Isaac Pérez Castillo - Coordinación de Estudios de Posgrado

Isaac Pérez Castillo
Información de
Edificio Principal Marcos Moshinsky, Cubı́culo: 234, Instituto de Fı́sica, UNAM
Circuito de la Investigación Cientı́fica, Ciudad Universitaria
Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 4510, Ciudad de México, México
Postal Address: Instituto de Fı́sica, UNAM, P.O. Box 20-364, 01000 México, D.F.
Voice: +52 (55) 56225000 (extension 2507)
Fax: +52 (55) 56225015
Intereses en
universitaria y
Vı́dreos de espı́n, redes neuronales, redes metabólicas, integrabilidad cuántica, matrices aleatorias,
y cualquier tema que me resulte interesante.
• Instituut voor Theoretische Fysica, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Doctorado en Fı́sica, Septiembre 2004, Tema de tesis: “The use of statistical mechanics in
modelling disordered systems”. Supervisor: Desiré Bollé
• Facultat de Fisica, Universitat de Barcelona, España. Licenciatura en Fı́sica, Junio 1999
• Departamento de Sistemas Complejos, Instituto de Fı́sica, UNAM, México
Investigador titular B (con PAIPA C y PEI), Noviembre 2013-actual
• Department of Mathematics, King’s College London, United Kingdom
Lector senior permanente en sistemas desordenados y complejos, Septiembre 2011 - Septiembre
Lector junior permanente en sistemas desordenados y complejos, Enero 2007 - Septiembre 2011
• Dipartimento di Fisica (Gruppo VIM), Universita’ di Roma ”La Sapienza”, Italia
Investigador asistente postdoctoral, Septiembre 2006 - Diciembre 2006
• Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, Oxford University, Reino Unido
Investigador asistente postdoctoral, Septiembre 2004 - Septiembre 2006
• Presidente de la Junta de examinadores de la maestrı́a de Complex Systems Modelling (2012/3,
2011/12, 2010/11)
• Tutor de admisiones de la maestrı́a Complex Systems Modelling (2012/3, 2011/12, 2010/11)
• Examinador externo de la maestrı́a de investigación Mathematics of Complex Systems, universidad de Aston (2012/3, 2011/2)
• Tutor de admisiones de estudiantes de doctorado en el grupo de Sistemas desordenados (2010/11,
• Presidente en funciones del la junta departamental de examinadores (2010/11,2009/10, 2008/9)
• Análisis de la base de datos SITS para la progresión de estudiantes de carrera universitaria
(2010/11, 2009/10, 2008/9)
• Presidente de la junta de examinadores de la maestrı́a IPNN (2009/10, 2008/9)
• Tutor de admisiones de la maestrı́a IPNN (2009/10, 2008/9)
• Director de tercer año del programa de BSc y MSci en Matemáticas (2009/10)
• Miembro del comité de enseñanza (2007/8)
• Coordinador de la asignatura Research Methods and Advanced Topics in Complex System
• Métodos numéricos (2012/3, 2011/2, 2010/1, 2009/10, 2008/9)
• Análisis de equilibrio de sistemas complejos (2012/3, 2011/2)
• Temas en Matemáticas/Probabilidad aplicada (Cadenas de Markov) (2010/1, 2007/8)
• Métodos de investigación y temas avanzados en sistemas complejos (2010/1)
• Mecánica estadı́stica en redes neuronales (2009/10, 2008/9, 2007/8)
Estudiantes de
• Francesco Alessandro Massucci. Septiembre 2008- Marzo 2012. Tesis: Applications of Statistical Mechanics to problems in Biology
• Tim Rogers. Starting date: Septiembre 2007-Septiembre 2010. Tesis: New Results on the
Spectral Density of Random Matrices
Supervisión de
Proyectos MSci:
• Md Mojidur Rahman, Spectral Density of Sparse Symmetric Random Matrices (2009/10)
• Zaffer Sheikh, Contour integral evaluation of ratio of theta functions by Ramanujan’s bilateral
summation, (2009/10)
Proyectos MSc:
• Thomas Furmston, The Finitely Connected Hopfield Model (2007/8)
• Kin Suen, Modelling Credit Risk in Heterogeneous Networks (2010/1)
• Francesc Clos, Comparison of simulation techniques in a metabolic network models (2010/1)
• Alexander Gates, Eigenvalue distributions of large Euclidean random matrices for waves in
random media (2010/1)
• Jiang Minchen, Dynamical Inverse problem in asymmetric diluted systems (2010/1)
• Eveline Turturescu, Generalised Bethe approximation on Vertex models (2011/2)
• April Lee, Mean Field Approximations (2011/2)
• Dafni Karamanoli, Statistical Mechanics appproach to microRNA models (2012/3)
