Spanish/English Vocabulary Practice

Bilingual Vocabulary Presentation
Example of a PowerPoint Presentation Working on Spanish/English
Slide View
Words Spoken on Slide
Slide Actions
“El tiempo.”
The picture remains constant. The
words, “El tiempo” fly. The text is
spoken as the words enter. Next,
“The weather” flies in while the
text is spoken.
“The weather.”
“Hace buen tiempo.”
The picture flies in first. Next, the
Spanish words fly in while they are
spoken. Finally, the English words
fly in while they are spoken.
“The weather is nice.”
“Hace mal tiempo.”
“The weather is bad.”
The picture flies in first. Next, the
Spanish words fly in while they are
spoken. Finally, the English words
fly in while they are spoken.
“In Spanish, weather is
expressed by using “hace”
followed by the weather
word. Literally, “hace”
means, “It makes.” So,
“Hace sol would literally
translate as „It makes
sun.‟” Listen to the
weather expressions in
The title, “Hace…” flies in. The
explanation of how weather is
expressed in Spanish is provided in
“Hace sol,” pause, “Hace
calor,” pause, etc.
One at a time, the weather picture
and corresponding weather
expression fly in while the
expression is spoken in Spanish.
En inglés, el tiempo es
expresado usándo “it is...”
seguido por la palabra del
tiempo. “It" es el
pronombre genérico. "Is"
es el presente del verbo
“to be." Escuche las
expresiones del tiempo en
The title, “It is…” flies in. The
explanation of how weather is
expressed in English is provided in
“It is sunny,” pause, “It is
hot,” pause, etc.
One at a time, the weather picture
and corresponding weather
expression fly in while the
expression is spoken in English.