada al origen es – 3. C. El punto (− 1, 1) pasa por la recta y = −2 − 3x . D. La función que representa es creciente. 13) Al despejar la variable “a” en la expresión A. a = B. a = S= n [2 a + (n − 1) d ], se obtiene: 2 (0.50 puntos) S (n + 1) d + n 2 (n − 1) d 2 − S n C. a = n (n + 1) d − S 2 D. a = S (n − 1) d − n 2 E. a = S (n − 1) d − 2 n 14) Siendo Re = R y el predicado p(x ) : − x + 5 ≤ 2x + 1 , entonces A p(x ) es: (0.50 puntos) 3 4 , + ∞ 4 B. − , + ∞ 3 4 C. , + ∞ 3 4 D. − ∞, 3 A. 15) La ecuación de la recta que pasa por el punto A (2, − 2 ) y es paralela a la recta 4x − 2y − 2 = 0 es: A. 2x − y − 6 = 0 B. 2x + y − 6 = 0 C. 2x − y + 6 = 0 D. 2x + y + 6 = 0 (0.50 puntos) (0.50 puntos) 16) La ecuación de la recta que pasa por los puntos M (− 4, 2 ) y N (2, − 4 ) es: y = x−2 B. y = − x + 2 C. y = − x − 2 D. y = x + 2 A. Utilice una ecuación, para resolver el siguiente problema: 17) Cinco minutos después de haber ocurrido un accidente automovilístico y de haber huido el culpable, llega al lugar del accidente un automóvil de la policía, el cual inicia inmediatamente la persecución del culpable y lo alcanza después de 1 hora 10 minutos. Encuentre la velocidad de cada automóvil sabiendo que la del automóvil de la policía fue 8 km/h mayor que la del otro. (0.50 puntos ) Culpable Policía Total Velocidad Tiempo Espacio La velocidad del auto del policía es: A. 120 km/h 112 km/h C. 115 km/h D. 130 km/h B. 18) El área del polígono mostrado es: 2 A. 60 3 cm B. 30 3 cm 2 C. 45 3 cm 2 D. 25 2 2 3 L = 6 cm 3 cm (0.50 puntos ) 19) La expresión factorizada, correspondiente a 1 8a3 − , es: 8 (0.50 puntos ) 1 2 1 2a − 4a − a + 2 4 1 1 B. 2a − 2a + 2 2 1 2 1 C. 2a − 4a + a + 2 4 1 2 1 D. 2a − 4a − a − 2 4 A. Utilice una ecuación, para resolver cada uno de los siguientes problemas: 20) Un chofer conduce diariamente a una velocidad promedio de 60 km/h en carretera y a 24 km/h dentro de la ciudad. Su tiempo diario de manejo sobre un recorrido de 330 km fue de 7 horas. ¿Cuánto tiempo conduce sobre la carretera y cuánto sobre la ciudad? (0.50 puntos ) Carretera Ciudad Total Velocidad Tiempo Distancia carretera 4.5 h − ciudad 2.5 h B. carretera 4 h − ciudad 3 h C. carretera 5 h − ciudad 2 h D. carretera 5.5 h − ciudad 1.5 h A. 21) La Politécnica Salesiana destina $60.000 a un fondo a fin de obtener ingresos anuales de $5.000 para becas. Parte de esto se destinará a inversiones en fondos del gobierno a un 8% y el resto a depósitos a largo plazo a un 10,5% ¿Cuánto deberá invertir en cada opción con objeto de obtener el ingreso requerido? Fondos de gobierno Capital Tanto por ciento Interés Depósitos a largo plazo Total 22) El ingreso total en un juego de tenis fue de $ 13 725. Los boletos de adulto costaban $ 20 cada uno y $ 7.50 los de niño. ¿Cuántos se vendieron de cada tipo si el total fue de 920 boletos? Boletos de adultos Boletos de estudiantes Total No de boletos Precio por boleto Ingresos 23) Cierta persona debe recorrer 37 km para ir a su trabajo, viaja en autobús y después en tren, tardando un total de 45 minutos. Estima que el tren viaja a un promedio de 60 km/h y el autobús a solo 28 km/h. ¿Qué distancia recorre en cada medio de transporte? Autobús Tren Total Velocidad Tiempo Distancia 24) Un perfume que se vende a $ 80 la onza se va mezclar con otro que se vende a $ 104 la onza. Si se desean 270 onzas de la mezcla, que se van a vender a $ 100 la onza. ¿Cuánto se deberá mezclar de cada clase de perfume para obtener los mismos ingresos? Perfume # 1 No de onzas Precio de cada onza Ingresos(Mezcla) Perfume # 2 Total 25) Los miembros de un club de montañismo hacen un viaje de 380 km a un campo base en 7 horas. Viajan 4 horas sobre una carretera pavimentada y el resto de tiempo a través de un camino en el bosque. Si la velocidad en esta parte fue de 25 km/h menor que en la carretera, calcule la velocidad promedio y la distancia recorrida en cada tramo del viaje. Carretera pavimentada Camino en el bosque Total Velocidad Tiempo Distancia 26) Si simplificamos la expresión x+3 x2 − 9 el resultado es 2 x −1 x − 2x − 3 a. Verdadero. 27) Al simplificar la expresión b. Falso a+2 a+2 el resultado es 1 ÷ 2 a − 1 (a − 1)(a + 1) a. Verdadero. 28) Al simplificar la expresión es: A. B. C. D. E. 2 24 26 a + 26 a + 22 b. Falso 1 2 2 + 2 − 2 el resultado del numerador a + 2a − 24 a − 2a − 8 a + 8a + 12 2 2 3 4x - 7 + − 2 Al simplificar la expresión x − 3 x + 2 x − x − 6 el resultado es: 1 A. (x − 3) 29) B. x − 12 (x − 3)(x + 2) C. x−2 (x − 3)(x + 2) D. x−7 (x − 3)(x + 2) 30) Una de las siguientes proposiciones es falsa, identifíquela: A. B. C. D. E. (3m − 1)(3m + 1) = 9m 2 − 1 (m + 3)2 + (m + 3) − 12 = m (m + 7 ) (m + 3)2 − (m + 3)(m − 3) = 6m + 9 am + bm − an − bn = (a + b )(m − n ) 6m 2 − m − 2 = (2m + 1)(3m − 2 ) 31) Al factorizar completamente el polinomio m 5 − m3n 2 + m 2 n 3 − n 5 nos queda: E. (m + n )2 (m − n )(m2 − mn + n 2 ) F. (m − n )2 (m + n )(m2 − mn + n 2 ) G. (m + n )2 (m + n )(m2 + mn + n 2 ) H. (m + n )2 (m + n )(m2 − mn − n 2 ) 2 1 0.3333..... 0.81 − − 3 nos queda: 32) Al simplificar la expresión −2 1 1 + 2 17 40 17 B. − 40 37 C. 40 37 D. − 40 A. 33) Dadas las rectas L1: 3x + 4y − 15 = 0 y L2: 4x − 3y − 12 = 0 , es verdad que: A. L1 es paralela a L2 B. L1 intercepta al eje y en 5 C. L1 es perpendicular a L2 D. L2 intercepta al eje x en 3 34) En una reunión deportiva hubo 11 000 asistentes, quienes pagaron un total de $ 79 000. Los estudiantes pagaron $ 5 cada uno y los no estudiantes $ 8 cada uno. ¿Cuántos asistentes de cada tipo hubo? Estudiantes No estudiantes Total No de asistentes Precio de cada boleto Ingresos 35) Al factorizar completamente el polinomio ( 2 ( 2 ( 2 ( 2 A. (m − 8)(m + 8 ) m − 8 ) B. (m − 4 )(m + 4 ) m − 6 C. (m − 2 )(m + 2 ) m − 8 D. (m − 4 )(m + 4 ) m + 8 36) Una 3 4 = 9 43 B. 3 32 ⋅ 3 2 = 16 C. 5 − 32 (− 243 ) = 6 ( 3+ 5 37) Una A. 1 B. 3e 4 + 1 C. 3e 4 − 1 D. 1 2e 2 ) ) ) de las siguientes proposiciones es falsa identifíquela: A. D. m 4 − 8m 2 − 128 , nos queda: ) = ( 3) + ( 5) 2 2 2 =8 expresión simplificada equivalente a ( )( 3e 2 + 1 e 2 − e −2 + e 2 + e −2 3e 2 − 1 ⋅ 2 2 − 2 , es: 5e + e − e 2 − e − 2 2 ) 38) Al resolver la desigualdad (x − 3) + 2 x ≥ (x + 3) + 5 , el intervalo solución es: 2 A. [2, + ∞ ) B. [− 2, + ∞ ) 2 1 2 1 D. − ∞, − 2 C. − ∞, 39) El valor de la expresión 1 − 2 −1 1 1.6 − 0.5 , está dado por: − ⋅ 4 0.3 − 1.5 5 4 3 b) − 4 3 c) 4 5 d) 4 a) − −2 1 2 x2 x x16 2 40) El valor simple de la expresión , está dado por: 1 1 2 x32 x 4 64 a) 2 2 a) b) 4 c) 8 d) 16 −3 2y − 1 −y+ 2− y 41) Al simplificar la expresión −1 y − 2 + 2y 5y − 1 y y +1 y y +1 b) − c) 1 2+y d) 1 1− y −1 + 2 se obtiene: (0.50 puntos ) 42) Al simplificar la expresión A. - 24 a 11 b B. a 11 24 b (3a b) ⋅ (2a b) (2a b) (12a b) 43) Dada la expresión matemática C. D. E. −2 −2 2 −3 −2 ⋅ a −1 , se obtiene: b −1 a 11 b 24 D. B. −1 24 b a 11 C. A. 2 B E = D A + , al despejar la variable B, se obtiene: C E B = C A − D 1E B = − A CD E B = C − A D E B = C + A D 1 E B = A− D C 3 2 44) Al factorizar la expresión 2x – 2x – x + 1, se obtiene: ( (2x − 1)(x ) + 1) E. (2x + 1) x 2 + 1 F. 2 G. (2x + 1)(x + 1)(x − 1) H. (2x − 1)(x + 1)(x − 1) 45) Al E. 2x + 3 x−4 F. − G. simplificar la expresión 2x + 3 x−4 2x + 3 x+4 H. − 2x + 3 x+4 4x 2 − 9 2x − 3 ÷ 2 , se obtiene: 3 2 x + 4x − x − 4 x − 1 46) Sea Re = R y el predicado p(x): – 3x + 6≤ 6x – 12, el conjunto solución Ap(x) está dado por: E. (− 2, ∞ ) F. x ≤ – 2 G. – 1 0 1 2 H. (− ∞,2] 47) La ecuación de la recta que pasa por los puntos A (3,5) y B (4,8), es: E. y – 3x = – 4 F. y – 3x = 1 G. 3y – x = 2 H. y + x = 1 48) Al simplificar la expresión F. m G. m +1 H. mn I. m-n m2 m2 − n2 − n m+n m−n n + n m = el resultado es: 49) Los miembros de un club de montañismo hacen un viaje de 380 km a un campo base en 7 horas. Viajan 4 horas sobre una carretera pavimentada y el resto de tiempo a través de un camino en el bosque. Si la velocidad en esta parte fue de 25 km/h menor que en la carretera, calcule la velocidad promedio en cada tramo del viaje. Carretera pavimentada Velocidad Tiempo Distancia km km ; 30 h h km km F. 65 ; 40 h h km km G. 75 ; 45 h h km km H. 85 ; 60 h h E. 55 Camino en el bosque Total 50) Al E. resolver la ecuación 3 + 2x 5 + 2x 4x 2 − 2 − = 1− 2 el valor de “x” es: 1 + 2x 7 + 2x 4x + 16x + 7 7 8 F. − 2 G. 0 H. 2 51) Los dos factores que corresponden a la expresión 8 x + (x − 2 ) es: 3 3 ( B. (3x − 2 ) (3x C. (3x − 2 ) (3x D. (3x − 2 ) (3x A. (3x − 2 ) 3x + 4 2 ) + 8x − 4 − 8x − 4 2 −4 2 2 ) ) ) La descomposición de dos factores en la expresión 6 a − 5 a − 4 es: 2 52) A. (2 a − 1) (3a + 4 ) B. (3 a − 2 ) (2 a + 1) C. (3 a − 4 ) (2 a − 1) D. (3 a − 4 ) (2 a + 1) 53) En relación con la recta que pasa por los puntos: A (−3, − 4) y B (5, 4) uno de los siguientes enunciados es falso.Identifíquelo : Halle ecuación de la recta A. La recta pasa por el punto (− 1, − 2 ) B. La recta corta al eje “x” en el punto (1, 0) C. La recta corta al eje “y” en el punto D. El punto ( 0, − 1) ( 3, 3) pasa por la recta. 