Proyectos de verano para estudiantes en carrera universitaria:
• Rupesh Vekaria, Emergence of skew distributions using microscopic models of evolving systems,
verano 2011
• Rachel Lane, A Belief-propagation algorithm for metabolic networks, verano 2012
• Arun Kumar, Soft Glassy Rheology models, verano 2012
Organización de
• Co-organizador de “Mini-Conference on Statistical Mechanics of Glassy and Disordered Systems”, 23-24 Mayo 2011
• Organizador de “Mini-Conference on Statistical Mechanics of Glassy and Disordered Systems”,
21-22 Mayo 2012
• Organizador de “Mini-Conference on Statistical Mechanics of Glassy and Disordered Systems”,
20-21 Mayo 2013
Invitación a
impartir clases
• Two techniques to tackle dynamics of diluted systems, Univerista di Roma la Sapienza, 9 & 10
Junio 2011.
• Curso de doctorado Introduction to Information, Physics and Computation, Universita di
Roma la Sapienza, 6-24 Mayo 2013.
• Statitical Mechanics approach to Metabolic Networks, invitado por el Departamento de Sistemas Complejos, Instituto de Fı́sica, UNAM, 17 Abril 2013.
• Reunion Probability of N Random Walkers with mixed boundary conditions (a work in progress),
seminario invitado para estudiantes de doctorado del Departamento de Fı́sica Teórica, Instituto
de Fı́sica, UNAM, 16 Abril 2013.
• Spectral Density of Sparse Random Matrices, seminario invitado en el Departamento de Sistemas Complejos, Instituto de Fı́sica, UNAM, 15 Enero 2013.
• Large deviations of the smallest eigenvalue of the Wishart-Laguerre ensemble, seminario invitado en la universidad Queen Mary, 15 Marzo 2011.
• The easiest hard problem, seminario invitado para el Cumberland Logde weekend, 19 Febrero
• Large deviations of the smallest eigenvalue of the Wishart-Laguerre ensemble, seminario invitado en la universidad de Nottingham, 7 Febrero 2011.
• Large deviations of the smallest eigenvalue of the Wishart-Laguerre ensemble, seminario invitado en el VI Brunel Workshop on Random Matrix Theory del 17-18 Diciembre 2010 en la
universidad de Brunel
• Spectral density of random graphs with topological constraints, en el Institute for Cross-Disciplinary
Physics and Complex Systems, Palma de Mallorca, 11 Noviembre 2009
• Spectral Density of Sparse Random Matrices, en el Centre for Computational Science and
Engineering, National University of Singapore, 17 Septiembre 2009
• Metabolic Fluxes in E. coli from a global optimisation principle, en el Centre for Computational
Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, 24 Septiembre 2009
• The easiest hard problem, conferencia para profesores de escuela, King’s College London, 30
Abril 2009
• The two-spinon transverse structure factor of the gapped Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain,
en el 13th Annual UK meeting on Integrable Models, Conformal Field Theory and Related
Topics, Oxford, 4 of Abril 2009
• Cavity Approach to the Spectral Density of Sparse Symmetric Random Matrices, en el Kabashima
Group, Department of Computational Intelligence and Systems Science,Tokyo Institute of
Technology, 8 of Julio 2008
• The 2-Spinon Transverse Structure Factor of the Gapped Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Chain,
seminario invitado en el Hukushima Group, Department of Basic Science, University of Tokyo,
9 of Julio 2008
• Metabolic Fluxes in E. coli from a global optimisation principle, seminario invitado en el Nishimori Group, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 14 Julio 2008
• The Von Neumann’s problem on metabolic networks, seminario invitado en la universidad
Manchester, 31 Octubre 2007
académicas de
corto y largo
• Andrea De Martino, University of Rome, La Sapienza 7-13 Junio 2011
• Centre for Computational Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, 14-25
Septiembre 2009
• Kabashima Group, Department of Computational Intelligence and Systems Science, Tokyo
Institute of Technology, Japan, 6-19 Julio 2008
• Andrea De Martino, University of Rome, La Sapienza 9-14 Diciembre 2007
• J.-S. Caux, University of Amsterdam, 22-16 Octubre 2007
Lista of
La siguiente tabla resume el número de artı́culos por revista de investigación:
Journal Name
Phys. Rev. Lett.
