Centeling square of steel, unhardened - Accuracyl¡ acc.with D N 475 , wth mmgraduation. Forcenlerngslraftsand d sks, a sutfaceschromep ated,graduationdulled,thus fust proofed No. 340 = stándardaua tv steel Precision squares ¡Ulmia' (No.Goo) ieg or rosewood.wth cavetto,sprñg hafd.bluesreelrai, w¡rhbrass fxedw th joúf ¡ véts sheating Carpenter'ssquale'Angiulus' with nicke colou¡edcast siee eg and b ght, hardenedsteel rail Precision miter gauges 'Ulmia' (No.so3) ofvar¡lshéd fose wood,with sp ng hard, b ue stee railand lr¡ass she¿tng on both sdes, egwith cavetto Miter giauEle'An€iulus' ( o. 56) w t h n c k e l 4 o o u r e d c a s t s teegeal n db r g h i h , a r d e n esdt e e l r a *¡00 ñFso Rafh¡sü, m Tr50 Iteñl1o. 650250 650300 650.350 Pfécision bevels 'Ulm¡a' (No.oo4 olvanished rosewood,with sprng hárd,blLe sieel€ sheati¡g or botli sides,legwith cavetlo Rdr4rh rtemN,i. a¡d brass T r50ml30m ¡-65r-r5of65r'33o Bevel 'AnElulus'(No.57) with gávanizedcast stee eg and b¡ght hardenedsteerra -a- €*-ED Kr#s, q @ \o- E 35