Nota de Prensa

Eleven African leaders from six countries discuss
at Yale University about global challenges from a
gender equity perspective
The second edition of the “Leadership Forum for Strategic Impact” organized by the
Foundation “Mujeres por África” in collaboration with Yale University with the support of
Banco Santander, through Santander Universities.
New Haven, CT April 18, 2016-. A year ago, ten political leaders of five African countries launched
in Yale a space for discussion to deepen global issues and think about leadership, improving
governance and the need to strengthen our democracies from gender equity and with women’s
participation perspective.
Tomorrow, Yale University will host the second edition of the seminar with the participation, in this
occasion, of eleven highlighted leaders of six African countries: Ethiopia, Liberia, Senegal, Tanzania,
Tunisia and Uganda.
It involves Shitaye Minale, Parliament Vice-President, and Maezza Ashenafi, Judge and a women’s
rights activist, from Ethiopia; Julia Duncan Cassell, Secretary of Gender and Development, and
Gloria Scott, ex Supreme Court President and former President of the Commission for the
Constitutional Reform, from Liberia; Aminata Touré, ex Prime-Minister and Awa Niang, member of
the National Assembly, from Senegal; Sophia Wambura, Supreme Court Judge, from Tanzania;
Faouzia Charfi, ex Secretary of State for Education, and Neila Chaabane, ex Secretary of State for
Women Affairs, from Tunisia; and Victoria Sekitoleko, ex Secretary of Agriculture, and María
Kiwankuka, ex Secretary of Finances, from Uganda.
Also participating are María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, president of the Foundation “Mujeres
por África” and ex Vice-President of the Spanish Government who will greet the above during the
opening session with Eduardo Garrido, Director of Santander Universities in the United States.
Like last year, the Forum will have two parts: the first one will be entirely carried out in Yale, where
a team of professors from Yale will deliver during the next five days a tight program of sessions to
address issues like Economy and Globalization, Governance, Transparency, Leadership and
Strategy, democratic and institutional strengthening, and other major issues of our era. This
activity is led by Elizabeth Bradley, Director of Yale University Global Health Leadership Institute.
Once the agenda is completed, the participants will travel to Washington, where they will meet
with United States and international leaders.
This initiative from the Foundation “Mujeres por África” and Yale University is supported by Banco
Santander, in the framework of the bank’s collaboration with both institutions for many years
Comunicación Universidad de Yale
Adam Gaber /(+1) 203 436 5449 /
Comunicación Mujeres por África
Ana Salado / +34 659 90 86 24 /
Comunicación Global Santander Universidades
Ana Núñez - Sonia Pérez - Marta Gallardo - Ignacio Marín
+34 615 90 29 46 | +34 615 90 74 04 | +34 615 371 838 | +34 615 901 256 /
through Santander Universities. Banco Santander is the company which invests the most in
supporting education throughout the world (Report Varkey/UNESCO-Fortune 500) through
Santander Universities. The bank maintains 1.200 collaboration agreements with universities and
academic institutions worldwide.
Comunicación Universidad de Yale
Adam Gaber /(+1) 203 436 5449 /
Comunicación Mujeres por África
Ana Salado / +34 659 90 86 24 /
Comunicación Global Santander Universidades
Ana Núñez - Sonia Pérez - Marta Gallardo - Ignacio Marín
+34 615 90 29 46 | +34 615 90 74 04 | +34 615 371 838 | +34 615 901 256 /