54) La línea recta A tiene una pendiente igual a la línea recta A, el valor de “a” es igual a: A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 E. 12 − 3 . Si los puntos (− 2, 5 ) y (a, − 7 ) pertenecen a 2 55) Al resolver la expresión A. 2x B. 2x 2 C. 4x D. 4x 2 1 1 + x 1 − x 2 1 + x − 1 1 − − el resultado es: x ÷ 1 − x 1 + x 1 − x 1 + x 10x 2 − 17x + 3 4x 2 − 12x + 9 6x 2 − 11x + 3 ⋅ 2 ÷ 2 56) Al simplificar la expresión 2 − + 15x − 8x + 1 3x − 13 x + 4 2x 11x 12 2x − 3 A. 3x − 1 B. 2x + 3 3x − 1 C. 2x − 3 3x + 1 D. 3x − 1 2x − 3 57) El jefe de una estación de servicio compró 15000 galones de gasolina extra y super por $8550. Si el precio del mayorista fue de 55 centavos por galón para la gasolina extra y 60 centavos por galón para la gasolina super, determinar ¿cuántos galones de cada clase de gasolina se compraron? Gasolina extra Gasolina super Total No de galones Precio por galón Ingresos A. B. C. D. 5000 y 10000 6000 y 9000 4000 y 11000 7000 y 8000 58) Al simplificar le expresión (− 3)2 + 4 ( ) 3 ÷ − 1.4 3 − 6 el resultado es: 10 A. 6 B. 3 C. 0 D. 18 Elaborado por: Luis Avecillas C Profesor de Matemáticas Revisado por: Julio Pezo Jefe del Área de Matemáticas Educación Básica Superior Segundo Quimestre ESTUDIANTE: Nelson Vargas Coloma PROFESOR: ASIGNATURA: 25/02/2016 FECHA: TIEMPO: ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO ACADÉMICO - (ARA) CALIFICACIÓN Estudios Sociales No. INDICACIONES GENERALES: Lee atentamente las consignas antes de comenzar: • • • Escribe tu nombre, paralelo y número de lista. Escribe de manera legible, con tamaño y dirección uniforme de las letras. No se permiten tachones, enmendaduras o correcciones de cualquier tipo. 1 Grado Paralelo No. Lista 9 Desarrolla las siguientes actividades de refuerzo: 1. Escriba tres características de Mesolítico. 2. Escriba tres diferencias entre Mesolítico y Neolítico. 3. Escriba tres características de la cueva de Lascaux. 4. Elabora un esquema sobre la domesticación de plantas. 5. Elabora un esquema sobre la domesticación de animales. 6. Elabora el mapa de las áreas de domesticación. 7. Escriba tres razones por las cuales los grupos humanos que fueron nómadas asentaban sus campamentos cerca de las riberas de los ríos. 8. Utiliza un organizador gráfico para explicar dos consecuencias que tuvo el surgimiento de la agricultura. 9. Identifica en un mapa las civilizaciones fluviales de Mesopotamia, Egipto, India y China. 10. Escriba tres características de Mesopotamia. 11. Explica la estructura social de Egipto. 12. Escriba tres características de la escritura jeroglífica. 13. Elabora un organizador gráfico sobre India 14. Explica la estructura social de India. 15. Escriba tres características de la Grecia antigua. 16. Los grandes imperios antiguos fueron esencialmente sociedades esclavistas. En términos generales, describe los grandes grupos sociales que se establecieron en las primeras civilizaciones. 17. Encuentra información y registra en la siguiente tabla las formas de escritura que surgieron en Mesopotamia, Egipto y China. Llena todas las categorías solicitadas: Materiales utilizados, tipo de escritura, propósito de su utilización y personas que la utilizaban 18. El proceso democrático en las polis griegas no fue repentino. Plantea una secuencia a través de la cual describas cómo surgió la democracia. 19. Investiga sobre la vida de uno de los siguientes personajes. Describe su contribución al desarrollo de la democracia. 20. Utiliza un organizador gráfico para explicar las biografías de Pericles, Aristóteles, Platón y Sócrates. 21. Grafica las rutas migratorias de América. 22. Describe el proceso que siguió el desarrollo del ser humano en América a partir del momento en que llegó al continente. 23. Describe las diferencias existentes entre un pueblo nómada y uno sedentario utilizando los siguientes criterios: formas de alimentación, lugar de residencia y número de miembros. 24. Identifica cuatro productos que los primeros habitantes de América domesticaron y cultivaron. 25. Utiliza un organizador gráfico para incluir las principales características del cultivo en terrazas y en chinampas utilizando los siguientes criterios: descripción, lugares donde se utilizaron, razones para utilizarlas y ventajas de su utilización. 26. ¿Por qué Colón quería encontrar una ruta hacia el Oriente? 27. Elabora un esquema sobre las motivaciones comerciales, económicas e ideológicas de la expansión europea. 28. Explica la trayectoria de Cristóbal Colón. 29. Escriba tres características de las empresas descubridoras. 30. Grafica las cuatro rutas de las exploraciones de Colón en un mapa. 31. Elabora un organizador gráfico sobre consecuencias de la presencia europea en América. 32. Reflexiona sobre las consecuencias del mestizaje para los indígenas americanos. Responde: ¿Fue positivo para los habitantes del continente? 33. Describe la conquista de México y del Imperio inca. 34. Clasifica las consecuencias de la Conquista de acuerdo a los siguientes criterios: demográficas, culturales y tecnológicas. 35. Identifica el impacto religioso, ecológico y económico que resultó de la Conquista española en las poblaciones indígenas americanas. 36. Escriba y explique las características de la Ilustración. 37. Reconoce las principales diferencias entre el pensamiento ilustrado y la visión que se tenía antes de la Ilustración. 38. Revisa los factores que determinaron que la Revolución Industrial se iniciara en Gran Bretaña. 39. Describe las causas y consecuencias de las crisis que experimentaron Francia e Inglaterra en el siglo XVII. 40. Identifica en un mapa el proceso de industrialización europea. 41. Identifica dos ventajas y dos desventajas del liberalismo, como doctrina económica, política y social. 42. Describe, en tus palabras, tres características esenciales del nacionalismo. 43. Explica sobre el desarrollo de los principales Estados-nación europeos en el siglo XIX. 44. Proporciona tres razones por las que la economía latinoamericana no floreció a partir de la Independencia. 45. Describe las posiciones que mantuvieron los conservadores y liberales como fuerzas políticas en las nuevas repúblicas latinoamericanas. 46. Explica con tus palabras la teoría de la dependencia centro-periferia. 47. Describe las características de los países del Primer Mundo y aquellas del Tercer Mundo. 48. Escriba tres características de la Vinculación de América al mercado mundial. 49. Utiliza un organizador gráfico para explicar la producción agrícola en América 50. Explica la relación de dependencia entre América Latina e Inglaterra. Elaborado por: Revisado por: Mgs. Nelson Vargas Coloma Profesor de Estudios Sociales Ab. Óscar Peñafiel Jefe de Área de Ciencias Sociales Educación Básica Superior Actividades de Refuerzo Académico GRADE STUDENT(S): TEACHER: Gino Pumadera SUBJECT: Social Studies 26/2 /2016 DATE: TIME: ACTIVIDADES DE REFUERZO ACADEMICO No. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the instructions below before starting the activity. Write complete name Read and study all the information Answer all the questions and exercises Curso 9 MAIN IDEAS 1. Roman government was made up of three parts that worked together to run the city. 2. Written laws helped keep order in Rome. 3. The Roman Forum was the heart of Roman society. Key Terms and People magistrates consuls officials elected to fulfill specific duties for the city most powerful elected officials in the Roman Republic Roman Senate veto a powerful group of wealthy citizens who advised elected officials to prohibit an official action Latin language spoken by the ancient Romans checks and balances forum methods of balancing power Rome’s public meeting place Section Summary ROMAN GOVERNMENT During the 400s BC, the plebeians were unhappy that they did not have any say with the government. The city’s leaders knew that they had to compromise or the plebeians might rise up and overthrow the government. So the patricians created positions in the government for the plebeians. A tripartite (try-PAHR-tyt) government, a government with three parts, was established to keep any one group from getting too much power. Why do you think it is important to keep too much power from concentrating among one group of people? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Paralelo No. Lista The first part of the government was made up elected officials called magistrates (MA-juhstrayts). The most powerful magistrates were called consuls (KAHN-suhlz). Two consuls were elected each year to run the city and lead the army. The consuls got advice from the Roman Senate. The Senate was a council of wealthy, powerful citizens who held seats for life. Magistrates who finished their one-year terms earned a seat on the Senate, so the Senate gained more power as time passed. The third branch of government had two parts. The first branch was made up of assemblies. The assemblies elected the magistrates who ran the city of Rome. The second branch was a group of officials called tribunes. The tribunes had the power to veto (VEE-toh), or prohibit, actions by the government. Veto means “to forbid” in Latin, the ancient Roman language. Checks and balances existed to even out power. Some officials had the power to block actions by other officials. Action could be stalled if people could not work together. But when an agreement was reached, Rome worked strongly and efficiently. WRITTEN LAWS KEEP ORDER At first Rome’s laws were not written down. People thought that it was not fair to be charged by laws they did not know existed. In 450 BC Rome’s first legal code was written on twelve bronze tablets and displayed in the forum, Rome’s public meeting place. Although the Romans continued to make laws, the Law of the Twelve Tables remained as the basis of Roman law. THE ROMAN FORUM The forum was the heart of Rome. All the important government buildings and religious temples were there. It was also the main meeting place for Roman citizens. It was used for public speeches, and for shopping and entertainment. Who were the most powerful magistrates in Rome? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Underline the Latin of the meaning word “veto.” What was the official name of Rome’s first set of written laws? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ What activities took place in the Roman Forum? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ CHALLENGE ACTIVITY Critical Thinking: Drawing Inferences Search online or in the library for the text of the Laws of _______________________ the Twelve Tables. Which laws do you think were fair and which laws do you think were unfair? Remove and change any unfair laws, explaining how and why you made the changes. Discuss whether those laws, including the amended ones, should or should not apply to the modern world. checks and balances consuls forum Latin magistrates Senate veto DIRECTIONS Read each sentence and fill in the blank with a word from the word bank that best completes the sentence. 1. The first tables of Rome’s written law code were displayed in the public square called the ______________________. 2. The tribunes had the ability to ______________________, or prohibit, actions by other government officials. 3. Rome's elected officials, such as judges and individuals that ran the city’s economic programs or organized games and festivals, were called ______________________. 4. Through the use of ______________________, one part of government cannot become too strong over the other parts of the government. 5. The most powerful officials in Rome were called ______________________. 6. The Roman language was ______________________. 7. The ______________________ was a council of wealthy and powerful Romans that advised the city’s leaders. MAIN IDEAS 1. Persia became an empire under Cyrus the Great. 2. The Persian Empire grew stronger under Darius I. 3. The Persians fought Greece twice in the Persian Wars. Key Terms and People cavalry a unit of soldiers mounted on horses Cyrus the Great Darius I Persian emperor who organized and expanded the empire Persian Wars Xerxes I founder of the Persian Empire a series of wars between Persia and Greece beginning in 490 BC Persian emperor who led the second invasion of Greece in 480 BC Section Summary PERSIA BECOMES AN EMPIRE Early in their history, the Persians often fought other peoples of Southwest Asia. In 550 BC the Persian king Cyrus II won independence from a group called the Medes. He went on to conquer almost all of Southwest Asia. His well-organized army included many war chariots and a powerful cavalry. Cyrus let the people he conquered keep their own customs. As a result, few people rebelled and the empire remained strong. By the time he died around 529 BC, Cyrus ruled the largest empire the world had ever seen. He became known in history as Cyrus the Great. THE PERSIAN EMPIRE GROWS STRONGER Darius I seized power when the death of Cyrus’s son left Persia without a clear leader. Darius organized the empire by dividing it into 20 provinces. Then he chose governors called satraps (SAY-traps) to rule the provinces for him. Darius expanded the Persian Empire eastward to the Indus Valley and westward into Southeastern Europe. He called himself king of kings to remind other rulers of his power. Darius’s many improvements to Persian society included roads. Messengers used these roads to Why do you think King Cyrus became known as “the Great”? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ travel quickly throughout Persia. Darius also built a new capital called Persepolis. During his reign a popular new religion called Zoroastrianism (zawr-uh-WAS-tree-uh-nih-zuhm) arose in Persia. This religion taught that the forces of good and evil were fighting for control of the universe. THE PERSIANS FIGHT GREECE In 499 BC several Greek cities in what is now Turkey rebelled against Persian rule. They were joined by a few city-states from mainland Greece. The Persians put down the revolt, but nine years later Darius invaded Greece and began the Persian Wars. The Greeks won the first battle, at Marathon, because they had better weapons and armor. Ten years later, Persian Emperor Xerxes I (ZUHRK-seez) sent another army into Greece. The city-states of Athens and Sparta joined forces to defend Greece. Despite a brave stand by the Spartans at Thermopylae (thuhr-MAH-puh-lee), the Persians succeeded in attacking and burning Athens. However in the subsequent battles of Salamis (SAH-luh-muhs) and Plataea (pluh-TEE-uh), the Greeks prevailed and brought an end to the wars. They had defeated a powerful foe and defended their homeland. What new religion arose during the reign of Darius? _______________________ _______________________ Write the sentence that explains why the Greeks defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Who won the Persian Wars? _______________________ _______________________ CHALLENGE ACTIVITY Critical Thinking: Drawing Inferences Draw a simple map of a location where three armed soldiers could prevent an entire army of foot-soldiers from moving forward. DIRECTIONS Read each sentence and circle the term in the word pair that best completes each sentence. 1. ______________________ let conquered people keep their own customs in the hope that this would make them less likely to rebel. (Cyrus the Great/Darius I) 2. A unit of soldiers mounted on horseback is called a _______________________. (cavalry/satrap) 3. A young prince named _____________________ claimed the Persian throne and killed all of his rivals, after which he restored order in Persia. (Darius I/Xerxes I) 4. Greece fought off two major Persian invasions in the _____________________. (Battle of Salamis/Persian Wars) 5. Darius I organized the Persian Empire by dividing it into 20 provinces ruled over by governors called ________________________. (cavalry/satraps) DIRECTIONS Write three adjectives or descriptive phrases that describe the term or person. 6. cavalry __________________________________________________________ 7. Cyrus the Great ___________________________________________________ 8. Darius I __________________________________________________________ 9. Persian Wars _____________________________________________________ 10.Xerxes I __________________________________________________________ MAIN IDEAS 1. Abraham and Moses each led their people to Canaan and to a new religion. 2. Strong kings united the Israelites to fight off invaders. 3. Invaders conquered and ruled the Israelites after their kingdom broke apart. 4. Some women in Israelite society made great contributions to their history. Key Terms and People Judaism the religion of the Hebrews Abraham the biblical father of the Hebrew people Hebrew leader who led the Israelites from slavery in Egypt Moses Exodus the journey the Israelites made from Egypt to Canaan, led by Moses Ten Commandments David moral code of laws that God handed down to Moses former outlaw who became king after the death of Saul, Israel’s first king Solomon David’s son; became king of the Israelites Diaspora the dispersal of the Jews outside of Canaan Section Summary ABRAHAM AND MOSES LEAD THEIR PEOPLE A people called the Hebrews (HEE-brooz) appeared in Southwest Asia sometime between 2000 and 1500 BC. Their writings describe the laws of their religion, Judaism (JOO-dee-i-zuhm). The Hebrew Bible, or Torah, traces the Hebrews back to a man named Abraham. The Hebrew Bible says that God told Abraham to leave his home. God promised to lead him to a new land and to make his children into a mighty nation. Abraham moved to Canaan (KAYnuhn). The Hebrews lived there for many years. Some of Abraham's descendents, the Israelites, later moved to Egypt. In time Egypt’s ruler, the pharaoh, made them slaves. In the 1200s BC, God then told a man named Moses to demand the Israelites' freedom. The pharaoh agreed only after a series of plagues struck Egypt. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt in a journey called the Exodus. The Bible says that during this journey, God gave Moses two stone tablets with laws written on them, known as the Ten Commandments. The Israelites were to worship only God and to value human life, self-control, and justice. The Israelites reached Canaan after 40 years. KINGS UNITE THE ISRAELITES A man named Saul fought the Philistines (FI-listeenz) and became the first king of Israel. After Saul died a former outlaw named David became king. David was well-loved. He defeated the Philistines and other enemies. He captured the city of Jerusalem. It became Israel’s new capital. David’s son Solomon (SAHL-uh-muhn) became king next around 965 BC. Solomon was a strong king. He built a great temple in Jerusalem. INVADERS CONQUER AND RULE Soon after Solomon’s death in 930 BC, Israel split into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah (JOO-duh). The people of Judah were known as Jews. Over the Circle the name of the people who appeared in Southwest Asia sometime between 2000 and 1500 BC. Underline the promise that God made to Abraham. Where did Abraham move? _______________________ Why was Moses an important Israelite leader? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ What three basic values are emphasized in the Ten Commandments? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ centuries the Jewish people were often conquered and enslaved. The dispersal of the Jews outside of Canaan is known as the Diaspora. Jerusalem was conquered by the Greeks during the 330s BC. Judah regained independence for a time, but was conquered again in 63 BC, this time by the Romans. WOMEN IN ISRAELITE SOCIETY Men dominated Israelite society, but some Israelite and Jewish women made great contributions to the culture. Circle the names of the first three kings of Israel. Which king built a temple to God? _______________________ CHALLENGE ACTIVITY Critical Thinking: Drawing Inferences Write a set of ten commandments that reflects the responsibilities and rights of students and faculty for your school. DIRECTIONS Read each sentence and fill in the blank with the word in the word pair that best completes the sentence. 1. After King Saul died, _______________________ became the new king of Israel. (David/Solomon) 2. _______________________ led the Israelites out of Egypt, which freed them from slavery under the pharaoh. (Moses/Naomi) 3. The _______________________, a code of moral laws, has helped shape the development of Israelite and Jewish society over time. (Maccabees/Ten Commandments) 4. The Hebrews trace their ancestry back to a man named _______________________. (Abraham/Yohanan ben Zaccai) 5. Following the Babylonian Captivity, many Jews dispersed across the Persian Empire in what is known as the _______________________. (Diaspora/Exodus) DIRECTIONS Write three adjectives or descriptive phrases that describe the term or person. 6. Diaspora _________________________________________________________ 7. Exodus __________________________________________________________ 8. Judaism _________________________________________________________ 9. Solomon _________________________________________________________ 10. Ten Commandments _______________________________________________ MAIN IDEAS 1. Many problems threatened the Roman Empire, leading one emperor to divide it in half. 2. Rome declined as a result of invasions and political and economic problems. 3. In the eastern empire, people created a new society and religious traditions that were very different from those in the west. Key Terms and People emperor who divided the Roman Empire into two parts Diocletian Attila fearsome Hun leader who attacked Rome’s eastern empire corruption decay in people’s values Justinian last ruler of the Roman Empire Theodora Justinian’s wife, a wise woman who advised her husband during his reign Byzantine Empire civilization that developed in the eastern Roman Empire Academic Vocabulary efficient productive and not wasteful Section Summary PROBLEMS IN THE EMPIRE At its height the Roman Empire ruled all of the land around the Mediterranean Sea. But by the late 100s, emperors had to give up some land. Rome had to defend itself constantly from attacks from the north and the east. Problems came from within the empire, too. Disease killed many people. Taxes were high. Food was scarce because many farmers went to war. To increase food production, Germanic farmers were invited to work on Roman lands, but they were not loyal to Rome. The emperor Diocletian took power in the late 200s. He ruled the east himself and chose a coemperor to rule the west. The emperor Constantine Name three problems facing the Roman Empire in the late 100s. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Which emperor divided the Roman Empire? Which emperor reunited it? _______________________ _______________________ reunited the empire for a short time. He moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople in the east. THE DECLINE OF ROME Once the capital moved to the east, barbarians attacked Roman territory in the north. During the late 300s, an Asian group called the Huns began attacking the Goths. The Goths were forced into Roman territory. In the end, the Goths broke through into Italy and destroyed Rome. The Vandals, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Franks all invaded Roman territory in the west. The Huns under Attila raided in the east. In 476 a barbarian leader overthrew the Roman emperor and became king. This ended the western empire. The vast size of the Roman empire also contributed to its fall. The government was not efficient, and it suffered from corruption. Rome was no longer the great center it had once been. A NEW EASTERN EMPIRE As Rome fell, the eastern empire prospered. Justinian ruled the east in the 500s. He wanted to reunite the Roman Empire. His armies recaptured Italy. He was respected for making laws more fair. But he made enemies who tried to overthrow him. Justinian got advice from his wife Theodora and was able to keep his throne. Despite Justinian’s success, the empire declined for 700 years. In 1453 Constantinople was defeated by the Ottoman Turks. People in the eastern empire began to follow nonRoman influences. The Byzantine Empire developed in the east. This empire practiced Christianity differently than Romans. In the 1000s, the church split in two. In the east the Eastern Orthodox Church formed. Thus religion further divided eastern and western Europe. CHALLENGE ACTIVITY Critical Thinking: Drawing Inferences Was there anything rulers could have done to stop the disintegration of the Roman empire, or was it inevitable? Write a one-page essay explaining your answer. What name was given to the society that developed out of the Eastern Roman Empire? _______________________ _______________________ What are two factors that led to the weakening of the Roman Empire? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Who was Justinian’s most trusted advisor? _______________________ _______________________ Attila Byzantine Empire corruption Diocletian Justinian Theodora DIRECTIONS Answer each question by writing a sentence that contains at least one word from the word bank. 1. Who divided the Roman Empire in the late 200s? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Who was the fearsome leader of the Huns? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. What do we call the decay of people’s values? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4. Which eastern Roman emperor had passion for the law and the church? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5. Who was Justinian’s smart and powerful wife? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 6. What do historians call the society that developed in the eastern Roman Empire? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ MAIN IDEAS 1. Despite its general religious tolerance, Rome came into conflict with the Jews. 2. A new religion, Christianity, grew out of Judaism. 3. Many considered Jesus of Nazareth to be the Messiah. 4. Christianity grew in popularity and eventually became the official religion of Rome. Key Terms and People religion based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth Christianity Jesus of Nazareth leader Jews believed would return and restore the greatness of Israel Messiah Bible founder of Christianity the holy book of Christianity crucifixion a type of execution that involved being nailed to a cross Resurrection Christian belief that Jesus rose from the dead after his death disciples followers Apostles the 12 disciples whom Jesus chose to receive special teaching Paul of Tarsus martyrs disciple whose letters defined Christianity as separate from Judaism people who die for their religious beliefs persecution punishing people for their beliefs Constantine Roman emperor who became a Christian Section Summary RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE AND CONFLICT Rome conquered Judea, the territory in which most Jews lived, in 63 BC. The Romans allowed conquered people to keep their own religions. Some Jews wanted to be free and rebelled several times. After the last revolt, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and forced all Jews out of the city. Jews moved throughout the Roman world. Why do you think the Romans usually chose to tolerate the religions of conquered peoples? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ A NEW RELIGION At the start of the first century AD, a new religion appeared. Christianity had roots in Judaism, but it was based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. The followers of Jesus—the first Christians— believed that he was the Messiah (muh-SY-uh), a savior that had been foretold by Jewish prophets. In Jewish teaching, who was the Messiah? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ JESUS OF NAZARETH Jesus of Nazareth was born at the end of the first century BC. Much of what we know about Jesus is from the Bible, the holy book of Christianity. Roman leaders thought his teachings challenged their authority. Jesus was arrested and executed by crucifixion. Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead in an event called the Resurrection. Many of Jesus’s disciples claimed to see him again. Jesus taught that people should love God and each other. Jesus also taught about salvation. Jesus chose 12 of his disciples, the Apostles, to spread his teachings. However another man, Paul of Tarsus, was most important in spreading Christianity. Paul traveled and wrote letters explaining Christianity. He helped Christianity break away from Judaism. THE GROWTH OF CHRISTIANITY As Christianity became more popular, Roman leaders began to worry. Some local leaders arrested and killed Christians. These martyrs died for their religious beliefs. Some Roman emperors outlawed Christianity and persecuted Christians. In the early 300s, emperor Constantine became a Christian and removed the bans on Christians. Later Christianity became the official religion of Rome. What risks did early Christians face in spreading their religion? