Welcome Message from MS/HS Principal, Joe Santos

Welcome Message from MS/HS Principal, Joe Santos
Dear New MS/HS students and families,
Welcome to the 2013/14 school year at BFIS. The MS/HS team look forward to meeting you all
personally at the end of the summer for the MS/HS Buddy tour, Family BBQ and New Family
Orientation. In order to make your transition smoother and have you preparing the same work as
your fellow students, we have prepared a Grade Package for you. In this package you will find
information about your course selection, the English, Spanish Catalan and Math work that needs to be
completed before the start of the new semester and a supply list.
Reading (see lists at the end of the package)
You need to read a book in English (for native and fluent speakers) or an English as an Additional
Language (EAL) book for those who are still becoming proficient in English (see more details below).
Those of you enrolled in the Spanish program need to read a book in Spanish and Catalan. The
English and Spanish books are readily available through various retailers including Amazon. Please
make your choices early to enable you to make your purchases near the start of the summer (note
that copies of these books are sometimes hard to get hold of in local bookshops—especially in late
August). In this package and in the General Information, we have listed various bookstores in
Barcelona. Those of you in the Spanish as an Additional Language program, also need to choose one
book to read (except for beginners).
English Reading
If you are a Middle School (Grade 6-8) EAL student, you need to read the book on the EAL List.
Everyone else needs to read the non-EAL book for the grade you are joining. Note that during the
first week of school, you will be given a reading test on the book you have read. You may also be
required to complete further assessments on the book later in the month of September.
Spanish (Lengua) Reading - only for Spanish Program students
You need to choose one book from the list to read during the summer. On your return, you will be
asked to complete an assessment based on your reading choice.
Catalan Reading - only for Spanish Program students
You need to choose one book from the list to read during the summer. On your return, you will be
asked to complete an assessment based on your reading choice.
Finally, I hope you have a great summer and feel ready for the challenges that the new academic year
will bring. I know that the teachers at BFIS are all looking forward to meeting and working with our
new students.
Kind regards,
Joe Santos
MS & HS Principal
Welcome Message from MS Coordinator, Nicholas Preston
Welcome to another exciting year of middle school at BFIS! The 2013-14 middle school year promises
to be one of the best years yet. Our middle school teaching team is made up of an amazingly talented
group of teachers. We come from all different corners of the world and have all sorts of varied
experiences, but we share one thing in common….we love middle school students and are committed
to helping them be successful this year. Relax….you’re in good hands!
Some of the things you can look forward to this year are:
 Regular assemblies, lunchtime tournaments, spirit days, dances, great friendships….;
 House (team) groupings for academic and co-curricular contests;
 A top quality program of teaching and learning to prepare you for success in the upcoming
grades and life beyond;
 A dedicated core of teachers for middle school students.
For all of the new students and families joining us, we can’t wait to meet you and welcome you into
the BFIS middle school family.
Best wishes for a happy and healthy summer!
Mr. Nick Preston (M.S. Coordinator)
On behalf of the middle school teaching team.
Grade 8 Summer Reading List
English: There will be a reading test on the content during the week of September 9 th-13th.
Native/Fluent English Readers:
Students Entering Grade 8 with native or near-native English abilities
Okay for Now by Gary Schmidt
ISBN-13: 978-0606316705
It's 1968. The Vietnam War and Apollo 11 are in the background, and between a war in a distant land
and a spacecraft heading to the moon, Doug Swieteck starts a new life in tiny Marysville, N.Y. He
hates "stupid Marysville," so far from home and his beloved Yankee Stadium, and he may have moved
away, but his cruel father and abusive brothers are still with him. Readers of the Newbery Honorwinning The Wednesday Wars (2007) will remember Doug, now less edgy and gradually more open to
the possibilities of life in a small town. Each chapter opens with a print of a John James Audubon
painting, and Mr. Powell, the town librarian, teaches Doug to paint and see the world as an artist. He
meets pretty Lillian Spicer, just the feisty friend Doug needs, and a whole cast of small-town
characters opens Doug to what he might be in the world. This is Schmidt's best novel yet-darker than
The Wednesday Wars and written with more restraint, but with the same expert attention to voice,
character and big ideas. By the end of this tale, replete with allusions to Our Town, Doug realizes he's
pretty happy in Marysville, where holding hands with the green-eyed girl-and a first kiss-rival
whatever might be happening on the moon.
Kirkus Reviews starred (March 1, 2011)
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Readers:
EAL Students entering Grade 8
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
ISBN-13: 978-0007395200
In Nazi-occupied Denmark, ten-year-old Annemarie Johansen is called upon for a selfless act of
bravery to help save her best friend from a terrible fate. Winner of the Newbery Medal, newly
reissued in the Essential Modern Classics range.“They plan to arrest all the Danish Jews. They plan to
take them away. And we have been told that they may come tonight.”It is 1943 and life in
Copenhagen is becoming complicated for Annemarie. There are food shortages and curfews, and
soldiers on every corner. But it is even worse for her Jewish best friend, Ellen, as the Nazis continue
their brutal campaign. With Ellen’s life in danger, Annemarie must summon all her courage to help
stage a daring escape. Inspired by true events of the Second World War, this gripping novel brings the
past vividly to life for today’s readers.
