Ordinance No. 2015- 3 An ordinance calling for a Joint General Election with the City of Victoria and Victoria Independent School District, on Saturday May 9, 2015 for the City Council District 1, City Council District 2, City Council District 3, and City Council District 4, establishing procedures for holding the election, designating the precincts and polling places for the election, appointing certain officers to conduct the election, providing for the sharing of expenses, providing for severability, and declaring an effective date. Now therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Victoria, Texas: 1. In accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and the Charter of the City of Victoria, Texas, it is ordered that a general election in and throughout the City of Victoria, Texas for the purpose of electing City Council District 1, City Council District 2, City Council District 3, and City Council District 4 on May 9, 2015, which is not less than 45 days after the date of this ordinance. 2. The City of Victoria and Victoria Independent School District shall jointly participate in this election pursuant to an agreement to be entered into between these entities under Texas Election Code § 271. 002 for the purposes described above for the City of Victoria. 3. The Victoria County Elections Administrator, George Matthews, is hereby appointed administrator and early voting clerk for this election. The Victoria County Elections Administrator will conduct the election, handle the administrative details, and provide the returns of the city election for canvassing by the City Council, all in accordance with the City Charter and the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas. 4. The use of a direct recording entry voting system for Election Day and early voting in person is hereby authorized. The use of optically scanned paper ballots for early voting by mail is further authorized. 5. Sally Rubio is appointed Presiding Judge of the Early Voting Ballot Board for canvassing the early voting ballots for this election. 6. All expenses of this joint election shall be prorated among the political subdivisions named herein in the manner to be provided by a Joint Election Agreement to be executed by them, and the City Manager is authorized to execute said election agreement, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney. 7. If any portion of this Ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, shall be held unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions hereof shall nevertheless be valid, the same as if the portion or portions held unconstitutional had not been adopted. 8. This ordinance is being called on an emergency basis at the recommendation of the Texas Secretary of State' s office. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage by this City Council by a favorable vote of five or more members of the City Council. Page 1 of 2 L:\ Ordinances\ 2015\ 02- 03- 2015\ Election 2015 Joint General Election. docx File 2015- 0058 ri Emergency Reading, Passed, Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Abstentions: Approved and this the 0 Adopted, this the 7A1°, day of February, 2015 3rd day of February, 2015 1C4 "1'1 raid Polasek, Mayor of the 1 vI i? City of Victoria Approved.$ Approved Attest as Legal Form TE1S-F" ilte et isc3 0444pre Secretary 41 . Distribution: Legal Department Copies Sent: City Secretary Page 2 of 2 L\ Ordinances\ 2015\ 02- 03- 2015\ Election 2015 Joint General Election docx File 2015- 0058 le Thomas A. Gwosdz, wo': City • • February 5, ey 2015 Ordenanza N°. 2015- 3 Una ordenanza que convoca a unas Elecciones Generales Conjuntas de la ciudad de Victoria y el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Victoria, a Ilevarse a cabo el sabado, 9 de mayo de 2015, para Concejo Municipal Distrito 1, Concejo Municipal Distrito 2, Concejo Municipal procedimientos para Distrito la 3 y Concejo celebration de Municipal dichas Distrito elecciones, 4; designa y establece los distritos electorales y lugares de votaciOn para las elecciones, nombra a ciertos funcionarios para realizar las elecciones, estipula la distribution de los gastos, estipula la divisibilidad y declara una fecha de vigencia. Ahora, por lo tanto, el Concejo Municipal de la ciudad de Victoria, Texas, ordena que: 1. Segun las leyes del estado de Texas y el Fuero de la ciudad de Victoria, Texas, se ordena que se Ileven a cabo unas elecciones generales en la ciudad de Victoria, Texas, con el propOsito de elegir Concejo Municipal Distrito 1, Concejo Municipal Distrito 2, Concejo Municipal Distrito 3 y Concejo Municipal Distrito 4, el 9 de mayo de 2015, a no menos de 45 dias despues de la fecha de la presente Ordenanza. 2. La ciudad de Victoria y el Distrito Escolar lndependiente de Victoria deberan participar conjuntamente en estas elecciones en virtud de un acuerdo que sera celebrado entre estas entidades bajo el Codigo Electoral de Texas § 271. 