02_L1_Talking about likes (Gerund)

Talking about likes, dislikes, preferences and interests
I like football / going to football matches.
I really like…
(What interests do you have ?)
Me gusta el fútbol. / -ir a partidos de fútbol.
Me gusta mucho/ realmente me gusta...
I enjoy skiing.
Yo disfruto esquiar. / Me encanta esquiar.
I love playing the guitar.
Amo tocar la guitarra.
My sister is really fond of animals.
A mi hermana le gustan los animales.
I am really crazy about watching football.
Me enloquece…
I`m mad about my girlfriend. / seeing my girl. Estoy loco por mi novia/o.
I could spend hours playing the guitar.
Podría pasar horas…
I often feel like… (-ing)
A menudo tengo ganas de…
My favourite meal is …
Mi comida favorita es…
I`m not keen on Sushi / eating Sushi
No soy aficionado a…., pero…
I don`t particularly like spinach.
No me gustan las espinacas en particular.
… is not exactly my favourite dish.
Este no es exactamente mi plato preferido.
I don’t like doing my homework.
No me gusta hacer los deberes.
I don’t enjoy going shopping.
No disfruto ir de compras.
I hate tidying up my room.
Odio ordenar mi cuarto.
Something that really annoys me is (-ing)
Algo que me molesta es…
I can`t stand rainy days.
No puedo soportar días de lluvia.
I can`t stand getting up early.
No soporto levantarme temprano.
I prefer drinking tea to drinking coffee.
Prefiero ... a...
I find …
….. me resulta
- very interestin
- muy interesante
- great
- genial
- a bit / absolutely boring
- muy aburrido
- a fantastic experience
- una experiencia fantástica
I am really interested in history
Estoy interesado en historia/ Me interesa historia.
I am really interested in reading novels.
Me interesa leer novelas
I think that … is / are interesting because…
Creo que ….es interesante porque…
I find … fascinating because…
….. me resulta fascinante porque ….
I would love to be able to…
Me encantaría poder…
One thing I want to learn is to…
Una cosa que quiero aprender es a …