Joaqu´ın Tomás Valderrama Valenzuela, Ph.D.

Joaquı́n Tomás Valderrama Valenzuela, Ph.D.
November, 2014
Research fellow
Present position:
Phone, Fax:
Research fellow
Department of Signal Theory, Telematics, and Communications
Research Center for Information and Communication Technologies (CITIC)
University of Granada (UGR)
C/ Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda s/n, 18071, Granada, Spain.
+34 958 241 717, +34 958 240 831
I was born in Granada, in 1984. During my undergraduate years, I participated in several research projects;
I was awarded with the Excellent Academic Performance grant during five consecutive years; and I was a
finalist in some prestigious competitions. I received the B.S. degree in Telecommunication Engineering and
the B.S. degree in Business Administration and Management from the Universidad Europea de Madrid,
Spain, in 2008. From 2008 to 2009, I was a consultant in Telecommunication, Media and Technology with
Deloitte S.L., Madrid, Spain. In 2010, I received the M.S. in Multimedia Technologies from the University of
Granada, Spain; and I founded Inggra Solutions S.L., through which I executed several Common Telecommunication Infrastructure (CTI) projects. In 2014, I received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Granada,
Spain. I have published in several impact-factor journals, I have participated in international conferences, I
am involved in several international research projects, I am a reviewer of a number of international journals,
and I am an assisstant lecturer in the B.S. degree in telecommunication engineering.
My main research fields of interest include the recording of auditory responses at high stimulation rate, the
mechanisms involved in the process of hearing, the computational modeling of the auditory system, and
signal processing methods for automatic assessment of auditory responses and artifact rejection techniques.
Doctor of Philosophy
Granada, Spain
University of Granada
October 2014
PhD thesis: Development and implementation of an advanced auditory evoked potentials recording
system. New strategies in high-rate stimulation.
Supervisors: Dr. Ángel de la Torre Vega, Prof. José Carlos Segura Luna.
Grade: Cum Laude.
Master of Science - Multimedia Technologies
Granada, Spain
University of Granada
December 2010
Master thesis: Design and implementation of a portable auditory brainstem response recording
system using acoustic stimulation.
Supervisors: Dr. Ángel de la Torre Vega, Prof. José Carlos Segura Luna.
Grade: 9/10.
Bachelor of Science - Telecommunication Engineering
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Degree thesis: Past, present, and future of the telecommunication market.
Supervisor: Dr. Carlos Blanco Vázquez.
Grade: Cum Laude.
Madrid, Spain
June 2008
Bachelor of Science - Business Administration and Management
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Madrid, Spain
June 2008
Awards and nominations
Cum Laude in the Ph.D. thesis
University of Granada
Granada, Spain
October 2014
Cum Laude in the B.Sc. in Telecommunication Engineering degree thesis
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Cum Laude in the secondary school final examinations
Mark in high school: 9,9/10. Final mark (High school + Final exams): 9,45/10
Madrid, Spain
June 2008
Granada, Spain
June 2002
Finalist in the Prize to the student with a most international education
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Finalist in the “Deloitte Business Game 2008”
Deloitte S.L.
Madrid, Spain
June 2008
Granada, Spain
May 2008
Professional experience
Feb 2013 - present
Assistant lecturer
Dpt. of Signal Theory, Telematics, and Communications
University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Oct 2010 - present
Nov 2012 - Feb 2013
Sep 2006 - June 2008
Nov 2004 - May 2007
Research fellow
Dpt. of Signal Theory, Telematics, and Communications
University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Research fellow
MRC Institute of Hearing Research
Royal South Hants Hospital, Southampton, United Kingdom
Research fellow
Dpt. of Sciences
Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Research fellow
Dpt. of Electronics Engineering and Communications
Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
June 2010 - present
Founding partner
Inggra Solutions S.L., Granada, Spain
Sep 2008 - Sep 2009
Strategy & Operations Consultant
Industry of Telecommunications, Media, and Technology
Deloitte S.L., Madrid, Spain
Professional memberships
June 2013 - present
Nov 2010 - present
Member, International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG).
Member, Spanish Official Association of Telecommunication Engineers (COIT).
Research / Scholarly activities
Manuscripts in Progress (Data collection was completed)
• Valderrama, J., de la Torre, A., Alvarez, I., Vargas, J.L. Automatic quality assessment and response
detection of auditory brainstem responses based on response tracking. To be submitted to the Computer
Methods and Programs in Biomedizine. 40% completed.