Grade 8 Summer Reading List – Spanish
Para todos los alumnos del programa Regular Español de la ESO: Por favor escoged y leed UNO de los
libro de los que se ofrecen como opciones para la asignatura de Castellano y OTRO para la asignatura
de Catalán. Deberéis estar preparados para trabajar estas lecturas al regresar de las vacaciones.
Spanish (8º Lengua y literatura castellana)
El vendedor de noticias, José Luis Olaizola. Ed. Espasa, Col. Espasa Juvenil – Nivel Elemental
Sobrevivir en la sociedad feudal del siglo XI en España no era nada fácil, y para muchos la guerra se
convertía en el único medio de vida. La categoría más ínfima que vivía a costa de las guerras era la de
los vendedores de noticias. Iban de un bando a otro traficando con la información y ofreciéndola al
mejor postor. Este oficio tan peligroso era el que ejercía Sebastián, incapaz de resistirse a la tentación
de echarse al monte en busca de noticias. Conocerá a los condes de Lácar, su avaricia y crueldad. El
destino lo conducirá a unirse a las huestes del Cid Campeador y con él conocerá el honor y librará de
las garras de los condes a la princesa Cristina y a todos los vasallos del condado
Luces de septiembre, Carlos Ruíz Zafón. Ed. Booket – Nivel Medio
La trilogía de Idhún. Jack pedalea con fuerza, empujado por un extraño presentimiento. Sabe que algo
no va bien, pero apenas sospecha que cuando llegue a su casa su vida habrá cambiado de manera
inimaginable. Tampoco sabe que su destino está unido al de Kirtash, un frío asesino, y al de Victoria,
una chica a quien todavía no conoce. Cuando Jack cruce el umbral de su casa, habrá entrado en el
mundo de la Resistencia, un pequeño grupo que lucha por la libertad de un mundo llamado Idhún.
Memorias de Idhún, La resistencia 1, Laura Gallego. Ed SM – Nivel Avanzado
La trilogía de Idhún. Jack pedalea con fuerza, empujado por un extraño presentimiento. Sabe que algo
no va bien, pero apenas sospecha que cuando llegue a su casa su vida habrá cambiado de manera
Tampoco sabe que su destino está unido al de Kirtash, un frío asesino, y al de Victoria, una chica a
quien todavía no conoce. Cuando Jack cruce el umbral de su casa, habrá entrado en el mundo de la
Resistencia, un pequeño grupo que lucha por la libertad de un mundo llamado Idhún.
Grade 8 Summer Reading List – Catalan
Català (Lectures Estiu 8è)
La Júlia i la dona desapareguda.Manuel Valls Edit. Barcanova – Nivel Intermedi
La Júlia, una noia de catorze anys, ha anat a estudiar a casa d ' un company de curs: en Kike. En Kike
surt un moment i, mentrestant, la Júlia observa, a través de la finestra de l ' habitació, l ' assassinat d '
una dona. La noia en fa la denúncia, però el presumpte assassí explica a la policia que es tractava de l '
assaig del fragment d ' un film en el qual havia d ' intervenir la seva dona... La jove protagonista, però,
no s ' ho acaba de creure i vol desentrellar el misteri. Ajudada per una amiga, la Júlia anirà seguint
totes les pistes minuciosament i, malgrat que la seva vida corre perill, intentarà arribar fins al final. Ho
El misteri de l'illa de gel.Enric Larreula. Barcanova – Nivel intermedi
Aquest llibre es basa en una misteriosa aventura on l’autor explica la història d’una expedició anglesa
que navega amb un vaixell anomenat Bear, el capità Schley i la seva tripulació van a Grenlàndia per
buscar algun camí per arribar al pol nord. Quan ja estaven a punt d’arribar a Grenlàndia es van topar
amb una enorme tempesta i van xocar amb un iceberg que deixà al Bear de costat i l’hagueren
d’abandonar cosa que va provocar que només sobrevisquessin el capità i dues dones.
La Júlia i la desaparició del meteorit. Edit. Barcanova. Col. Antaviana Nova – Nivel intermedi
Aquell any, la mare de la Júlia s’havia fet molt pesada amb els preparatius de Nadal. Què devia passar
perquè, al final, el sopar de Nadal quedés reduït a pizzes i llaunes en conserva? Segurament, tot
plegat estava relacionat amb el meteorit que van trobar els nois, amb l’individu de la cabana del bosc i
amb els fets inesperats i sorprenents que els va tocar de viure aquells dies…
Recommended stores to purchase Spanish & Catalan required summer reading books:
Llibreries Abacus (addreses in General Information package)
FNAC (Plaza Catalunya and L’illa shopping center)
Llibreria Casa del Llibre (Passeig de Gràcia, 62)
Llibreria Jaimes (Passeig de Gràcia, 64)
Llibreria La Hormiga de oro (Rambla Catalunya, 98)
Llibreria Catalònia (Ronda St. Pere, 3)
www.amazon.com or www.amazon.es