Georgina Malagarriga

Georgina Malagarriga
Pujades 168 - 170, 5-1
08005 Barcelona
Working experience:
February 2015 - January 2016: Mediamotive. Senior UX&UI Designer / HTML+CSS coder. Navigation and user flow diagrams.
Responsive HTML layout (W3C standards). Use of GA, heatmaps and other tools to optimise UX, aquisition and conversion. Email
design focused on client retention. QA. Major achievements: updated online psychic industry to current web standards (visually and
technically), optimised registering process creating clean DDBB. Use of Scrum methology.
March 2013 - present: Associació Dharmadhatu. ON/OFF communication; global crossmedia communication strategies.Web
design, production management and updates. SEO & GA. Social networks (Facebook, Youtube). Print design (brochures, flyers,
posters). Major achievements: development of corporate identity. Positioning of website on first page within a month.
March 2012 - December 2014: Freelance activity. Web&Interaction Designer. Navigation and user flow diagrams. Production
management. Web design. HTML + CSS (W3C standards). QA. In parallel, personal projects based on HTML5 + CSS3 + JS +
March 2010 - February 2013: El Taller Interactivo. Web&Interaction designer.Web&Interaction Designer. Navigation and user flow
diagrams. Production management. Web design. HTML + CSS. Actionscript2 + XML. QA. Major achievements: optimised accurate
timing for production. Acquired proper skills for dynamically built content (AS2 + XML). Clients: Museu Picasso, Caixa Catalunya La Pedrera, Port de Barcelona, EduCaixa, IrsiCaixa, Affinity-Advance.
October 2008 - February 2010: Freelance activity. Web-based commercial work. Collaborations with: Mangafilms (film),
Contrapunto DDB (advertising), Villar-Rosàs (advertising), Atm Web Design (design and web hosting), and Wow (advertising and
multimedia). In parallel, different personal projects related to interaction and digital art: interactive installations and works based
on mobile technology which were exposed in different festivals. Major achievements: deep knowledge of usability and HCI.
October 2008 - May 2009: European University of Business and Marketing. Professor of Interactive Graphic Design, Multimedia
Tools and Social-collaborative Projects.
June - September 2008: Machinas (Esprit e-commerce). Graphic desinger, production of banners following the brand guidelines.
March 2006 - May 2008: Laiguana. Webmaster of:,,, and
(offline). Major achievements: development of logic methology and proper planning previous to execution.
October 2005 - February 2006: Rapp Collins (Tandem DDB). Multimedia assitant. Clients: Audi, Grupo Sans, LaCaixa, Home
English, BBVA, Terra.
January - September 2005: CCRTV Interactiva (TV3). Stagiaire.
Honors and awards:
2009: eKKo projekt (interactive installation based on cell phones) exhibited at:
Festival eme3 Collapse, CCCB, Barcelona
Jamm Sessions '09 - Centre Golferichs, Barcelona
FADE: Festival d'Art Digital i Electrònica, Girona
2008: The Human Dynamo (virtual reality installation) exhibited at:
6ª Mostra Audiovisual Convent Sant Agustí, Barcelona
2008: eKKo projekt (interactive installation based on cell phones) exhibited at:
III Mobilefest - Festival for Mobile Creativity and Arts Sao Paolo (Brasil)
2007: The Human Dynamo (virtual reality installation) exhibited at:
Art Futura (Barcelona)
VAD - Festival de Video i Art Digital (Girona)
2005: Terra. Winners for the launching campaing of Terra's new web portal, both online and offline, together with the multimedia
creative team at Rapp Collins, Tandem DDB.
2003: Biticino. Winner for the exhibition concept for Bticino's space in Casa Decor.
2006 - 2007: Masters Degree in Digital Art, IDEC/IUA - Pompeu Fabra
1998 - 2005: Superior Graphic Design, Elisava Escola de Disseny
Bachelor of Arts with Honors by University of Southampton (England)
2002: ERASMUS, ESAG Met de Penninghen (Paris)
1994- 1998: High School American School of Barcelona
Additional technical training:
2014. I.C.T. applied to crowdfunding – Torre Jussana
2013. Marketing Online and Community Manager – Espai Formació
2012 - 2013: Html, CSS, and Javascript – Espai Formació
2004 - 2006: Various courses on Multimedia Tools and Web – Crea Formación
2001: Public Utility Design Course, UCM (Cuenca)
Tecnologies and knowledge:
Photoshop, Illustrator, Html, Html5, CSS, CSS3, JS, Jquery library, Dreamweaver, Flash, Actionscript, InDesign, Premier Pro.
SEO, Google Analytics, Email Marketing (Mailchimp), Social Networks (Facebook, Youtube)
Spanish: native, bilingual proficiency
Catalan: native, bilingual proficiency
English: native, bilingual proficiency
French: oral high proficieny; written elementary proficiency
My story:
Designer from heart, curious by spirit.
I studied Graphic Design at the Elisava School of Design, parallel to a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts by the University of
Southampton. Fascinated and involved in interactivity since the early years of college, this restlessness thirst led me to study a
Master's Degree on Digital Art. My determination and will carried me further into coding with AS2, working directly as a Web
Master, as well as developing personal projects related to digital art (installations, physical interfaces, mobile-related projects). At
one point i realized my best expertise was visual communication and a strong sensitiveness to interaction design. But I needed
to produce my ideas, close to developers, directly executing the visual parts of my design (HTML + CSS). Thus I decided to take
some serious time to update my technical profile, together with having a deeper understanding of the objectives my designs had
to accomplish. For the past year I have been involved in the leisure industry of psychics, thus the projects I have worked on are
100% objective-oriented: generate traffic and optimise conversion. This has added a strong marketing value to my everyday
tasks, which I enjoy as much as the rest.
Working values:
My main goal is to continue working alongside the evolution of the web and it's technologies. I am quite perfectionist and always
try to seek the best solution. I apply logic and creative methodology as strictly as possible in order to achieve success through a
positive experience.
Prominent projects:
Taviho. Responsive landing page. Produced at Mediamotive. UX
+ UI + Html production.Technologies: Html, CSS and Jquery.
Voyance La Parisienne. Responsive microsite. Produced
at Mediamotive. UX + UI + Html production. Technologies:
Html, CSS and Wordpress.
Learning tools. Produced at El Taller Interactivo. Client:
EduCaixa. Design + development + production
management. Technologies: Actionscript, XML, and CSS.
Learning tool: Virtual Lab. Produced at El Taller
Interactivo. Client: EduCaixa. Design + development +
production management. Technologies: Actionscript, XML,
and CSS.
Memory Game. Personal project. Concept + design +
development. Technologies: Html, CSS, JS, and Jquery.
Systemaction. E-commerce. Management + design.
Technologies: Prestashop.