News from the Health Room 2012-2013 Mrs. Ruffner, our School Nurse, and Mrs. Stives, our Health Room Technician, would like to remind students and staff about the importance of hand washing and personal hygiene. Please make sure your children know how important it is to wash their hands many times a day while at school and home. They should also wash every time they use the bathroom and before eating meals. Remind them that if they have any cuts or scrapes, no matter how small, they should wash them and cover them with a band aid. It is important to follow these hygiene rules all of the time. Good hand washing is our best defense against getting an illness and from spreading it to others. PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL IF HE OR SHE IS SICK! And please don’t fuss at the Health Room if we call to tell you your child is ill. We are trying to keep everyone healthy! If your child has had the regular flu, you know how bad it is. The fever is high and lasts for several days. It might go down when you give Tylenol or Motrin, but it comes right back as soon as the medicine starts to wear off. Unfortunately, we have had several instances where parents have tried to play the TYLENOL TRICK on us. They’ve given their child Tylenol in the AM, and sometimes even told their children NOT to go to the Health Room! This practice is VERY unhealthy and VERY unfair. The sick child should be home in bed resting and drinking lots of fluids; instead, he or she is miserable AND infecting the rest of the class! I know how difficult it is to make last minute plans for a sick child, but it’s essential that your child receive the right care, and it’s critically important that we keep others from being infected. Also, if your child stays home because he or she is sick, you may NOT bring him or her to after-school activities...the germs are still there! Remember that FREQUENT hand washing is the BEST prevention for any kind of germs. Please see below for more information on when to keep your child home from school. HELP! We still need changes of clothes in various sizes for the health room, especially pants size 4 up to 12 for both boys and girls, also boys’ underwear (sizes 4,6 & 8 would be best). If your child comes home with wet or muddy clothes, please wash and return the clothes that were borrowed from the Health Room. THANKS! Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services School Health Services 401 Hungerford Drive, 2nd Floor Rockville, MD 20850 (240) 777-1550 WHEN TO KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME FROM SCHOOL When your child is sick, keep him/her home from school. This not only benefits your child but other children and staff in the classroom at school. WHAT ARE IMPORTANT SIGNS OF ILLNESS? 1. A temperature of more than 100 degrees orally 2. Nausea or vomiting 3. Stomachache 4. Diarrhea 5. Pale or flushed face 6. Headache 7. Persistent cough 8. Earache 9. Thick yellowish discharge from nose 10. Sore throat 11. Rash or infection of the skin 12. Red or pink eyes 13. Loss of energy or decrease in activity WHAT SHOULD I DO IF MY CHILD HAS ANY OF THESE SIGNS? If your child has any of these symptoms when it is time for school, it is best that he/she stay home. Most childhood illnesses are over soon and no cause for worry. But, if the symptoms are severe or persist for more than 24 hours, you should contact your private source of medical care. Children sometimes use illness as an excuse to miss school. On the other hand, some children force themselves to go to school even though they are sick. There may be times that your child does not show signs of the above-noted symptoms but may be ill. It is up to you to be alert to your child's health and to decide when it is best to send him/her to school. WHEN MAY MY CHILD RETURN TO SCHOOL AFTER AN ILLNESS? Generally, your child may return to school when he/she is free of signs of illness. If students have had a fever or vomited, they should remain home for 24 hours. However, there may be times when it is necessary for your child to see your source of medical care before returning to school. Please call your school nurse if you have any questions regarding a specific condition. WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF MY CHILD BECOMES ILL AT SCHOOL? If your child complains of being sick or does not look well after he/she reaches school, we will contact you. Therefore, it is important that you provide the school with up-to-date information and phone numbers to call in case it is necessary to contact you. El Departamento de Salud y Recursos Humanos del Condado de Montgomery School Health Services 401 Hungerford Drive Rockville, MD 20850 (240) 777-1550 ¿Cuándo no mandar a su niño a la escuela? Cuando su niño esté enfermo, no lo mande a la escuela. Esto no solamente beneficiará a su niño pero también protegerá a los otros niños y personal de la escuela. ¿Cuáles son las señales importantes de enfermedad? Algunas señales de estar enfermo: 1. Fiebre más de 100°F. 2. Náusea o vómito. 3. Malestar estomacal. 4. Diarrea. 5. Palidez o rubor. 6. Dolor de cabeza 7. Tos persistente. 8. Malestar de oído. 9. Secreción o congestión nasal. 10. Dolor de garganta. 11. Erupción o infección en la piel. 12. Ojos rojos. 13. Pérdida de energía o cansancio extremo. ¿Qué debe hacer si su niño tiene alguna de éstos síntomas? Si su niño tiene estos síntomas a la hora de ir a la escuela, será mejor que se quede en casa ese día. La mayoría de las enfermedades de los niños desaparecen antes de que sean una mayor preocupación. Pero, si los síntomas son severos o persisten más de 24 horas, entonces usted debe comunicarse con un médico. Algunas veces los niños usan la excusa de estar enfermos para no ir a la escuela. Por otro lado algunos niños se esfuerzan para ir a la escuela aunque estén enfermos. Habrá veces que su niño no muestre los síntomas que indicamos arriba pero puede que esté enfermo. Siempre observe la salud de su niño y decida lo que sea mejor para él/élla. ¿Cuándo podrá volver mi niño a la escuela después de estar enfermo? Generalmente, su niño podrá volver a la escuela cuando ya no tenga síntomas de enfermedad. Si su niño he tenido un fievre o vomito, tiene que estar en casa por 24 horas. Sin embargo, alguna vez será necesario visitar a su proveedor de salud antes de regresar a la escuela. Favor de llamar a la enfermera de su escuela si tiene alguna pregunta o una condición especifica. ¿Qué pasará si mi niño se enferma en la escuela? Si su niño se queja de estar enfermo o no se mira bien al llegar a la escuela la enfermera la llamará por teléfono. Por lo tanto es importante que usted de toda información pertinente a la escuela y un número de teléfono para que la escuela pueda comunicarse con usted en cualquier emergencia.