Peer-review publications in JCR journals
• Valderrama, J., de la Torre, A., Alvarez, I., Segura, J.C., Thornton, A.R.D, Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L.
Auditory brainstem and middle latency responses recorded at fast rates with randomized stimulation. In
press, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2014), DOI: 10.1121/1.4900832.
• Valderrama, J., de la Torre, A., Alvarez, I., Segura, J.C, Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L. A flexible and inexpensive
high-performance auditory evoked response recording system appropriate for research purposes. In press,
Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik (2014), DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2014-0034.
• Valderrama, J., de la Torre, A., Alvarez, I., Segura, J.C., Thornton, A.R.D., Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L.
Automatic quality assessment and peak identification of auditory brainstem responses with fitted parametric
peaks. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (2014), vol. 114, no. 3, pp. 262-275.
• Valderrama, J., de la Torre, A., Alvarez, I., Segura, J.C., Thornton, A.R.D., Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L. A
study of adaptation mechanisms based on ABR recorded at high stimulation rate. Clinical Neurophysiology
(2014), vol. 125, no. 4, pp. 805-813.
• Valderrama, J., Alvarez, I., de la Torre, A., Segura, J.C., Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L. Recording of auditory
brainstem response at high stimulation rates using randomized stimulation and averaging. Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America (2012), vol. 132, no. 6, pp. 3856-3865.
• Valderrama, J., Alvarez, I., de la Torre, A., Segura, J.C., Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L. Educational approach of a
BAER recording system based on experiential learning. Technics Technologies Education Management
(2011), vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 876-889.
• Alvarez, I., de la Torre, A., Valderrama, J., Roldan, C., Sainz, M., Segura, J.C., Vargas, J.L. Changes over
time of the refractory properties measured from ECAP in Pulsar CI100 cochlear implant recipients. Journal
of International Advanced Otology (2011), vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 398-407.
Peer-review conference presentations
• Valderrama, J., Franco, M., Alvarez, I., de la Torre, A., Segura, J.C. Registro de potenciales evocados
auditivos mediante una arquitectura modular apropiada para propósitos de investigación. Oral presentation
at the 6 Simposio CEA Bioingenierı́a 2014, Interfaces Mente-computador y Neurotecnologı́as, Granada, Spain
(June 12-13, 2014). Cognitive Area Networks (2014), ISSN: 2341-4243, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 67-73.
• Morales, J.M., Valderrama, J., Alvarez, I., de la Torre, A., Segura, J.C. Método automático de seguimiento
de respuestas evocadas auditivas basado en la parametrización de series de registros. Oral presentation at the
6 Simposio CEA Bioingenierı́a 2014, Interfaces Mente-computador y Neurotecnologı́as, Granada, Spain (June
12-13, 2014). Cognitive Area Networks (2014), ISSN: 2341-4243, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 75-80.
• Valderrama, J., de la Torre, A., Alvarez, I., Segura, J.C., Kaf, W., Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L. A more efficient
use of the recording time with randomized stimulation and averaging (RSA) in hearing screening applications.
Invited speaker at the 9th International Conference of the Saudi Society of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and
Neck Surgery, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (March 4-6, 2014).
• Valderrama, J., Morales, J.M., Alvarez, I., de la Torre, A., Segura, J.C., Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L. Automatic
quality assessment and response detection of auditory evoked potentials based on response tracking. Oral
presentation at the International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) meeting, New
Orleans, LA (June 9-13, 2013).
• Valderrama, J., de la Torre, A., Alvarez, I., Segura, J.C., Thornton, A.R.D., Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L.
Auditory middle latency responses recorded at high stimulation rates using randomized stimulation and
averaging. Oral presentation at the International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG)
meeting, New Orleans, LA (June 9-13, 2013).
• Valderrama, J., de la Torre, A., Alvarez, I., Segura, J.C., Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L. Deconvolution of
overlapping responses and frequency domain-based artifact rejection methods using randomized stimulation.
Oral presentation at the International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) meeting, New
Orleans, LA (June 9-13, 2013).