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ CHALLENGE ACTIVITY Critical Thinking: Drawing Conclusions Paul of Tarsus has been called the most influential man in the history of Christianity besides Jesus. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? DIRECTIONS Read each sentence and fill in the blank with the word in the word pair that best completes the sentence. 1. Twelve of Jesus’ closest followers called the ______________________ received special training and were sent to spread his teachings. (Apostles/martyrs) 2. The holy book of Christianity is called the _______________________. (Messiah/Bible) 3. Christianity was based on the teachings of a man named _____________________. (Constantine/Jesus of Nazareth) 4. People who die for their religious beliefs are called _______________________. (Apostles/martyrs) Circle the noun that describes the popular feeling that undermined the power of Sparta. 5. _____________________ traveled and wrote letters to spread Christian teachings. (Constantine/Paul of Tarsus) 6. Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead in the ________________________. (crucifixion/Resurrection) 7. In the first century BC, many Jews were awaiting the arrival of a promised savior called the ______________________. (disciple/Messiah) 8. _______________________ is punishment because of one’s beliefs. (Resurrection/Persecution) 9. The emperor ______________________ removed all bans against Christianity in Rome. (Constantine/Paul of Tarsus) MAIN IDEAS 1. Disorder in the Roman Republic created an opportunity for Julius Caesar to gain power. 2. The Republic ended when Augustus became Rome’s first emperor. 3. The Roman Empire grew to control the entire Mediterranean world. 4. The Romans accomplished great things in science, engineering, architecture, art, literature, and law. Key Terms and People Cicero famous Roman orator orator a public speaker Julius Caesar Roman general who became dictator for life Augustus the first emperor of Rome provinces the areas outside of Italy that the Romans controlled Pax Romana aqueduct Ovid the Roman Peace, a peaceful period in Rome’s history a raised channel used to carry water from mountains into cities a poet who wrote about Roman mythology Romance languages civil law the languages that developed from Latin a legal system based on a written code of laws Academic Vocabulary agreement a decision reached by two or more people or groups Section Summary DISORDER AND THE END OF THE REPUBLIC Cicero, a famous orator, asked Romans to return power to the Senate and bring order back to Rome. But Rome’s government stayed the same. After conquering Gaul and defeating Pompey, Julius Caesar named himself Roman dictator. But on March 15 in 44 BC, a group of Senators stabbed him to death. Marc Antony and Octavian, later renamed Augustus, took charge of Roman politics. They defeated Caesar’s killers, who then killed themselves. Octavian returned to Italy while Antony headed east to fight Rome’s enemies. Octavian and Antony soon became enemies. In 31 BC Octavian defeated Antony’s fleet. Antony escaped and returned to Cleopatra. They killed themselves to avoid capture. Octavian ruled Rome. He claimed that he was giving his power to the Senate. But he took the name Augustus and became the Roman emperor. What actions did Cicero ask Romans to take? _______________________ _______________________ Why did Antony and Cleopatra kill themselves? _______________________ _______________________ ROME’S GROWING EMPIRE By the 100s, the Romans ruled Gaul and much of central Europe. Their empire stretched from Asia Minor to Britain. Traders traveled the provinces to trade artisans’ goods for metals, cloth, and food. Roman coins were used all over as currency. The Pax Romana was a time of peace and prosperity. ROME’S ACCOMPLISHMENTS Romans took a practical approach to engineering and science. They improved on Greek medicine. They made lasting structures with cement and arches. Roman aqueducts still stand today. Romans used vaults to create open spaces in buildings. The Romans prized beauty. Greek designs influenced their art and architecture. Romans decorated walls with frescoes and floors with mosaics. Many sculptors copied Greek sculptures. Ovid wrote lovely poems, and Virgil wrote a great epic, the Aeneid, about the founding of Rome. Why do some Roman structures still stand? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ How were Roman artists influenced by the Greeks? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Roman poets wrote in Latin. Latin later led to the development of the Romance languages. Civil law was inspired by Roman law, which was enforced throughout the Roman Empire. Most European nations today are ruled by civil law. CHALLENGE ACTIVITY Critical Thinking: Summarizing Summarize the events leading from Caesar’s conquest of Gaul to Octavian’s becoming Roman emperor. DIRECTIONS Use at least three of the vocabulary words aqueduct, Augustus, Julius Caesar, Cicero, civil law, currency, orator, Ovid, Pax Romana, provinces, and Romance languages to write a letter that relates to the section. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________ _________________________________________________________ MAIN IDEAS 1. The late republic period saw the growth of territory and trade. 2. Through wars, Rome grew beyond Italy. 3. Several crises struck the republic in its later years. Key Terms and People legions groups of up to 6,000 soldiers Punic Wars Hannibal a series of wars between Rome and Carthage brilliant Carthaginian general who attacked the city of Rome general who tried to solve unemployment by inviting poor people to join the army, creating a force more loyal to him than to Rome Gaius Marius rival of Marius who raised his own army to defeat Marius and take control of Rome Lucius Cornelius Sulla Spartacus slave and former gladiator who led an uprising of slaves Section Summary GROWTH OF TERRITORY AND TRADE Rome expanded due to threats from other cities. When the Gauls took over Rome in 410 BC, Roman officials paid them to leave. Because of this Rome was constantly fighting off invaders. Rome’s army was very organized, so defense of the city was usually successful. Soldiers were divided into legions, or groups of up to 6,000 men. Each legion was divided into centuries, or groups of 100 soldiers. The army had the flexibility to fight together, or break up into smaller groups. Most Romans were originally farmers. Many of them moved to the city and ran their farms from afar with help from slaves. As the population of the city grew, so did the need for more food. An extensive trading network was established. Rome What is the military advantage of an army with both small units and large units? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ What necessity led to the expansion of trade in ancient Rome? _______________________ _______________________ coined copper and silver money, which was used widely in the region. ROME GROWS BEYOND ITALY Rome’s growth made both allies and enemies in the Mediterranean. The Roman army fought many wars, including the Punic (PYOO-nik) Wars with Carthage. Carthage was the capital of a Phoenician civilization that flourished in North Africa between 264 and 156 BC. Although an attack on Rome led by the brilliant general Hannibal nearly succeeded, Rome eventually conquered Carthage. The Romans then took over Gaul, Greece, and parts of Asia. The Romans were deeply influenced by the Greeks and adopted much of the Greek culture. CRISES STRIKE THE REPUBLIC As Rome’s territory grew, so did its problems. Tensions between the rich and poor grew. Some leaders tried to keep the poor citizens happy, but their plans were not popular with the wealthy. Politicians who tried to make a change and went against Rome’s powerful leaders were killed. Army general Gaius Marius (GY-uhs MER-eeuhs) encouraged the poor and the unemployed to join the army. Before, only people who owned property had been allowed in the army. As a result, the army became more loyal to Marius than to the Roman government. Another man, Lucius Cornelius Sulla (LOOshuhs kawr-NEEL-yuhsSUHL-uh), raised his own army. He fought and killed Marius and became dictator. Soon afterward, Spartacus (SPAHR-tuhkuhs), a slave and former gladiator, led an uprising of thousands of slaves against the republic. Spartacus was eventually defeated and killed, but these conflicts had weakened Rome. CHALLENGE ACTIVITY Critical Thinking: Drawing Inferences Spartacus was eventually caught and killed, yet his rebellion had an impact on Roman history. Write an essay evaluating how one person can affect the course of history, using Spartacus as an example. What series of wars was fought between Rome and Carthage? _______________________ _______________________ Why do you think the poor and unemployed respected Gaius Marius? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ For what is Spartacus remembered? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ DIRECTIONS Read each sentence and fill in the blank with the word in the word pair that best completes the sentence. 