descargar el fichero - Horizonte 2020

10 de octubre de 2016
Estimados amigos:
Os hacemos llegar las últimas novedades del Reto Social 7 – Sociedades Seguras:
Ciberseguridad, Bruselas, 25 de octubre de 2016:
Digitising the European industry: Cybersecurity challenges (October 25)
Congreso S2R, Bilbao, 26 al 28 de octubre de 2016:
Organizado por la Plataforma Española de Seguridad Industrial, PESI, el Congreso S2R
está dedicado al Futuro de la Seguridad en Europa, incluyendo las dos acepciones de la
Seguridad, “Safety and Security”.
Más información e inscripciones en:
Congreso “New synergies between Safety and Security Of Industrial
Infrastructures“. Roma, 16 de Noviembre de 2016
Más información en:
Próximas fechas de las reuniones de la Community of Users in Security:
Lyon, 21 October 2016 on Flood Risks and DRM
Brussels, 12-13 December 2016 on Water Safety and Security
Plenary CoU on 14/03/2017 followed by 1 day ½ thematic workshop (to be defined)
on 15-16/03/2017
1 day ½ thematic workshop (to be defined) on 16-17/05/2017
Plenary CoU on 26/09/2017 followed by 1 day ½ thematic workshop (to be defined)
on 27-28/03/2017
1 day ½ thematic workshop (to be defined) on 21-22/11/2017
Más información en:
Jornadas y seminarios Internacionales en el ámbito de la Seguridad:
VOX-POL Luchtime Seminars.
La red de Excelencia VOX-POL (Researching the prevalence, contours, functions, and impacts of
Violent Online Political Extremism and responses to it) organiza una serie de seminarios desde
el 11 de Octubre al 22 de noviembre de 2016. Más información en:
Cyber Trends, 20 – 21 October, PVA EXPO Prague, Czechia
The Conference is primarily aimed at the security and information community of the
public sector, armed and security forces, the academia and private business cooperating
in projects of public interest.
The Conference is focused on developing international cooperation in cyber security in
Europe, with special focus on the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary and Poland.
European Cyber week, 21 - 25 November 2016, Rennes, France
As a region at the cutting-edge of cyberdefence and cybersecurity, Bretagne will be
hosting the European Cyber Week. This high-level event, organised by cyber cluster Pôle
d’Excellence Cyber, will feature a week-long agenda brought to you by key cyber
stakeholders from both France and Europe.
This event is intended for cybersecurity communities including startups, small
businesses, industry, research, and academia.
More information
Esperamos que esta información os resulte de interés.
Un cordial saludo,
Maite Boyero Egido
Secure Societies Spanish Delegate and National Contact Point
HORIZON2020 Framework Programme
Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial
C/Cid, 4. 28001 Madrid, +34 91 581 55 62