Phys. Rev. E
Phys. Rev. B
J. Phys A
arXiv (or to be submitted)
Physica A
J. Chem. Phys.
BMC Systems Biology
Macroeconomic Dynamics
Number of papers
Para tener una estimación actual del número de citas, recomendarı́a mirar en:
Artı́culos en revistas: PrePrint or enviados
1. I. Pérez Castillo and T. Dupic, Reunion probabilities of N one-dimensional random walkers
with mixed boundary conditions, arXiv:1311.0654
2. F. Font-Clos, F. A. Massuci, I. Pérez Castillo, A weighted message-passing algorithm to estimate volume-related properties of random polytopes, arXiv:1111.4841
3. F. A. Massucci, I. Pérez Castillo, C. Pérez Vicente, The Storm and Nelson’s model for polymer
stretching revisited, arXiv:1006.2327 (2010)
Artı́culos en revistas (tipo peer-review ): aceptados
1. I. Pérez Castillo, A. Pérez-Madrid, J. M. Rubı́, and G. Bossis, Chaining in magnetic colloids
in the presence of flow, J. Chem. Phys. 113 (2000), 6443
2. D. Bollé, I. Pérez Castillo and G. M. Shim, Optimal capacity of the Blume-Emery-Griffiths
perceptron, Phys. Rev. E 67 (2003), 036113
3. D. Bollé, Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen, I. Pérez Castillo and T. Verbeiren, A spherical Hopfield
model, J. Phys. A 36 (2003), 10269
4. I. Pérez Castillo and N. Skantzos, The Little-Hopfield model on a random graph, J. Phys. A
37 (2004), 9087-9099
5. I. Pérez Castillo, B. Wemmenhove, J.P.L. Hatchett, A.C.C. Coolen, N.S. Skantzos and T.
Nikoletopoulos, Analytic solution of attractor neural networks on scale-free graphs, J. Phys. A
37 (2004), 8789
6. A. De Martino, M. Marsili and I. Pérez Castillo, Statistical mechanics analysis of the equilibria
of linear economies, J. Stat. Mech. (2004), P04002
7. D. Challet and I. Pérez Castillo, Optimal static and dynamic recycling of defective binary
devices, J. Stat. Mech. (2004), P11003
8. J.P.L. Hatchett, B. Wemmenhove, I. Pérez Castillo, T. Nikoletopoulos, N.S. Skantzos and
A.C.C. Coolen, Parallel dynamics of disordered Ising spin systems on finitely connected random