1. Former slaves led by ______________________ fought against the Roman army and took over much of southern Italy. (Hannibal/Spartacus) 2. To help end unemployment, ______________________ encouraged poor people to join the army. (Lucius Cornelius Sulla/Gaius Marius) 3. Roman soldiers were organized in ______________________, which were groups of up to 6,000 soldiers. (Punic Wars/legions) 4. ______________________ led an army through Spain and across the Alps toward the city of Rome; however, he was never able to capture Rome itself. (Hannibal/Lucius Cornelius Sulla) 5. After a brutal civil war, ______________________ named himself dictator and used his power to punish his enemies. (Spartacus/Lucius Cornelius Sulla) 6. The Romans fought the armies of Carthage in the ______________________. (Punic Wars/legions) DIRECTIONS Look at each set of three vocabulary terms following each number. On the line provided, write the letter of the term that does not relate to the others. _____ 7. a. Gaius Marius b. Lucius Cornelius Sulla c. Spartacus _____ 8. a. Hannibal b. Gaius Marius c. Punic Wars Elaborado por: Revisado por: Gino Pumadera Wilson Cardoza Profesor de Social Studies Jefe del Área de Inglés Educación Básica Superior Examen supletorio ESTUDIANTE: ASIGNATURA: PROFESOR: Antonio Miguez 25/02/2016 FECHA: TIEMPO: ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO ACADÉMICO - (ARA) CALIFICACIÓN Science No. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: • Read each instruction carefully before you write an answer Earth’s Systems 1. Define the Earth system 2. How is the Earth system divided? 3. Define and give an example of each of the Earth’s spheres. 4. What is the relationship between Earth’s spheres and matter? 5. Explain Earth’s energy budget 6. What can disturb Earth’s energy budget? 7. How do Earth’s spheres interact? You can use the pairs below as a guide. Geosphere-Hydrosphere Atmosphere-Biosphere Biosphere-Geosphere 8. Name two ways in which the Earth system relies on energy from the sun. 9. How does the biosphere depend on the other spheres for survival? Explain 10. Where is most of Earth’s liquid water? What must be done to make it into drinking water? Weathering 1. Define Weathering 2. What’s physical weathering? 3. Make a concept map explaining each agent of physical weathering: (Temperature/Pressure/Animal Action/Wind, Water and Gravity/Plant Growth) 4. How can a tiny animal, such as a worm, cause weathering of rocks? Explain 5. How does chemical weathering differ from physical weathering? 6. Explain oxidation 7. How can you recognize an object has gone through oxidation? Explain 8. Explain how the reactions below cause chemical weathering • Acid Precipitation • Acids in Groundwater • Acids in Living Things 10 Puntos Grado 9 Paralelo No. Lista Erosion and Deposition by Water 1. How can Erosion and Deposition by water change Earth’s Surface? 2. Explain the importance of each of the following factors in stream erosion. Gradient Load Discharge 3. Why do some streams and rivers cause more erosion and deposition than others? 4. Explain how each feature below is formed • Canyon • Valley • Floodplain • Meander • Delta • Alluvial Fan • Sinkhole • Headland • Sea Cave • Sea Arch • Sea Stack Erosion and Deposition by Wind, Ice and Gravity 1. Explain how Deflation and Desert Pavement are linked. 2. How do Dunes form? 3. Why can Loess be carried further than sand? 4. What is Glacier Drift? 5. How do Alpine Glaciers influence in the formation of some land features? 6. Write how each feature below is formed. • Arete • Cirque • Horn • U-Shaped Valley 7. What features can be formed by Continental Glaciers? Explain 8. Explain Creep and Landslide 9. Why is important to plan where to build a development near a steepy mountain? 10. List some events that might trigger a mass movement Geologic Change Over Time 1. What are two changes on Earth fossils can give information above? 2. The composition of sedimentary rock shows the source of the sediment that makes up the rock. What are some sources of sedimentary rock? 3. Explain the importance of Pangaea to study Earth’s history. 4. How can scientists explain the geologic history of mountains? Explain 5. Make a chart about Earth’s climate history by using Trees, Sea-Floor Sediments and Ice as the material for Evidence. Relative Dating 1. Explain Relative Dating 2. Why does gravity cause layers of sediment to be horizontal? 3. By using any example like the one on pg 95, explain the law of superposition. 4. Make a chart showing how Sedimentary Rock Layers are disturbed. You must use TILTING, FOLDING, FAULTS, INTRUSIONS and UNCOFORMITY in your diagram. 5. Explain what a Geologic Column is. Absolute Dating 1. What is absolute dating? 2. Explain Half-Life and Radioactive Decay. 3. What´s the difference between a parent and a daughter isotope? 4. Calculate the half-life of the following items. Half Life: Percentage % Result 1. 730 yrs 25 2. 125 yrs 0.781 3. 450 yrs 6.25 4. 324 yrs 3.125 5. 7564 yrs 12.5 6. 4356 yrs 25 7. 12345 yrs 0.781 8. 10 yrs 6.25 9. 325 hrs 3.125 10. 82 days 12.5 Earth’s Layers 1. What are Earth’s chemical compositional and physical layers? 2. Make a diagram showing earth’s compositional layers. Describe each layer 3. Make a diagram showing earth´s physical layers. Describe each layer Volcanoes 1. Make a diagram of a volcano and label it by using the names below 1. Magma Chamber 2. Crater 3. Ash Cloud 4. Side Vent 5. Lava Flow 6. Lithosphere 7. Vent 2. Create a concept map to explain the formation of each type of volcano. Use the headers below: Size; Explosiveness 3. Briefly describe how a caldera forms. 4. Explain how volcanoes are related to plate boundaries. 5. Make a Venn diagram to compare and contrast volcanoes at Convergent and Divergent boundaries. 6. Volcanoes that form over Hot Spots go from active to inactive, depending on their age. How does this occur? Earthquakes 1. How do Earthquakes relate to faults? 2. How do earthquakes and their location support the theory of plate tectonics? 3. What contributes to the motion of the tectonic plates that causes earthquakes when the plates interact? 4. List some hazards related to both Earthquakes and Tsunamis. (at least three per each) Measuring Earthquakes 1. What is the strength of an earthquake based on? 2. Create a concept map on the types of seismic waves. 3. Establish similarities and differences between: • Body waves and Surface waves • P waves and S waves 4. Now complete the following chart on Sesmic Waves NAME PRIMARY SECONDARY SPEED LOCATION TYPE OF MATERIAL TYPE OF MOVEMENT DAMAGE SURFACE Practice Exercises Marley has a vegetable garden in her yard. During a storm, heavy rain falls. The rain runs over the garden, and some of the soil is washed away. Which term best describes this movement of soil from one place to another? A. erosion B. discharge C. deposition D. weathering Which statement correctly describes groundwater? A. any form of liquid water B. water that is not moving C. water on Earth’s surface D. water below Earth’s surface While hiking in the mountains, Tanya observed a narrow and steep valley with a stream at the bottom of it. What most likely caused the valley to first form? A. an earthquake B. running water C. a rock landslide D. erosion by wind Rhianna has a stream flowing through her farm. The sediment flowing in the stream is usually fine sand. After a storm, the sediment is a mixture of fine sand, coarse sand, and pebbles. What would Rhianna most likely observe? A. no erosion after a storm B. no erosion before a storm C. a lower rate of erosion after a storm D. a higher rate of erosion after a storm The alluvial fan shown in the following illustration formed as sediment began to drop out from a stream that could no longer carry all of its sediment. Which statement best explains why the stream could no longer carry all its sediment? A. The volume of water was too high. B. The slope of the land was too great. C. The speed of the water was too slow. D. The width of the stream was too small. The diagram below shows how seismic waves travel away from the place where an earthquake begins. Which of the following correctly identifies the parts of the diagram? A. I. Epicenter II. Focus III. Fault IV. Seismic wave B. I. Epicenter II. Focus III. Seismic wave IV. Fault C. I. Focus II. Epicenter III. Fault IV. Seismic wave D. I. Focus II. Epicenter III. Seismic wave IV. Fault Imagine you could travel in a straight line through Earth from a point on one side and come out on the other side. What compositional layer would you travel through in the exact center of Earth? A. core B. crust C. lithosphere D. mesosphere Alternating quiet and violent eruptions are associated with which kind of volcano? A. shield B. composite C. pyroclastic D. cinder cone Molten material flows gently out of a fissure on Earth’s surface, then cools and hardens. This process happens again and again over geologic time. Eventually, what will form on the surface? A. caldera B. plate boundary C. magma chamber D. volcanic mountain Tectonic plates can move toward each other and squeeze large blocks of rocks together, creating folded mountains. Which of the following terms describes a kind of fold in which the oldest rock layers are in the center of the fold? A. syncline B. anticline C. symmetrical fold D. asymmetrical fold Notice how the figure below shows both continental crust and oceanic crust. In this figure, shading indicates density. The more darkly shaded a region is, the denser that region is. What can you infer from the figure? A. Oceanic crust is denser than