• Valderrama, J., Alvarez, I., de la Torre, A., Segura, J.C., Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L. A portable, modular, and
low cost auditory brainstem response recording system including an algorithm for automatic identification of
responses suitable for hearing screening. Oral presentation at the IEEE EMBS Point-of-Care Healthcare
Technologies (PHT) conference, Bangalore, India (January 16-18, 2013), art. 6461314, pp. 180-183.
• Valderrama, J., Alvarez, I., de la Torre, A., Segura, J.C., Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L. A preliminary study of the
short-term and long-term neural adaptation of the auditory brainstem response by the use of randomized
stimulation. Poster presentation at the Adult Hearing Screening (AHS) congress, Cernobbio (Como Lake),
Italy (June 7-9, 2012).
• Valderrama, J., Alvarez, I., de la Torre, A., Segura, J.C., Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L. Reducing recording time
of brainstem auditory evoked responses by the use of randomized stimulation. Poster presentation at the
Newborn Hearing Screening (NHS) congress, Cernobbio (Como Lake), Italy (June 5-7, 2012).
• Alvarez, I., Valderrama, J., de la Torre, A., Segura, J.C., Sainz, M., Vargas, J.L. Reducción del tiempo de
exploración de potenciales evocados auditivos del tronco cerebral mediante estimulación aleatorizada. Oral
presentation at the XXV Unión Cientı́fica Internacional de Radio (URSI) national symposium, Bilbao, Spain
(September 15-17, 2010).
Non peer-review conference presentations
• Valderrama, J., Kaf, W. Recording of auditory evoked potentials at high stimulus rate using the CLAD and
RSA methods. Oral presentation at the CITIC-UGR, Granada, Spain (November 13, 2013).
• de la Torre, A., Segura, J.C., Valderrama, J. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an advanced
system for recording ABR based in encoded signalling. Oral presentation at the European Researchers’ Night,
University of Granada, Granada, Spain (September 27, 2013; September 26, 2014).
• Valderrama, J. Design and implementation of a portable auditory brainstem response recording system
using acoustic stimulation. Poster presentation at the Summer Campus CEI BIO-TIC GENIL, University of
Granada, Granada, Spain (June 1, 2011).
• Perez-Gomez, R., Valderrama, J., Fernandez, F., Valderrama, J. Mathematical walk along the Alhambra.
Oral presentation at the XIII Jornadas para el Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de las Matemticas (JAEM), the
Alhambra monument, Granada, Spain (July 4-7, 2007).
• Alvarez, F., Grande, J.L., Valderrama, J. Practical application of positioning based in APRS technology.
Oral presentation. Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (May 23, 2007).
• Valderrama, J. Magic... or Math?. Oral presentation (1) at the Doors open day 2004-2005, Universidad
Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (May 18, 2005); and (2) at the high school Aynadamar, Granada, Spain
(Nov 7, 2005).
• Valderrama, J., Lopez, S. The golden proportion in Sciences and Art. Oral presentation (1) at the III Week
of the Science 2003 meeting, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (November 3-16, 2003); and (2)
at the high school Padre Manjón, Granada, Spain (Jan 19, 2004).
• Valderrama, J., Cabrerizo, M. Simulation of voice messages transmission through a real radio station. Oral
presentation at the IV Feria Madrid por la Ciencia meeting, Feria de Muestras, Madrid, Spain (Feb 14, 2003).
Competitive grants
Nov 2012 - Feb 2013
Research short stays in Spanish and other foreign institutions for FPU
Institution: Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports. Government of Spain
Scope: Research short stay
Centre: MRC Institute of Hearing Research, Royal South Hants Hospital,
Southampton, United Kingdom
Funded: 5.500,00 e
Oct 2010 - Oct 2014
University Professor Education (FPU) (Ref.: AP2009-3150)
Institution: Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports. Government of Spain
Scope: Education in the university activity (lecturer and researcher)
Centre: Dpt. of Signal Theory, Telematics, and Communications, CITICUGR, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Funded: 1.150,00 e/month
Excellent Academic Performance
Institution: Government of Madrid (Education section)
Scope: Award for excellent academic performance
Centre: Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Funded: 4.500,00 e/academic year
Sep 2007 - June 2008
Institution: Government of Madrid (Education section)
Scope: Complete an undergraduate academic year in a foreign institution
Centre: Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
Funded: 2.300,00 e
Sep 2007 - June 2008
AMIC Erasmus
Institution: Mutualist Association of Civil Engineering (AMIC)
Scope: Award for academic achievements
Centre: Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
Funded: 4.000,00 e
Sep 2007 - June 2008
Sep 2005 - June 2006
Nov 2004 - Mar 2005
Research grant
Institution: Universidad Europea de Madrid
Scope: Education in the research activity
Centre: Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Funded: (04-05) 1.500,00 e, (05-06) 1.200,00 e, (07-08) 600,00 e
Sep 2006 - June 2007
Sep 2005 - June 2006
National AMIC
Institution: Mutualist Association of Civil Engineering (AMIC)
Scope: Award for academic achievements
Centre: Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Funded: 1.800,00 e/award
Dec 2005
Dec 2003
Cultural Foundation Fórum Filatélico
Institution: Cultural Foundation Fórum Filatélico
Scope: Award for outstanding academic performance
Funded: 2.350,00 e/award
Stays in foreign institutions
Nov 2012 - Feb 2013
Southampton, United Kindgom
Institution: MRC Institute of Hearing Research. Royal South Hants Hospital
Host researcher: Prof. A. Roger D. Thornton, Ph.D.