002, para los efectos descritos anteriormente para la ciudad de Victoria. 3. El Administrador Electoral del Condado de Victoria, George Matthews, por este medio es nombrado Administrador y Secretario de Votacion Anticipada para estas elecciones. El Administrador Electoral del Condado de Victoria realizara las elecciones, manejara los detalles administrativos y proveera los votos emitidos en las elecciones de la Ciudad para el escrutinio por parte del Concejo Municipal, todo conforme al Fuero de la Ciudad, a la Constitution de la Ciudad y a las leyes del estado de Texas. 4. Se autoriza por medio de la presente el uso de un sistema de votaciOn de grabaciOn directa para el dia de las elecciones y la votaciOn anticipada en persona. Ademas esta autorizado el uso de boletas de votaciOn Opticamente escaneadas para la votaciOn anticipada por correo. 5. Sally Rubio es nombrada Juez Presidente de la Junta de Boletas de VotaciOn Anticipada para el escrutinio de las boletas de votos anticipados en las elecciones. 6. Todos los gastos de estas elecciones conjuntas deberan ser prorrateados entre las subdivisiones politicas nombradas en este documento de la manera estipulada por un Acuerdo de Elecciones Conjuntas, a ser celebrado por ellas, y el Administrador Municipal esta autorizado a firmar dicho convenio electoral, de forma que sea aprobado por el Abogado Municipal. 7. Si cualquier parte de esta Ordenanza, o la aplicaciOn de la misma a cualquier persona o circunstancia, se considera inconstitucional por un tribunal de jurisdiction competente, las restantes disposiciones de la Ordenanza, no obstante, seran validas, lo mismo que si la parte o partes consideradas inconstitucionales no se han aprobado. 8. Esta Ordenanza se presenta para una lectura de emergencia con base en la recomendaciOn de la oficina de la Secretaria de Estado de Texas. Esta Ordenanza entrara en vigencia inmediatamente Pagina 1 de 2 L\ Ordinances\ 2015\ 02- 03- 2015\ SPANISH Election 2015 Joint General Election. docx File 2015- 0058 despues de ser aprobada por este Concejo Municipal per el vote favorable de cinco o mas miembros de dicho Concejo. Aprobada, lectura de emergencia, este dia 3 de febrero de 2015 7 A favor: En contra: 0 Abstenciones: 0 Aprobada y adoptada, este dia 3 de febrero de 2015 Paul Polasek, Alca de de 1./ la ciudad de Victoria 1 ----•_ ---- , Doy 14•0.- fe: IS . c7rle '',. f't,.------4t, 0;."P • T EX N7- Aprobada en cuanto a la forma juridica: 62f;)_ 4 Luckc> Swo M:1' 7 etaria Municipal 0 Distribucion: _ Departamento Juridico re, Thomas A. Gwosdz, Abogado Mu. cipal Copias Secretaria Municipal Pagina 2 de 2 L\ 01 dmances\ 2015\ 02- 03- 20151SPANISI-1 Election 2015 Joint General Election docx File 2015- 0058 enviadas: 5 de febrero de 2015 Joint General Election May 9, 2015 Polling Place Early Voting Hopkins Victoria Ballot Board Elementary School County Courthouse Judge Prct Presiding N/ A Sally 1 Margaret Dean 2 Karon Barton Rubio Baass Alternate Judge Cynthia Pena James Wearden Henry Hauschild, IIl 3 Nancy Patti Welder Middle School 4 Nickolasa Alvarado Aurora Zepeda Elementary School Family Worship Center O' Connor Elementary School Shields Elementary School National Guard Armory 5 Joan Carolina Lara 6 Pauline Janak 7 Rosa Becerra 8 Betty Sutton 9 John Salas George Elmer, Jr. Victoria Fine Arts Center Annex 10 Laura Kinnison Daniel Jimenez Howell Middle School 17 Andres Vasquez Reuben Petrusek, Jr. 19 Douglas Martin Melba Ortiz 21 Evelyn Nicholson Lou Van Shaw 25 Berenda Donald Jesse Mathis 29 Dawn Dowden Michael Ahlstrom 30 Alex Wesar Jose Canales 31 Sandra Anderson 32 Marjorie Anders Holy Family Catholic Church Dudley Elementary School FW Gross Elementary School 33 Stephen Turner Mary Betty Valenzuela Dorothy Terrell 35 Pattie Dodson Public Health Center N/A Anne Martin LaVerne Teague Trinity Episcopal Church Crain Smith School Elementary Vickers Elementary School Rowland Elementary School DeLeon Elementary School Our Saviour' s Lutheran Church Tanglewood Clubhouse Victoria ISD Administration Building 34 Conaway Tijerina Maria Nunez N N-........ 111 r 1\ i ELECTION VOTING COUNCIL DISTRICTS 1- 4 41111 PRECINCTS 4 Al4M11114 41 i 33 9 4 yY MAGRUDER dR l ' O% ts? c 29 '? 0 E ES GBIRD S.y IN kty. 7 q 0 -) KA- LP •• S E Oki1. k\ 10 S Iteich * AIRLINE q„ RD m V 2•'p sh hr N 3 E REP RIVER ST 7 32 or s} Qe~ E 35 IIIW Q 0''' ,' c° Ns n 7 I2,4r 4,3/.3/. swM ovs a: COUNCIL z.„ 1'/ 7'' R I sr '" 0 1 g. . O POS3'1• A EN Pr( 40404 p i} 34 Council Districts 1 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 34, & 35 4, 5, 7, & 3 21, 25, & 33 4 6, 10, 17, 19, 29, 30, & 5 Districts # 1 & # 6 Districts #3 & # 4 Riti 5- 6 i1 Election Precincts 2 6 DISTRICTS 32 31 2 FOR UNOFFICIAL USE ONLY Election City Voting Precincts VICTORIA and G: L) RMATION ORAPCIYOF0ICTORIA SYSTEMS Council D1strlcts 700 MAIN CENTER, SUITE 201 722 N MAIN STREET P: IGISIProjectsIVoIng1Vot DSLrmcd CITY OF VICTORIA DEVELOPMENT SERVICES VICTORIA, TEXAS 77901 P. O. BOX 1758 981.4853980 VICTORIA, TEXAS 77902- 1758