C)47 TREATY SERIES . No. 15. 1900. CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED KINGDOM KIND RENEWING URUGUAY THY TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION OF NOVEMBER 13, 1885. Signed at Monte Video, July 15, 1899. [Ratifications exchanged at Monte Video, Jane 9, 1900.] Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her &hjesty. July 1900. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY HARBISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY. And to be purchased , either directly or through any Bookseller, from F:YItE and SroxnswooDE, East Hauling Street, Fleet Street, E.C., and 32, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W.; or JOHN A tENZIEE and Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow; or HODGES, Fmois, and Co., Limited,.104, Grafton Street, Dublin. [Cd. 255.] Price Id. 648 CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND TREATY AND URUGUAY OF RENEWING FRIENDSHIP, NAVIGATION OF THE COMMERCE, NOVEMBER 13, 7SS6. b'igiuat «f Monte Vidco, Jo]q 15, 1899, [IGahi/ications c,rcluttijjad of D(onlc video, Jinn", 9, 1900.] TnrrR Excellencies \lr. Walter Baring, Her Britannic Majesty's Minister Resident, and Dr. Manuel Herrero y Espiuosa, Minister for Foreign Af]'airs, having met together at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, have declared that, whereas it has not been as vet possible for reasons foreign to the wishes of both Governments to conclude a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between their respective countries to take the place of the one that has lapsed, and recognizing the fact that it is necessary that the commercial interests of the two nations should continue to be regulated by an international compact securing to them the treatment and advantans 'or the utost favoured [74] _ RCUSIDos en el \ Zinisterio de Relacioues Exteriores de la ltopiiblica Oriental del Uru=aay, SS. FE. el Senor Walter Baring, Miuistro Itesidente do Sn Magestad Britduica, y cl Sefior Doctor Manuel Herrero y Espinosa, Ministro del Pamo, nauifestaron que uo habieido sido posible pasta aliora, por razones agenas it la voluntad de smtbos (Jobimvos , celebrar el Tratado do Couercio y Navegacion entrc los respectivos patses, oil sustitucitan del que ha cadnca do, y reconociendo ] a necesidad de que los intereses emuerciales de las dos naciones coutiuien regidos por nit facto intermacioual que les asegure at tratamiento y has venta. jas de la m,is iavorecida , venian en doelarar at del idamento autorizados efeeto, quo quedaba uneva- J, 649 nation, and being daily authorized to that effect, now agree that the Treaty of Friendship, Connueree, and Navigation conchided on the 13th of Novenlher, 1885, and the ratifications of which were exchanged on the 22nd of May, 1.886, shall be renewed. They also declared that British Colonies and possessious may adhere to the present Convention within six luonths conutin^' from the exchange of ratifications, a11(1 may withdraw from the same, at any time, by giving six mouths, notice of their intention. In either case the notice will be given by the Representative of Her Britannia ,Majesty at Montevideo to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Uruguay. meute oil vigencia el Tratado do Amistad, Comercio, y Navegaeiun celebrado en 13 de Novieuibre de 1.880, y cangeadas sue ratificaeiones ea 22 de Mayo do 1886. It was also agreed that the stipulations contained in the Treaty which is to be renewed do not include eases in which the Government of the Oriental llepublic of Uruguay may accord special favours, exemptions, and privileges to the citizens or products of the United States, of Brazil, of the Argentine Bepublic, or of Paraguay in matters of conuuerce. Quedu igualnlente convenido quo las estipulaciones consi nadas en el Tratado qae v,i h ponerse nuevameute eL vigcucia no comprcnden los casos on que et Clobierno do la Republica Oriental del Uruguay acordase favores especiales, Oxenciolles, y privilogios it los ciudadanos a productos do nos Estados Unidos del Brasil, do la Replihlica Argentina, y del Paraguay on asuntos tie conlecio. cannot Such favours be claimed on behalf of Great Ilritaill 01I the ground of nnostfavouredanation rights, as long as they are not conceded to other States. It is, nevertheless, understood that the said special favours, exemptions, and privileges shall not be capable of application to products similar to those of Great Britain, nor lie extended to navigation. Esos favores lw puedoI ser reclamados por paste do la Cron Iiretofia con motive del derecho de la naciun was favorecida, nuicntras no scan exteldidos u otros tereeros itsta(los. Queda no obstante eltendido (file dichos favores especiales, e xellciones, y privi l egl os 110 podrdn aplicarse ;i los pro ductos que sean similares a los productos I ngleses, in extenderse A la llavegacioil. Manifestaron iguahoente que ]as Colonias y posesiones L'rit.iuica.s podria t adherirse ;i este Convenio deltro del plazo do Sens looses 3 costar (lel tango de las ratificaeiones, y retirarso ell elalquier ulnnleuto, dal RU aviso tatllllten COIL 5C1s ltleses (1e al(ticlpaciUn. En anrbos eases of aviso semi dado por cl Representante Diplouaitico de Sn &hlgestad llrit;iuiea en Montevideo al Pliuisterio do Relaeioncs Exteriores del Uruguay. 650 The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged at Montevideo as soon as possible. El presente Convenio semi ratificado, y las ratiflcaciones se cangearfun en Montevideo, tan pronto conic fucre posible. It shall come into force from the clay on which the ratifications are exchanged, and shall continue in force until the expiration of one year from the day on which one of the 1-Iiah Contracting Parties shall have given notice to the other of its intention of terminating it. The undersioued Plenipotentiaries trust that in the time during which the present Convention remains in force the necessary negotiations nuey be carried on for the conclusion of a new Treaty more in keeping with the. reciprocal interests of the two States. Eutrarh en vigor desde el dial del cange de las ratifieaciones, y quedard en ejecnci'n pasta el tdrmino de an auo d eon tar del dfa ell (tile ima de las Alta,, Partos Contratantes de aviso it la obra de su intencifin de ponerle tdrmino. Ill witness whereof they have signed the presoit Convention in duplicate at Montevideo, the fifteenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and nicety-nine. (L.S.) (L.S.) Lis I'lenipoteneiarios que suseriben esperan quo durante el plawo ilue se estipula en este Convenio poclrin realizarse las negociaeiones necesarias para la celebraefon do on nnevo Tratado, sobre bases que nnejor consultor las reciprocas conveniencias do ambos Estados. En fd de lo coal firma n y sellan el presente per duplicado, en Montevideo, .i los 15 (has del mes do Julio del asio mil ochocientos noventa y nuev^a. WALT'lIt 1IAl ING1 . MARL. HERRERO A' ESPINOSA.