Reason: Research short stay (100 days)
Sep 2007 - Jul 2008
Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany
Institution: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Reason: Undergraduate academic year (334 days)
Participation in research projects
Apr 2014 - present
Recording of auditory brainstem and middle latency responses (PYR-2014-3)
PI: Isaac Manuel lvarez Ruiz Ph.D.
Dpt. of Signal Theory, Telematics, and Communications
CITIC-UGR, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Funding entity: Granada Excellence Network of Innovation Laboratories Start-up Projects for Young Researchers (GENIL-PYR)
Funded: 3.000 e
Oct 2010 - Dec 2013
Design, implementation, and evaluation of an advanced system for recording
ABR based in encoded signalling (TEC2009-14245)
PI: Prof. José Carlos Segura Luna, Ph.D.
Dpt. of Signal Theory, Telematics, and Communications
CITIC-UGR, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Funding entity: Ministry of Finance and Competitivity (Gobernment of Spain)
Funded: 33.000 e
Sep 2006 - June 2008
Compass project
PI: Fernando Domı́nguez Santos, Ph.D.
Dpt. of Sciences
Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Funding entity: Universidad Europea de Madrid
Sep 2006 - May 2007
Practical application of positioning with APRS
PI: Francisco Javier Álvarez Garcı́a, Ph.D.
Dpt. of Electronics Engineering and Communications
Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Funding entity: Universidad Europea de Madrid
Sep 2005 - June 2006
Good practices in the implementation of active methodologies in technical
PI: Juan Antonio Piñuela Izquierdo, Ph.D.
Dpt. of Electronics Engineering and Communications
Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Funding entity: Universidad Europea de Madrid
Nov 2004 - Mar 2005
Design and production of a mixed thermic-photovoltaic generator for small
PI: Juan Carlos González López, Ph.D.
Dpt. of Electronics Engineering and Communications
Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Funding entity: Universidad Europea de Madrid
University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Undergraduate courses
2nd semester, 2015
2nd semester, 2014
2nd semester, 2013
[Scheduled] Radiocommunication systems (4 ECTS). Grade in Telecommunication
technologies engineering.
Radiocommunication systems (6 ECTS). Grade in Telecommunication technologies engineering.
Radiocommunication systems (6 ECTS). Telecommunication engineering degree.
Degree theses supervisions
July 2014
July 2014
Development of a new method for automatic quality assessment and response
detection of auditory brainstem responses. Student: J.M. Morales. Supervisors:
Álvarez, I., Valderrama, J. Grade: 10/10 (Honors).
Design and implementation of a portable ABR recording system. Student: M.F.
Morcillo. Supervisors: Álvarez, I., Valderrama, J. Grade: 9.5/10.
Lecture presentations
- “Parameters involved in the auditory evoked potentials recording process”. Class combined with Dr.
Ángel de la Torre Vega. Master in Multimedia Technologies (November 3, 2011).
Professional activities
Inggra Solutions S.L., Granada, Spain.
- Engineer. Execution of several Common Telecommunication Infrastructure (CTI) projects.
Deloitte S.L., Madrid, Spain.
- Consultant. Configuration of SAP Business Planning & Consolidation, Endesa S.A., ONO S.A.
- Consultant. Search, document elaboration and application to several research grants, Technocom Corp.