continental crust. B. Continental crust is denser than oceanic crust. C. Oceanic crust does not contain as much iron as continental crust. D. Continental crust contains more magnesium than oceanic crust. Convection currents in the mantle contribute to tectonic plate movement. What is a convection current? A. the transfer of energy by direct contact B. the transfer of energy by the movement of matter C. the transfer of energy through a solid, such as the Earth’s crust D. the transfer of energy from a region of lower temperature to a region of higher temperature What is the primary way that folded mountains are formed? A. by tension B. by shear stress C. by compression D. by volcanic activity The diagram below shows Earth divided into five layers. Scientists divide Earth into these layers based on what properties? A. core properties B. physical properties C. chemical properties D. atmospheric properties What happens at a convergent tectonic plate boundary? A. One tectonic plate pulls apart into two new plates, forming a rift or ridge. B. Two tectonic plates pull away from one another, decreasing rock deformation. C. Two tectonic plates collide with one another, causing subduction and/or mountain building. D. Two tectonic plates slide horizontally past each other along Earth’s surface, forming long fault lines. Scientists have identified five physical layers that compose Earth. Which layer is the slow-flowing lower part of the mantle? A. outer core B. lithosphere C. mesosphere D. asthenosphere Which compositional layer of Earth is the thinnest? A. the crust B. the mantle C. the inner core D. the outer core Evelyn is making a model of Earth to show how the physical layers correspond to the compositional layers. Which of the following should Evelyn show in her model? A. The physical layers exactly match the compositional layers. B. The crust is the only compositional layer not included in the physical layers. C. The physical layer of the asthenosphere includes the compositional layer of the crust. D. The physical layers of the inner core and outer core form a single compositional layer. How is the outer core of Earth different from the inner core? A. The outer core is solid, and the inner core is liquid. B. The outer core is liquid, and the inner core is solid. C. The outer core is made of nickel, and the inner core is made of iron. D. The outer core is made of iron, and the inner core is made of nickel. Madelyn drew a diagram of Earth showing one way that scientists have divided it. She included the core, the mantle, and the crust. Madelyn divided her diagram into three layers based on which of the following? A. relative density B. physical structure C. geographical location D. chemical composition Which type of volcano has the steepest sides? A. shield B. composite C. pyroclastic D. cinder cone What is the relationship between magma and lava? A. Magma is lava that has reached Earth’s surface. B. Lava is magma that has reached Earth’s surface. C. They are both types of solid material that spew out of a volcano. D. They are both molten rock found at different depths below Earth’s surface. A hot spot is a volcanically active area. A volcanic island can form over a hot spot. Which would you expect to find beneath the hot spot? A. a rift zone B. a mantle plume C. a divergent boundary D. a convergent boundary How does pyroclastic material differ from lava? A. Unlike lava, pyroclastic material erupts onto Earth’s surface. B. Unlike lava, pyroclastic material erupts from shield volcanoes. C. Unlike lava, pyroclastic material is associated with explosive eruptions. D. Unlike lava, pyroclastic material is associated with nonviolent eruptions. The diagram below shows a cross section of a volcano. From which point would molten material, ash, and dust be expelled? A. point 1 B. point 2 C. point 3 D. point 4 Many fault lines are obvious at the surface. How can the epicenter of an earthquake be located miles away from the fault line? A. The epicenter is the place of greatest damage, and it can be miles from the site of the earthquake. B. The earthquake happened at a place where there is no fault, so the epicenter is not near a fault line. C. Some large earthquakes have more than one epicenter, and these epicenters can be far from the fault line. D. The fault line does not extend straight down from the surface, so the focus is not directly beneath the point where the fault reaches the surface. Why do most earthquakes take place at tectonic plate boundaries? A. The rock in the interior of a tectonic plate is stronger, so it does not deform. B. Earthquakes take place where the motion of tectonic plates transfers energy to rock. C. Earthquakes can only occur at places where magma can reach the surface and transfer energy to rocks. D. Earthquakes take place when one plate moves over another plate, which happens only at plate boundaries. On December 26, 2004, a major tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean. The tsunami traveled from its point of origin to as far away as Africa—nearly 5,000 km. The map below shows the countries most affected by this tsunami. What was the cause of this tsunami? A. an earthquake beneath the ocean B. the impact of a large meteorite in the ocean C. a sudden violent windstorm above the ocean water D. a typhoon moving from the Indian Ocean toward India Which type of stress causes deformation that leads to earthquakes at converging plate boundaries? A. tension B. stretching C. shear stress D. compression How does distance from the epicenter of an earthquake change the earthquake’s effects? A. The strongest effects are at the epicenter. B. The strongest effects are felt furthest from the epicenter. C. The strongest effects are felt in a line extending north and south from the epicenter. D. The strongest effects are in a ring surrounding the epicenter with a radius of several miles. Which of the following is the correct definition for the term focus? A. the position on Earth's surface where an earthquake begins B. the position along a fault directly below an earthquake's focus C. the position below Earth's surface where an earthquake begins D. the position on Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus The graph shows the different arrival times for a P wave and an S wave at a seismometer. How would the graph look differently if the earthquake had happened at a location that was closer to the seismometer? A. B. C. D. The arrival times of both the P wave and the S wave would shift to the left. The arrival times of both the P wave and the S wave would shift to the right. The amount of time between the arrivals of the P and S waves would be longer. The amount of time between the arrivals of the P and S waves would be shorter. What is the relationship between the intensity of an earthquake at a given location and the distance from the epicenter? A. Intensity increases with decreasing distance. B. Intensity decreases with decreasing distance. C. Intensity is not affected by changes in distance. D. Intensity remains constant with increasing distance. Which of the following describes the moment magnitude of an earthquake? A. the amount of movement along a fault B. the distance from the earthquake's focus C. the amount of damage caused to buildings D. the distance from the earthquake's epicenter P waves are also known as pressure waves. Which of the following correctly describes how P waves affect the rock through which they travel? A. circular or rolling motion parallel to the direction of travel B. side-to-side motion perpendicular to the direction of travel C. up-and-down motion perpendicular to the direction of travel D. compression and expansion parallel to the direction of travel Use the S-P graph and the Richter Nomogram to compute the magnitude of each seismic record given. A. a. 00:01:01 / 05 mm b. 00:00:43 / 14 mm c. 00:00:30 / 30 mm Answer: ____________________ B. a. 00:00:39 / 140 mm b. 00:00:51 / 60 mm c. 00:01:13 / 12 mm Answer: ____________________ C. a. 00:01:09 / 50 mm b. 00:00:45 / 300 mm c. 00:00:39 / 500 mm Answer: ____________________ D. a. 00:01:11 / 200 mm b. 00:00:53 / 400 mm c. 00:00:47 / 500 mm Answer: ____________________ Elaborado por: Revisado por: Antonio Miguez Manzaba Profesor de Science Wilson Cardoza Novoa Jefe del Área de Inglés Educación Básica Superior ESTUDIANTE: PROFESOR: Johnny García O. ASIGNATURA: 26/02/2016 FECHA: TIEMPO: ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO ACADÉMICO - (ARA) CALIFICACIÓN Religión No. INDICACIONES GENERALES: Lee atentamente las consignas antes de comenzar: • • • Grado Escribe tu nombre, paralelo y número de lista. Escribe de manera legible, con tamaño y dirección uniforme de las letras. Lee detenidamente cada consigna antes de señalar la opción correcta. Paralelo 9 1. Indica cuáles de las siguientes afirmaciones son verdaderas y cuáles falsas: a) El agua en el Antiguo Testamento es símbolo de la nueva vida. ( ) b) El arca de la Alianza no es un símbolo del Bautismo, sino de la Unción de los enfermos. ( ) c) El paso del mar Rojo ocurrió después de la Resurrección de Jesús. ( ) d) Con el paso del río Jordán, el Pueblo de Dios entra en la Tierra Prometida. ( ) e) Juan el Bautista bautizaba en el mar Rojo, llamando a todos a la conversión. ( ) 2. Completa las siguientes afirmaciones sobre la institución del sacramento del Bautismo: a) Jesús instituyó el _______________ como el primer sacramento de la Nueva Alianza. b) Jesús no necesitaba bautizarse porque en Él no hay ningún. ___________________ c) ________________________un fariseo que buscaba la verdad con corazón sincero. d) Jesús envió a los ________________________ bautizar. 