plantilla doc buena _4

Don’t need / Needn’t
Hello Ms Monica, I don't know whether you've already answered this but I'm gonna ask you anyways... In some cases, specially on
written stuff, I've seen some sentences that the verb 'need' appears with the 'not' abbreviated like: 'needn't'.... When that happens I
know its meaning but it's a little a confusing thing for me: Is it right to say or write a thing like that? or it's just something slang?
I'll be waiting your answer...
By the way, I love everything you do for teaching english, you've helped me a lot. I'm a huge fan of your!! Muac!!
En respuesta a tu consulta, hay que diferenciar entre dos formas de need en negativo. Puede funcionar como verbo principal (don’t
need to) o auxiliar (needn’t).
En presente ambos se pueden usar para darle permiso a alguien para que no haga algo en el futuro inmediato:
You don’t need to hurry. There’s plenty of time.
You needn’t hurry. There’s plenty of time.
Para referirnos a una necesidad general, se prefiere usar don’t need to:
Vegetarians think that we don’t need to kill animals to eat.
En pasado se pueden dar tres posibilidades:
A) No era necesario, entonces no lo hicieron.
They didn’t need to get up early, so they didn’t.
B) Sabía que no era necesario, pero lo hizo igualmente.
She didn’t need to wash the T-shirt because it wasn’t dirty.
She needn’t have washed the T-shirt because it wasn’t dirty.
C) No sabía que no era necesario, pero lo descubrí más tarde.
I needn’t have bought tomatoes. When I got home, I found that I already had some.
Si tienes alguna otra pregunta, no dudes en consultar.
Mariela Starc
Colaboradora de "El Blog para Aprender Inglés".
Don’t need – Needn’t