Carrala Ficklin-McClain English Two Word Verbs Translated into Spanish verbs Spanish translation separable or non-separable to account for responder de non-separable to act out representar separable to add in añadir separable to add on poner además separable to add to aumentar non-separable to add up to querer decir non-separable to add up to venire a ser non-separable to allow for tener en cuenta non-separable to amount to equivaler a non-separable to answer for (thing) responder de non-separable to answer for (person) responder por non-separable to apply for solicitar non-separable to apply to referirse a non-separable to apply to everyone comprender a todos non-separable to approve of aprobar non-separable to arrive at llegar a non-separable to ask about preguntar por non-separable to ask after interesarse por non-separable to ask for solicitar non-separable to attend to atender a non-separable to average up to promediar hacia arriba non-separable to back away from echarse atras non-separable to back out of retirarse de non-separable to back up apoyar separable to bail out obtener la libertad separable bajo fianza to bank on contar con non-separable to bargain away malvender separable to bargain on contar con non-separable to bash in (door) echar abajo separable to bash in (car) abollar separable to bash in aporrear a uno separable to bear away llevarse separable to bear down upon (boat) correr sobre non-separable to bear down upon (person) avanzar non-separable to bear down upon pesar sobre non-separable to bear with tener paciencia non-separable to beat back rechazar separable to beat off recharzar separable to beat out (metal) martillar separable to beat out (melody) tocar con fuerte ritmo separable to bend down incliner separable to bind together vendar separable to bite back morder a su vez separable to bite off arrancar con los dientes separable to bite on morder non-separable to bite through morderse non-separable to blast off despegar separable to blast out emitir a toda potencia separable to block in esbozar separable to block off (road) cortar separable to block out (drawing) esbozar separable to block out suprimir separable to blot out (memory) borrar separable to blow away (wind) llevarse separable to blow down (wind) derribar separable to blow off quitar separable to blow out (candles) apagar separable to blow up (tire) inflar separable to blow up (photo) ampliar separable to blow up explotar separable to blunder into chocar con non-separable to blunder out descolgarse con separable separable to blurt out descolgarse con separable to board up entablar separable to boil away reducer por ebulición separable to boil down reducer por cocción separable to boil up hervir separable bowl over dejar pasmado separable to box in (person) encerrar separable to box off compartimentar separable to box up poner en una caja separable to break down derribar separable to break down (pretext) probar la falsedad separable to break down (numbers) analizar separable to break in forzar separable to break off separar separable to break off (engagement) romper separable to bring about causar separable to bring about efectuar separable to bring along llevar consigo separable to bring back (memory) recorder separable to bring down (suitcase) bajar separable to bring in (police) llamar separable to bring in hacer pasar separable to bring off llevar a cabo separable to bring off lograr separable to bring out (color) hacer resaltar separable to bring over convertir separable to bring up (theme) sacar a relucir separable to bring up (child) educar separable to brush against rozar al pasar non-separable to brush aside rechezar separable to brush down cepillar separable to brush off quitar con la mano separable to build on añadir separable to build up fortalecer separable to build up (sale) acrecentar separable to build up (stock) acumular separable to bump against chocar contra non-separable to bump into tropezar con non-separable to bump up (prices) aumentar separable to bundle off (person) despechar separable to bundle up atar separable to burn away quemar separable to burn down quemar totalmente separable to burn off quemar separable to burn up quemar separable to burn up sacar de quicio separable to burst into irrumpir en non-separable to burst into (song) romper a cantar non-separable to burst into (tears) deshacerse en lágrimas non-separable to burst through romper violentamente non-separable to buy back volver a comprar separable to buy into (company) comprar acciones de non-separable to buy into (idea) apoyar non-separable to buy off sobornar separable to buy out (partner) comprar la parte de separable to buy up acaparar separable to call aside llamar aparte separable to call at (house) visitar non-separable to call at (door) hacer escala en non-separable to call back hacer volver separable to call back (telephone) volver a llamar separable to call down on (blessing) pedir para separable to call down on (curse) lanzar contra separable to call in (police) pedir la ayuda de separable to call in (loan) pedir la devolución de separable to call for (person) venire a recoger non-separable to call for (help) pedir ayuda non-separable to call for (climate) to predict non-separable to call on (person) visitar non-separable to call out (workers) llamar a la huelga separable to call out (names) pasar la lista de separable to call up (telephone) llamar separable to call up (memories) evocar separable to call upon invitar a hablar non-separable to call upon visitar non-separable to care for tener afecto a non-separable to carry away secuestrar separable to carry back (things) traer separable to carry back (memories) hacer recorder separable to carry down bajar separable to carry off llevarse separable to carry off (election) ganar separable to carry out (threat) cumplir separable to carry out (planes) llevar a cabo separable to carry through (planes) llevar a cabo separable to carry up subir separable to cash in (bonus0 vender separable to catch at agarrar separable to catch up (person) alcanzar non-separable to charge up cargar separable to chase after correr tras non-separable to chase away ahuyentar separable to chase down tartar de localizar separable to check in (suitcase) chequear separable to check off (list) marcar separable to check off contar separable to check out verificar separable to check out (suitcase) recoger separable to check over revisar separable to cheer up animar con aplausos separable to cheer up animar separable to chip away (paint) desconchar separable to chip off (paint) desconchar separable to choke back contener separable to choke down (sobs) ahogar separable to claw at arañar non-separable to claw at desgarrar non-separable to choke off ( to clear off (debt) liquidar non-separable to climb down bajar non-separable to climb out salir trepando de non-separable to climb out of salir trepando de non-separable to climb up (rope) trepar por una cuerda non-separable to close in on acercarse non-separable to come about suceder non-separable to come across with (money) apoquinar non-separable to come across with (info.) soltar prenda non-separable to come along acompañar non-separable to come at (solution) llegar a non-separable to come at atacar non-separable to come between separar non-separable to come by pasar non-separable to come by conseguir non-separable to come down with enfermar de non-separable to come for venir por non-separable to come from proceder de non-separable to come from (person) ser de non-separable to come in entrar non-separable to come into heredir non-separable to come off desprenderse non-separable to come out aparecer non-separable to come out with soltar non-separable to come over apoderarse non-separable to come over pasar non-separable to come through sobrevivir non-separable to come through superar non-separable to come through recuperarse de non-separable to come up subir non-separable to drop in visitor inesperadamente non-separable to drop out darse de baja non-separable to eat out comer en un restaurante non-separable to empty out vaciar completamente non-separable to find out averiguar non-separable to follow through llevar a cabo non-separable to fool around divertirse non-separable to get along llevarse bien non-separable to get back regresar non-separable to get by sobrevivir non-separable to grow up hacerse mayor non-separable to keep on seguir non-separable to lie down acostarse non-separable to look at tener ojo non-separable to play around jugar non-separable to play with jugar con uno non-separable to play with (an idea) darle vueltas en non-separable la cabeza a la idea to take into account tener presente separable