3. Señala con una X en esta lista aquellos que pueden salvarse sin haber recibido el Bautismo según la enseñanza de la Iglesia: a) Aquel que haya pagado sus impuestos. b) Los que padecen la muerte a causa de la fe en Jesucristo. c) Cualquiera que haya visitado Tierra Santa. d) Los que buscan sinceramente a Dios y se esfuerzan por cumplir su voluntad. e) Algunos elegidos por el sacerdote de sus parroquias. f) Los catecúmenos que se preparan para recibir el bautismo. No. Lista 4. Relaciona : a) El bautizado pertenece a Cristo para siempre. b) En el caso de los niños, sus padres deben manifestar su fe. 1.Efectos. c) Perdona el pecado original. d) En caso de necesidad, cualquiera puede bautizar. 2.Ministro. e) Persona que puede bautizar. f) Infunde la gracia santificante. 3.Sujeto. g) Cualquier persona no bautizada que haya manifestado su fe. 5. Completa los espacios vacíos: a) Jesús prometió a los ___________________ que les enviaría el Espíritu Santo. b) Jesús cumplió su promesa el día de _________________________________ c) El día de Pentecostés, los Apóstoles fueron fortalecidos y _________________en la fe. d) La persona confirmada recibe una especial efusión del _____________________. e) También, el que recibe la Confirmación se une más firmemente con Cristo y con la ______________________________. 6. Describe dos formas de rendir culto —de forma pública o privada— a Jesús sacramentado. 1.______________________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________________ 7. Enuncia y explica cinco acciones mediante las cuales los cristianos podemos santificar las fiestas. 1.______________________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________ 8. Indica cuáles de las siguientes afirmaciones son verdaderas y cuáles falsas y corrige las equivocadas: a) En la Eucaristía está verdaderamente presente Jesucristo. ______________________________________________________________________ b) Los fi eles que asisten a la Eucaristía no pueden participar en el sacrificio, ya que está reservado al sacerdote. _______________________________________________________________________ c) En la Eucaristía, Jesús nos ofrece su Cuerpo y su Sangre como alimento espiritual. _____________________________________________________________________ d) La Eucaristía tiene dos grandes partes: liturgia de la Palabra y liturgia de la Reconciliación. __________________________________________________________________ e) Jesucristo solo está presente en el sacramento de la Eucaristía. _______________________________________________________________________ 9. Define brevemente los siguientes conceptos: a) Atrición:______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ b) Contrición perfecta: _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 10. Marca cuáles de estos efectos son los del sacramento de la Penitencia: a) Une a Jesucristo mediante el carácter sacramental. b) Nos reconcilia con Dios. c) Da el Espíritu Santo a quien lo recibe. d) Perdona la pena merecida por nuestros pecados. e) Devuelve la paz a nuestra conciencia. f) Nos prepara para la vida eterna. 11. Escribe los siguientes actos del penitente en el orden debido para realizar una buena confesión. a) Cumplir la penitencia. ____ b) Contrición.____ c) Confesión sincera de nuestros pecados.____ d) Examen de conciencia._____ 12. Escribe los efectos del sacramento de la Penitencia y explica brevemente cuál de todos te parece más necesario y por qué. a.____________________________________________________________________ b.____________________________________________________________________ c.____________________________________________________________________ d.____________________________________________________________________ Explicación_______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 13. Ordena el siguiente párrafo. y el vino en su Cuerpo y en su Sangre, les dio el siguiente mandato: sacerdotes por Jesús cuando, después de convertir el pan Durante la Última Cena, los doce Apóstoles fueron consagrados Hagan esto en memoria mía (Lc 22, 19). ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 14. Completa los espacios vacíos: a) Después de orar, les __________________________ las manos (Hch 6, 6). b) Por el rito de la imposición de manos, Cristo comunica una especial participación en su ________________________________. c) En la Iglesia católica, los sacerdotes se _______________________ a vivir el celibato. d) Al _______________________ pueden acceder hombres casados. 15. Selecciona los supuestos correctos para recibir el sacerdocio: a) Lo confiere el Obispo como sucesor de los Apóstoles. ( ) b) Lo seleccionan los fieles de la parroquia. ( ) c) Se administra con la imposición de manos. ( ) d) El sacerdocio no deja carácter sacramental. ( ) e) Al que lo recibe se le transmite una gracia especial para cumplir sus obligaciones. ( ) 16 Relaciona las dos columnas: 1.Los Hechos de los Apóstoles relatan cómo se eligieron los primeros. 2.Participan de la misión de los Apóstoles, pero • Sacerdotes. • Diáconos. • Obispos. no son sucesores directos 3.Desde el día de Pentecostés, llevan a cabo la misión de predicar 4.Ayudan al obispo y a los presbíteros. 5.Su territorio encomendado se llama diócesis. 17 Indica cuáles son las características correctas del sacerdocio de Cristo: a) Misión de enseñar, de santificar y de regir. b) Misión de predicar, de sacrificarse y de dar de comer al hambriento. c) Misión de erradicar los problemas económicos, sociales y espirituales. d) Misión de enseñar, de aprender y de obedecer. 18. Concreta estas obligaciones de los padres para con los hijos en acciones de la vida diaria. a) Educarlos en la fe: _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ b) Respetar su libertad e independencia: _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ c) Inculcarles las virtudes cristianas: _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 19 Haz lo mismo que en la actividad anterior, pero esta vez con las obligaciones de los hijos para con los padres: a) Amarlos:___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ b) Respetarlos_______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ c) Obedecerlos: ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 20. Une las dos columnas. a) Atenta contra la unidad del matrimonio. 1. Aborto. c) Atenta contra la indisolubilidad del matrimonio. 2. Poligamia. b) Atenta contra la apertura a la vida en el matrimonio. 3. Divorcio. 21. Señala cuáles de estos son los efectos del matrimonio: a) Se reciben gracias para perfeccionar el amor conyugal. ( ) b) Se recibe al Espíritu Santo para testimoniar el evangelio. ( ) c) Fortalece la unidad indisoluble del matrimonio. ( ) d) Ayuda a santificar a los esposos. ( ) e) Proporciona medios económicos para mantener a la familia. ( ) f) Perdona los pecados mortales. ( ) 22. Completa las siguientes oraciones: a) El _________________________ exige de por sí la fidelidad de los esposos. b) El divorcio se opone al plan divino, pues incumple el _________________ matrimonial. c) La separación dispensa de la __________________ matrimonial cuando esta se hace. d) Los esposos tienen la _____________________ de educar a los hijos en la fe de la. e) Los padres deben respetar la libertad de los hijos y su __________________________. Elaborado por: Revisado por: Johnny García O. Profesor de Religión Johnny García O. Jefe del Área de Religión Educación Básica Superior ESTUDIANTE: ASIGNATURA: PROFESOR: Charly Franco. Inform 25/02/2016 FECHA: TIEMPO: ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO ACADÉMICO - (ARA) CALIFICACIÓN Informática No. 1 INDICACIONES GENERALES: Lee atentamente las consignas antes de comenzar: • • Escribe tu nombre, paralelo y número de lista. Escribe de manera legible, con tamaño y dirección uniforme de las letras. Grado Paralelo No. Lista 9 Nota: Los archivos con las indicaciones necesarias para realizar las actividades planteadas se encuentran en la página web: http://informaticatorremar.wikispaces.com/ Ejercicios del Libro: Actividad: Realizar las actividades académicas del libro de computación avanzada desde la página 67 hasta la página107. Ejercicios Prácticos del BLOG: Actividad 1: Realizar la tarea #3 del primer parcial. Actividad 2: Realizar la tarea #4 del primer parcial. Actividad 3: Realizar la tarea #1 del segundo parcial. Actividad 4: Realizar la tarea #2 del segundo parcial. Actividad 5: Realizar la tarea #3 del segundo parcial. Actividad 6: Realizar la tarea #1 del tercer parcial. Actividad 7: Realizar la tarea #2 del tercer parcial. Actividad 8: Realizar la tarea #3 del tercer parcial Actividad 9: Realizar la tarea #4 del tercer parcial Actividad 10: Realizar la tarea #2 del cuarto parcial Actividad 11: Realizar la tarea #3 del cuarto parcial Actividad 12: Realizar la tarea #4 del cuarto parcial Actividad 13: Realizar la tarea #1 del quinto parcial Actividad 14: Realizar la tarea #2 del quinto parcial Actividad 15: Realizar la tarea #1 del sexto parcial Actividad 16: Realizar la tarea #2 del sexto parcial Todas las actividades realizadas deberán ser guardadas y entregadas en un CD con su nombre, apellido y curso el día que se presente a rendir su examen. Elaborado por: Charly Franco R. Profesor de Informática