graphs, J. Phys. A 37 (2004), 6201-6220
9. T. Nikoletopoulos, A.C.C. Coolen, I. Pérez Castillo, N.S. Skantzos, J.P.L. Hatchett and B.
Wemmenhove, Replicated transfer matrix analysis of Ising spin models on ‘small world’ lattices,
J. Phys. A 37 (2004), 6455-6475
10. N. S. Skantzos, I. Pérez Castillo and J. P. L. Hatchett, Cavity approach for real variables on
diluted graphs: application to XY spin systems on small world lattices, Phys. Rev. E 72 (2005),
11. C. V. Giuraniuc, J. P. L. Hatchett, J. O. Indekeu, M. Leone, I. Pérez Castillo, B. Van Schaeybroeck, and C. Vanderzande, Trading interactions for topology in scale-free networks, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 95 (2005), 098701
• Commentary on this paper appearing in Physics News Update, Number 742, Story #2
12. D. Bollé and I. Pérez Castillo, Optimal capacity in the diluted Blume-Emery-Griffiths neural
network, Physica A 349 (2005), 548-562
13. I. Pérez Castillo and D. Sherrington, On exact mappings between fermionic Ising spin glass
and classical spin glass models, Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005), 104427
14. A. C. C. Coolen, N.S. Skantzos, I. Pérez Castillo, C.J. Pérez Vicente, J.P.L. Hatchett, B. Wemmenhove and T. Nikoletopoulos, Finitely connected vector spin systems with random matrix
interactions, J. Phys. A 38 (2005), 8289-8317
15. J. P. L. Hatchett, I. Pérez Castillo, A. C. C. Coolen, N. S. Skantzos, Dynamical replica analysis
of disordered Ising spin systems on finitely connected random graphs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95
(2005), 117204
16. C. V. Giuraniuc, J. P. L. Hatchett, J. O. Indekeu, M. Leone, I. Pérez Castillo, B. Van Schaeybroeck, and C. Vanderzande, Criticality on networks with topology-dependent interaction, Phys.
Rev. E 74 (2006), 036108
17. D. Challet, A de Martino, M. Marsili and I. Pérez Castillo, Minority games with finite score
memory, J. Stat. Mech. (2006), P03004
18. A. De Martino, M. Marsili and I. Pérez Castillo, Typical properties of large random economies
with linear activities, Macroeconomic Dynamics (2007), 1
19. A De Martino, I. Pérez Castillo, D. Sherrington, On the strategy frequency problem in batch
minority games, J. Stat. Mech. (2007), P01006
20. A De Martino, C. Martelli, R. Monasson, I. Pérez Castillo, Von Neumann’s expanding model
on random graphs, J. Stat. Mech. (2007), P05012
21. T. Rogers, K. Takeda, I. Pérez Castillo, R. Kühn, Cavity approach to the spectral density of
sparse symmetric random matrices, Phys. Rev. E 78 (2008), 031116
22. J.-S. Caux, J. Mossel, I. Pérez Castillo, The two-spinon transverse structure factor of the
gapped Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain, J. Stat. Mech. (2008), P08006
• Commentary on this paper appearing in News and Perspectives: R. Weston Quantum
integrability in the lab, J. Stat. Mech. N11001 (2008)
23. T. Rogers and I. Pérez Castillo, Cavity approach to the spectral density of non-Hermitian
sparse matrices, Phys. Rev. E 79 (2009), 012101
24. C. Martelli, A. De Martino, E. Marinari, M. Marsili, I. Pérez Castillo, Identifying essential
genes in E. coli from a metabolic optimization principle, Proc Natl Acad Sci 106 (2009), 2607
25. T. Rogers, C. Pérez Vicente, K. Takeda, I. Pérez Castillo, Spectral density of random graphs
with topological constraints, J. Phys. A 43 (2010), 195002
26. E. Katzav and I. Pérez Castillo, Large Deviations of the Smallest Eigenvalue of the WishartLaguerre Ensemble, Phys. Rev. E 82 (2010), 040104(R)
27. H. Mohd Ramli, E. Katzav, I. Pérez Castillo, Spectral Properties of the Jacobi Ensembles via
the Coulomb Gas approach, J. Phys. A: 45 (2012) 465005
28. F. Font-Clos, F. A. Massucci, I. Pérez Castillo, A weighted belief-propagation algorithm to
estimate volume-related properties of random polytopes, J. Stat. Mech. (2012) P11003
29. F. A. Massucci, F. Font-Clos, A. De Martino, and i. Pérez Castillo, A novel methodology to
estimate metabolic flux distributions in constraint-based models, Metabolites 3 (2013), 838-852
30. F. A. Massucci, M. Di Nuzzo, F. Giove, B. Maraviglia, I. Pérez Castillo, E. Marinari, and A.
De Martino, Energy metabolism and glutamate-glutamine cycle in the brain: a stoichiometric
modeling perspective, BMC Systems Biology 7 (2013), 103