St. Cloud residents reminded of city`s outdoor burning policy

City Council
Mayor Rebecca Borders
Council Member Tom Griffin
Council Member Russell Holmes
Deputy Mayor Mickey Hopper
Council Member Jarom Fertic
City Manager
Tom Hurt
City of St. Cloud
Public Information Officer
Sandra Ramirez
1300 Ninth Street
St. Cloud, FL 34769
(407) 957-7303
City of St. Cloud Press Release
February 1, 2011
Release # 11-09
St. Cloud residents reminded of city’s outdoor burning policy
Submitted by City of St. Cloud Fire Marshal David Ennis
St. Cloud, Fla. (February 1, 2011) – Due to the recent cold weather, vegetation is dry and
susceptible to fire. City of St. Cloud receives numerous calls of questions concerning burning and calls
reporting illegal burning. Residents are reminded that no open burning is allowed within the city of St.
Cloud, except for land-clearing operations, which require a permit. The City’s Outdoor Fire Burning
Policy and burn permit are available on the City’s Web site, The policy states:
“There are three types of authorized fires permitted within the corporate limits of the City of St.
Cloud. They are as follows:
When a person kindles and maintains a fire in a barbecue grill or pit designed and constructed for the
preparation of food for human consumption and only when the grill or pit is utilized for that purpose, no
permit is required.
When a person kindles and maintains a fire in a manufactured outdoor fireplace in accordance with the
requirements below, no permit is required.
A. The unit must be assembled and operated as specified by the manufacturer
B. The unit must be placed on a non-combustible surface, no closer than 10’ to any structure and 6’
from combustibles.
C. Only seasoned firewood or commercial logs are to be burned; no rubbish, refuse, or yard waste.
D. The unit must be attended by an adult at all times.
E. A source for extinguishing the fire must be near the unit while in use.
F. Any fire deemed a nuisance or a hazard by the St. Cloud Fire Rescue Department must be
extinguished immediately.
No person shall kindle or maintain any fire for land clearing purposes or authorize any such fire to be
kindled or maintained without a permit. It is the intent of this policy to selectively, on a case-by-case
basis, allow land-clearing operations when the City Manager or his designee concludes that it is in the
best interest of the City of St. Cloud for the sole purpose of improving undeveloped areas within the
corporate limits of the City remote from populated areas.
To receive approval, the applicant must submit a completed Burn Permit application along with the
permit fee. The Fire Chief or his designated representative will visit the site where the burning is to take
place to determine whether the vegetation and site meets the criteria of this policy and also meets all
applicable current Federal and State requirements.
“Land-clearing operation” means the uprooting of vegetation in connection with the construction for
buildings, right-of-way, residential, commercial or industrial development, or the initial clearing of
vegetation to enhance property value; but does not include the maintenance burning of yard trash
resulting from fallen limbs, branches, leaves or other routine property clean-up activities. The open
burning of tires, rubber material, oil, asphalt, roofing material, tar, railroad cross ties, other creosote
lumber, plastics, garbage, trash, yard clippings, household paper products, building materials and
building demolition materials is prohibited.
Applications for land-clearing burn permits must be made in advance of the date the applicant desires to
burn to insure proper site preparation and inspection. The applicant must pay a fee of $100.00 at the
time the permit is issued. Permits shall at all times be kept on the premises designated for the burn and
shall at all times be subject to inspection by any officer of the Fire, Police, or Building Departments.
If burning takes place without a permit, the applicant may be charged double-fees and/or all costs
associated with extinguishment of the unpermitted burn.”
If you have any questions regarding the burn policy, please feel free to call (407) 957-8484 or email
To prevent fires and for everyone’s safety, St. Cloud
Fire Rescue reminds all residents that no open
burning is allowed within the city of St. Cloud,
except for land-clearing operations, which require a
Se les recuerda a residentes de St. Cloud de las reglas de quemas
en la ciudad
Sometido por Fire Marshal de la Ciudad de St. Cloud David Ennis
St. Cloud, Fla. (1 de febrero del 2011) – Debido al tiempo frío reciente, la vegetación está seca y
susceptible a incendios. La Ciudad de St. Cloud recibe muchas llamadas en cuanto a quemas y para
reportar quemas ilegales. Los residentes son recordados que ninguna quema es autorizada dentro de la
ciudad de St. Cloud, con excepción de operaciones de limpiar terreno, las cuales requieren permisos. El
Outdoor Fire Burning Policy de la Ciudad y el permiso de quema están disponibles en el sitio web de la
Ciudad, Básicamente, las reglas indican que hay tres clases de fuegos autorizados:
Chimenea al aire libre
Operaciones de limpiar terreno (requiere permiso)
Si usted tiene preguntas en cuanto a las reglas de quemas, favor de llamar al (407) 957-8484 o envíe
un correo electrónico a
Para prevenir incendios y para la seguridad de
todos, St. Cloud Fire Rescue les recuerda a los
residentes de St. Cloud que ninguna quema es
autorizada dentro de la ciudad de St. Cloud, con
excepción de operaciones de limpiar terreno, las
cuales requieren permisos.
To receive City of St. Cloud news and/or “Dateline” via e-mail, please e-mail a request to
Para recibir noticias y/o “Dateline” de la Ciudad de St. Cloud, favor de enviar un correo electrónico a