- Consultant. Team member, EU Gateway Programme, European Union.
Continuing education
• Diploma of specialization in audiology, University of Salamanca, Spain, 32 ECTS (Nov 2014 - present).
• Course of statistical analysis tools, University of Granada, Spain, 30 h. (Sep-Oct 2014).
• Cycle of conferences on the research activity, CITIC-UGR, Granada, Spain, 8 h. (April-May 2011).
• Seminar of introduction to the International Financial Reporting Standards, given by Deloitte S.L., 70 h.,
Madrid, Spain (April 2006).
University of Granada (UGR), Granada, Spain
Research Center in TIC - University of Granada (CITIC-UGR) Services
June 2013 - present
June 2013 - present
June 2011 - present
Member, Center Council of the CITIC-UGR.
Member, Infrastructure Committee of the CITIC-UGR.
Member, Scientific Committee of the CITIC-UGR.
Department and College Services
Nov 2014 - present
Feb 2014
Oct 2013
June 2011
Apr 2011
Member, Department Council.
Team member, Reception of Incoming Students Conference 2014.
Photography. XI Telematic Engineering Conference (JITEL 2013).
Team member, Summer Campus CEI BIO-TIC GENIL.
Member, electoral board.
San Cecilio University Hospital, Granada, Spain
Sep 2013 - Dec 2013
Sep 2013 - Dec 2013
Advisor. Good practices in ABR recording.
30 individual seminars of 2 hours each to medical students of the College of Medicine
including a clinical practice of the recording process of auditory evoked potentials.
Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla (UI1), Burgos, Spain
Summer 2010
Participated in the elaboration of the memory for the request for verification of the
degree “Grade in business administration and management” by the National Agency
for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA). 200 h.
Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM), Madrid, Spain
Sep 2002 - June 2008
Apr 2008
May 2005
May 2005
Nov 2003
Member, Student Representative Council of the UEM.
Attended the VIII Employment International Forum.
Participated in the Open house 2004-2005 as a speaker.
Attended the presentation “Europe in movement: Changes in the European schedule”.
Participated in the III Week of the Science 2003 as a speaker.
Editorial work
Reviewer. PLoS ONE (since August, 2014).
Reviewer. IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (since June, 2014).
Reviewer. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences (since August, 2013).
Community services - Special talent
- Advisor for students at secondary school (2006 - present).
- Mathematical and historical explanation of the Alhambra monument (2009 - present).
- Magic performance in several charity institutions (1998 - present).
Special skills / Training / Languages
- Telecommunication engineering: Degree and training.
- Business administration manager: Degree and training.
- Multimedia technologies: Master and training.
- The use of several programming languages: MATLAB, C (60 h., July 2001), JAVA (60 h., July 2002).
- The use of several software platforms: Microsoft Office package, Adobe Creative Suite, LATEX.
- Specific skills: signal processing, electrical engineering, statistical data analysis, audiology, evoked potentials,
neuroscience, electrophysiology, clinical research, scientific writing, public speaking, lecturing, funding proposals.
- English: Council of Europe Level C1.
Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), University of Cambridge, ref. 096ES0246395 (Madrid, June 2009)
- French: Council of Europe Level B1.2.
- German: Council of Europe Level B1.1 (Mittelstufe I).
- Spanish: Native.
Ángel de la Torre Vega, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dpt. of Signal Theory, Telematics & Communications
University of Granada
Granada, Spain
José Carlos Segura Luna, Ph.D.
Dpt. of Signal Theory, Telematics & Communications
University of Granada
Granada, Spain
Robert F. Burkard, Ph.D.
Head of Department, Professor
Dpt. Rehabilitation Science
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY, USA
Enrique A. López Poveda, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dpt. of Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology
University of Salamanca
Salamanca, Spain
A. Roger D. Thornton, Ph.D.
Head of Department, Professor
MRC Institute of Hearing Research
Royal South Hants Hospital
Southampton, United Kingdom
Wafaa Kaf, Ph.D.
Professor of Audiology
Dpt. of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Missouri State University
Springfield, MO, USA
Jorge Bohórquez, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering
University of Miami
Miami, MI, USA
Bram Van Dun, Ph.D.
Senior Research Electrophysiologist
National Acoustical Laboratories
Australian Hearing
Sydney, Australia